PIXE Study Of Lacustrine Sediments Including A Sediment Core From Lake Maicuru, Para, Brazil I. I. Kravchenko, R. F. Kelly, F. E. Dunnam, H. A. Van Rinsvelt Department of Physics, University of Florida, P.O.Box118440, Gainesville, FL 32611 J. H. Curtis Department of Geological Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611 P. E. De Oliveira Universidade Guarulhos, Sao Paulo, Brazil Abstract. PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission) measurements are reported on downcore sediments from Lake Maicuru, a remote lake in the Amazon Basin. We validate the method by comparison of previously obtained wet chemistry/ICP elemental analysis of sediment from four different lakes with elemental analysis obtained by PIXE measurement. Statistical analysis of results from both methods suggests that PIXE analysis works well for heavier elements (Fe, K, and Ca) but poorly on lighter elements (Na, Mg, and P). The sample preparation procedure developed to deal with the hydrophobic nature of the Maicuru sediments is discussed. Changes in the downcore elemental distribution of Ti, Fe, Mn, and Zn in the lake Maicuru sediments are remarkably similar. The control of this parameter is uncertain but is probably due to climatic changes and water availability and weathering. The good comparison of PIXE and ICP for heavier elements and the consistent results on the downcore study suggests that the PIXE technique holds promise for geochemical and paleoenvironmental studies. Traditional geochemical studies of heavier elements typically require complete sample digestion using very strong acid (e.g. hydrofluoric acid) in addition to further wet chemistry techniques prior to measurement techniques such as atomic absorption spectrometry or inductively coupled plasma spectrometry. PIXE analysis avoids nearly all wet chemistry allowing relatively rapid throughput of samples with fewer chances for contamination and a reduction in exposure to potentially dangerous chemicals. INTRODUCTION Sediments from lakes located in remote regions can record past climatic and environmental changes that have not been distorted by human activities. Many techniques are employed in extracting information from the sediment cores including: radiocarbon dating, isotopic analysis (O, C, N, H), grain size analysis, pollen grain analysis, diatom analysis, etc. We propose that PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission) analysis of sediments from lakes can yield information about changes in erosion rates that taken together with other paleoenvironmental evidence can provide insight into past climatic conditions. This is especially true in cases where elements in question are low in concentration. The concentration of both heavy and light elements in lacustrine sediments is of interest to researchers in many fields including geology, paleoclimatology, environmental studies, anthropology, and archaeology. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 419 and analyzed for each sample. Analyses of the PIXE spectra were carried out using Pixfit [1] and final element weight concentrations were averaged for each sample. For example, the history of acid rain in areas impacted by emissions from power plants and automobiles can be traced by examining Al concentration in sediment of lakes downwind of the sources. A second example is examining eutrophication of lakes using light elements such as P. Heavier elements such as Pb, Cu, and Ar have been measured in lake sediments to study history of smelting of metals, herbicide and pesticide usage, and gasoline additives. SAMPLE PREPARATION To quantify the spectral data the internal standard method was chosen. Yttrium was used as the dopant by which all other elemental concentrations in the AGV-1 USGS geological standard were normalized [2]. Obtained in such a way, sensitivity factors for each studied element were utilized to calculate absolute elemental concentrations, in mg/kg (PPM), in samples that were laced with yttrium following identical doping procedure. The biggest challenge in preparing the Maicuru samples was obtaining a uniform distribution of yttrium over the sample. The specimens were powders with hydrophobic properties. Simply dropping the yttrium directly onto the powder created wet lumps resulting in a non-uniform Y distribution in the target. To solve the problem the following multi-step sample preparation procedure was devised: We present PIXE analysis results of the topmost 1 meter of a 5.15 meter long sediment core from Lake Maicuru, Para, Brazil (0°30’S, 54°15’W) that covers the period from more than 50,000 years before present to the present. The sediment core has previously been dated with 23 radiocarbon dates on terrestrial material (seeds, twigs, and charcoal). EXPERIMENTAL PIXE spectra were obtained with 2.5 MeV protons from the NEC tandem 1.7 MV accelerator at the University of Florida. The beam was defined by a series of graphite collimators and defocused in such a way that its diameter on the target was approximately 5 mm. The beam intensity was kept below 20 nA in order to avoid overheating and charge build-up on the sample. The preset charge passed through the target was typically up to 20 µC. Characteristic X-rays were detected in a 30 mm2 x 3 mm thick Kevex Si(Li) detector located inside the vacuum chamber, in the horizontal plane, and making an angle of 135o with the incident beam direction. The solid angle of the detector was defined by means of a high purity aluminum collimator and data were obtained with a 660 µm thick Mylar absorber in front of the detector. Some PIXE experiments were conducted with a “funny” filter that was the same absorber with a coaxial opening 1% of the total filter area. A Kevex 4525P amplifier/pulse processor was used in conjunction with the detector. The resolution obtained with the detector-pulse processor combination is 180 eV for the Mn Kα line. Step 1. The samples were dried overnight at 85°C in a laboratory oven. This resulted in a reduction of weight of up to 5% due to moisture loss. Step 2. The weighed samples were placed in a Teflon vessel and 100 µl of a 5% solution of a nonionic surfactant (Fisher Triton-X-100) made with deionized ultrafiltered (DIUF) water was added. The samples were returned to the oven for approximately one hour until the solution was absorbed by the sample. This process was repeated until the sample was completely wetted, i.e. additional solution soaked uniformly into material, instead of remaining as a drop on top of the material. Some samples did not require surfactant, but all samples were processed identically. Step 3. After the samples were wetted, Yttrium Plasma Standard Solution (Alfa Aesar Specpure, Y2O3 in 5% HNO3, Y1000µg/ml) was added in such an amount that the yttrium concentration was roughly 1000 ppm. Aluminized Mylar was chosen as backing for the PIXE targets. Fixation of the sample was achieved with a 1% solution of polystyrene in benzene in which some amount of powdered sample (typically 0.5 gram per 4 ml of the solvent) was suspended. PIXE runs on blank targets (polystyrene without sample material on the substrate) revealed no contaminants other than a trace amount of Zn. At least three targets were made Step 4. Following oven drying overnight at 85°C, the samples were shaken on a Micro-Dismembrator until the consistency was that of a fine powder. 420 Potassium Concentration K by ICP (ppm) Concentration Mg by ICP (ppm) 4 00 000 6000 4000 2000 R = 0.534 0 0 150 0 0 8000 Concentration P by ICP (ppm) 6000 0 R = 0.106 10000 50 00 0 1000 12000 40 00 0 2000 14000 10 00 0 C o ncentratio n N a b y PIXE (ppm) 3000 30 00 0 25 00 0 20 000 15000 1000 0 R = 0.260 4000 1 00 0 5000 5000 50 0 10000 Sodium 6000 0 C oncentration P b y PIXE (ppm) 15000 5 000 Concentration Ca by ICP (ppm) Phosphorus 20000 0 C o ncen tratio n Mg b y PIXE (ppm) Magnesium 25000 0 R = 0.902 0 30 000 0 Concentration Fe by ICP (ppm) 100000 20000 0 200000 3 00 00 0 R = 0.979 300000 0 5000 400000 2 00 00 0 10000 500000 10000 0 15000 40 00 0 0 10 000 0 3000 0 R = 0.990 C o ncentratio n C a by PIXE (ppm) 10000 20000 7500 20000 25000 5000 30000 30000 2 50 0 40000 Calcium 35000 10 000 C oncentration K b y PIXE (ppm) 50000 20000 C oncentratio n Fe b y PIXE (ppm) Iron 60000 Concentration Na by ICP (ppm) Figure 1. Statistical Analysis of ICP vs. PIXE Results for Six Elements. compare the results of the ICP studies with PIXE results, PIXE measurements were conducted with a “funny” filter to enhance detection of lower energy Xrays from light elements below K in the periodic table. ICP vs. PIXE results for six elements are plotted, employing R-squared regression, and are presented in Figure 1. The correlation is high between the two measurement techniques for heavier elements (Fe, K and Ca), but is low for lighter elements (Na, Mg, and P). A number of factors can be responsible for the fact that the trends are not promising for some elements. First, light elements below K in the periodic table produce lower energy characteristic X-rays in an energy region possessing a higher continuous X-ray background. This drastically reduces PIXE sensitivity, leading to greater statistical errors in concentration calculations. Another source of errors during PIXE measurements is non-uniform sample material distribution over the target surface, which makes it difficult to estimate the significant absorption of very soft x-rays in the sample. On the other hand, the preparation method for the ICP samples may have left some elements in mineral form. For example K could RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Method Validation As a first step, we validate the method of using PIXE to determine elemental concentrations in lacustrine sediments by comparing previously obtained results from ICP studies with new results using PIXE. We compared 7 samples from 4 lakes. The basins studied include Lake Bainbridge (Galapagos, Equator), Lake Valencia (Venezuela) San Jose Chulchaca (Yucatan, Mexico), and Lake Titicaca (Bolivia/Peru). The sediment of these lakes has highly different chemistry allowing comparison of a large range of elemental concentrations. ICP measurements employed an inductively coupled plasma spectrometer (Jarrell-Ash Model 9000) following combustion at 550°C for 2 hours and digestion in 1N HCL for 1 hour [3]. In order to 421 before present. This makes determining of causes of elemental concentration changes more difficult. However, the trends of elemental concentration of Ti, Mn, Fe and Zn with time are remarkably similar, suggesting a common control on the elemental concentration. Climate in this region of South America was drier in the last glacial period and the two oldest data points at the record have the greatest concentration. Independent indication of this drying is the hiatus in sedimentation in the record (during which time it is assumed that the lake was dry). During the deglaciation from about 15,000 to 10,000 years before present, water availability increased and the lake filled. This increase in water availability is evidenced in the core by a general trend to lower concentration of heavy elements, beginning at about 16,000 years before present. The slight increase in elemental concentration of heavy elements at about 11,500 years before present could correspond with the Younger Dryas period during which climate briefly returned to cold, dry, glacial conditions. During the Holocene (10,000 years before present to the present) heavy element concentrations have decreased likely due to increased moisture availability and increased organic carbon input that dilutes other elements. have been left in minerals such as clays that are not nitric acid soluble. Better results might be expected in instances where HF is used in the wet chemistry technique for ICP analysis. Downcore Results Of Maicuru Sediments Our second objective was measurement of sediments from Lake Maicuru to evaluate the feasibility of using PIXE analysis on lacustrine sediment samples. The 13 sediment samples corresponded to depth from 0 cm to 100 cm in the sediment core. A typical sediment PIXE spectrum is presented in Fig.2. Due to the poor reliability of data for light elements mentioned above, only heavier elements (Fe, K, and Ca) from the Maicuru sediment core will be discussed. Spectra for heavier elements were obtained with the regular Mylar filter. Very high levels of Ti are observed in the lake deposits as a result of extensive tropical weathering of the local bedrock. Figure 3 presents downcore variations of such elements as Ti, Mn, Fe and Zn. Unfortunately a hiatus exists in the Lake Maicuru sediment record from approximately 16,000 to 28,000 radiocarbon years Figure 2. A Typical PIXE Spectrum from 0 cm Depth of Sediments from Lake Maicuru. 422 Figure 3. Downcore Distributions of Ti, Fe, Mn, and Zn in Lake Maicuru Sediments. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES The PIXE method has been used to study lake sediments and explore its feasibility in paleoclimatology and geochemistry. The method is promising: PIXE and ICP results compare favorably for heavier elements and wet chemistry is eliminated from the sample preparation. Consistent results on the downcore study suggest that the technique holds promise for geochemical and paleoenvironmental studies. 1. Coldwell, R. L., Van Rinsvelt, H. A., “Pixfit-A Special Analysis Program for PIXE” in Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry-1997, edited by J. L. Dugan and I. L. Morgan, AIP Conference Proceedings 475, New York: American Institute of Physics, 1997, pp. 555-558. 2. Carlsson, L. E., Akselsson, K. R., Nucl.Instr.Meth. 181, 531-537 (1981). 3. Andersen, J. M., “An ignition method for determination of total phosphorus in lake sediments.” Water Research 10, 329-331 (1976). 423
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