Low Energy Palladium Implantation in Silicon Carbide: Solid State Gas Sensors Claudiu I. Muntele, Daryush Ila, Robert L. Zimmerman Center for Irradiation of Materials, Alabama A&M University, P. O. Box 1447, Normal, AL 35762-1447 Abstract. Silicon carbide is used in developing gas sensors for elevated temperature applications (400~ 800 °C), in oxidizing environments. The option for this material was based on the cumulus of attractive properties that it offers, such as stability up to 2700 °C, oxidation resistance up to 800 °C, and wide bandgap, which practically eliminates other semiconductor materials. When hydrogen detection is desired, the most suitable combination appears to be palladium either implanted into [1, 2] or deposited on the silicon carbide substrate [3, 4]. Here we present the methodology that we developed for gas sensor fabrication using low energy palladium implantation followed by controlled surface sputtering. The in-house built sensor testing facility is also described. Sensor parameters and performances, as well as behavior in the presence of small concentrations of hydrogen into an inert gas (Ar) are also presented here. improved, based on the zero diffusivity coefficient of palladium in silicon carbide at temperatures up to 800 °C. Consequently, the region rich in palladium won’t be destroyed, as in the case of classical sensors, where palladium is deposited as a thin surface layer that exfoliates at temperatures much lower than 800 ˚C, damaging the contact to the silicon carbide material causing the entire device to losing the efficiency in detecting hydrogen. The study addressed problems like final ion distribution and concentration vs. device sensitivity, sensing mechanism, and lattice defect evolution as a function of implantation parameters and temperature. INTRODUCTION We investigated the approach of producing hydrogen sensors using implantation of palladium ions to create a p-n structure; several other research teams have investigated the effects of ion implantation for doping purposes in silicon carbide. The literature published in the past few years contains several good studies of damage evolution for light (hydrogen, helium, oxygen) [5, 6, 7] to medium (germanium) [8] ion implantation in silicon carbide. More recently, we studied the effects of heavier ion implantation in this material [9, 10]. A multi-year study of fabricating hydrogen sensors using palladium implantation was performed at the Center for Irradiation of Materials at Alabama A&M University (CIM-AAMU). Palladium is a good catalyst to be used for this type of sensor, to enable the sensitivity of silicon carbide to hydrogen. Previous studies were performed on palladium coatings on semiconductors including silicon carbide, with a good sensitivity to hydrogen at low temperatures, but not withstanding high temperatures for times longer than a few minutes. The leading hypothesis for our work was that palladium ions implanted in the silicon carbide host material would still have the catalytic effect on the hydrogen, while the stability in time would be EXPERIMENTAL WORK Samples of 6H n-type silicon carbide were used as a semiconductor substrate material for fabricating test devices. For palladium implantation, we used the Extrion low energy ion implanter and Ion-X tandem ion accelerator facilities available within the Solid State Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory, as well as the NEC Model 5SDH-2 tandem ion accelerator at the Center for Irradiation of Materials of Alabama A&M University (CIM-AAMU). Several CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 621 electroplated with gold and the sample was secured on the cooper holder with silver paste realizing a ohmic contact (Figure 1). To provide a closed environment with a limited volume for gas exchange and temperature control over an extended range, the sample holder and the electrical contacts were suspended inside a vacuum-type cylindrical enclosure terminated with conflat flanges equipped with feedthroughs for gas and electrical connections. The sample chamber was placed inside a PID controlled furnace (Figure 2) allowing measurements at temperatures between 20 and 500 °C. Several gas species were available for flowing through the test chamber: ultra-pure argon, forming gas (an argonhydrogen mixture containing 4% hydrogen), ultra-pure nitrogen, and dry air. The response to hydrogen (electrical current across the device) and the device recovery in air (with no hydrogen flow) were monitored as functions of time and temperature, for bias voltages of either +1 or –1 V [12]. implantation fluences and ion energies were tried, in order to achieve the best solution for the sensor targeted. The most representative ones are grouped in Table 1 under three distinctive sets. The implantation conditions for the first set of samples were chosen such that a large spectrum was covered with a minimum of samples to be prepared. Once some optimum conditions were identified, a second set of samples were prepared and investigated. Finally, a third set of samples was implanted at very specific parameters, adding a post-implantation sputtering of their damaged surface layers, for testing the hypotheses formulated to explain the sensing mechanism. To sputter the surface of this last set of samples, we used a 175 mA argon ion beam of 700 eV. The experimentally found sputtering rate for these conditions of the argon beam on silicon carbide was 54.3 Å/min. The thickness of the surface layer to be sputtered from each sample of the third set was chosen from SRIM [11] simulations for the final distributions of palladium in the silicon carbide such that most (95%) of the implanted palladium was preserved in the substrate. Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) measurements on the samples before and after the sputtering confirmed the SRIM predictions. The methods of analysis used were current vs. voltage and current vs. time (at constant voltage) electrical measurements, RBS for in-depth distribution of the implanted ions and layer thickness of the deposited material, and confocal micro-Raman spectroscopy (MR) for lattice damage assessment and monitoring. There were two main types of electronic devices fabricated and investigated: p-n junctions and metal-semiconductor structures with rectifying characteristics. FIGURE 1. Schematic drawing of the I-V setup. TABLE 1. Implantation Conditions for Selected Samples. Set 1 70 130 Energy (keV) 130 2e+15 3.2e+16 Fluence (cm-2) 3e+14 Set 2 160 160 Energy (keV) 80 1e+15 1.2e+16 Fluence (cm-2) 1e+15 Set 3 50 70 Energy (keV) 35 1e+15 1e+15 Fluence (cm-2) 1e+15 The electrical measurements were performed using a Keithley low-current meter. The voltage was applied on the sample holder (copper plate) and the current was collected with a copper needle probe (ohmic current drain) from the implanted side of the sample. All copper parts in contact with the sample were FIGURE 2. Picture of the I-V setup, with the mechanism holding the test box outside the furnace. In the back are the plastic tubes feeding various gases. 622 The n-p-n structure formed here is similar to considering two back-to-back diodes. Therefore, for any positive or negative voltage applied, one diode will always be in the forward bias mode (small effective resistivity), and the other in reverse bias mode (high effective resistivity). Whichever p-n junction is reverse biased, it will set the current flow through the entire device. The confirmation of this working model was given by the electrical measurements of the sputtered samples (the third set), on which the top p-n junction was removed. Therefore, the resulting device was giving response to hydrogen just under positive applied voltage (Figure 4), and no response under the applied negative voltage (Figure 5). RESULTS; ELECTRICAL MODEL From the electrical measurements on the first set of samples [13] we established that the best results were obtained for the samples implanted with 1×1015 ions/cm2. Lower values were not providing enough palladium atoms for catalysis, while higher fluences were damaging too much the crystalline lattice of silicon carbide with negative effects on the electrical carrier conduction. The second set of samples [12] confirmed this observation, while also showing that a device with a shallow palladium distribution (lower implantation energy) gives a faster response to hydrogen than one with a deeper distribution (higher implantation energy). This phenomenon is directly related with the path that the gas containing hydrogen has to travel through the defective surface layer to reach the palladium-rich region. Our proposed explanation for the hydrogen sensing mechanism displayed by the implanted samples is that after the implantation of palladium into the n-type silicon carbide, an n-p-n type of structure is obtained (Figure 3). Although no thermal annealing is involved after the implantation, most of the palladium is activated through a local annealing process (thermal spike) taking place during the implantation. In a typical sensor response, we could identify three stages: slow response, rapid response, and saturation. The first stage can be explained by the gas coming in contact with the surface and starting to diffuse inside, reaching first the region between the surface and the palladium enriched layer, which has a low content of palladium, resulting in a small amount of carriers injected in the material. During the second stage, of moving deeper in the material, the gas is dissociated and adsorbed by the increased amount of palladium, process associated with a large injection of carriers in the device. Finally, when the palladium reached its absorbing capacity, the sensor goes in the saturation mode and it needs resetting in oxygen. During the sensor recovery (reset), similar stages can be identified. FIGURE 4. Response to hydrogen for U=+1V of the sample implanted at 100 keV (Set 3) before and after sputtering. FIGURE 3. Electrical model proposed for explaining the sensing behavior of the silicon carbide device. FIGURE 5: Response to hydrogen for U=−1V of the sample implanted at 100 keV (Set 3) before and after sputtering. 623 CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES The work presented here demonstrates the possibility for fabricating hydrogen sensors using ion implantation of palladium in silicon carbide. The optimum implantation fluence was established to be in the 1015 ions/cm2 region, as a good trade between losing the sensing because of an excess of ion implantation damages and losing it because of insufficient palladium atoms in the device. For the energy of ions, it was proven that the lower the energy (lower penetration depth, therefore closer to surface), the faster is the device’s response to hydrogen. A sensing mechanism was proposed and it was proven consistent with the experimental results obtained. The behavior of the sensor produced by ion implantation is, however, different than for the case of sensors on which palladium was applied by regular deposition methods. Although the sensors produced were not tested at temperatures higher than 400 ˚C, they are expected to function at temperature as high as 800 ˚C as well. Above this temperature the oxidation of silicon and carbon begins to take place, damaging the device. Defect recovery by annealing, however, has a very low yield even at temperatures above 1100 ˚C [10]. 1. L. Chen, G. W. Hunter, and P. G. Neudeck, in 190th Meeting of the Electron Society, 1996. 2. M. A. George, M. A. Ayoub, D. Ila, and D. J. Larkin, in S. Binari, A. Burk, M. Mellock, and C. Nguyen (ed.) Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 572, 2000, p. 123. 3. C. I. Muntele, D. Ila, E. K. Williams, D. B. Poker, and D. K. Hensley, in C. H. 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