DNA Breaks, Chromosomal Aberrations And Cell Inactivation Induced By K Ionization Events In DNA M.A. Hervé du Penhoat1, A. Boissière1, A. Eschenbrenner1, F. Abel1, M. Lamoureux1, M.F. Politis1, L. Sabatier2, E. Sage3, A. Touati1, A. Chetioui1 1 Groupe de Physique des Solides, Universités Paris 6 et Paris 7, UMR CNRS 75-88, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris cedex 05, France 2 Laboratoire deRadiobiologie et Oncologie, CEA.DSV.DRR, BP 6, 92265 Fontenay aux Roses, France 3 Laboratoire de Genotoxixité et Modulation de l'expression génique, Institut Curie-Recherche, 91405 Orsay cedex, France Abstract. It is often thought that unrepaired or misrepaired complex DNA double-strand breaks are responsible for cell inactivation and chromosomal aberrations. Here the role of inner-shell (core) ionizations in DNA atoms is studied. Ultrasoft X-rays from LURE synchrotron radiation have been used to produce core events which mimic the ones induced by ionizing radiations. By tuning the X-ray energy below and above the carbon K-threshold, it is possible to achieve a two-fold increase of the number of core-ionizations in DNA for a same dose in cell. Cell survival, DNA double-strand breaks and chromosomal aberrations have thus been studied, at three energies iso-attenuated in biological samples:~ 250, 350 and 800 eV. The relative biological efficiencies of a given dose in cells to induce cell inactivation and chromosome aberrations appear governed by the yields of core events in DNA. On the other hand, the lethal and DNA-breaking efficiencies of core events in DNA appear strongly correlated. correlated induction of CA4, presumably via DSB misrejoining. However it is sometimes conjectured that only a minority of DSBs, called reactive ones, participate in misrejoining5. It has been suggested that reactive DSBs might be particularly complex DSBs or DSBs formed in clusters 6. Analyses of the microscopic features of radiation tracks have initially pointed out the capacity of low-energy electrons to induce clustered damages in DNA and therefore to produce strong biological consequences. Their large capacity to produce soft electrons was for instance thought to play a key role in the large relative biological efficiency (RBE) of ultrasoft X-rays, defined as usual with respect to γ-rays. More precisely, for the various electromagnetic radiations investigated, RBEs were found correlated with the frequencies of clusters of energy deposition of more than 100 eV in 2 nm-size DNA segments 7. Here we want to investigate the biological role of another type of energy clusters in particle tracks : those from inner-shell ionizations (core-ionizations) in DNA atoms. INTRODUCTION DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are a particularly genotoxic form of DNA damage. Their connection with cell inactivation and chromosomal aberrations (CA) is well established. For radiations with low linear energy transfer (LET), a correlation between the cell fraction surviving to a given dose and the corresponding mean number of DSBs per cell was initially pointed out1. However, this correlation was shown not to hold for large-LET ions. Instead, for two cell lines and for a large range of incident particles, the inactivation probability was found roughly proportional to the number of DSBs unrejoined 4 hrs after irradiation2. Also, for many cell lines, the surviving fraction after a 2-Gy dose in γ-rays was found strongly correlated with the fraction of DSBs unrejoined 24 hrs after irradiation3. This raised the picture of a category of more complex DSBs as being responsible for cell inactivation. DSBs are also involved in the formation of CA, as shown by experiments in which an onset of these lesions was found accompanied by a CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 52 events on DNA is thus about twice larger for X-ray energies between 290 and 540 eV than for energies just below 290 eV or just above 540 eV 11,12. IMPLICATION OF DNA COREEVENTS IN THE BIOLOGICAL EFFECTIVENESS OF IONIZING RADIATIONS U Early experiments have demonstrated a lethal and mutagenic effectiveness of core ionizations in phosphorus (P) atoms of DNA 8,9. However, because of the lower abundance and the smaller ionization cross sections of P atoms in comparison with the other ones of DNA, P core ionizations are expected to have a small contribution to the overall radiation effects. On the other hand, due to their much larger occurence, inner-shell ionizations in carbon (C)-, nitrogen (N)-, oxygen (O)- atoms of the DNA might have a major biological role. This was first suggested by the correlation observed 10, for heavy ions, between cell inactivation cross sections and cross sections for inner-shell ionization of one of the C, N, O atoms of the DNA (fig.1). Note that the hypothesis of a strong biological role of core events in DNA provides a straightforward explanation of the large RBE of ultrasoft X-rays since most of these particles interact with biological matter dominantly via inner-shell ionization (see below). 100 mammal Ar F Fe Ar 10 Inactivation cross sections (µm2) Xe Ni U+Pb Xe Kr 1 Ar yeast U Ar Kr Xe bact Pb 0,1 0,01 10 100 1000 LET (keV/µm) 10000 100 2 Inactivation cross sections (µm ) ULTRASOFT X-RAYS AS A PROBE OF CORE-EVENTS Ultrasoft X-Rays Used To Mimic The Core Events Induced By Standard Ionizing Radiations The effect of core ionizations cannot be selectively investigated using usual charged particles -fast electrons, ions- since those produce core events with a very low probability (a few ‰). On the contrary, for most ultrasoft X-rays, inner-shell ionization is the dominant channel of interaction with biological matter (table I). Moreover by adjusting the X-ray energy above a atomic K threshold it is possible to set the energy of the photoelectron and to mimic -up to a certain extentthe core events created by electrons or ions. Finally by selecting a given K-threshold among the C, N and O ones, one preferentially ionizes a specific atomic species and thereby can target specific cell compartments. For instance, on account of the DNA richness in carbon atoms, by using X-rays above the C K-threshold (290 eV) and below the O K-threshold (540 eV) it is possible to excite preferentially the DNA. For a same dose in cell, the number of core 10 1 Fe Ne U Kr Ar 0,1 F He H H 0,01 10 100 1000 10000 LET (keV/µm) Figure 1. Cross sections for the inactivation of mammalian cells by various ions (top) and cross sections for the production of an efficient K vacancy in one of the C, N, O DNA-atoms (bottom) The effectiveness of ultrasoft X-rays to induce cell inactivation, DSBs and CAs have thus been compared at three energies : 250 eV, ~350 eV, ~800 eV. 53 the core events in DNA only. Indeed the calculated yield of core events in DNA is much larger in the second case. Two campaigns of experiments with mammalian cells (V79) indeed demonstrated this enhancement (fig 2)11,12. The measured value of RBEinac (340 eV)/RBEinac (250 eV) = 2.0 ± 0.412 strikingly reproduces the 2.1 ratio calculated for the corresponding yields of core events in DNA. Because of the strong X-ray absorption inside the biological medium, precise energies have been chosen for each biological sample to ensure isoattenuation inside it. For the above energies the ratio between the mean nuclear dose and the entrance dose in cells was around 15%. Table I. Fractions and schemes of the various photoionization events in partially hydrated DNA (12 water molecules per nucleotide). RBE 2 X-ray 380 eV 360 eV 230 eV Outer-shell ionization 70% 740 eV 26% H, C, N, O, Na, P H, C, N, O, Na, P 115 eV Inner-shell ionization 760 eV 260 eV 68% 0 O 90 eV P (240 eV ; 115 eV) 13% 1 500 eV 61% C 110 eV 6% H, C, N, O, Na, P 30% P Normalized RBE 250 eV Typeenergy of ionization 220 eV 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 Energy (eV) C (470 eV ; 260 eV) 14% N (370 eV ; 360 eV) 9% P (620 eV ; 115 eV) 3% Figure 2. Inactivation RBEs measured for ultrasoft X-rays at three isoattenuated energies. Here RBEs are normalized to the one at 250 eV Experimental Device In this picture, the extracted probabilities that core events in DNA lead to cell inactivation (inactivation efficiency εinac) are respectively: εinac (250 eV)= 1% εinac (340 eV)= 0.9% εinac (850 eV)= 2% for L events produced in P atoms at 250 eV, K events produced in C atoms at 340 eV and K events produced in O atoms at 850 eV. The largest efficiency at 850 eV is probably due to the largest energies of the involved electrons (table I) Experiments require the use of tunable monochromatic X-rays which can only be obtained at synchrotron radiation facilities. The present studies have been performed in the LURE laboratory at Orsay. The experimental set-up is described elsewhere 11 . Due to the strong absorption of ultrasoft X-rays by matter, a major necessity is to reduce as much as possible the thickness of all materials placed ahead the biological samples which have to be kept at atmospheric pressure. In order to extract the photon beam , a three-stage differential pumping connects a very thin (150 nm) silicon nitride window to the beam line (~ 10-9 Torr). The culture flasks are moreover equipped with a very thin (~ 1 µm) 1 cm2 mylar foil through which cells are irradiated. From the above efficiency values, the estimated contribution of DNA core events to the overall ion lethal effectiveness ranges from 50% to 100% 12. Preliminary calculations indicate a similar core-event contribution in the case of γ-rays. DNA breaks RESULTS AND DISCUSSION DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by ultrasoft X-rays have been measured for isolatedDNA samples (pBS plasmids). This technique allows for the determination of DSBs selectively induced by core events on the DNA 12. The measured core-event efficiencies to induce DSBs in situ are respectively 12: Cell inactivation For ultrasoft X-rays , a sharp increase of RBE for inactivation (RBEinac, proportional to the number of lethal events per dose unit in cell) was predicted from below to above the C K-threshold when assuming that the lethal effectiveness comes from 54 εDSB(250 eV) = 12% εDSB(380 eV) = 10% εDSB(760 eV) = 25% Again the largest efficiency at 760 eV is probably due to the largest energies of the involved electrons. A strong correlation is observed between the core-event efficiencies to inactivate cells and the ones to induce DSBs in plasmid DNA. This might indicate a scenario in which DSBs from core events in DNA are the critical events responsible for cell inactivation. 3. Dikomey E., Dahm-Daphi J., Brammer I., Martensen R. and Kaina B., Int J Radiat Bio 73, 269278 (1998) 4. Natarajan A.T., Obé G., Chromosoma 90, 120-127 (1984) 5. 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Fayard B., Touati A., Abel F., Hervé du Penhoat M.A., Despiney-Bailly I., Gobert F., Ricoul M., L’Hoir A., Politis M.F., Hill M.A., Stevens D.L., Sabatier L., Sage E., Goodhead D.T. and Chetioui A., Radiat Res 157, 128-140 (2002). 13. Touati A., Hervé du Penhoat M. A., Fayard B., Champion C., Abel F., Gogert F., Lamoureux M., Politis M. F., Martins L., Ricoul M., Sabatier L., Sage E. and Chetioui A., Rad. Prot. Dos. 99, 83-84 (2002) 14. Savage JRK., Mutat Res 404,139-147 (1998). Chromosomal aberrations Dicentric + ring chromosomal aberrations were measured during two recent campaigns of experiments at LURE 13. The measured ratios of RBE to induce CAs (RBEaber) at 350 and 810 eV versus 250 eV are respectively: RBEaber(350)/RBEaber(250) = 2.5 ± 0.5 RBEaber(810)/RBEaber(250) = 1.2 ± 0.4 These ratios are very close to those for RBEinac. This suggests that core ionizations on DNA might be common initiating events for both end-points. Due to the large energy locally deposited by these events, they might induce complex unrejoined DSBs or clusters of DSBs prone to misrejoining, as already conjectured for ions 6. Note that an alternative hypothesis, based on a single DSB and a recombinational repair mechanism 14 was proposed to explain the overall large RBEaber of ultrasoft Xrays. The connection presented here between CAs and core events on DNA suggest new approaches for investigating the still unknown involved mechanisms. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by CEA (LRC N°6), CNES (contract N°793/99), and CNRS (contract PCV00033). Experiments were performed at the LURE facilities. Work in L.Sabatier's laboratory was supported by FIGH-CT-1999-00003 (RADINSTAB). REFERENCES 1. Goodhead D. T., Radiat Res 91,45-76 , (1982) 2. Weber J. J. and Flentje M., Int J Radiat Biol 64, 167-178 (1993) 55
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