The role of soil in NBT applications to landmine detection problem Jasmina Obhođaš*, Davorin Sudac*, Karlo Nađ*, Vlado Valković*1, Giancarlo Nebbia**, and Giuseppe Viesti** *Department of Experimental Physics, Ruđer Bošković Institute, Bijenička c.54, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. **Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Sezione di Padova, Via Marzolo 8, 35100 Padova, Italy 1 Corresponding author: Vladivoj Valkovic, Institute Ruder Boskovic, Bijenicka c.54. 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, Email: [email protected] Tel: +385-1-468-0101; Fax: +385-1-468-0239 Abstract. Long-term observations of soil water content as well as determination of physical and chemical properties of different types of soils in Croatia were made in order to provide the necessary background information for landmine explosive detection. Soil water content is the key attribute of soil as a background in neutron backscattering technique (NBT) landmine detection application. If the critical value of the soil water content is reached, the detection of landmine explosives is not possible. It is recommended that soil moisture content for NBT application does not exceed 0.1 [1]. Nineteen representative samples of different soil types from different parts of Croatia were collected in order to establish soil bank with the necessary physical and chemical properties determined for each type of soil. In addition soil water content was measured on daily and weekly basis on several locations in Croatia. This procedure also included daily soil moisture measurements in the test field made of different types of soils from several locations in Croatia. This was done in order to evaluate the behavior of different types of soils under the same weather conditions. 1. INTRODUCTION 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS Nineteen soil samples were collected from different parts of Croatia in order to make a soil bank available for testing and evaluating NBT and other mine detection methodologies (Fig.1). These samples represent different soil types, vegetation, ground configuration and climate zones in land mine contaminated areas of Croatia. Preliminary determination of some basic physical and chemical properties (texture, silicate analysis, major and trace element analysis) for all soils has been performed. Soil water content in profiles of -10, -20, -30 and -40 cm was monitored at six locations in Croatia (Fig.1). Locations are Zagreb (Ruđer Bošković Institute), Križevci, Karlovac and three locations in Zadar. The test field with different soil types was formed in the Ruđer Bošković Institute campus in order to evaluate the behavior of different types of soils under the same weather conditions. 2.1. Soil bank The soil bank is located at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. Soil samples are placed in the wooden boxes dimensions of 70x50x70 cm. Soils collected for soil bank were cleaned from stone debris and hand stirred in order to unify the sample but not to disturb the texture of the soil. FIGURE 1. Locations of samples collected for soil bank and locations of soil moisture measurements which are presented with their GPS coordinates. Mine fields are marked as black areas. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 895 Preliminary determination of some basic physical and chemical properties included determination of soil texture, silicate analysis and major and trace elemental analysis. Analysis of soil texture was done at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. Soil was air dried and sieved through 2 mm θ sieve and than disintegrated by International B-method. Texture of the soils was than determinated by sieving (sand particles, 2-0.06 mm) and by gravity sedimentation method (silt 0.06-0.002 mm and clay < 0.002 mm). Silicate analysis of 10 major elements (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O and P2O5) was done at the Geological Institute of Zagreb. Silicon was determined gravimetrically [2]. Alkali metals were determinate by flame photometric analysis in the acid dissolution after digestion of the sample in the mixture of acids (HF+HNO3+H2SO4). Concentrations of Titanium, Manganese and Phosphorus were determinated in the same acid dissolution by the spectrophotometric method. Calcium, Magnesium, Iron and Aluminum were determinated by complex-formation titrations using appropriate indicators. Relative errors were: 0,15 % for SiO2 and Al2O3, 0,05 % for MgO and CaO, 03 % for TiO2, Na2O, K2O and P2O5, 0,08 % for Fe2O3, and 0,01 % for MnO. Elemental analysis of major and trace elements was made at the Ruđer Bošković Institute. After oven drying (80°C), sieving, grinding and homogenizing, concentrations of 15 elements (K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Zr and Pb) were measured by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence method (EDXRF). For first seven samples a Simens X-ray apparatus, model Kristalloflex 710/710H, with working parameters of 35 kV and 35 mA was used. Measurements were done with Mo anode and Mo secondary target in orthogonal geometry. The irradiation time was 3000 s. X-ray spectra were collected with a Si(Li) detector (FWHM=195 eV at 5,9 keV) and were analyzed by using AXIL program package. The relative errors were 15,3% for Ti, 19,2% for V, 35,9% for Ni and 10% for other elements. The rest of samples were analyzed with X-ray apparatus with the Oxford instruments X-ray tube as a source and Mo anode, using the working parameters: 20 kV and 0,9 mA. The angle between the sample and the source and the angle between the sample and the detector was 900 and 450, respectively. Distance between sample and detector was 5 cm. As X-ray detector Si-PIN thermoelectrically cooled photodiode with the following characteristics was used: Detector size = 2,4×2,8 (7 mm2), Si thickness = 0,3 mm, Be window = 25 µm, FWHM for 5,9 KeV 55 Fe 186-220 eV. The irradiation time was 3000 s. Qualitative and quantitative analysis was carried out using the AXIL computer code. The relative errors for Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb were 5.2%, 5.3%, 0.4%, 2.6%, 1.7%, 0.5%, and 10.8%, respectively, and for others 10 %. 2.2. Field measurements Field measurements included monitoring of the soil water content on daily and weekly basis at six locations in different parts of Croatia (Fig.1.). Locations are; (i) Zagreb; northwest part of Croatia, continental climate. Measurements presented are from March to November1 2001, done on daily basis at the Ruđer Bošković Institute campus. Soil is pseudogley, which is typical for Zagreb and its surroundings. In addition this is also the location of the test field with 6 different types of soil (Fig.2). Measurements in the test field started in August 2001 on daily basis. (ii) Križevci; north part of Croatia, continental climate. Loess type of soil, which is wide-spread in Northern Croatia. Measurements started in September 2001, once a week. (iii) Karlovac; west part of Croatia, continental climate. Close to the river Kupa, which was the separation line during the war in Croatia, and because of this extremely contaminated with landmines. Characteristic of soils near rivers is a great variability in soils texture. Measurements started in April 2001 and were performed twice a week. (iv) Zadar: south part of Croatia, Mediterranean climate. There were three measuring points (a) Punta Mika, shallow red soil, (b) Bokanjac, silted brown soil and (c) Sabunike, sand. The soil moisture was monitored at four depths (10, -20, -30 and –40 cm). The method based on the measurement of soil dielectric properties (which is determined primarily by its water content) was found to be the most suitable. Variations of soil moisture content have been measured with the Profile Probe (type PR1), constructed by Delta-T Devices Ltd. The probe measures soil moisture at all four profiles in the same time throughout an access tube. The probe has been calibrated for mineral soils, and the expected error was estimated < ±0.1 m3.m-3 (10 % Vol) [3,4,5]. The error increases with depth due to the problems with insertion of the tube, especially in clay soils. This is unfortunately unavoidable, but the accuracy can be improved by calibrating the probe for the specific soil (this was not applied in this investigation). Data acquisition was performed manually at suitable time intervals, once a day, twice or once a week, depending of the accessibility of terrain. The results of measurements obtained with the Profile Probe were compared to gravimetric measurements as a part of QA/QC procedures. ________________________________________________________ 1 Data obtained for all sites are given for the period concluded with November 2001, which was the ending point of the soil water content investigation included in the Diamine Project. The monitoring of the soil moisture was continuing to September 2002. 896 Since volumetric percentage (% Vol) is not always suitable for calculations, all results are also given in mass percentages (% Mass) involving density of the soils; % Mass = %Vol / ρ, where % Vol is an output of the instrument and ρ is a soil density. Since density of soils increases with water content, simple algorithm, which is not presented here, was used to recalculate results to % Mass. composition of soils strongly depend of their texture. This is because larger particles are made of minerals resistant to weathering, such as flint or other primary silica minerals, while particles of clay dimensions are mostly made of minerals which are not resistant to weathering such as clay minerals and other secondary alum silica minerals. That is why Si prevails in sand soils (samples #10 and #13) while concentrations of Al are diminished. Si and Al also indicate soils formed from silicaclastic rocks, while Ca indicates soils formed from precipitated rocks such as limestones and dolomites. Sand from Sabunike (#17) with large amount of Ca (Tab.1.) was found few hundred meters from the sea. This sand was sedimented on the sea bottom and lifted to the surface by tectonic processes. Ca in soils #1, #2, #7, #11, #16 and #17 (Tab.1.) indicates soils that lay on limestones, and Mg and Ca in soils #4 and #9 (Tab.2.) indicate soils that lay on dolomite-limestone sediments. Trace elements (Tab.2.) show somewhat less diversity than major elements. Gaps of Ca concentrations in Tab. 2. for the first seven samples are consequence of measurements with the instrument having sensitivity not good enough for this element. In addition for samples from #8-#19 it was possible to measure Ca, but it was not possible to measure Sr and Zr. For other gaps in tables, concentrations were below minimum detection limits. Results show that after all, some trace element variations do exist. In red soil samples (#2, #7, #9, #11 and #15), concentrations of Mn excel concentrations of Mn in other soils. Also samples #10 and #19, which are soils from vineyard, have greater amount of Cu. 2.2.1. Test field The test field was formed in order to simulate behavior of different soils under the same conditions. This test field is situated in Zagreb at the campus of the Ruđer Bošković Institute. It is made of six distinct soils, in Fig. 2 marked with letters from “a” to “f”. Soil with letter “g” is actually a terrain in which the test field is made and also the location of measurements started in March 2001. Soils have been separated from the surrounding terrain by walls of impermeable folia with an access tube centered in the middle of each soil. They are about 60 cm in diameter and down to 70 cm in depth. They are all designated as disturbed, bare soils (with no vegetation cover). The test field is located in a gentle slope so the good drainage is ensured. 3.2. Results of soil moisture measurements Maximum water capacity and water retention in soils will mostly depend of their structure and texture. Where the amount of clay particles is greater, the water capacity and water retention will be higher. The critical value of soil water content for NBT mine detection technique is estimated to be 0.1 (10 % Mass). Here are presented preliminary results of soil moisture content in situ measurements for different types of soils in Croatia in profiles of –10, -20, -30 and –40. (i) Zagreb. The soil moisture content at the profile of –10 cm decreased from the values around 40 % Vol in March, that correspond to 20 % Mass, to below 10 % in May. The months June and July were rainy so the soil moisture content increased to around 30 % Vol (17 % Mass). Values in August were around 10 % Vol (7 % Mass), and till November increased to 40 % Vol again. At the profile of –20 cm, the soil moisture content decreased from values around 50 % Vol (25 % Mass) in March to values below 20 % Vol (12 % Mass) in May. In August, they were below 30 % Vol FIGURE 2. Photo of the test field located at the Institute Ruđer Bošković campus. Soil types: a. Red soil from Rogoznica, b. Black soil from Baranja, c. Sand soil from Đurđevac, d. Brown soil from Turanj, e. Brown soil from Osijek, f. Pseudogley, original soil, disturbed, g. Pseudogley, original soil, undisturbed. 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Physical and chemical properties of soils Physical and chemical properties of soils are mostly determined by their structure and texture e.g. by composition, size and arrangement of their particles, among which particles of clay dimension (<0,002 mm) have the largest influence because of their size, shape, configuration and great specific surface. Elemental 897 (17 % Mass) and in November around 50 % Vol. At the profile of –30 cm the values were around 60 % Vol (26 % Mass) till May, when they decreased to 20% Vol (11 % Mass). In June and July the soil moisture content increased to less than 50 % Vol (23 % Mass). In August it was below 30 % Vol (16 % Mass) and in November increased again to 60 % Vol. At the profile of -40 cm the values went up to 70 % Vol (30 % Mass). These values were too high according to the gravimetrical method, so the results are questionable. After the replacement of the access tube the values at – 40 cm decreased to around 40 % Vol (20 % Mass) and remained mostly between 30- 45 % Vol (16-22 % Mass). TABLE 1. Concentrations of major elements in soil samples (%). Relative errors are: 0,15 % for SiO2 and Al2O3, MgO and CaO, 03 % for TiO2, Na2O, K2O and P2O5, 0,08 % for Fe2O3, and 0,01 % for MnO. Sample SiO2 TiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 MnO MgO CaO Na2O K2O P2O5 Ign.loss Zemunik-1 55.67 0.46 7.04 3.35 0.09 0.60 12.28 0.03 1.19 0.01 18.88 Oklaj-2 44.22 0.47 10.05 3.99 0.07 1.35 23.72 0.15 1.65 0.02 14.03 Turanj-3 61.72 0.89 13.26 5.15 0.04 1.33 1.51 1.07 2.06 0.02 12.64 Cerovac-4 56.78 0.47 8.95 3.56 0.04 4.05 7.12 0.59 1.81 <0.01 16.38 Osijek-5 66.67 0.76 12.09 5.43 0.09 0.24 2.44 1.52 2.65 0.02 7.96 Baranja-6 58.86 0.70 12.95 4.97 0.06 2.25 3.08 1.68 2.20 0.02 12.91 Obrovac-7 49.63 0.72 14.02 6.14 0.14 1.73 7.51 <0.01 1.74 0.01 17.95 Đakovo-8 70.76 0.87 12.04 4.51 0.09 0.88 1.04 1.75 2.47 0.01 5.31 Dubrovn.-9 33.49 0.63 11.07 4.71 0.07 4.96 12.28 0.13 1.48 0.03 30.90 Kloš.Pod-10 80.09 0.50 7.62 3.87 0.09 1.22 0.81 1.32 1.26 0.02 2.83 Rogoznica-11 43.02 0.85 18.31 7.34 0.14 0.33 7.29 1.58 1.91 0.01 18.92 IRB-12 60.27 0.91 16.29 5.90 0.04 1.23 1.15 0.96 2.06 <0.01 10.98 Đurđevac-13 81.00 0.45 6.68 3.47 0.08 1.25 1.96 1.49 1.20 <0.01 2.13 DonjaJel.-14 59.86 0.94 17.80 6.06 0.10 1.45 0.95 1.23 3.03 <0.01 8.26 Hidrom-15 60.71 0.81 14.00 6.02 0.14 0.71 1.40 0.48 1.86 0.02 13.59 Bokanjac-16 60.85 0.70 5.97 2.83 0.05 0.70 12.37 0.70 1.17 0.01 14.38 Sabunike-17 33.18 0.18 2.91 1.92 0.04 2.26 31.01 <0.01 0.59 0.01 27.75 Križevci-18 63.34 0.85 14.46 6.94 0.09 0.83 2.13 1.84 2.65 0.02 6.69 0,05 % for Total 99.60 99.72 99.69 99.75 99.87 99.68 99.59 99.73 99.75 99.63 99.70 99.79 99.71 99.68 99.74 99.73 99.85 99.84 TABLE 2. Concentrations of major and trace elements in soil samples as determined by XRF. For first seven samples the relative errors are: 15,3% for Ti, 19,2% for V, 35,9% for Ni and 10% for other elements. For rest of the samples relative errors for Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb are 5.2%, 5.3%, 0.4%, 1.7%, 2.6%, 1.7%, 0.5%, and 10.8%, respectively and for others 10 %. Missing values are concentrations under the minimum detection limits. No K Ca Ti V Cr Mn Fe Ni Cu Zn As Rb Sr Zr Pb % % ppm ppm ppm ppm % ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm ppm 1 0.8 3224 56 61 619 1.6 27 16 80 47 125 184 455 2 1.1 3540 86 140 1071 3.4 22 12 104 98 106 196 235 3 0.8 3694 65 105 933 3.7 19 16 108 126 118 484 35 4 0.8 2998 76 64 588 2.4 19 14 112 91 136 277 148 5 0.9 3872 83 87 920 3.2 27 16 80 114 107 424 399 6 1.2 4787 94 97 711 2.3 39 19 83 66 109 121 852 7 1.1 3832 111 198 1611 5.0 17 49 113 116 107 277 23 8 3.1 1.0 6197 363 86 864 4.3 59 34 108 88 50 9 1.6 4.9 3319 114 106 1032 3.6 58 43 132 62 31 10 1.4 0.4 2383 52 14 743 2.6 54 237 63 56 44 11 2.1 1.1 4552 45 41 1744 4.7 52 36 127 24 132 29 12 1.7 6.3 5780 73 31 905 4.5 47 50 109 11 59 13 1.4 4.2 3571 295 22 898 2.9 34 11 67 17 28 14 2.7 0.8 6842 116 148 665 4.2 45 49 171 17 22 15 1.9 0.5 5618 56 57 1184 4.9 75 51 137 20 27 16 1.4 8.4 2406 115 214 408 1.7 37 26 162 18 26 17 1.9 12.2 1354 48 117 504 1.6 57 34 190 19 25 18 2.7 0.8 7798 140 175 407 4.3 41 37 136 23 22 761 2.9 19 2.1 3.4 3842 124 46 31 125 190 13 13 disturbed and bare. They were cleaned from stone debris and homogenized. That made them more compact and values of soil moisture content in these soils are greater compared to the same or similar soils Six different types of soils were monitored in the test field. These soils do not have original texture since they were disturbed during the digging and transportation to the test field. They are designated as 898 in-situ. Since different types of soil vary significantly in soil water capacity and in soil water dynamics, measuring of the different types in the same time under the same conditions pointed out dependence of the soil water content of the soil texture. Sand soils, for example, have a very low water capacity and changes in the moisture amount are fast and significant, while clay soils keep a great amount of water and release it very slowly. Results of the soil moisture measurements are presented in the Fig. 3. (10 % Mass). According to preliminary results of soil moisture monitoring of different types of soils in different parts of Croatia, with the aim to cover versatile textures and structures of soils and versatile hydrometeorological regimes, the values of soil moisture often exceed the NBT soil moisture critical value. Considering this, the results presented here suggest that NBT is not suitable for landmine detection in Croatia, but it could be recommended to the countries with arid climate were arid soils with soil moisture below 10 % Mass are quite common. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The work presented in this report has been supported in part by NATO collaborative linkage grant SST.CLG.978317 and by EC project DIAMINE, IST2000-25237. FIGURE 3. Graphical presentation of the results of the soil moisture measurements from the test field at the Institute Ruđer Bošković campus (% Mass). Results are presented for the period from August to November 2001. 5. REFERENCES 1. (ii) Križevci. The values were between 20-55 % Vol (12-27 % Mass). (iii) Karlovac. The values measured were between 7-55 % Vol (5-27 % Mass) at the profile of –10 cm and –20 cm. Values at the profile of –30 cm were between 20-60 % Vol (13-29 % Mass), and at the profile of –40 cm, between 20-70 % Vol (13 - 31 % Mass). (iv a) Punta Mika: Values at the profile of –10 cm were between 8-35 % Vol (7-25 % Mass). At the profile of –20 cm were between 10-25 % Vol (9-19 % Mass).(iv b) Bokanjac: The values of the soil moisture content were between 10-45 % Vol (8-19 % Mass). (iv c) Sabunike: Values were between 7-25 % Vol (5- 14 % Mass). The results show that the soil moisture for different types of soils in Croatia in 2001 often exceed the soil moisture critical value recommended for NBT. 2. 3. 4. CONCLUSIONS 4. Soil water content is the key attribute of soil as a background in NBT landmine detection applications. If the critical value of the soil water content is reached, the detection of landmine explosives is not possible. The critical value is reached when the density of the hydrogen atoms in the landmine is equal to that in the background soil. It is recommended that soil moisture content for NBT application do not exceed 0.1 5. 899 Obhođaš, J., Sudac, D., Nađ, K., Valković, V., Nebbia, G. and Viesti, G., “The soil moisture content: relevance to the landmine detection by neutron backscattering technique”, Presented at 5th International Topical Meeting on Industrial and Radioisotope Measurements Applications, IRRMA-5, Bologna, Italy 0912.09.2002, to be published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods. Hirschenbaum, H., “The Classical Chemical Analysis of Silicate Rocks”, Geological Survey Bulletin 1547,12-17 (1983). 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