Application of MeV ion bombardment to create micro-scale annealing of Silica-Gold films A. Bouyard¹, X. Blanchet¹, D. ILA²*, C.I. Muntele², I.C. Muntele², R.L. Zimmerman² 1 2 Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 43 boulevard du 11 novembre 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France Center for Irradiation of Materials, Alabama A&M University, P.O Box 1447, Normal, AL 35762-1447, USA Abstract: This project studies the production of nanoscale annealing using MeV Si ion beams. To test the technique we produced thin films of Au-Silica by sequential deposition of Au and SiO2 on Suprasil substrates. We measured the thickness of the deposited films with an interferometer and by using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS). Using the measured thickness we calculated the concentration of Au in each film. TRIM simulation was used to confirm our results. Since the localized annealing causes the formation of gold nanoclusters, we performed optical absorption photospectrometry (OAP) on all slides, before deposition, after deposition, and after bombardment by MeV Si beams. Optical index changes are apparent in the sequentially deposited multilayer samples that were not seen in Au-silica co-deposited samples with the same volume fraction of gold INTRODUCTION During the last decade, metallic ion implantation and thermal annealing have been used to change the linear and the non-linear optical properties near the surface of silica glass [1-8]. Bombardment of ion implanted samples has been shown [9,10] to replace thermal annealing as a method to form nanoclusters of the implanted atoms. An attractive property of ion implantation is that ions can be focused in a welldefined space in an optical device, to induce local changes in its linear and nonlinear properties. Moreover, the size distribution of the nanoclusters formed by post implantation bombardment is surprisingly narrow a requirement for future applications of metallic nanocrystals as quantum dots. It has long been known that small metallic particles or colloids embedded in dielectrics produce colors associated with optical absorption at the surface plasmon resonance frequency [6,7], which depends on the index of refraction of the host substrate and the electronic properties of the colloids formed in the host material. For clusters with diameters much smaller than the wavelength of light, the theories of Mie [8] can be used to calculate the absorption coefficient (cm-1) of the composite: α= 18πQn0 λ 3 (ε ε2 1 + 2n0 ) +ε 2 2 2 2 (1) where Q is the volume fraction occupied by the metallic particles, no, is the refractive index of the host medium, and ε1 and ε2 are the real and imaginary parts of the frequency-dependent dielectric constant of the bulk metal. Equation (1) is a Lorentzian function with a maximum value at the surface plasmon resonance frequency (νp). Values of ε1 for the metals, as a function of wavelength, are tabulated in [11]. Using the measured no for various wavelengths, one can predict from equation (1) the photon wavelengths for the surface plasmon resonance frequencies of metallic colloids in the photorefractive host materials. This method provides the wavelength for the gold colloids in silica, suprasil 300 as host material, to be near 530 nm [7, 11-14]. To produce nanoclusters such as gold in a silica medium, the implantations are done at high doses (1 to 2×1017 ions/cm2) to overcome the solubility of the implanted species in the substrate. This is also why there is a wide distribution of cluster sizes and wide distribution depth of the clusters in depth produced by the above techniques. To overcome this problem, since 1994, we initiated a series of investigations into how to confine the implanted ions in a narrow layer. This was done by generating chemical barriers, engineering defect barriers on both sides of the implanted layer, as well as combining two non-equilibrium processes: ion implantation and post-implantation irradiation [12-14]. In our previous publications we have shown that the phase change from implanted Au in silica at room temperature to nano-crystals of Au is purely a function of energy deposited by electronic excitation per ion in CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 643 the track in the Au implanted layer [12-14] and not a function of fluence or dose. In this paper we produce gold layers between silica layers by sequentially depositing gold and silica by e-beam evaporation. Subsequently thermal annealing is shown to produce layers of nanocrystals with optical properties essentially identical with nanocrystals formed thermally after gold ion implantation. Finally, we report here the successful formation of gold nanocrystals in deposited metal films embedded between silica layers by bombardment through the layers with silicon ions. The sequentially deposited Au-SiO2 samples reported here differ distinctly from the co-deposited Au-SiO2 samples previously reported [12-14] because the gold atoms are in a pure layer between pure SiO2 layers, not randomly distributed in a SiO2 host. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES The silica glass for both the substrate and as a deposition source was Suprasil-300, a commercial product of Heraeus Amersil, Inc. and is of known purity. Gold and silica were evaporated from independently controlled e-beam evaporators whose shutters were opened sequentially such that a layered structure was formed on the substrate at room temperature. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) was used to measure the total thickness of the structure and the amount of gold in each layer. Figure 1 shows the RBS spectrum of a surface layer and five layers of gold embedded between five layers of SiO2. The layers examined in Figure 1 were on a carbon substrate used as a witness during simultaneous deposition on the Suprasil research samples. When account is taken for the higher Rutherford cross section of nitrogen ions backscattered from deep in the structure, the five subsurface gold layers each had within 15% equal thickness of 6 nm. Compared with the total thickness of the structure, measured optically as well as by RBS as 580 nm, the atomic ratio of Au to SiO2 is 14%. The volume fraction Q is 5% and may be used in Eq. 1 if 100% of the gold layer is transformed to spherical nanocrystals. Si ions were used to induce the formation of nanocrystals following methods described in earlier work [12-14] with ion implanted gold layers. The energy of the bombarding Si particles (5.0 MeV) was selected such that the Si ions stopped well beyond the depth of the Au deposited layers, such that the energy deposited in the gold-containing layers was due mainly to the electronic energy loss. Fluences of silicon between 5×1015 ions/cm2 and 2×1017 ions/cm2 were for gold nanocluster formation. In all of the above postimplantation bombardments the temperature of the silica host was kept at 300K. The optical absorption photospectrometry (OAP), FTIR and RAMAN spectra were obtained and analyzed. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Higher ion beam fluences and higher atomic numbers of the bombarding ions resulted in more damage to the silica glass, and a subsequent change of the optical properties [7, 11-14]. This was observed by OAP during all bombardments. These effects are reduced with heat treatments above 970K [11,12]. Optical absorption measurements, together with Equation 1, rather than electron microscopy, a destructive process, were used to monitor the formation of nanocrystals. Figure 2 shows the optical absorption 0.25 0.20 Au 100 197 Absorbance(A.U.) Counts per Channel Multilayer Au:SiO2 on GPC 0.15 0.10 0.05 0 200 400 600 Channel Number 0.00 200 800 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Wavelength(nm) Figure 2: Optical Absorption spectrum of the Multilayer Au-SiO2 structure on a Suprasil substrate. Figure 1: 5 MeV N14 ion RBS spectrum of Au-SiO2 multilayer on a carbon substrate produced by sequential ebeam deposition 644 of the multilayer Au-SiO2 sample before Si ion bombardment. The periodic oscillating variation in optical absorption is an interference effect owing to the different index of refraction of the substrate and deposited material. After bombardment by 4 MeV Si ions at 5x1016 cm-2, Figure 3 shows the optical absorption in the region where Equation 1 and the published values of the parameters for gold and silica would predict optical absorption. Figure 3 reveals an absorption band centered at 490 nm and an increased general absorption that has obscured the interference effects displayed in the as prepared sample. Higher Si ion fluence has previously been shown [14] to further increase the damage without increasing the evidence for nanocrystal formation. Figure 4 is the same sample after annealing for 1 hour at 1100oC. The optical evidence of damage is reduced, especially at shorter wavelengths. The interference effects on the transmission of light through Absorbance(A.U.) 0.2 0.1 0.0 300 400 500 600 700 800 Wavelength(nm) Figure 3: Optical absorption of Au SiO2 multilayer after 4 MeV Si ion bombardment. 0.2 o Annealed at 1100 C o Annealed at 1100 C and 17 -2 Optical Density 4 MeV Si ions 1x10 cm 420 nm 0.1 280 nm 0.0 200 400 600 800 Wavelength (nm) Figure 5: Comparison of a multilayer Au-SiO2 device after thermal annealing and then after silicon ion bombardment the thin film have returned. That these effects do not appear in other samples indicates that the effective index of refraction is different in the multilayered structure. Figure 5 is the optical absorption of a thermally annealed multilayered Au-SiO2 film sample compared with the same sample that has in addition 4 MeV silicon ion bombardment. Simulation shows [15] that energy is transferred preponderantly only to electrons in the film and that the ions stop in the SiO2 substrate well beyond the 580 nm film.. Although no TEM micrographs are yet available for the samples reported here, the similarity of the optical absorption data with previous similarly post bombarded samples for which TEMs were taken are consistent with equally uniform gold precipitates. CONCLUSIONS A comparison of the results obtained from post bombardment of Au implanted silica with results obtained from bombardment of co-deposited Au-silica films indicates the possibility of producing multi layered devices using a sequential deposition technique. 0.20 Absorbance(A.U.) 0.15 0.10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 0.05 0.00 300 400 500 600 700 800 Wavelength(nm) Figure 4: Optical absorption of Au-SiO2 multilayer after 4MeV Si ion bombardment and annealing for 1 hour at 1100oC. This project was supported by the Center for Irradiation of Materials at Alabama A&M University. 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