METI/NEDO Projects on Cluster Ion Beam Process Technology Isao Yamada(1),(3), Jiro Matsuo(2) and Noriaki Toyoda(3) (1) Collaborative Research Center for Cluster Ion Beam Process Technology, Osaka Science and Technology Center (2) Ion Beam Engineering Experimental Laboratory, Kyoto University (3) Laboratory of Advanced Science and Technology for Industry, Himeji Institute of Technology Abstract. Since the initial study of gas cluster ion beams (GCIB) was started in the Ion Beam Engineering Experimental Laboratory of Kyoto University, more than 15 years have passed. Some of the results of that study have already been applied for industrial use. Unique characteristics of gas cluster ion bombardment have been found to offer potential for various other industrial applications. The impact of an accelerated cluster ion upon a target surface imparts very high energy densities into the impact area and produces non-linear effects that are not associated with the impacts of atomic ions. Among prospective applications for these effects are included shallow ion implantation, high rate sputtering, surface cleaning and smoothing, and low temperature thin film formation. fundamental research was conducted on these subjects. In 2000, 5 years GCIB R&D project aimed at development of basic industrial technology was started under a contract from New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO). The project is comprised of three groups (highly functional semiconductor surface processing, high accuracy surface processing and high-quality thin film formation) which are organized into a Collaborative Research Center. In 2002, a new GCIB project with special emphasis on nano-technology applications has been started under a contract from the Ministry of Economy and Technology for Industry (METI). This METI R&D project is currently involves efforts in the following areas: (1) development of size-selected GCIB equipment and (2) GCIB processes for very high rate etching and for no damage etching of magnetic materials and compound semiconductor materials. INTRODUCTION Gas Cluster Ion Beam (GCIB) processing of materials is based on the use of electrically charged cluster ions consisting of a few hundreds to a few thousands of atoms or molecules of gaseous materials. Individual gas atoms are first condensed into neutral clusters and subsequently ionized and accelerated. When an energetic cluster ion impacts upon a surface, it interacts simultaneously with many target atoms and deposits high energy density into a very small volume of the target. The concurrent energetic interactions between many atoms comprising the cluster and target atoms result in highly non-linear sputtering and implantation effects, which are fundamentally different from those associated with binary collisions induced by monomer ion impacts. Research on GCIB processes was started at Ion Beam Engineering Experimental Laboratory of Kyoto University in 1988 after intense gas cluster formation had been confirmed. Figure 1 shows a basic GCIB configuration. In order to establish new industrial technology employing GCIB, investigations were first required for formation cluster beam and of ion-solid interactions with these beams. For more than 10 years, Ionization CHARACTERISTICS OF GCIB EQUIPMENT AND CLUSTER IONSOLID INTERACTIONS The study of cluster beam formation was initially the most important topic. It has been well known that small numbers of clusters are produced by ejection of metal vapors from heated Knudsen cells. While a heated Knudsen cell was a candidate for a cluster beam source, achievable beam intensities have been too low for practical experimental use[1]. Becker et al. first studied cluster formation from gas through supersonic nozzles for thermonuclear fuel applications [2]. The supers successful for producing cryogenic beams containing onic expansion approach had been Acceleration Skimmer Gas Nozzle Figure 1. Schematic of GCIB equipment CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 727 System Performance: Substrate Size: 75 - 200mm 300mm optional Smoothing Limit: < 2Å Ra 1µm sq. field(Beam scanned) Uniformity/Reproducibility: < 2% variation Ar Beam Current: 200 µA Max. Beam Energy: 25keV Figure 2. Image and performance of 25 keV GCIB UltraSmoother™ systems very large numbers of clusters. However, it was thought to be difficult to use it at room temperature for producing intense cluster beams. Our studies showed that supersonic nozzles with convergence-divergence shapes could produce strong cluster beams[3]. Our new cluster ion source, which employing these supersonic nozzles operated at room temperature, has successfully produced intense cluster ion beams. With this, we were able to start studies of new ion-solid interactions by cluster ion impacts. It has shown that GCIB offers unique ion/solid interaction processes and can open a new field in atomic and molecular ion beam process technology. GCIB are now being used for producing materials with superior properties, for developing new chemical compounds and for altering, refining and machining of materials and surfaces. Examples include: low-damage atomic-scale surface smoothing for metals[4], for superconductors[5], for diamond films[6], for nonspherical plastic lens molds, and for SiC surfaces of synchrotron radiation mirrors; shallow implantation for junction formation[7]; high-rate and low-damage anisotropic etching for MR sensors[8]; assistedformation of thin multi-layer film for reliable and durable optical filters[9]. Some of unique processes and recent results are shown below. EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT Earliest equipment developed at Kyoto University for investigations of gas cluster ion interactions with solid surfaces was operational by 1988. Then several GCIB systems were constructed at Kyoto University for fundamental studies and investigation of pocess applications. During collaboration with Epion Co., as part of work sponsored by Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST), development of commercial GCIB system was begun in 1995. GCIB systems designed for research and development now exist in a number of laboratories in Japan and the U.S. The first GCIB production system was introduced in late 1999, and a number of GCIB systems are now operational in Japan and the U.S. Figure 2 shows an image and specification of 25keV GCIB Ultra-Smoother™ system for high throughput automated processing of 300mm wafers. Because gas flows used for cluster generation are high (several hundred sccm), large pumps are employed for the nozzle and ionization chamber. Beam current is a parameter of concern for GCIB applications for production system to satisfy adequate throughput. Cluster ion currents in early equipment were low, sometimes only a few nA, and the factors responsible for beam intensity limitations were not well understood at that time. Improvements of neutral cluster formations, ionization efficiency and beam transport of GCIB without increasing gas consumption and pumping requirements have been successfully demonstrated in the project. Theoretical study of supersonic nozzles is being conducted to understand the dependence of beam intensity on nozzle configurations for designing an ideal shape of nozzle so as to generate intense beam and to facilitate generation of controllable cluster sizes. For this study, a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, originally introduced by Bird in 1970, has been further developed [10]. The DSMC method is a probabilistic method employing a number of simulating “particles” in the model which is many orders of magnitude less than the real number of atoms in a gas. A large number of nozzle sizes, apex angles and shapes, with diffuse and secular atomic reflection at nozzle walls, have been studied. Strong effects of the nozzle shape were found on the flow variables: beam intensity, flow density, and nucleation rate at constant gas temperature. Figure 3 shows comparison between a Laval nozzle (a) and a conical nozzle(b). The lines on these two plots show the streamlines that reflect the flow intensity and direction. It has shown that an intense directional beam can be formed in the conical nozzle. Cluster ion beam currents of several hundred µA have been demonstrated. At these levels, many production applications are economically available. Other applications will require beam currents as high Figure 3. Comparison between two nozzle shapes: (a) Laval nozzle, (b) conical nozzle 728 as 1mA or more. Current development programs are expected to introduce commercial 1mA GCIB system within about two years. 2)Sputtering and Smoothing A characteristic of bombardment by large cluster ions is lateral sputtering effect. The angular distribution of sputtered atoms by Ar cluster ion shows laterally ejected one. This was the first experimental evidence of “lateral sputtering” effect. Very high sputtering yields on various materials by cluster ion have been observed in experiments and in computer simulation studies. During the project, smoothing of CVD diamond films deposited on Si has been studied by Mitsubishi Materials Co. to use them for X-ray lithography mask membranes. Diamond films (32mmx32mm in area) with initial roughness of 70nm have been smoothed to 3nm by 20keV Ar cluster ions at a dose of 3x1017ions/cm2. At GCIB current of 50µA, it took 160 min. With a conventional mechanical polishing, it will take about 54 hours. Figure 5 shows phase-contrast microscope images of diamond surfaces before and after GCIB treatment. PROCESS DEVELOPMENT 1) Shallow ion implantation Implantation characteristics of monomer ions, small cluster ions and large cluster ions are very different even at the same energy per atom, not only with respect to implant range, but also in terms of damage formations. For semiconductor devices, especially for CMOS fabrication, major emphasis has been placed on development of very low energy ion implantation to introduce dopant into ultra-shallow depths. In the case of B, only a few hundred eV are required. As has been noted above, low-energy implantation is an ideal application for ions containing many B atoms in one ion. Figure 4 shows cluster size dependence on the number of displacements in Si and energy deposition on Si target by a 20keV Ar cluster ion. In the case of cluster size larger than 10,000, there is no displaced Si atom although 6keV of energy is deposited. It is also seen that the largest number of displacements are caused by clusters with size about 3000. In 1996, first p-MOSFETs were fabricated by Fujitsu /Kyoto univ. group to demonstrate B10H14 implantation for shallow source/drain formation[11]. In the following year, 40nm p-MOSFETs were fabricated[9]. B10H14 ion implantation for p-type source/drain (S/D) junctions was performed at acceleration energy of 30keV with a dose of 1x1013 ions/cm2 and was followed by annealing at 1000oC for 10sec. A junction depth of 20 nm was achieved. For S/D extensions, B10H14 at 2 keV was implanted with a dose of 1x1012ions/cm2 followed by annealing at 900oC for 10sec. A 7nm ultra-shallow junction without TED or TD was achieved. Equipment development is in progress under a program of the Japan Science and Technology Corporation to realize B10H14 implantor with beam current of 3mA at 3keV of acceleration energy. 2) Thin film formation GCIB can be utilized for thin film deposition at low temperatures. The dense energy deposition produced by individual cluster impacts significantly enhances the chemical reactions even at low temperatures. High chemical reactivity of GCIB and control over film microstructure has been demonstrated using O2 cluster ion assisted deposition conducted by an Adachi new industry co. and Himeji Inst. of Tech. group. Multilayer structures of Ta2O5 and SiO2 have been made using O2-GCIB bombardment during Ta2O5 and SiO2 evaporation by e-beam source[9]. Figure 6 shows a cross-sectional SEM image of a Ta2O5/SiO2 multilayer and AFM images of the interface. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 7th layers from the bottom were formed with 7keV O2-GCIB assisted deposition. The 5th and 6th layers were formed without GCIB irradiation. Structure of O2-GCIB assisted was uniform with flat interfaces and there were no porous or columnar structures. In contrast, the layers produced without GCIB assist shows porous grains and rough interfaces. By using GCIB assisted deposition, very uniform and dense films without porosity or columnar structure were obtained. 2k 1k 200 100 20 10 2 1 20000 18000 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 total 20keV Displacements Energy Deposition 10 100 1000 4000 2000 10000 Energy Deposition to Target [eV] Number of Displacements Energy per Atom [eV] 15000 14000 13000 12000 11000 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0 Cluster Size (a) Before irradiation (b) After Ar-GCIb irradiation Figure 5. Phase-Contrast Microscope images of the CVD diamond surfaces (a) before and (b) after Ar-GCIB irradiation. Figure 4. Cluster size dependence on the number of displacements and the energy deposition on Si by 20keV Ar cluster ion 729 O2-GCIB Without O2-GCIB Ta2O5 SiO2 Ta2O5 SiO2 O2-GCIB Ta2O5 SiO2 7th Ra=0.7nm 6th 5th Top surface : O2 GCIB assist deposition (Ta2O5) 4th 3rd 2nd SEM cross-sectional view of Ta2O5/SiO2 Ra = 1.5nm Without O2 GCIB assist (SiO2) Figure 6. SEM cross-sectional image of Ta2O5/SiO2 multiplayer film and AFM images at the interfaces between layers The Nomura Plating Co./Himeji Inst. Tech. group has studied very hard DLC films, which are formed by Ar-GCIB assisted deposition during the evaporation of C60. When DLC film was formed with 7keV Ar cluster ions, hardness of DLC film reached 5,000kg/mm2 (50GPa). Hardness of DLC films formed by other methods (RF plasma, ion plating and ECR plasma) was around 2000kg/mm2. Also friction coefficients of the GCIB-assisted DLC films were approximately 0.1, which was almost 1/5 lower than those formed by other methods. The sp2 contents of DLC films were evaluated by near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra using synchrotron radiation. By integrating the intensity of carbon K-edge peak, which corresponding to the transition from C1s orbital to p* orbital, relative sp2 contents of various DLC films were estimated. The sp2 contents of DLC films formed by GCIB assisted deposition were lower than those formed by other methods. The hardness measured with a nano-indentation technique was found to have strong correlation to sp2 contents in DLC films. This result suggests that Ar GCIB assisted deposition was able to form hard DLC films with a high fraction of sp3 bonding. REFERENCES 7. K. Goto, J. Matsuo, Y. Tada, T, Tanaka, Y. Momiyama, T. Sugii, and I. Yamada, IEDM Tech. Dig., IEEE (1997), p. 471. 8. J.J. Sun, K. Shimazaw, N. Kasahara, K. Sato, T. Kagami, S. Saruki, S. Araki, and M. Matsuzaki, J. Appl. Phys. 89(2001)6653. 9. K.Shirai, Y.Fujiwara, R. Takahashi, N. Toyoda, S. Matsui, T. Mitamura, M.Terawawa and I. Yamada, Jpn. Appl. Phys. 41 (2002) 4291. 10. Z. Insepov, I. Yamada, submitted in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Comp. Simul. of Rad. Effects in Solids (COSIRES2002), Dresden, Germany, 2002. 11. K. Goto, J. Matsuo, T. Sugii, H. Minakata, I. Yamada, IEDM Tech Dig. 1996, IEEE (1996) p. 435. SUMMARY The present status of the research and development programs and the characteristics of cluster ion beam processing have been presented. Potential applications of GCIB processes in industry have been suggested. Non-linear and non-equilibrium effects due to bombardment of large cluster ions are now attracting attention as new technology in the area of ion beam processing. GCIB processing is an advanced approach which will contribute to further progress in this field. This work is supported by New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) and by Ministry of Economy and Technology for Industry (METI). 1. W.L.Brown, M.F.Jarrold, R.L.McEachern, M.Sosnowski, G.Takaoka, H. Usui and I. Yamada, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B, 59/60 (1991) 182. 2. E.W. Becker , ‘On the history of cluster beams’, in F. Trager and G. zu Putlitz, eds, Proc. Internat. Symp. On Metal Clusters - 1986, Springer Verlag, Berlin (1986) p1. 3. I. 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