Formation, Evolution And Thermal Stability Of Interstitial Clusters In Ion Implanted c-Si Sebania Libertino CNR-IMM – Sez. Catania, Stradale Primosole 50, I-95121, Catania, Italy Abstract. The increasing knowledge on the evolution, upon annealing, of the defects generated during ion implantation in crystalline Si helps scientists in the understanding and modelling many phenomena such as transient enhanced diffusion of dopants an extended defect evolution. Nevertheless, it is not fully clear how point-like defects agglomerate forming defect clusters and how they evolve into extended defects. Aim of this work is to provide an interpretation of damage evolution in ion implanted Si using optical, electrical and structural measurements. Low temperature (300500°C) annealing, causes the formation of I-type point-like defects. Annealing at intermediate temperatures (550-650°C) produces the formation of I-clusters, experimentally identified observing the effects of the lattice induced strain. High temperatures cause the I-cluster transition to {311} defects. It takes place only if the I supersaturation exceeds a certain value (implantation doses ≥1x1013Si/cm2 in pure Si). Moreover, {311} form only after annealing at T≥650°C, thus showing the existence of a temperature threshold. These results suggest the presence of a strong structural rearrangement during the transition. diffusion vehicles mediating the transport of matters in Si [2]. Both, the final dopant distribution and the defects configuration strongly depend on the thermal budget provided to the sample. For a light ion, such as Si, implanted in Si, the residual damage depends on the implantation dose and annealing temperature. A schematic summarizing our current knowledge of residual damage structure after a MeV Si ion implantation in Si is plotted in Fig. 1. The implantation dose–annealing temperature graph is divided in regions, and each of them is labeled according to the dominant defect type in that domain. Of course, the positions of the borders are only tentative. Si low dose implants, ≤1x1010/cm2, and annealing up to ~ 300 °C, form point-like defects. Their properties have been widely studied with deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) [3] and Photoluminescence (PL) [4]. For annealing in the range 300-550 °C and implantation doses of 109-1011/cm2 the defects in trap form. They are second order point defects [3]. A further increase in temperature will cause their dissociation and the lattice is fully recovered. The borders of this region strongly depend on the sample impurity content, that determines the annealing temperature. Implantation doses ≥ 1x1013/cm2, produce amorphous pockets or INTRODUCTION When an energy as high as ~ 5 eV is transferred to a Si atom, it is displaced from its lattice position creating a vacant site (vacancy, V) while it will occupy an interstitial position (Si self-interstitial I) in the lattice. V and I are highly mobile with an estimated activation energy for migration of ~ 0.3eV and ∼ 1eV, respectively [1]. The wide use of ion implantation as method of choice to dope Si in the semiconductor industry, has renewed the scientific interest in the defect study, since, the stringent requirements in the miniaturization of Si devices, need a complete control of the processing steps. Once generated, defects migrate until they either recombine, according to relation I+V=∅, or are stored in stable defect complexes. They strongly interact among themselves, with impurities (e.g. C and O) and dopant atoms (e.g. B, P) of the substrate, forming point-like defects stable at room temperature (RT). These defects have been widely characterized and all of them anneal at temperatures below 450 °C, releasing the I and V they stored. Upon annealing, the I and V will interact among themselves and with the dopant atoms. In fact, dopant migration is assisted by V or I which act as CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 750 continuous amorphous layers in the as implanted. For annealing at T ≥ 600 °C extended defects, such as {311} defects or dislocations form. These defects have been widely studied with techniques for structural characterization like transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The lattice reconstruction around them makes such defects very stable in temperature and they represent, therefore, a big problem in the device fabrication. Although extremely powerful, the TEM fails to monitor small defect clusters. On the other hand, the high implantation doses (>1013cm-2) used in device fabrication are outside the domain usually explored by DLTS and PL. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to link the results of the different techniques into a coherent picture. Due to the lack of experimental techniques to detect such defects, there is a wide region labeled as Defect clusters, where only recently experimental data [5] and simulations [6] have been provided. They are formed after implantation to doses ≥ 1x1012 Si/cm2 and annealing temperatures ≥ 550 °C. Their study will help in the comprehension of the damage evolution path from point to extended defects. FIGURE 2. Total concentration of I and V stored in defects, as a function of annealing temperature for epi Si implanted with 1.2 MeV Si, 1x109/cm2, I () V (V), and electron irradiated with 3.5x1015/cm2, 9.2 MeV, I (.) and V (◊).The lines refers to ion implantation generated defects. The concentration of both I and V stored into the defects, is given for ion implanted (filled symbols) and electron irradiated samples (open symbols). The right hand scale of the plot is the number of defects per implanted ion, N. Although each ion produces ~ 2500 Frenkel pairs (as calculated by simulations), only ∼ 60 per ion escape recombination and form RT stable defects. This result is in perfect agreement with data showing that long range defect migration and recombination [8] occurs already at RT if the sample impurity content is low, like in epi Si. Annealing at temperatures up to 300 °C produces a concomitant reduction of I and V-type defects. The defect released upon dissociation will anneal other type defects (e.g. I anneal V-type defects and vice-versa). This process results in defect recombination in the bulk thus maintaining the balance between I and V. Indeed, an equal number of V-type and I-type defects remain although their absolute concentrations have been reduced by approximately one order of magnitude. For T>300 °C all of the V-type defects are annealed out, but a measurable number of I (~ 2-3 per implanted ion) is still detectable. This unbalance between I- and Vtype defects is due to the extra incorporated ion which only becomes experimentally detectable when most of the defects have recombined. An identical annealing behavior for T<300°C is observed for electron irradiated samples, as shown in figure. The imbalance in the two concentrations observed for ion implantation is not detected in this case. The results clearly demonstrate that the imbalance between V and I in ion implanted samples has to be attributed to the extra ion introduced in the implantation process, confirming, at low doses, the “+1” phenomenological model used to describe the transient enhanced FIGURE 1. Schematic showing the principal damage features as a function of the ion dose and annealing temperature for MeV Si self-implantation. SECONDARY–DEFECTS To study the defect evolution Si was implanted in Si in the dose range 1x108-5x1013cm-2 and monitored by DLTS, PL and TEM after annealing from RT to 800 °C. The first step was to monitor, by DLTS, the evolution of both I-type and V-type point defects upon annealing from 100°C to 600°C in Si-implanted and electron irradiated epitaxial (epi) Si samples. DLTS allows one to determine the concentration of V-type and I-type electrically active defects. Hence, using the counting procedure described elsewhere [7] the number of I and V was monitored as a function of the annealing and the results are plotted in Fig. 2. 751 The PL spectra of a sample implanted to 1013 Si/cm2 annealed at 600 °C for 30 min (dashed line) and of a sample implanted to 1011Si/cm2 annealed at 400 °C 30 min (solid line) are compared in Fig. 4. The last sample exhibits PL lines belonging to I-type point-like defects. The W line, associated to small I-rich clusters, at 1218 nm (1,018 eV) is the dominant center [4]. The shoulder observed at 1279 nm (0.969 eV) is the G-line. Quite different is the PL of the 1013Si/cm2 sample. It shows two broad peaks centered at 1320 nm (0.94 eV) and 1390 nm (0.89 eV). They are broad luminescence bands and do not arise from the convolution of narrower peaks [10]. Several sharp lines in the range 1200-1280 nm are superimposed to these broad peaks. All of them are associated to point-like defect and defect-impurity complexes: the W’ at 1233 nm (1.0048 eV) which is a perturbed form of the W line; the C line at 1570 nm (0.789 eV). Moreover, two peaks at 1620 nm (0.765 eV) and 1660 nm (0.7466 eV) associated to O thermal donors were detected. diffusion (TED) at high dose [9]. The I-type defects store the I “excess” caused by the presence of the extra ion. Their full annealing is achieved for T< 600 °C. I-CLUSTERS As mentioned in the introduction, the more interesting area to monitor is the region labelled in Fig. 1 as defect in cluster region. The DLTS analysis of the residual damage after implants ≥ 1x1012 Si/cm2, show that the same class of defects is formed regardless of the annealing conditions in this case. In particular, the DLTS spectrum of a sample implanted with 145 keV Si to a dose of 2x1013 cm-2 on Czochralski Si (CZ, [O]~ [C] 1018cm-3, 5x1016 B/cm3) and annealed at 680 °C 1h (solid line) and of a sample implanted with 1.2 MeV Si to a dose of 1012cm-2 on epi Si ([O]~ [C] <1016, 1015B/cm3) and annealed at 600 °C 30 min (dashed line, multiplied by 10) are compared in Fig. 3. The residual damage is mainly given by two signatures, with activation energies of EV + 0.33 eV and EV + 0.52 eV and labeled as B1 and B2, respectively. The same kind of defects was detected regardless of the implantation energy, dose, impurity and dopant content of the sample. Moreover, differently from low dose residual damage, the annealing does not determine the final defect characteristics. The two samples underwent treatments different in temperature and time. These results and more extensive studies [5] show that neither impurities nor the dopant are the main constituents of these defects, confirming their nature of Si I-clusters. FIGURE 4. PL spectra of Si implanted with 1.2 MeV Si to a dose of 1011 cm-2 annealed at 400°C 30 min (solid line), 1012 cm-2 annealed at 600°C 30 min (dashed line) and 2x1013 cm-2 annealed at 680°C 1h (dot-dashed line) DLTS and PL measurements show the presence of a stable class of damage not depending on the impurity or dopant concentration or type. The measurements, carried out in the dose range 1012–2x1013 cm-2, for T in the range 550-750 °C and times from 10 min up to 15h show the same signatures. Finally, TEM analyses do not show the formation of extended defects in these samples. Broad features in PL spectra were associated to the quantum confinement of carriers in regions with the high strain region surrounding the defects. Since no extended defects are detected in our samples, we believe that these signatures are associated to the carrier recombination in the strained region surrounding the I-clusters embedded in the Si matrix [5]. Also the cluster electrical signatures exhibit a broadening that could be associated to the same cause. FIGURE 3. DLTS spectra measured on p-type CZ Si implanted with 145 keV Si to a dose of 2x1013 cm-2 and annealed at 680°C 1h (solid line); epi Si implanted with 1.2 MeV Si to a dose of 1012 cm-2 and annealed at 600°C 30 min (dashed line, multiplied by a factor of 10). 752 (dot-dashed line) and annealed at 680 °C 1h is plotted in Fig. 4. The lower dose sample (dashed line, see before) shown in figure exhibits the typical I-clusters features. When {311} form (detected by TEM) a sharp peak at 1376 nm (0.9007 eV) dominates the spectrum. This line is associated to optical transition occurring at or close to these defects. PL measurements turned out to be extremely powerful in observing the transition from I-cluster to {311} defects. I-Clusters Dissociation In order to verify if the I-clusters might be the source of TED at low dose, we studied their annealing behavior, calculating their dissociation energy. The data for a given temperature at different annealing times allows one to obtain the characteristic time τ0 at that temperature. The τ0 values are summarized in the Arrhenius plot shown in Fig. 5 for both B1 () and B2 (). The best fits of the data are plotted in the figure as a solid and dashed line for B1 and B2, respectively. The slope of the fits provides an estimation of the activation energy for dissociation. The same energy value, ~ 2.3 eV, within the experimental errors, was obtained for B1 and B2. It is consistent with the TED characteristic energy value in absence of extended defects [11]. In addition, the B-line dissociation was monitored as a function of the implantation dose. Increasing the dose, the time needed for cluster dissociation increases. Since a higher dose implies a higher I supersaturation, the results suggest that bigger cluster, more stable in temperature, are formed. Since the sample impurity content is known to play a role on the extended defects formation, implantation at doses of 1x1013 Si/cm2 in pure Si and annealing at 680 °C 1h were performed. PL measurements show the formation of {311}, as observed by the presence of their sharp peak at 1376nm. This result is in agreement with the literature data, confirming the lowering of the threshold dose for {311} formation in highly pure materials [9]. This has been attributed to the C efficiency in storing I thus preventing their clustering and the extended defects formation. More interesting is the study of {311} defects formation as a function of annealing. Si samples were implanted to doses of 1012 cm-2 (dotted line), 1013 cm-2 (solid line), 2x1013 cm-2 (dashed line) and 5x1013cm-2 (dot-dashed line) and annealed at 600°C for times up to 15h. The PL spectra of samples annealed at 600°C 4h are compared in Fig. 6. Although the intensity of the spectra increases with ion dose, the major features remain unchanged. TEM analyses performed on these samples revealed that no extended defects are formed even at the highest dose, as shown in the inset. Only a weak contrast at the projected range (at ~ 1.35 µm from the surface) is observed, showing the presence of a heavily damaged region, probably consisting of small defect aggregates with a large strain. FIGURE 5. Arrhenius plot of the B1 ( ) and B2 (Ο) characteristic times. The solid lines are linear fits of the data. TRANSITION FROM I-CLUSTERS TO EXTENDED DEFECTS At high implantation doses, ≥ 5x1013 Si/cm2, and annealing temperatures ≥ 680°C extended defects form (extended defect region in Fig. 1), starting from {311} rod like defects, which we characterized by DLTS and PL [5]. DLTS measurements showed an electrical signature at EV+0.50 eV when {311} are detected in the sample. Also PL measurements show major modifications in the optical properties of the residual damage when {311} defects are present. The spectrum of a sample implanted with Si to a dose of 2x1013 cm-2 FIGURE 6. PL spectra on samples implanted with 1.2 MeV Si to doses of 1012/cm2 (dotted line), 1013/cm2 (solid line), 2×1013/cm2 (dashed line) and 5×1013/cm2 (dash-dot-dashed line) and annealed at 600 °C for 4 h. In the inset, TEM cross section of the last sample. 753 small clusters in storing the I excess. Finally, thresholds for both ion dose (1x1013/cm2) and annealing temperature (600 °C) exist for the transition from I-cluster to {311} defects due to a structural transformation accompanying the defects growth. DLTS measurements on the same samples only reveal the two I-clusters characteristic signatures. The data clearly show the presence of a threshold temperature. At T ≤ 600 °C regardless of ion dose, {311} defects are not formed at all: the I stored into small clusters are eventually released and anneal out, probably at the surface. The results reported, indicate that major transformations in the optical, electrical and structural properties of Si occur when {311} are formed. It is therefore tempting to speculate that the early stage of I nucleation produce small I-clusters whose structures significantly differ from those of the planar {311} defects. A transition between the two structures requires a morphological transformation. T low temperature annealing, the probability to overcome this nucleation barrier is small and most of the I will remain stored in the I-clusters until their annealing occur. These clusters dominate the optical, electrical and structural properties. On the other hand, when temperature is increased and dose is high enough to provide large I-clusters, the probability of transition is very large and {311} defects are soon formed. These results show that the I-clusters evolution into extended defects cannot occur through a simple Ostwald Ripening mechanism, in perfect agreement with recent Monte Carlo simulations on lattice [6] and the “magic numbers” model recently proposed [12]. According to such model, a very stable I-clusters configuration (with about 8 I) exist, hence a large potential barrier must be overcome before the OR can take place. 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