Target and Projectile K-vacancy Production by Fast Heavy Ions in the Molecular Orbital Regime V. Horvat*, @. [mit†, R. L. Watson *, A. N. Perumal*, and Y. Peng* * Cyclotron Institute, and Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA † Department of Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, and J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract. Cross sections for target atom and projectile ion K vacancy production have been measured using solid targets of Mo, Ag,and Sn bombarded by 10 MeV/amu beams of H, Ne, Ar, Cr, Kr, Mo, Ag, Sn, Xe, Nd, Ho, Ta, Au, and Bi. It was found that the target K vacancy production cross sections reach a local maximum as the projectile atomic number Z1 approaches the atomic number Z 2 of the target. In this work, the measured cross sections are compared to the results of calculations based on existing theories of K-vacancy production. It was found that the predictions of current theories of the molecular orbital mechanism describe the shape of the Z 1-dependence of the cross sections in the near-symmetric collision regime reasonably well. The contributions from direct electron capture and ionization were represented by a second-order polynomial in Z 1 because the validity of available theoretical descriptions of these processes does not extend into the near-symmetric region. INTRODUCTION EXPERIMENT oooAn increase in the K x-ray production cross section as the atomic number of the projectile (Z1 ) approaches the atomic number of the target atom (Z 2) is a characteristic of the molecular-orbital (MO) mechanism. In this process, K vacancy production in the target atom and in the projectile ion is due to interactive level crossings that occur as the two collision partners dynamically combine to form a quasi-molecule. This mechanism is expected to be predominant when the projectile speed v 1 is significantly smaller than the orbital speed vK of the K electrons. oooThe objective of the work described here was to investigate MO effects in the intermediate velocity regime by measuring the cross sections for target and projectile K vacancy production using a wide range of collision partner combinations. At 10 MeV/amu, the projectile speed (20 a.u.) is roughly equal to the speed of the K electron in atomic vanadium (Z = 23). oooCross sections for target atom and projectile ion K vacancy production have been measured using selfsupporting solid targets of Mo, Ag, and Sn, all in the form of metallic foils, having thickness of 2.55, 2.67, and 2.44 mg/cm2, respectively. The targets were positioned at 45 o relative to the beam. oooBeams of H, Ne, Ar, Cr, Kr, Mo, Ag, Sn, Xe, Nd, Ho, Ta, Au, and Bi were extracted from the Texas A&M K500 superconducting cyclotron, collimated, and focused on the targets. A plastic scintillator mounted on a photomultiplier tube was positioned directly behind the target and used to count the outgoing beam particles. oooEmitted x rays were measured with a Si(Li) detector, positioned at 90o relative to the beam, viewing the beam-impact surface of the target at 45 o. The signals from the detector were fed into two pulseheight analyzers. One analyzer was set up to measure in the singles mode, while the other was gated in order to accept only x rays detected in coincidence with beam CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 7 particles. Finer details of the experiment are essentially identical to those described in a previous publication [1]. copper target, both in the near-symmetric collision region and also for heavier projectiles. The same was found for contributions from REC [6] involving Sm and Ta targets [7]. oooTherefore, the measured cross sections were compared with those calculated using the MO approach, assuming that all other contributing processes could be represented by a second-order polynomial in Z 1. The coefficients of this polynomial were determined in a least-squares fit to the difference between the measured and calculated cross sections. CALCULATIONS oooContributions from the MO mechanism were calculated using the diffusion model of Mittleman and Wilets [2], and the hidden crossing model of Janev [3]. The former model describes the ionization process as a gradual vacancy diffusion from the continuum into the ground state while the molecule is being formed, followed by the migration of the vacancy into the K shell of one collision partner while the molecule dissociates. The latter model considers inner-shell vacancy creation and transfer associated with hidden crossings of adiabatic energy surfaces in the complex plane of internuclear distance. oooOther processes may also contribute to target Kvacancy production. These include direct ionization of the target electron in a binary collision with the projectile (DI) and non-radiative capture of the target electron to a projectile bound state (NREC). For targets with large atomic numbers, significant contributions from the radiative electron capture mechanism (REC) can be expected. DI also contributes to projectile Kvacancy production. oooThe contributions from DI and NREC are typically calculated using the ECPSSR theory [4]. However, this theory is expected to be valid only when 0.03 # Z 1 / Z 2 # 0.3, which means that it does not apply in the nearsymmetric region. Indeed, the K-vacancy production cross sections for a Cu target bombarded by 10 MeV/amu projectiles with Z 1 $ Z 2 (measured previously [5]), were found to be significantly smaller than the ECPSSR cross sections for DI alone. A theory of DI that would be valid for near-symmetric collisions involving heavy projectiles is not presently available. oooThe tentative contributions to target K-vacancy production from NREC were also calculated using the ECPSSR theory, taking into account the availability of projectile states for capture while the projectile is inside the target. It also found that these contributions alone overestimate the measured cross sections for the RESULTS oooFig. 1 shows the dependence on projectile atomic number of the target vacancy sharing fraction (TVSF), i.e., the probability that the molecular orbital vacancy created in the collision ends up in the target K shell when the two collision partners separate. The experimental data points represent the measured ratio of target to total (projectile plus target) K vacancy production cross sections. It was found that the measured values were not properly described by the FIGURE 1. Target K vacancy sharing fraction as a function of the projectile atomic number. Solid diamonds, hollow circles, and solid squares represent the measured data for Mo, Ag, and Sn targets, respectively. Thick solid curves represent a semiempirical fit to the measured data. For comparison, results of the calculations based on the methods of Refs. 8, 9, and 3 for Ag targets are shown by the dash-dotted, dashed, and dotted curves, respectively. 8 formulas given by Meyerhof [8], Stolterfoht [9], or Janev [3]. However, a good fit to the data for all three targets was obtained from Solterfoht's formula by changing the value of its empirical parameter β from 2.73 to 3.54 [or 2π1/2]. Consequently, it was decided to use Stolterfoht's formula with β = 2π 1/2 to determine the TVSF in the MO calculations, instead of the methods proposed in the original papers. projectile atomic number. Good overall representations of the data are achieved. The shapes of the regions of enhanced cross sections are well reproduced by the MO contributions calculated using the hidden crossing oooCross sections for projectile K-vacancy production in the silver target are shown in Fig. 2. Those for the Mo and Sn targets are not shown, since they are comparable in magnitude. From Fig. 2 it can be concluded that the contributions from other K-vacancy production processes are comparable in magnitude to those from the MO mechanism as calculated using the method of Janev [3] in conjunction with measured vacancy sharing fraction. The method of Mittleman and Wilets [2] yields smaller values of the MO cross sections and, consequently, requires even larger contributions from other processes. oooK-vacancy production cross sections for Mo, Ag, and Sn targets are shown in Fig. 3 as a function of FIGURE 2. Cross section for projectile K-vacancy production as a function of projectile atomic number, in collisions with the silver target. Solid circles represent the measured data. Calculations based on the theory of Janev [3], using measured vacancy sharing fractions, are represented by the dotted line. A polynomial fit to the residuals is represented by the dashed line, while the total is represented by the thick solid line. FIGURE 3. Cross section for K-vacancy production in Mo, Ag, and Sn targets as a function of projectile atomic number. Solid circles represent the measured data. Calculations based on the theory of Janev [3], using measured vacancy sharing fractions, are represented by the dash-dotted line. A polynomial fit to the residuals is represented by the dashed line, while the total is represented by the thick solid line. The dotted lines denote the center of the symmetric region. 9 model [3] in conjunction with measured vacancy sharing fractions. This mechanism contributes about 75% of the measured cross section at the peak of the enhancement. The agreement with the experimental data is almost as good when the diffusion model [2] is used to calculate the contributions from the MO effects under the same conditions. Those cross sections are lower and have a slightly different Z 1-dependence, which then has to be compensated for by increasing the contribution and modifying the shape of the secondorder polynomial in Z 1. available theories because they do not apply in this region and therefore they were represented by a second-order polynomial in Z 1, A comprehensive theory of K-vacancy production in near-symmetric regions is needed to describe the individual contributing mechanisms on a quantitative basis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS oooThis work is supported by the Robert A. Welch Foundation. oooSome notable systematic deviations of the data points from the best-fit curves may suggest that there could be some fine structure in the Z 1 dependence of these cross sections. The high value of the target Kvacancy production cross section for a Cr beam and a molybdenum target corresponds to the peak in the contribution from NREC calculated using the ECPSSR theory. Although this theory does not apply in this regime and it overestimates the measured cross sections, this could indicate that NREC contributes significantly to target K-vacancy production. REFERENCES 1. Watson, R., L., Horvat, V., Blackadar, J. M., and Zaharakis, K. E., Phys. Rev. A 62, 052709 1-7 (2000). 2. Mittleman, M. H., and Wilets, L., Phys. Rev. 154, 12-16 (1967). 3. Janev, R. K., Nucl. Instrum. Methods in Physics Research B 124, 290-297 (1997); Janev, R. K., J. Phys. B 30, 30193030 (1997). 4. Brandt, W., and Lapicki, G., Phys. Rev. A 23, 1717-1729 (1981); Lapicki, G., and McDaniel, F. D., Phys. Rev. A 22, 1896-1905 (1980). 5. Watson, R. L., Horvat, V., Blackadar, J., M., and Zaharakis, K. E., Phys. Rev. A 60, 2959-2969 (1999). 6. Raisebeck, G., and Yiou, F., Phys. Rev. A 4, 1858-1868 (1971). 7. Watson, R. L., Horvat, V., and Zaharakis, K. 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The contributions from direct ionization and electron capture could not be calculated using the 10
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