Recent Trends in Atmospheric Lead Levels at an UrbanIndustrial District of Metropolitan Lisbon, Portugal, through PIXE Analysis of Air-Particulate Matter M. Carmo Freitas1, Miguel A. Reis1, and Adriano M.G. Pacheco2 1 ITN – Nuclear and Technological Institute, Estrada Nacional 10, 2686-953 Sacavém, Portugal 2 CVRM-IST – Technical University of Lisbon, Av. Rovisco Pais 1, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal Abstract. Despite a steep decline in primary, traffic-related loads, lead in the environment is still much of an issue. Current atmospheric levels may be unmistakably reflecting the widespread use of cleaner fuels, yet decades of uncontrolled emissions from mobile sources have made lead to pervade every terrestrial (and aquatic) ecosystem, from where it keeps re-entering the lower troposphere, at least in terms of local circulation. The continuing surveillance of airborne-lead levels is thus necessary, not just for ensuring a strict compliance with regulatory decisions, but also for assisting in the implementation of remediation and/or rehabilitation policies. In Portugal, unleaded gasoline was made generally available in 1990, yet both leaded and leadfree varieties were commercialised until 1998. After that, all vehicles were compelled to use unleaded gasoline. Even though it is certainly too early for a full trend analysis of airborne levels and their response to the ban on lead, concentrations in ambient air over an important urban-industrial corridor within the Lisbon metropolitan area show a steady, sharp decrease through the last decade. Since 2000, airborne-lead data seems somewhat stabilised and, as far as busy conurbations are concerned, roughly within the values that were usually observed in the rural hinterland back in the mid 1990s. This is indeed a major concern, since ultrafine particles (EAD < 0.1 µm) form an overall majority (in number) from either diesel or spark-ignition engines [5-8]. Lead accumulating in human bones and teeth has also been ascribed an extended time of residence of over 10 and up to 20 years, respectively. Limits for lead concentrations in ambient air were set in a few countries as a recognition of such detrimental effects. The EU legislation is relatively recent [9], and it has currently settled for 500 ng m-3 in air particulate matter with EAD < 10 µm (PM10), for 24-h periods. PIXE is one of the most powerful (and fast) analytical techniques for lead determination. A large number of aerosol studies and surveys using the PIXE analysis have been reported, e.g. [10-15]. PIXE results for Pb concentrations in fine and coarse particulates, sampled along an important urban-industrial corridor within the Lisbon metropolitan area since 1994, are given herein. INTRODUCTION Several classic monographs have described the toxic properties of lead and its compounds [1], and high exposures in previous times have been documented [2]. Lead emissions were then mostly of industrial origin, and emissions from mobile sources were not wellknown yet or not even relevant at all. With the increase in motorised transit – mainly city-core and commuter traffic, with large periods of congestion/stop-and-go and engines running idle – lead emissions became not only heavier in general, but also riskier to younger and younger age groups, increasing lead contents in the blood of born and unborn children. About as much as 40 % of the total lead intake enters the human body via inhalation – for instance, see [3] and references therein. Lead is not an essential element for human nutrition and/or health, and nearly all lead in blood appears to reflect some degree of exposure to sources relating to anthropogenic activities [4]. Unexposed individuals or populations, often referred to as "controls" in surveys, do not really exist anymore. Lead from car exhausts mainly consists of PbBrCl particles with an equivalent aerodynamic diameter (EAD) below 0.5 µm. On the other hand, it is generally accepted that ca. 40 % of the inhaled lead under 0.05 µm is deposited deep into the respiratory tract, down to the innermost alveolar levels. EXPERIMENTAL Airborne particulates have been collected by a Gent stacked-filter unit (SFU) sampler, that separates the PM2.5 from the PM10 fraction on Nucleopore 47-mm diameter polycarbonate filters with 0.4 and 8.0 µm pore sizes [16,17]. After gravimetry for mass loads, one quarter of each filter was analysed by PIXE [18]. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 456 TABLE 2. Concentration of lead at Carregado (in ng m-3). In 1993, a collector was installed at one of the Lisbon government-run, air-monitoring facilities. The site is located in the Lisbon SE (Beato zone), approx. 7km from the city centre but still an inner-city location [13]. Samples were collected for 24-h periods on a twice-aweek basis (one weekend day plus one mid-week day), October 1993 through January 1995. Only 40 min out of each hour were used for collection, in a total of 16h per filter. In 1995, air filtering was limited to 10 min every 4 h, for 2-week times, totalling 14 h of sampling per filter. This new site was at Carregado, approx. 30 km from Lisbon centre [19]. The equivalence between this type of collection and the former, more traditional format – that is, 24-h sampling periods, twice a week – has been discussed earlier [12]. Since 1999, the collector runs continuously, again in 24-hour periods, and now at the ITN campus (Nuclear and Technological Institute – Bobadela), some 14 km from the city centre. Sampling is carried out twice a week, one weekend day plus one mid-week day at a time. All three sampling locations – Beato, Carregado, Bobadela – are in an urban-industrial, heavily travelled (especially during rush hours) corridor, that roughly parallels the Tagus river mouth. Mar. 1995 ∗ Feb. 1996 PM10 Samples 86 87 89 Mean 111 63.3 170 Median 88.2 31.0 114 Max. 409 545 953 Min. 20.0 3.88 10.7 26 26 26 Mean 40.2 47.3 85.2 Max. 90.4 248 322 Samples 1999 2000 Finer Coarser PM10 Finer Coarser PM10 50 37 54 54 28 55 Mean 31.6 24.8 46.3 11.8 4.75 14,0 Median 11.2 7.22 16.2 8.86 2.93 11.1 Max. 379 242 621 51.9 16.6 57.4 Min. 4.94 3.24 5.01 1.2 0.424 1.2o 2001 2002 Finer Coarser PM10 Finer Coarser PM10 Samples 100 51 101 60 31 60 Mean 8.6 6.22 11.6 15 8.29 19.2 Median 6.11 3.67 6.80 7.60 6.40 9.98 Max. 64.2 34.6 98.8 172 23.4 181 Min. 1.48 1.22 1.48 2.08 0.63 2.08 Considering the present legal dispositions, the mean concentrations have never exceeded the legislated value for PM10 – 500 ng m-3. At Beato (1993-1995) and Bobadela (1999), the maximum concentrations did exceed that value though. The Tables indicate that concentrations are decreasing as well, and Figures 1-3 reveal that such a smooth trend appears to be levelling off since 2000, for PM10 and the other two particulate fractions. This constant value is already lower than the lead concentration at rural areas in the early 1990s, as shown in Table 4 for Tapada do Outeiro, an opencountryside area. A recent contract report concludes that, from 1999, lead concentrations in metropolitan Lisbon tend to be lower in summer than in other seasons [21] – Figure 4. This may be due to typical (meteorological) conditions, and to some joint effect of traffic reduction and factory closures for the holiday season, and seems to be an urban trend in Europe [22,23] A larger scattering in data can also be observed for autumn and winter terms. TABLE 1. Concentration of lead at Beato (in ng m-3). Coarser PM10 TABLE 3. Concentration of lead at Bobadela (in ng m-3). The ability of epiphytic lichens to monitor airborne lead, even down to its isotopic composition, seems unquestionable [20]. Likewise, it was possible to map lead concentrations throughout mainland Portugal from results of a lichen-based survey held in 1993 [14,19]. Lead was most prevalent along the Lisbon-Setúbal axis and its origin most likely car exhaust. As so, we went through all data available for lead concentrations in aerosol samples since 1994 until now, as such a period encompasses the transition from leaded to unleaded gasoline in Portugal. Tables 1-3 list the basic data for lead concentrations in aerosols' finer, coarser and PM10 (finer + coarser) fractions, at the above sites from 1994 to 2002. Finer Coarser Samples RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Oct. 1993 ∗ Jan. 1995 Finer 457 TABLE 4. Concentration of lead at a rural area (in ng m-3), taken as a baseline for non-enforced, unleaded-gasoline use. Pb conc. (ng/m3) 120 Sep. 1995 ∗ Aug. 1996 80 Coarser PM10 56 47 57 Mean 29.2 14.3 40.5 Median 25.4 8.90 32.6 Max. 93.0 142 170 Min. 4.44 3.17 4.83 Samples 40 0 1992 Finer 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Year FIGURE 1. Average concentration of Pb in finer fractions at the Lisbon metropolitan area (PM2.5; all stations). Pb conc. (ng/m3) 200 150 FIGURE 4. Box plots (usual notation) for Pb data (in ng m-3; from PM10) in Greater Lisbon – Bobadela (top), Póvoa de Santa Iria and S. João da Talha (bottom) – 1999 to 2002. Vertical lines separate spring/summer from autumn/winter. 100 50 0 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Figure 5 gives box-and-whisker plots for lead (data from 1999 and 2000) in Lisbon and Setúbal – the most Pb-laden conurbations according to the 1993 survey. Representation is customary: error bars denote the 5th and 95th percentiles, and outer values may be viewed as outliers at the corresponding significance level. Box sizes evidence a minimal scatter of data, and similar features between the two areas. As mentioned before, the Lisbon-Setúbal corridor did stand for a worst-case scenario through the 1990s, so the present results point to a sharp reduction in the lead content of ambient air, as seen through its concentration in particulate matter. This is good news, of course, even though the whole issue of lead dispersion in the environment is still far from being accounted for. Studies held for an urbanwaste incinerator in the same general area are showing that about 15 % of the children born at Lisbon's main maternity ward have significant levels of lead in their blood [24]. The relatively high residence time of lead in their mothers' bodies are most certainly showing up through the newborn babies, despite an abatement in atmospheric concentrations. Generally speaking, it all looks as if mankind will have many years ahead to get rid of its own lead, even if stringent measures are taken on environmental grounds. Year FIGURE 2. Average concentration of Pb in coarser fractions at the Lisbon metropolitan area (PM2.5-10; all stations). Pb conc. (ng/m3) 80 60 40 20 0 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 Year FIGURE 3. Average concentration of Pb in both fractions at the Lisbon metropolitan area (PM10; all stations). 458 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Pb Concentration (ng/m3) 400 The authors are indebted to Isabel Dionísio, Orlando Oliveira and Rute Pinheiro for work assistance, and to IAEA, EDP, IDAD and ValorSul for financial support. 360 320 280 REFERENCES 240 200 1. Stevenson, L.G., A History of Lead Poisoning (Ph.D. Dissertation), Baltimore MD (USA): Johns Hopkins University, 1949. 2. Grandjean, P., Environ. Qual. Saf., Suppl. 2, 6-75 (1975). 3. Lech, T., Biol. Trace Elem. Res. 85, 111-126 (2002). 4. Goyer, R.A., Environ. 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João da Talha (SJT) and Piedade (Pie) – and Setúbal – Palmela (Pal) and Faralhão (Far) – monitoring stations (1999-2000). CONCLUSIONS Airborne-Pb levels over an urban-industrial corridor within metropolitan Lisbon were sharply reduced to some (few) tenfold nanograms per cubic meter of air, as seen through lead concentrations in both inhalable (PM10) and respirable (PM2.5) fractions of suspended particulate matter. Individual, 24-h measurements are far below the current guideline value of 500 ng m-3, set by the European Union in 1999. The present situation is very different from the early 1990s, when average figures were in the range of a few hundreds of ng m-3, and individual measurements were not seldom found to spike beyond the now-legislated threshold. Moreover, lead data seems rather stabilised since around 2000, seemingly fluctuating close to the rural-background (with no noticeable traffic density), past-decade levels observed back in 1995-1996. Both findings should be clearly attributed to the widespread use of unleaded gasolines, tentatively introduced and fully enforced in 1990 and 1999, respectively. Judging from the abatement of lead concentrations in the arguably most-polluted conurbations in Portugal – Lisbon and Setúbal metropolitan areas – the whole country might as well be fairly within the limits of compliance with the EU regulations in this matter. Some seasonal variation is also apparent in the data: lead emissions tend to be slightly higher in autumn and winter, as generally expected though. Prevailing trends for lead in the atmospheric environment, alas, have yet to be mirrored by important public-health indicators, such as newborn-blood levels from prenatal exposure. 459
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