Why does the maximum in the stopping cross section for protons occur at approximately 100 keV most of the time? Remigio Cabrera-Trujillo1, Peter Apell2 , Jens Oddershede1 3, and John R. Sabin1 3 1 Department of Physics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA 2 University Outreach, Kristianstad University, 291 88 Kristianstad, Sweden 3 Department of Chemistry, University of Southern Denmark, 5230 Odense M, Denmark Abstract. Using simple arguments based on the dominant contributions of the valence electrons to the stopping power at the maximum we are able to explain the general observation that the Bragg peak in the proton stopping cross section occurs at a projectile energy of the order of 100 keV/amu for most targets. Furthermore, theoretical justification of the observed trend is provided using a Harmonic Oscillator model. INTRODUCTION DISCUSSION Consideration of the experimental and/or theoretical stopping cross section for swift protons impinging on a variety of targets, shows that the maximum in the stopping curve generally occurs at a proton energy of approximately Emax 100 keV/amu, corresponding to a velocity of about 2v0 where v0 is the Bohr velocity. Although Emax varies from a low of about 50 keV to 200 keV depending upon the composition, state of aggregation of the target, and projectile charge state, it is remarkable that Emax is generally stable in this region. As velocity, rather than energy, is the important quantity in energy deposition, it becomes clear that the presence of the ubiquitous 100 keV peak implies that there has to be a velocity scale set by the ingredients in the problem. In this case, the velocity scale is set by that of the responding charges, and is either the Bohr velocity or the Fermi velocity. Both occur at approximately the same value, yielding the immediate result that the natural velocity scale for the problem is of the order of v0 , corresponding to an energy of 25 keV. In this case, the peak lies between the low velocity regime, frequently treated by DFT, and the high velocity region, where the first Born approximation applies and Bethe theory is appropriate. Obviously, the velocity scale in the former region is set by the Fermi velocity and the latter by the Bohr velocity. Since on general grounds one can argue that the stopping cross section increases with velocity in the first region and decreases in the second region, one might expect a maximum in between. On the other hand, there has been previous attempts to describe the maximum of S v , either by a free parameter model (3) or by the LPA approximation (13). In simplest terms, the stopping cross section of a target for a swift ion projectile at some given velocity v, comes from the integral of the velocity dependent differential collision cross section for the particle with the target elec energy trons, dσ v dΩ, times the velocity dependent transfer from the projectile to the electrons, ∆E v : S v dσ v dΩ ∆E v dΩ (1) For a given target, the collision cross section is largest for collisions of the projectile with the outermost, or valence, electrons, as they have the largest orbital radii, r . The collision cross section will get smaller as one considers collisions with progressively deeper lying electrons. When a collision does occur, the energy transfer cross section will be greatest when the projectile velocity approaches that of the outermost (lowest energy) electron in the target, since equality of the two velocities gives the optimal condition for energy transfer. Perhaps the easiest way to see this is to take Bohr’s atom (2) as a model for the target. If one pushes the model further, and considers the target as a harmonically bound electron, then resonance will occur when the angular frequency of the electron and of the projectile are the same. Then from simple classical uniform circular motion considerations one would expect resonance when the electron and projectile velocities are equal. Thus, one expects a maximum in the stopping cross section as a function of projectile velocity when both collision cross section and energy transfer are maximized as a function of projectile velocity, namely for the case when the projectile has velocity similar to that of the out- CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 86 5.00 Table 1. Valence shell orbital contribution to proton stopping cross section at Smax . 4.00 3.50 IP1 1/2 (eV 1/2 ) 4.50 3.00 2.50 2.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 atomic number FIGURE 1. Experimental values (9) of IP vs. atomic number for the first 36 elements. ermost target electrons. As expressed by Fano (note 24 in his 1963 Annual Reviews article (5)), “Roughly speaking, one may say that the electrons of the inner shells, K, L, ... cease to contribute to the stopping power in succession as the incident particle’s velocity decreases. However, the cutoff of each shell is gradual.” (vide infra, Table 1). At what projectile energy, or velocity, might the maximum be expected to occur? Atomic Target Shells vmax (au) Contribution to Stopping (%) He Li N Ne Na Ar K Fe Ni Zn Ge Kr 1s 2s 2s, 2p 2s, 2p 3s 3s, 3p 4s 4s 4s 4s, 4p 4s 4s, 4p 1.9 0.5 1.3 2.9 0.5 1.9 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.7 1.0 1.7 100.0 98.7 96.0 99.2 96.8 97.2 93.2 93.1 96.1 93.8 94.8 94.7 proton stopping cross section at the maximum for atomic targets, as calculated using the methods of Ref. 6. It thus appears that the assertion that stopping at the maximum is primarily due to the valence electrons is correct. Note that for the transition metals, there can be at most a few percent contribution to the stopping from the 3d shell. Comparing Fig. 1 to the variation of the stopping power maximum for protons over the same range of elements, calculated by via the kinetic theory of stopping (14) and shown in Fig. 2, it is clear that the structure of the two curves is very similar. In addition, the magnitudes are qualitatively, although not precisely, correct. Considering the range of values for IP shown in Fig. 1, they correspond to valence electron velocities of the order of, but less than 100 keV, leading to values of Emax (that energy at which Smax occurs) of the same order. Note that the figures and table display data for atomic targets only. However, similar arguments should apply to molecular, condensed, and cluster targets as well. In fact, the measured maxima in the proton stopping cross sections for substances ranging from CCl4 , through stainless steel, to human muscle, all show (6) maxima in the projectile energy range of 100 50 keV/amu. One expects little deviation from atomic results for the gaseous diatomic elements, but one might expect some deviation in metals, as the electronic structure is band-like rather than atomic-like (12). In this case the appropriate velocity to compare with is the Fermi velocity [see Fig. 3 in Ref. (12)]. This causes some changes in the numbers, but does not vitiate the argument. As can be seen in Fig. 3, where the Fermi velocities for metals are plotted (15), most of them lie in the range around 1 au which, again, corresponds to a proton energy of order 25 keV. Phenomenology There are several ways to determine the appropriate velocity in the problem. To lowest order, the orbital energy, εv , of the outermost valence electron, in its HartreeFock incarnation where the electron moves in an average local potential, is related to its kinetic energy, Tv , via an orbital version of the virial theorem as εv Tv Vv 2Tv , where the orbital kinetic energy (in Hartree atomic units) is Tv 12 v2v . For most systems, we can invoke Koopmans’ theorem. In this case, εv IP, the first ionization potential of the target, so that vv IP. In Fig. 1 is plotted the square root of the first ionization potential (9) for the first 36 atoms vs. atomic number. Instead of IP, one might as well plot the atomic velocity parameters calculated from Hartree-Fock wavefunctions by Ponce (11). Comparing the Ponce results to Fig. 1, similar behavior as a function of atomic number is apparent. In addition, one finds that the average value of the valence electron velocity hovers in the range 0 5 2 0 au; namely spanning the 10 - 100 keV/amu energy range for projectile velocity [E p keV 25v2 (au)] mentioned above. Perhaps the IP formulation is more useful, however as the arguments made here should apply to molecular and condensed phase targets as well as atoms, and for those systems, IP’s are more readily available than are calculated velocity parameters. Consider proton projectiles. Table 1 gives the relative contribution from the valence shell electrons to the total 87 250 and, in the first Born approximation, Bethe version (1), it is the mean excitation energy that governs the stopping. Note that this is not fundamentally different from the explanation above, as, for an electron gas, the basis of this explanation, the Fermi velocity is a function of the density. Thus, if one plots the orbital mean excitation energy of the atoms [e.g. as in those reported in Ref. (12)] vs. atomic number, one sees behavior very much like Fig. 1 (vide supra). Similarly, if one extends the Bethe (1) formulation to lower energy, one finds that for each orbital, vmax Ii e 2me , where Ii is the orbital mean excitation energy (10) for orbital i and e is the base of Naperian logarithm. Most of the valence orbital mean excitation energies lie in the range around 15 eV (with the glaring exception of Ne), again, consistently, leading to E p ’s of the order of 25 keV/amu. Perhaps these estimates could be revised upward somewhat, as, in an experiment, there will be some contribution from deeper lying electrons with larger IP’s and I0 ’s. Collision cross sections for these more energetic (smaller values of r ) electrons will have a smaller collision cross section, and consequent lower probability for energy transfer. Similarly, in an experiment, a proton beam may also have very small components of both for a low energy beam in a target of finite thickness. Emax (keV) 200 150 100 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 atomic number FIGURE 2. Proton projectile energy at the stopping power maximum as a function of atomic number as calculated by the kinetic theory for atomic targets. A similar argument could be made for other projectiles, provided care is taken in terms of the projectile charge. For the case of He2 which is (statistically) nearly fully stripped near the stopping maximum, this would lead to the expectation that Smax should occur in the range Emax 100 400 keV. Examination of Vol. 4 of Ziegler’s Stopping Powers and Ranges series (15) shows this to be the case. Electron Gas Model Another way of attacking the problem is to start with Lindhard’s local plasma approximation (8). Here the mean excitation energy, I0 , is related to the local electron density (ρ) and thus to the Fermi velocity (v f ) through the plasma frequency (ω p ) by I0 h̄ω p 4πe2 ρ me 2eme v3f 1 2 3πh̄ Harmonic Oscillator Model In a more formal manner, one can understand the previous results by modeling the bound electron in the harmonic oscillator model. There are two important parameters describing the stopping. The first is the mean excitation energy, I0 , which describes the contribution from excitation in the target electronic structure to the stopping cross section. The second is the projectile charge state, which depends on the electron capture and loss cross sections for the collision partners, and thus, in a target is a function of the projectile velocity. Therefore, in a simplistic quantitative description of the maximum in the stopping cross section, these must be taken into account. Now, in order to obtain the maximum in the stopping cross section, we would like to express it in analytical form. Using the analytical expression for the stopping cross section from the harmonic oscillator model (4) for the valence shell with associated mean excitation energy I0 , one obtains the maximum (dS dv 0) when equation (3) is satisfied (2) 1.20 1.00 vf (au) 0.80 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 atomic number FIGURE 3. Fermi velocities of metals as a function of atomic number (theoretical, continuous entries in Ref. 11). 88 E1 x 1 1 dZ1 Z1 dE p xE0 x 0 (3) collision with the electron and projectile matching velocities. 90 80 Ep,max (keV) 70 60 CONCLUSION 50 40 It appears that the outermost electrons in many targets of different chemical composition, state of aggregation, and physical state, have quite similar characteristic velocities, leading to similar energy absorbing properties. Thus they have similar values of leading to the 100 keV peak. A similar argument also reproduces the well-known variation of the atomic stopping power maximum with target atomic number. 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 15 Target atomic number Z2 20 FIGURE 4. Proton kinetic energy for which the maximum in the stopping occurs, as given by the solution to Eq. (3). Also, for comparison, we show the energy for Smax as given by the program SRIM (15) ( ! ). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Thanks are due to Prof. Raul Baragiola for helpful discussion leading to this contribution. This work was supported in part by grants from the Office of Naval Research (#N00014-96-1-0707 to JRS) and from the National Science Foundation (CHE-9974385 to JRS). Here Ei x is the exponential integral function of order i, x M p I0 4me E p , and Z1 is the projectile effective charge. For a proton projectile with an effective charge 1 3 described by Z1 Z1 " 1 exp v v0 Z1 $# (see e. g. (15)), equation (3) can be solved numerically (see Fig. 4). We note that the maximum of the stopping cross section is proportional to the target mean excitation energy; I0 2xme . Thus for exthat is, E p M p I0 4xme or v ample, for a hydrogen target with I0 19 eV we obtain x 0 125, which gives Emax 55 keV consistent with the experimental value. In Fig. 4, we present the solution to Eq. (3) for the first 18 elements, as well as the results for H, He, Li, and Ne obtained by the SRIM program (15). As we note from the previous results, the maximum in S occurs between 25-100 keV, as previously discussed. REFERENCES 1. Bethe, H. A., Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 5, (1930) 325. 2. Bohr, N., Philos. Mag. 25, (1913) 10. 3. Brandt, W., Atomic Collisions in Solids 1, (1975) 261. 4. Cabrera-Trujillo, R., Phys. Rev. A 60, (1999) 3044. 5. Fano, U., Ann. Rev. Nucl. Sci. 13, (1963) 1. 6. Janni, J. F., At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 27, (1982) 341. 7. Kumakhov, M. A., and Komarov, F. F., Energy loss and ion ranges in solids, Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, 1981. 8. 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