Materials Analysis Using Fast Ions W. BOHNE, A. DENKER, S. LINDNER, J. OPITZ-COUTUREAU, J. RÖHRICH, E. STRUB Ionenstrahllabor, Hahn-Meitner-Institut, Glienicker Str. 100, D 14109 Berlin, Germany Abstract. At the Ionenstrahllabor a great variety of ions with variable energies up to several MeV/u can be produced. Performing proton induced X-ray emission (PIXE) with protons of 68 MeV, heavy elements can be detected via the K X-rays in addition to their L X-rays. The large proton range and the small absorption coefficients for the K X-rays result in an analyzable depth of several millimeters. The L to K line intensity ratio yields further information on the composition of the objects. Examples of measurements on archaeological and art historical objects will be shown. The use of heavy ion elastic recoil detection analysis (HI-ERDA) allows the determination of the distribution of all elements in materials up to a depth of several micrometers. Especially the measurement of the hydrogen concentration is possible with high sensitivity. The experimental setup and measurements on solar cell materials will be presented. Protons with energies of 68 MeV have much larger ranges in the investigated materials. In addition, the X-ray production cross-sections for the K lines of heavy elements (Z > 50) is at least a factor of 100 larger than at 3 MeV [3,4]. Heavy elements may be detected via their K X-rays which also have a much smaller absorption coefficient than the L X-rays in the analyzed material [5]. E.g. it is possible to detect thin gold foils even behind 3 mm of lead glass [6]. The proton intensities necessary for the high-energy PIXE analysis are small due to the large cross-sections. The energy loss of high energy protons, i.e. the risk of radiation damage, is smaller than that of 3 MeV protons. Hence, high-energy PIXE provides a non-destructive analytical technique for the analysis of thick layers. INTRODUCTION In materials research it is of crucial importance to determine the elemental composition and structure of solids. At the ion beam laboratory ISL various analytical techniques using high-energy ions are provided. Two of the techniques will be presented: The investigation of art and archaeological objects has to be nondestructive. PIXE allows elemental analysis without sampling on the object. Complex layered structures like solar cell materials are analyzed by heavy ion ERDA. HIGH-ENERGY PROTON INDUCED X-RAY EMISSION Experimental Setup Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) using proton energies between 1 and 4 MeV is an established method for analytical problems in biology, geology, environmental issues as well as for non-destructive analysis in art and archaeometry [1,2]. Elements with Z > 50 are detected via their L X-rays due to the decrease of the K X-ray production cross-sections with increasing Z. As the range of protons at these energies is relatively small, the method is well suited for the analysis of thin layers, e.g. inks on parchments or surfaces of metals. The experimental setup has been described in detail in [6]. ISL can provide proton beams up to 72 MeV. The variations in cross sections above 40 MeV are small for medium Z, and the increase for Z > 60 is low. Since there are no special advantages for one specific energy, the eye tumor therapy beam of 68 MeV is used as regular proton energy. This beam runs one week each month. The switching time from therapy to PIXE is about half an hour after the therapy session has been finished. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 424 gold layer, i.e. gilding, on top of a different material can be excluded. Similar ratios were observed for all investigated spots. Therefore, the support for the enamel was made of a massive gold alloy. The high-energy proton beam exits the vacuum of the beam line through a 80 µm thick Kapton foil, so that the objects to be analyzed remain in normal atmosphere. Hence, there are no restrictions in size and sensitivity of the object. The small beam intensities, usually 0.1 to 1 pA, depending on the thickness of the object to be studied, are measured by a commercial ionization chamber, placed at the beam exit. Typically counting times of 200 s and beam diameters of 1 mm are used. As the proton intensities are small, there is no risk of sample activation. Two X-ray detectors are mounted at 135° relative to the beam direction: a 12.5 mm2 Si(Li) with a resolution of 155 eV and a 300 mm2 HPGe with 180 eV at 5.9 keV. The data are recorded and stored on a commercial PC multichannel analyzer. Reference spectra from thin and thick samples of known composition and the items to be studied are measured using an identical setup. This gives the production ratio for 68 MeV protons of the various K and L X-rays. Also γ-lines from nuclear reactions, which might be misleading, are identified this way. FIGURE 1. Spectra of the Prussian medal 21.210a (dotted) and a thin gold foil (solid). The large intensity of the gold K lines of the medal implies the use of a massive gold alloy, a gilding can be excluded. Example: Prussian Medals For massive metal alloys the composition can be estimated by comparing the counts in the different peaks to those measured on similar material. A real quantitative determination was difficult due to the fact that the irregular shape of the medals did not allow measurements with exactly the same geometry for all spots. In addition, on some spots the gold support was still covered by remnants of the enamel, which is visible via Pb lines in the spectra. For the medal 21.210a the composition was estimated to be 78 % gold, 17 % silver and 5 % copper. In the frame of the thesis “Gap-Filling on Enamel Illustrated by Three Medals of the German Historic Museum” [7] the medals were analyzed by highenergy PIXE. The main topic of the thesis was to find a suitable material for the completion of the medals in the restoration process. To examine their usability under museum conditions, commercial products were tested as well as materials commonly used in conservation science. Following to a test on the light aging properties of all materials, a grit section test was carried out on mock-ups to examine the adhesive properties of selected conservation materials on gold and enamel. To specify the composition of the mock-ups, the composition of the medals was analyzed using micro X-ray fluorescence (for the enamel) and highenergy PIXE (for the support). The aim of the PIXE analysis was the determination of the elemental composition and especially the distinction between massive and gilded parts. Example: Middle Age Brooches In the 7th century, noble ladies used so-called disc brooches to close their coats. These brooches were made of iron and decorated by an inlay of silver- or gold-colored wires, gaining a particularly decorative effect. Inlayed disk brooches are known more or less from all early middle age grave fields in south-west Germany. It is noticeable, that certain decorative patterns were used only in the Rhein-Main-area or the lower Neckar region. Five of these brooches, belonging to the Landesmuseum Mainz, were investigated in a collaboration with the Phillips-Universität Marburg. During the restoration process in the sixties, the brooches were covered by a plastic resin for stabilization and for prevention of further corrosion. The removal of the protective layer would damage the objects. The quality of the brooches and their fragility On all three medals, different points were measured: At the different spots where the enamel was missing, on the central medallion as well as on the suspension eye and suspension ring. Fig. 1 shows the spectrum of medal 21.210a compared to the results of a thin gold foil measured with the same setup. The intensity ratio of the gold Lα/Kα1 lines of the medal in this spectrum is 1.25, whereas the thin gold foil yields a ratio of 44. For comparison, a 1 cm thick lead sample gives a ratio of Lα/Kα1 of 1.3. Hence, a thin 425 depth profiles from the measured energy spectra simultaneously for all components of the sample. The detection sensitivity is almost the same for all elements. For hydrogen the sensitivity is even enhanced by a factor of four. When using heavy projectiles no restrictions of the detectable mass exist. made a non-destructive analysis mandatory, able to provide information even from behind a 1 mm thick plastic layer. The energy loss of 68 MeV protons in this coating is about 1 MeV. Owing to the small lateral straggling at this incident energy, the size of the beam spot on the metal surface will be nearly the same as on the plastic surface, thus allowing the investigation of fine local structures. The analytical task was mainly the identification of the metals. For iron X-rays the transmission through 1 mm plastic is still about 20 %. Experimental Setup At ISL the element respectively mass identification is done by means of the TOF (time-of-flight) method, i.e. the coincident measurement of energy and flight time for each recoil [9]. With this setup (time resolution ~ 150 ps) a mass resolution of one unit up to about A = 50 is achieved. Since the detection efficiency for the used channelplate timing detectors is less than 100 % for protons and alpha particles, a second telescope is installed using the RF signal from the cyclotron as timing signal. With the beam pulse width of about 0.5 ns it is still possible to resolve light elements but with an efficiency of 100 % even for hydrogen. The detection limit is in the order of 0.001 at.% for all elements. The normally used energy of the heavy projectiles of about 1.8 MeV/u enables depth profiling up to a maximum layer thickness of several micrometers with a depth resolution of less than 20 nm at the surface. In the last years hundreds of samples from various fields, like semiconductors, metals, and in a few cases polymers and teeth, are analyzed routinely. The results obtained on the decorative patterns confirmed the previous measurements on the same kind of objects from Eltville [8]: For these masterly crafted objects no gold was used for the gold-colored inlays. Instead of gold, an alloy containing copper, zinc and tin was applied. One special feature was observed on brooch 9./8.05: It is the only brooch containing manganese in the rivets. The art historical meaning of this result is presently under evaluation. Example: Chalkopyrite solar cells The main focus of ERDA at ISL is the study of photovoltaic materials, mostly produced at the solar energy research department of the HMI. In general, the influence of the different deposition methods and their parameters on the composition (e.g. stoichiometry, impurities, diffusion) of the layers is under investigation. Fig. 3 represents a TOF versus energy graph (scatterplot) obtained from a chalkopyrite solar cell structure (glass/Mo/Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2/ZnSe). The measurement was performed with a 350 MeV gold beam. Besides the incorporation of the transport agent I used in the chemical vapor deposition for the growth of the ZnSe buffer layer, the diffusion between the absorber and the buffer layer was of special interest. All components are clearly resolved down to a depth of about 3 µm. The incorporation of I in the buffer layer is obvious. The good mass resolution enables the separation of Cu and Zn via the isotope 68Zn. Thus, the stoichiometry of both the absorber and the buffer layer can be determined. Furthermore, the diffusion of In into the buffer layer is observed [10]. FIGURE 2. Spectra of the rivets (solid) and iron base plate (dashed) of brooch 9./8.05. The rivets from brooch 9./8.05 contain Mn, which distinguishes this brooch from all other investigated objects. HEAVY ION ELASTIC RECOIL DETECTION ANALYSIS For the ERDA-method the samples are irradiated with high energetic heavy ions at grazing incidence. The energy as well as the number of the outscattered atoms (recoils) of the sample components are measured at a fixed angle relative to the beam direction. Since the scattering probability is given by the Rutherford cross section and all the experimental parameters are known, ERDA is a standard free absolute method. Owing to the computable element specific energy loss in material it is possible to calculate the concentration 426 clearly seen, that the Ar content is below the detection limit of about 10 ppm, but some H contamination was detected. A detailed analysis reveals that the H content influences the W:S stoichiometry. CONCLUSIONS High-energy PIXE is a well suited method for the non-destructive analysis of thick layers, especially for heavy elements. Bulky and sensitive objects can be analyzed. Heavy ion ERDA provides a standard free absolute method for the analysis of thin layers. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FIGURE 3. Scatterplot from the measurement of a (glass/Mo/Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)2/ZnSe) multilayer structure, irradiated with 350 MeV Au ions. The authors would like to thank the ISL crew for all their help. The authors are indebted to M.C. Blaich for the interesting collaboration with the brooches. Example: WS2 layer Fig. 4 depicts the scatterplot from a measurement of a WS2 layer, another potential absorber material. The WS2 film was deposited on a SiO2-covered Si substrate by DC magnetron sputtering. Ar was used as the sputter and H2S as the reactive gas. The scatterplot demonstrates the possibility to detect simultaneously the lightest element H and heavy elements with masses of about A=200 (recoiled W and backscattered Au). REFERENCES 1. Campbell I.L., Johansson S.A.E., A novel technique for elemental analysis, New York: Wiley and Sons, 1988. 2. Mandò P.A., Nucl. Inst. Meth. B 85, 812-823 (1994). 3. Peisach M., Pineda C.A., Nucl. Inst. Meth B 49, 10-14 (1990). 4. Paul H., Sacher J., At. Data and Nucl. Data Tables 42, 106 (1989). 5. Hubbell H., Seltzer S.M., Tables of X-Ray Mass Attenuation Coefficients and Mass Energy-Absorption Coefficients, Originally published as NISTIR 5632, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 1995. 6. Denker A., Maier K.H., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B. 150, 118-123 (1990). 7. Ebert K., thesis at the Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft und Technik. to be published 8. Denker A., Blaich M.C., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 189, 315-319 (2002). FIGURE 4. Scatterplot from the measurement of a Si/SiO2/WS2 sample, irradiated with 350 MeV Au ions. 9. Bohne W., Röhrich J., Röschert G., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 136-138, 633-637 (1998). The aim of the measurement was to determine the concentration of the impurities Ar and H. It can be 10. Lindner S., Bohne W., Jäger-Waldau A., Lux-Steiner M.Ch., Röhrich J., Vogl G., Thin Solid Films 403-404, 432-437 (2002). 427
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