Radiation Effects on Yttria-stabilized ZrO2 Single Crystals with Helium and Xenon Ions at RT and 923 K. K. Hojou, T. Hojo, N. Sasajima*, N. Nitani, T. Yamashita, K. Minato and S. Furuno. Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, Tokai-mura, Ibaraki-ken 319-1195, Japan * National Metrology Institute of Japan, AIST, tukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken 305-8561, Japan Abstract. In situ electron microscope observation were performed to investigate damage evolution in Yttria-stabilized ZrO2 single crystals during 35 keV He+ and 60 keV Xe2+ ions irradiation at room temperature and 923 K, respectively. No amorphization occurred in the specimens irradiated with the high dose of He and Xe ions at room temperature and 650 °C, respectively. The bubble densities and size were hardly increased with the fluence of both helium and xenon ions irradiation but bubbles were found to grow at 923 K. By annealing at 1073 K to 1523 K after Xe ion irradiation, bubbles were observed to grow, showing bimodal size distribution. On the other hand, in the case of He ion irradiation, bubbles were found to shrink and decrease in density by annealing at above 1473 K. INTRODUCTION New concepts on inert matrix fuels and their burning in light water reactors (LWRs) have been studied to use surplus plutonium [1, 3]. Since the spent fuels would become high level radioactive wastes (HLWs) without further processing, the rock like fuels should be designed to satisfy the requirement of a chemical stability and a high resistance to radiation damage over a wide temperature range and under severe irradiation conditions. For the estimation of radiation stability during reactor irradiation, it is thus important to clarify the damage structure or damage mechanism of the fuel materials. Fission fragments with initial energy of several ten MeV lose their energy mainly by electron excitation, resulting in ionization and heat production. As the kinetic energy of the moving atoms decreases, they lose their energy by nuclear collision of the hard sphere kind in which large energy transfer can occur producing in a high number of displacement. Low energy ion irradiation, therefore, cause effectively defect clustering, bubble formation and amorphization. A12O3 [4-6], Spinel (MgAl2O4) [7-8] and stabilized ZrO2 [3, 9, 10] are expected to be the candidate materials because of their high radiation stability. In particular, extensive data have been recently accumulated about physical and chemical changes of irradiation effects on stabilized ZrO2 [11-13]. However, the radiation effects on ZrO2 under irradiation are not well known. In this study to investigate radiation damage in the rock-like fuels produced by a-particles or fission fragments, single crystals of stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) were irradiated with low energy helium (He) and xenon (Xe) ion in the transmission electron microscope (TEM) at room temperature (RT) and 923 K. Helium ion irradiation is the simulation of a-decay damage and Xe atoms is one of the most abundant fission fragments. The irradiated specimens were annealed in the TEM and annealing effects on these bubbles are also reported. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES Specimens used in the present work were yttriastabilized (10 mol% Y2O3) cubic Zirconia with (111) orientation produced by Furuuchi Chemical Co. Both sides of these samples were polished with diamond paste to mirror-like finish and discs with diameter of 3 mm were cut off from the wafers by an ultrasonic cutter. Then discs were dimpled to a thickness of 1020 \JL m at the center part of disc using a dimpling machine. Perforation was achieved by etching with 3 keV Arc ions at an incident angle of 20~ from the surface of specimen. Final polishing was carried out with 2 keV Ar+ ions at 15- at RT. All TEM samples were annealed at 1573 K for 1 hour in air in order to eliminate the defects induced by ion polishing. The in-situ observation during ion irradiation was made using a 200 keV transmission electron microscope of JEM-2000F type (JEOL) combined with 40 keV ion accelerator (Origin Electric. Co.). In the TEM specimen chamber, an incident ion was deflected downward by 30 degrees with electrostatic prism and implanted at an angle of 60 degrees to the surface of specimen. The beam was of 35 keV He ions at a flux of 5xl017 He/m2s and 60 keV Xe2+ ions at a flux of CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 647 5xl0 16 Xe/m2s. Irradiation was in a total fluence of l.SxlO 21 He/m2 and l.SxlO 20 Xe/m2, respectively. Irradiation was performed at room temperature and 923 K. From the calculation using TRIM code, the average range and damage peak depth of ions in ZrO2 irradiated with 35 keV He ions were estimated to be 169 nm and 130 nm and 60 keV Xe ions were estimated to be 19 nm and 11 nm, respectively, using a density of 5.48x103 Kg/m3 and a displacement energy of 60 eV. The damage rates at the peak damage level are l.lxlO" 3 dpa/s for He ion irradiation and l.lxlO" 2 dpa/a for Xe ion irradiations, respectively. All the irradiations were carried out for one hour. From this calculation, about 30% to 40% of the implanted He ions and 100% of the Xe ions were considered to stop within the specimens in the observed area of thickness of about 100 nm. These helium and xenon atoms are considered to contribute to the bubble formation. To examine the temperature dependence of radiation damage and bubble formation, YSZ specimens were irradiated with 35 keV He + and 60 keV Xe2+ ions at the room temperature and 923 K. After ion irradiations, to understand the annealing behavior the specimens were annealed in the TEM and bubbles growth process was examined. Temperature was raised stepwise at 373 K intervals up to 1473 K and then to 1523 K in a Gatan hot stage of single tilts type. At each annealing stage specimens were annealed for 10 min up to 1173 K and then annealed for 20 min from 1273 K to 1473 K. homogeneously formed at an early stage of the irradiation at a fluence of 6xl019 He/m2. Total dpa of this fluence was estimated to be about 0.5 dpa. Both the number density and the size of defect clusters increased with the increasing fluence up to 3xl020 He/m2 , as shown in Fig.l (b). As the irradiation proceeded, the defect cluster increased gradually, tangled and the number density decreased. Bubbles were formed at the fluence near 9x10,20 He/m2 , as shown in Fig. 1 (c). For this fluence, the total dpa was estimated to be about 8 dpa. As the irradiation proceeded these bubbles continued to increase in number density but the size of bubbles did not increase to more than about 2.5 nm diameter at a fluence of l.SxlO 21 He/m2, as shown in Fig. 1 (d). Amorphization did not occur as shown by the selected area electron diffraction patterns. Fig. 2 shows the damage evolution in YSZ during 60 keV Xe2+ ions irradiation at room temperature. Very small defect clusters less than 1 nm with dot contrast were formed at a fluence of 6xl018 Xe/m2, as shown in Fig. 2 (a). Total dpa of this fluence was estimated to be about 1.3 dpa. Defect clusters increased with the increasing fluence up to 3x1019 Xe/m2 and then bubbles were observed at same fluence, as shown in Fig. 2 (b). The density of bubbles increased with increasing fluence but the size of bubbles did not increase to more than about 1 nm diameter at a fluence of l.SxlO 20 Xe/m2, as shown in Fig. 2 (d). Amorphization did not observed by the selected area electron diffraction patterns of YSZ irradiated with Xe ion to a fluence of l.SxlO 20 Xe/m2 at RT, as shown in Fig. 2 (d) and total dpa of this fluence was about 40 dpa. We did not indicate that the YSZ transforms into another crystalline phase upon ion irradiation, even at very large dpa. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Effect of He+ and Xe2+ Ions Irradiation at Room Temperature Fig. 1 shows the damage evolution in YSZ during He+ ion irradiation at room temperature. Very small defect clusters less than 1 nm with weak contrast were FIGURE 1 TEM image of (111) plane of stabilized ZrO2 during 35 keV He+ ion irradiation at room temperature, (a) 6xl019 He/m2, (b) 3xl020 He/m2, (c) 9xl020 He/m2 (d) l.SxlO 21 He/m2 648 FIGURE 2 TEM image of (111) plane of stabilized ZrO2 during 60 keV Xe2+ ion irradiation at room temperature, (a) 6xl018 Xe/m2, (b) 3xl019 Xe/m2, (c) 6xl019 Xe/m2 (d) 9xl019 Xe/m2, (e) l.SxlO20 Xe/m2 Effect of He+ and Xe2+ Ions Irradiation at 923 K helium atoms may diffuse towards the surface of thin specimen easily due to its high mobility and are considered to escape from the surface, resulting in the reduction of bubble diameter and the decrease of babbles density. Furthermore, in this temperature range no change in crystal structure can be observed from the electron diffraction patters. In the case of Xe2+ ions irradiation at 923 K, very small defect clusters which seemed to be small dislocation loops were formed within early irradiation time and its total dpa was about 0.3 dpa at fluence of l.SxlO 18 Xe/m2, as shown in Fig. 4 (a). They increased gradually and tangled, as the irradiation proceeded. On the one hand, bubbles were formed at the fluence near 6xl018 Xe/m , as shown in Fig. 4 (b). As the irradiation proceeded these bubbles continued to increase in number density and these size continuously grew from Fig. 3 shows the damage evolution in YSZ during He+ ion irradiation at 923 K. The dislocation loop-like contrast observed at a fluence of 3xl019 He/m , as shown in Fig. 3 (a). Bubbles were observed at a fluence of 9xl020 He/m2 ,as shown in Fig. 3 (c). The size of bubbles increased with increasing fluence and the density of bubbles were found to decrease with increasing fluence, as shown in Fig. 3 (d). In comparison with the diameter of bubbles formed with a fluence of 1.4xl021 He/m2 at RT, the diameter of bubbles at 923 K was almost the same as the diameter of bubble formation at RT. But bubbles were generally expected to grow larger at high temperature than low temperature. As this reason, at high temperature FIGURE 3 TEM image of (111) plane of stabilized ZrO2 during 35 keV He+ ion irradiation at 923 K. (a) 9xl019 He/m2, (b) 3xl020 He/m2, (c) 9xl020 He/m2 (d) 1.4xl021 He/m2, (e) l.SxlO21 He/m2 649 FIGURE 4 TEM image of (111) plane of stabilized ZrO2 during 60 keV Xe2+ ion irradiation at 923 K. (a) 1.5xl018 Xe/m2, (b) 6xl018 Xe/m2, (c) 1.4xl020 Xe/m2 (d) l.SxlO20 Xe/m2 1.5 to 3.5 nm at fluence of l.SxlO 20 Xe/m2, as shown in Fig.4(d). In the irradiation with Xe ion to a fluence of l.SxlO 20 Xe/m2 at RT and 923 K, however, amorphization could not be observed from the electron diffraction patterns. In the case of A12O3 [5,6] and MgAl2O4[8], amorphization was confirmed in the specimens irradiated with Xe2+ ions at RT. It can be reasonably said, therefore, YSZ is very resistant against ion irradiation. the density of bubbles began to decrease by the annealing to 1373 K, as shown in Fig. 5 (c) and by annealing above 1473 K, the size of bubbles grew to 3 nm diameter about two times of 923 K by coalescence with each other. Furthermore, bubble was found to shrink and decrease in density at 1523 K, as shown in Fig. 5 (e). Fig. 6 showed the annealing behavior in specimen irradiated with 60 keV Xe24" ions to a fluence of l.SxlO 20 Xe/m2 at 923 K. By the annealing above 1373 K, some of the small bubbles began to grow large by coalescence with each other, resulting in the bimodal size distribution, as shown in Fig. 6 (c). Annealing Effects after Irradiation After the irradiation at 923 K to the fluence of l.SxlO21 He/m2 and l.SxlO 20 Xe/m2 in YSZ, the annealing experiments were performed at 1173 K, 1273 K, 1373 K, 1473 K and 1523 K, as shown in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6, respectively. In the case of He+ ion irradiation , DISCUSSION One of the remarkable results obtained in the present irradiation experiments is that dislocation loops form in FIGURE 5 TEM image of (111) plane of stabilized ZrO2 annealed after 35 keV He+ ion irradiation with a fluence of l.SxlO21 He/m2 at 923 K. (a) 1173 K, (b) 1273 K, (c) 1373 K, (d) 1473 K, (e) 1523 K 650 FIGURE 6 TEM image of (111) plane of stabilized ZrO2 annealed after 60 keV Xe2+ ion irradiation with a fluence of l.SxlO20 Xe/m2at 923 K. (a) 1073 K, (b) 1173 K, (c) 1273 K, (d)1373 K, (e) 1473 K early stage of irradiation and no amorphization occurs in YSZ irradiated with the high dose of He and Xe ions at room temperature and 923 K, even at very large dpa. This fact indicates that irradiation-induced interstitials are easily mobile at RT and quick to recombine with vacancies by short range migration, thus resulting in keeping the crystalline structure after high dose irradiation. The second remarkable result is that the bubbles densities increased but the size hardly increased with increasing the fluence of both helium and xenon ions irradiation at room temperature. The mobility of vacancy and/or implanted atoms was low at RT. This result suggests that bubbles nucleate by homogeneous fashion. It is considered that a large number of effective trapping centers for the implanted helium and xenon atoms are presented in the crystal and act as effective nuclei for bubble formation. These trapping centers increased with increasing of a fluence. These trapping centers are considered to consist of the vacancies, vacancy clusters or pressurized bubbles formed by ion irradiation and/or oxygen vacancies due to the addition of Y3+ into ZrO2 [11,12]. Increasing trapping centers depressed the bubble growth. As results of Xe ion irradiation at RT and 923 K, some of the trapping centers allow gas atoms to escape from the traps, and then gas atoms migrate to other stronger traps or stable complexes such as small bubbles, resulting in the growth of bubbles, as shown in Fig. 4(b) to (d). By annealing at 1073 K to 1473 K after Xe ion irradiation, bubbles were observed to grow, showing bimodal size distribution. On the other hand, in the case of He ion irradiation ( annealing up to 1523 K ), bubbles were found to shrink and decrease in density by annealing at above 1473 K. As results of annealing after He ion irradiation and the experiments of the thermal helium desorption measurements [12], the interaction of the self-interstitial atoms with heliumvacancy complexes may suggests that is weaker than xenon-vacancy complexes. But the strength of the interaction may depend on the size of these complexes which depend on the condition of ion-irradiation. This consideration may give a basic idea to account for the present observed results that bubble growth occurs during annealing at 1273 K to 1523 K after Xe ion irradiation. CONCLUSIONS The remarkable results for Yttria-stabilized ZrO2 observed in the present work are summarized as follows. (1) No amorphization were observed in YSZ irradiated with 35 keV He+ ion to the high fluence of l.SxlO 21 He/m2 ( about 16 dpa ) and 60 keV Xe24" ion to the fluence of l.SxlO20 Xe/m2 ( about 40 dpa ) at room temperature and 923 K, respectively. (2) The bubble densities increased and size were hardly increased with the fluence of both helium and xenon ions irradiation at room temperature. But the bubbles were found to grow during Xe ion irradiation at923 K. (3) In the case of Xe2+ ion irradiation, bubbles were observed to grow by annealing above 1373 K after irradiation. 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