Angular and energy distributions of secondary ions in the sputtering of gold by swift Au(n) clusters. S. Bouneau, S. Della-Negra, D. Jacquet, Y. Le Beyec, M. Pautrat Institut de Physique Nucleaire Orsay, IN2P3/CNRS, F-91406 Orsay, France Angular and energy distributions of negative secondary ions Aun (n = 2 - 7) emitted from gold targets by gold cluster projectiles Au4 and Au9 at 200 keV per atom have been measured. A 256-anodes channel plate based detector for simultaneous detection in time of flight measurements was used. It is shown that angular distributions are rotationally symmetric with respect to the surface normal .They depend on the ejection energy. The energy spectra of the different emitted ions have similar shapes with almost the same mean energy. Energy spectra are satisfactorily reproduced by a spike-like model. transfer and emission processes. Others MD simulations [5] were also developed but could not be compared for the moment to the set of experimental data with large and swift cluster projectiles. We present here experimental results of a first series of measurements on energy and angular distributions of secondary ions (SI), Au-, Au2- , Au3-, Au5- and Au7-, emitted from the same type of gold targets bombarded by Au4 and Au9 cluster projectiles at ∼200 keV/atom where the total sputtering yield is close to maximum. It is shown in these multi-parameter event by event experiments that angles and energies of emission are correlated since angular distributions depend on kinetic energies. Although secondary atomic ions and cluster ions may not be fully representative of the total sputtering processes the measurements with well identified SI may emphasized the importance of the emitted secondary particle characteristics. Very large secondary ion and neutral sputtering yields have been recently measured in the bombardment of solid targets by fast cluster projectiles as Aun (n = 1-13) at energy per atom between 20 keV and several MeV. A broad range of projectile energy has thus been investigated in the past years [1, 2]. As many as 2.104 Ag atoms are for example ejected on the average upon impact of a single Au13 cluster at 120 keV/atom on a silver target. The emission yield is very high and its variation with energy shows that the highest yield value occurs at a bombarding energy much lower than the maximum nuclear stopping energy. Theoretical predictions by any sputtering models and/or molecular dynamic simulation are still uncertain at cluster projectile energy of several tens of keV/atom and higher. Additional measurements as angular distributions of emitted particles as well as kinetic energy distributions could provide valuable information on the nature of the mechanisms involved in the emission processes. Results on angular distributions at cluster energies of 10-30 keV/atom were already obtained with polycrystalline gold targets and Au, Au2, Au3 projectiles [3]. The sputtered distributions were found more isotropic for cluster bombardment than for atomic bombardment and this qualitatively indicates that a thermal spike mechanism could be involved in the total sputtering induced by clusters (emission energy and size of emitted species were not considered in this case). An interesting molecular dynamic study [4] was also performed with Aun at 16 keV/atom striking gold targets which demonstrates the role of various parameters as the nature of the emitted species (monomer or cluster) and the temporal evolution of the energy I. Experimental Beams of gold clusters were accelerated by the Orsay tandem accelerator which is equipped with a cluster liquid metal ion source in the high voltage terminal [6, 7]. Gold targets (thickness of about 1000 nm) were prepared by vapor deposition on thick stainless steel foils, and bombarded at an angle of 45° with respect to the normal to the surface. The beam size was defined by horizontal and vertical slits which were mechanically adjusted to an aperture of 300 x 300 microns. The rate was about 100 projectiles/s. To measure the energy and angular distributions of secondary ions a linear time of flight technique -using two acceleration CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 767 2.54 mm and there are 256 independent electronic channels which provide 256 time of flight mass spectra with the same start signal issued from the impact of the projectile on the gold target (electron signal). In this experiment all negative ions emitted from the gold surface can be in principle identified. One has first focused on the emission of the negative metal gold cluster ions Au-, Au2-, Au3-, Au5-, Au7The detector plane is parallel to the target plane. The initial radial velocity of a secondary ion ejected from the surface is obtained by the simultaneous measurement of its position of impact on to the detector surface and its flight time t. x and y being the coordinates of the impact with respect to the detector center (defined as the intersection of the normal to the target center with the detector grids in front of the target- and a multi-impact position sensitive stop detector were used. Figure 1 shows the geometrical arrangement of target and stop detector. The grids are not represented in the schematic drawing. The precise determination of SI time of flights gives access to their initial axial velocity Vax. The effect of the initial axial velocity on time of flight peak shapes has been enlarged in TOF measurements by applying a low acceleration voltage (1 keV) between the target and the first grid. The corresponding mass lines in TOF spectra are thus considerably broadened, and axial and radial energies can therefore be precisely determined. The electron line always present in the negative SI mass spectrum was used to determine the zero origin of the time scale. Based on the accurate distance measurements and voltage values a computer program was used to calculate ion mass peak origins (zero axial energy) in the TOF spectra. Uncertainties of time zero were estimated to be about 1ns. The second grid voltage was set at 9 kV in order to provide efficient detection and collection of SI. In this respect the distance between the target plane and the detector combined with the acceleration voltages are critical parameters for determining the detector angular acceptance and the maximum radial energy values that can be measured. x 2+ y . From the axial t and radial velocity measurement of a given mass one obtains the angle of emission defined as tan(θ) = Vr and the total energy Et = Er + Eax. Vax The pixel size of the multi-impact detector is not small enough to determine directly and accurately the radial energy. The experimental measured quantities for any ion impact are the time t and the pixel coordinates position Xp and Yp. To built the total axial and radial energy distributions one must take into account the encoding time bin, ∆t = 0.5 ns, and the finite size of the pixel (∆X, ∆Y). Assuming an uniform distribution of impact within the pixel and time bin, the analyse procedure consists in choosing randomly for each SI impact, values of t, x, y in the intervals [t, t + ∆t], [Xp, Xp + ∆X], [Yp, Yp + ∆Y] [10]. 2 surface), Vr is written as Y’ Y X Vr Vt X’ Vy φ Vx θ 0’ Vax 0 Z II. ET RG TA NE A PL Results and Discussion OR ΒΕΑΜ CT TE DE ANE PL A. Radial energy distribution Experimentally the cluster beam hits the target center in an horizontal plane perpendicular to the target, at an angle of 45° with respect to the normal to the target. After impact the secondary cluster ions are emitted in all directions and detected by the multi-anode detector. A simple way to examine if there is or not a favoured direction of emission is Figure 1. Schematic drawing of the experimental arrangement. The detector used in this work is a 256 anodes micro channel plate detector which is described elsewhere [8, 9]. The size of one pixel is 2.54mm x 768 Since the measurements with the multi-anode detector are made event by event the data can be processed off line and several types of correlations can be analysed. For example fig. 3 shows the 3D representation of the distributions Et, θ, dN(θ, Et) for Au−2 emitted by 200 keV/atom Au9. The different colours represent the number of counts. The geometrical acceptance of the detector in the present experimental condition are shown in the plane (E, θ) by the counting limits. It can be seen that only angular emission between 10 and 70 degrees is fully detected for total kinetic energies between a few eV and about 20 eV. The maximum number of counts is around 40 degrees. dN/dEr (a. u.) to measure the radial energy distributions dN dEr observed in the left and right part of the detector surface, defined by each side of the O’Y’ direction in fig. 1. The radial energies are declared positive in the O’X’ direction and negative in the other direction. For Au−2 cluster ions sputtered by Au9 at 200 keV/atom, fig. 2 presents three distributions of dN relative to three total energy windows. The dEr distributions in both parts of the detector look exactly the same, and therefore it can be concluded that there is no favoured direction of emission. In addition, the distributions in the upper and the lower part of the detector surface (with respect to the O’X’ direction) were also found similar. These data indicate that there is a rotational symmetry in the emission normal to the target surface. Furthermore the incident direction of the beam does not play a role in the SI angular distribution of emission. The same behaviour was observed for larger emitted clusters and for Au4 projectile as well. In other words there is no memory of the primary beam direction and this is in favour of models where the energy flux in the solid is close to isotropy. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.3 Eradial ≤ 16 eV 200 50 N Total emission energy in eV 60 100 0 100 40 0 Em iss 50 ion an 20 gle 0 Θ 30 rgy 40 on si mis ene E 20 10 − Au2 : 3 eV < Et < 5 eV 0 0 20 40 60 emission angle Θ in o 80 100 Figure 3. 3D distribution of total energy of Au2ions as a function of the emission angle θ. − Au2 : 5 eV < Etot < 10 eV 0.2 0.1 As the secondary emission is symmetric with respect to the normal to the target, one can extract from these data the distribution : 1 . dN = dN x dΩ dθ 2πsinθ Fig. 4 shows two dN distributions of Au−2 ion dΩ corresponding to the energy windows 3eV<Et<5eV and 11eV<Et<15eV. It is usual to fit the experimental sputtering angular distribution through a (cosθ)n dependence over the whole range of kinetic energies. The n exponent is predicted to be between 1 and 2 in the linear collision cascade 0 − Au2 : 10 eV < Et < 15 eV 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −20−15−10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 Er (eV) Figure 2. Radial energy distribution of Au2- ions corresponding to three total energy windows with Au9 projectile. 769 observed for 20° < θ < 40° – and cluster projectiles of Au9 at 200 keV/atom. In the linear collision cascade models the high energy tails of the energy E where spectra falls off approximately as (E+ Ub)n E is the total energy and Ub the surface binding energy and n between 2 and 3 according to mass and regime of incident energies. In order to estimate the shape of such a distribution in the present case a tentative fit of the Au−2 spectrum by this expression (with n = 2.4) is represented by the line in fig. 5(b). Above 20 eV there is an important disagreement between the calculated curve and the experimental points. This is not surprising since linear collision cascades are unexpected with Au9 projectiles at 200 keV/atom. To account for the rapid decrease of the energy spectrum a least squared fit with an expression including a “spike volume” temperature T : E exp - ( E+ Ub) dN/dE ∝ kT n (E+ Ub) has been applied to the case of Au9 projectiles. Although the validity of keeping Ub constant is questionable for large size emitted clusters the sublimation energy Ub value was kept constant at 3.8 eV (sublimation energy for gold). The curve fitting the Au2- energy spectrum is shown in fig. 5(a). Values of n and kT obtained from the fit at angles of emission ranging from 20 to 40 degrees are around n = 1.8 and kT ~ 19 eV. The kT values increase with the size of ejected ions ( Au−2 to Au7− ) from 19 eV to 55 eV. The energy spectra (with Au9 and Au4 projectiles) show that the secondary ion energy depends on angles of emission. For example small angles at θ < 40° are clearly associated to a larger temperature spike than for θ > 50°. This was already deduced from the angular distribution studies. Furthermore it is observed that dN/dEt values in the high energy tail region of the energy spectra are larger with Au9 projectiles than with Au4 projectiles. This also indicates as expected that spike temperatures increase when the number of cluster constituents increases. theory. The larger the n value the more narrow the angular distribution (i.e more peaked in the normal direction to the surface). In fig. 4 it is shown that the exponent increases with the ejection energy. This slight increase with Et (from n = 1.8 to n = 2.4) is also observed for Au4 projectiles. The low energy components of the angular distribution seems to follow a more isotropic emission while the high energy component would be more peaked in the normal direction. A tentative explanation could be that low energy clusters would originate mainly from the surface and the high energies SI which are more peaked would originate from deeper layers at the early time of the ejection process. dN/dΩ Au2- 3 ≤ Etot ≤ 5eV dN/dΩ ∝ cos Θ 1.8 Emission angle Θ dN/dΩ Au2- 11 ≤ Etot ≤ 15eV dN/dΩ ∝ cos Θ 2.4 Emission angle Θ Figure 4. Angular distributions of Au2- ions for two total energy windows. The exponent of the cosnθ fit increases with emission energy. B. Total energy distribution As mentioned earlier total energy distributions cannot be measured at all angles (see fig. 3). It is therefore non-sense to show total energy distribution for 0° < θ < 90°. All measured energy distributions from Au−2 to Au7− are somewhat similar with almost the same average energy. As an example, fig. 5 presents the dN energy dEt distributions of secondary cluster ions Au−2 770 (a) dN/dE 1000 REFERENCES [1] A. Brunelle, S. Della-Negra, J. Depauw, D. Jacquet, Y.Le Beyec, M. 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A similar conclusion can be deduced from results on total angular distributions (neutrals + total ions) measured in recent experiments using Gold target and gold cluster projectiles as well [11]. A relativity large amount of data has now been accumulated with gold clusters bombarding gold targets over a large range of energy. More complete results on energy and angular distributions are being obtained with secondary ions. It would certainly be very informative to perform MD simulations to test various hypothesis and parameters (in comparison with experimental data) in order to better understand the sputtering by large massive and energetic clusters. 771
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