Investigations on Distribution and Quantity of Zinc in Prostate Cancer Using Synchrotron Radiation Microbeams Takuo Kawakami a, Ari Ide-Ektessabi b†, Kazurou Sugimura c, Yuri Kitamura c, Akinobu Gotoh d, and Toshiro Shirakawa d a Department of Precision Engineering, Kyoto University, Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan b International Innovation Center, Kyoto University, Yoshida Honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan c Department of Radiology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0017, Japan d Department of Urology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, 7-5-1 Kusunoki-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe 6500017, Japan Abstract. Synchrotron radiation (SR) micro beams were used to investigate ultra-trace elements in a single cell. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy using SR was applied to determine the distribution and density of the ultra-trace elements in incubated prostate cancer cells. Metallic elements such as zinc, iron and copper play an important role in the metabolism and regulatory dynamics of cells. In this study, we focused on zinc because the prostate tissues contain the highest levels of zinc compared to any other tissues in the body and the level of zinc is a factor that influences the progress of malignancy. We measured two types of cells (LNCaP and C4-2) that were incubated in the normal culture medium, zinc-contained one or testosterone-contained one. The distribution and density of zinc, calcium, copper and iron have close relations to the existence of zinc and androgen in the culture medium. prostate tissue. Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase induces cellular apoptosis. Androgen inhibits this pathway, i.e. androgen inhibits apoptosis [5]. Zn2+ induces stimulation of phosphoinositide 3-kinase [6]. Thereby zinc inhibits apoptosis. Apoptosis is a mechanism of programmed death of cell, and the deficient of apoptosis are related with the progression of malignancy. It has been of great interest to understand how the fluctuation of the density of zinc can be related to the process of progression of prostate malignancy. Previous studies using a homogenization method were successful in measuring the density of zinc in the tissues, but it was not possible to obtain the distributions of zinc at the single cell level. The synchrotron radiation x-ray fluorescence (SRXRF) technique makes it possible to determine trace metallic elements non-destructively [7]. In this study, we applied X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis to LNCaP and C4-2 cells (human malignant prostate cell lines). The aim was to investigate the INTRODUCTION Metallic elements and their organic compounds have dynamic regulatory functions in cells. The roll of zinc and its possible causal effects in prostate cancer has attracted attention in recent years. A human prostate gland has a unique feature to possess highlevel accumulation of zinc compared to other organs [1]. In prostate cancer tissue the unique zinc metabolism is altered, resulting in the decrease of zinc level in the epithelial cells [1,2]. Zinc accumulation in glandular cells is relevant to the citrate metabolism in the citric acid cycle. High level of zinc may involve the regulation of citrate oxidation in a prostate gland. In a prostate cancer tissue, citrate remarkably decreases as well as the level of zinc. The inability to accumulate necessary amounts of zinc results in increased citrate oxidation and coupled ATP production, which is essential for the progression of malignancy [3,4]. On the other hand, a hormone is closely related to the zinc level and malignancy in a † Corresponding author: Ari Ide-Ektessabi. Email: [email protected] CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 526 TABLE 1. The characteristics of the prostate cancerous cell lines. Androgen Metastatic Site LNCaP Dependent Lymph node C4-2 Independent Lymph node Quantification of the Density of the Elements Quantification was performed in the procedure as follows. The peak areas were calculated using a computer code developed by Ektessabi et al. [9] for quantification of very low content elements in biomedical samples. In this program, the background is estimated from the untreated spectra, and the peak is obtained using Gaussian curve fitting and the least squares method. The absorption of fluorescent x-rays by the sample and the consequent excitation of other elements were negligibly small and hence were not accounted for. differences in the densities and the distribution of zinc and other elements, and to reveal that LNCaP and C42 cells up-take and accumulate zinc from the medium. EXPERIMENTAL Materials The specimens used in this study are the human malignant cell lines (LNCaP and C4-2). The features of these cell lines are shown in Table 1. LNCaP is sensitive to androgen, while C4-2, which is LNCaPderived subline, is independent of androgen. Each cell was incubated in three kinds of medium (normal medium, zinc-added medium and testosterone-added medium). (a) Experimental Set Up Synchrotron radiation XRF (x-ray fluorescence) analyses were performed at Photon Factory, KEK. Synchrotron radiation from the storage ring (2.5 GeV, maximum current 400mA) was monochromated by a multilayer film monochromator. The incident x-ray energy was 14.3 keV. Incident x-rays were focused using Kirkpatrick-Baez optics. The incident beam size was about 6 x 5 µm2. The incident and transmitted photon flux was monitored with an ion chamber, while the fluorescent x-rays were collected by a solid state detector (SSD). Measurements were performed in air. (b) XRF Imaging and Spectra XRF imaging technique was applied in order to investigate the distributions of zinc and other elements in the cells. X-y step pulse motors moved the sample stage. The measurement areas were divided into matrices of 40 x 40 pixels. At each pixel, XRF yields of zinc were integrated by single channel analyzers. The measurement time was 6 seconds for each pixel. Point spectra were measured for quantification analyses at certain points in the samples. The spectra were obtained by using a multi-channel analyzer. The measurement time was 200 seconds for each spectrum. 22.50 -- 24.00 21.00 -- 22.50 19.50 -- 21.00 18.00 -- 19.50 16.50 -- 18.00 15.00 -- 16.50 13.50 -- 15.00 12.00 -- 13.50 10.50 -- 12.00 9.000 -- 10.50 7.500 -- 9.000 6.000 -- 7.500 4.500 -- 6.000 3.000 -- 4.500 1.500 -- 3.000 0 -- 1.500 42.19 -- 45.00 39.38 -- 42.19 36.56 -- 39.38 33.75 -- 36.56 30.94 -- 33.75 28.13 -- 30.94 25.31 -- 28.13 22.50 -- 25.31 19.69 -- 22.50 16.88 -- 19.69 14.06 -- 16.88 11.25 -- 14.06 8.438 -- 11.25 5.625 -- 8.438 2.813 -- 5.625 0 -- 2.813 FIGURE 1. Typical XRF imaging of zinc in the incubated cells of prostate cancer: (a) in the LNCaP that were incubated in zinc-added medium, (b) in the C4-2 that were incubated in zinc-added medium. 527 (a) (a) 1000 1000 K Ca Ti Fe Ca Zn(-) Zn(+) Ar Cu 100 Cu 100 Zn Counts Zn Counts T(-) T(+) Ar 10 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Energy(keV) Energy(keV) (b) (b) 1000 1000 Ar Zn(-) Zn(+) Ca T(-) T(+) Ar 100 Fe Cu Ca Counts Counts Zn Cu 100 Zn Fe 10 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Energy(keV) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Energy(keV) FIGURE 2. Typical XRF spectra of the incubated cells of prostate cancer: (a) in the LNCaP which were incubated in zinc-free medium [Zn(-)] and zinc-added medium [Zn(+)], (b) in the C4-2 which were incubated in zinc-free medium and zinc-added medium. FIGURE 3. Typical XRF spectra of the incubated cells of prostate cancer: (a) in the LNCaP which were incubated in testosterone-free medium [T(-)], and testosterone-added medium [T(+)], (b) in the C4-2 which were incubated in testosterone-free medium and testosterone-added medium. medium is higher than the one in zinc-free medium. Fig. 3 shows the typical spectra of the LNCaP and C42 cells which were incubated in testosterone-added, zinc-free medium or testosterone-free, zinc-free medium. Quantification analyses of elements contained in the cells were performed. Table 2 shows the density of the elements in the LNCaP and C4-2. The density of the sample was assumed to be 1.0 g cm-3. Firstly, the endogenous level of cellular zinc and other elements in LNCaP and C4-2 cells and the accumulation of zinc and other elements in cells RESULTS XRF analyses were performed on the prostate cancer cells. XRF imaging of zinc in LNCaP and C4-2 that were incubated in zinc-contained medium is shown in Fig. 1 (a) and (b). Typical XRF spectra of the LNCaP and C4-2 cells that were incubated in the zinc-free medium or zinc-added medium are shown in Fig. 2. As shown in these spectra, the level of zinc in both LNCaP and C4-2 incubated in zinc-added TALBE 2. Density (ppm) of copper and zinc contained in LNCaP and C4-2 cells. The values in parentheses are the average of data for n points. Cell line Cu Zn n LNCaP Control Zn(+) T(+) 138-209 (172) 82-139 (114) 191-379 (282) 24-53 (38) 84-167 (130) 36-96 (52) 11 5 10 C4-2 Control Zn(+) T(+) 206-383 (327) 200-321 (270) 279-549 (455) 53-90 (73) 110-434 (264) 41-69 (60) 7 10 5 528 The present studies demonstrate that testosterone regulates accumulation in LNCaP and C4-2 cells. In LNCaP cells, zinc accumulation was increased, but in C4-2, zinc accumulation was decreased. The absence of an effect of testosterone on zinc level of C4-2 cells might be expected because these cells do not contain androgen receptor. On the other hand, the copper accumulation was increased in both LNCaP and C4-2. Because synchrotron radiation makes it possible to determine several elements simultaneously, we can discuss the balance and the equilibrium of elements in the cells as a new approach to cell microbiology. This studies provide the basis for further studies of the characterization of the zinc transport and other elements in malignant prostate cells, the mechanism of testosterone regulation of zinc and other elements transport, the relationship of zinc accumulation in the pathogenesis and progression of prostate malignancy. exposed to the zinc-added medium were established. The endogenous level is defined as the concentration in the cells grown and maintained in zinc-free medium. The mean endogenous level of zinc in LNCaP cells (38 ppm) was 52% lower than the level in C4-2 cells (73 ppm). When the harvested cells were incubated in zinc-added medium, the cellular level of zinc in LNCaP increased 242% to 130 ppm; and C4-2 zinc level increased 261% to 264 ppm. Thus, both LNCaP and C4-2 cells took up and accumulated zinc from the medium. However, C4-2 cells maintained significantly higher (103%) zinc level than LNCaP cells. The endogenous level of copper in LNCaP cells (172 ppm) was 47% lower than the level in C4-2 cells (327 ppm). When the harvested cells were incubated in zinc-added medium, the cellular level of zinc in LNCaP decreased 34% to 114 ppm; and C4-2 zinc level decreased 18% to 270 ppm. Consequently it is clear that LNCaP and C4-2 discharge copper when they are incubated in zinc-added medium. We determined the effects of testosterone treatment of the cells on zinc accumulation. The harvested cells were incubated in testosterone-added, zinc-free medium. In LNCaP cells, zinc accumulation was increased 36% to 52 ppm. On the other hand, in C4-2 cells, zinc accumulation was decreased 18% to 60 ppm. When the harvested cells were incubated in testosterone-added medium, the cellular level of copper in LNCaP increased 64% to 282 ppm; and C42 copper level increased 39% to 455 ppm. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The microbeam XRF analyses were performed at the Photon Factory in the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan (project 2001G179). The authors express their thanks to Professor A. Iida of the Photon Factory. REFERENCES 1. Gyorkey, F., Min, K. W., Huff, J. A,. and Gyorkey, P., Cancer Res. 27, 1394-1353 (1967). 2. Habib, F. K., Mason, M. K., Smith, P. H., and Stitch, S. R., Br. J. Cancer 39, 700-704 (1979). 3. Costello, L. C., and Franklin, R. B., Prostate 25, 162-166 (1994). 4. Costello, L. C., and Franklin, R. B., Prostate 35, 285-296 (1998). 5. Kimura, K., Markowski, M., Bowen, C., and Gelmann, E. 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However the zinc level in C4-2 is higher than that in LNCaP. LNCaP is androgendependent while C4-2, which is derived from LNCaP, is androgen-independent. Moreover, it is reported that, when exposed to extracellular zinc, the accumulation of zinc by PC-3, which is the prostate cancer cell, results in the inhibition of their ability to oxidize citrate thereby causing in citrate accumulation [8]. This shows that the accumulated zinc includes a mobile reactive component that enters the mitochondria and inhibits mitochondria aconitase activity. To protect against the toxic effects of zinc, human cells generally employ defensive mechanisms that prevent the accumulation of mobile reactive zinc. In contrast, and consistent with their unique function, prostate secretory epithelial cells employ mechanisms that facilitate the uptake and accumulation of zinc. 529
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