The Application of RBS To Investigate The Diffusion of HCl Into The Near Surface Region Of Ice. T. Huthwelker(1,2), U.K. Krieger(2), Th. Peter(2), W.A. Lanford(1) (1) University at Albany (SUNY), Physics Department, Washington Avenue, Albany, 12222 NY, USA. (2) Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science (IACETH), ETH Zürich, Switzerland. Abstract. The interaction of trace gases in the near surface region of aerosols (ice, liquid acids, hydrates) is important for understanding environmental problems, such as the formation of the Ozone-hole or global warming. Direct measurements of trace gas concentration profiles on materials such as ice can provide key data to understand the underlying physical chemistry. However, measurement of concentration profiles in the near surface region of volatile materials presents a significant analytical challenge due to the materials high vapor pressure. We use Rutherford Backscattering (RBS) to measure in situ elemental concentration profiles on high vapor pressure materials held in controlled atmospheres of water vapor and trace gases. HCl uptake experiments are presented and the HCl diffusion and solubility at temperatures around 200 K are determined. Additional complications arise from the specific nature of the ice surface. Ice has a high vapor pressure. At 200 K, the ice vapor pressure is about 1 mTorr, thus 103 monolayers per second are exchanged with the gas phase. The concept of adsorption sites, as used in adsorption models, such as the Langmuir or BETisotherms may not be appropriate to the description of the trace gas uptake on such highly dynamic surfaces. Also, close to the melting point there is a disordered surface on ice [6,7]. It is suspected that this disordered surface layer may affect the uptake up trace gases on ice. INTRODUCTION The trace gas-aerosol interactions are key to understanding problems, such as the formation of the ozone hole and global warming. For example, chemical reactions of halogen compounds on atmospheric aerosols prime the atmosphere for the annual ozone hole [1,2]. Also, the trace gas-ice interactions are important when analyzing polar ice cores in order to reconstruct Earth’s past climate [3]. The water uptake on salt and ammonium sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere is important for cloud formation processes, and may thus influence the Earth’s radiation budget. Consequently a direct investigation of the trace gas uptake and its diffusion in the near surface region will refine our understanding of the fundamental physical chemistry of high vapor pressure material. This will form the base for modeling heterogeneous processes in natural environments. For liquid aerosols, heterogeneous reactions are well understood in terms of gas phase diffusion towards the aerosol, mass accommodation at the surface, diffusion and possible chemical reaction in the condensed phase. On solids, adsorption and reaction on the surface play an additional or even dominant role [4]. However, modeling studies indicate, that simple adsorption models may not be sufficient to understand the nature of the trace gas-ice interaction [5]. The relative importance of surface and bulk processes (i.e. adsorption, bulk solubility and diffusion) remains unclear. The direct measurement of elemental concentration profiles in the near surface region of high vapor pressure materials is impossible by analytical methods that require samples held in high vacuum. Recently, we have demonstrated, that Rutherford backscattering (RBS) [8] can be used in situ on samples held in CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 400 controlled ambients at pressures up to a few Torr [9,10]. gas source In this paper we present preliminary measurements of the HCl uptake onto ice and derive diffusion constants of HCl in the near surface region. Water, HCl He+ EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Ice To study the uptake of trace gases on ice we have combined a chemical reactor (a ‘Knudsen-cell’) with a RBS-setup. Because the system is detailed in the literature [10], only a brief description is given here. Si-detector The target chamber consists of a standard ISO-K 100 cross. A target holder can be mounted horizontally or vertically in this cross. This target holder can be rotated and is temperature controlled (-130°C-30°C). The target chamber has a controlled atmosphere of water vapor and a trace gas such as HCl and is continuously analyzed by mass spectrometry. This high-pressure chamber is connected to the SUNY accelerator via a differential pumping stage. A standard Si-detector in the high pressure region is used to record the energy spectrum of the backscattered ions. SUNY accelerator Mass spectrometer FIGURE 1. Sketch of experimental setup. As we seek to profile Cl at a concentration level of one part per thousand, the ice contamination with other impurities must be kept well below this level. To achieve this goal all glassware in contact with the water is cleaned for several days in a 10-30 wt% HNO3-water solution, then carefully rinsed with deionized water. In the vacuum system only silicon free vacuum grease is used (if at all). With these procedures ice with no measurable contaminations can be made. However, since the stainless steel cell is regularly exposed to gaseous HCl, there is an HClbackground contamination of ~10-8 Torr, resulting in non-zero HCl uptake even in the fresh ice. Once the ice is grown, the water partial pressure in the cell is adjusted to match the ice vapor pressure. HCl DIFFUSION INTO ICE When bringing ice samples from air into the analysis chamber, atmospheric water vapor will always condense on the ice surface. In our setup, we avoid this problem, by growing the ice in situ on the vertically mounted target holder. The sample holder can be accessed through an opened flange above the target surface. To avoid condensation of ambient water vapor a slight overpressure of dry nitrogen is maintained in the cell, such that a constant gas flow exits through the opened top flange. RESULTS HCl uptake measurements at –70°C, with HCl partial pressures ~10-6 Torr have been performed. A time series of RBS spectra showing HCl uptake into the near surface region of ice is presented in Fig. 2. Deionized and degassed water is dropped with a pipette onto the cooled sample holder and frozen at temperatures above –5°C. Ice prepared this way is bubble-free and clear. We do not have a method to measure the grain structure of the ice. However, since the ice is frozen slowly, our targets should be large grained and most importantly, similar to the smooth ice used by other authors (cf. [11]) for HCl uptake experiments. Thus our results should be comparable with those study. The figure shows two main features. First, the HCl in the surface region rises with time. Secondly, and most interestingly, the HCl uptake extends roughly one micron into the depth of the ice. Further, there is no sharp surface peak as one would expect for the adsorption of HCl onto a surface. It should be noted, that these data show the first direct in situ observation of the diffusion of HCl in the near surface region of ice, with ice in equilibrium with its vapor. 401 Depth [A] 5000 2500 be used to derive the solubility and diffusivities of HCl in ice. 0 0.02 Other data on the HCl diffusion at temperatures ~200 K scatter widely. In previous work, we have determined a value of 5x10-16-3x10-15 m2/s from evaporating ice, which was frozen from a HCl doped solution. Livingston and George [13] have determined a value of 10-14 m2s-1 from vapor grown ice. Wolff and Mulvaney [14] estimated 10-13–10-17m2/s using an Xray microprobe. Chu et al. [15] suggested 2x10-17 m2/s. Fluckinger [11] estimated 4x10-18m2/s for single crystals, and 10-16-10-17 m2/s for polycrystalline ice using an indirect titration method in a Knudsen-cell experiment. The result of this study of 1-4x10-17m2/s is in the lower range of the available data. This may indicate, that the HCl transport in the weakly polycrystalline ice sample benefits only to a minor degree from lattice imperfections, such as grain boundaries and dislocations. .005 Cl/O norm counts 7500 Cl 0.00 0.8 1.0 1.2 .001 0 1.4 E [MeV] FIGURE 2. Raw data of the time-series of the HCl diffusing into ice at –70°C (at t=0, 45, 166, 266, 350, 416 min). The lowermost spectrum (t=0min) shows the initial contamination of the ice due to residual HCl. Note that the ice is slowly evaporating in the uppermost spectrum. To further analyze these spectra we use Henry’s Law Hxgas = xsolid to describe the HCl solubility. Here, xgas and xsolid are the HCl:H2O molecular ratios in the gas and the solid phase respectively. Assuming that Henrys’ Law is always valid at the surface, the diffusion profile is given by (e.g. [12]) xsolid(x,t) = x0 erfc (x / ( D t)1/2 ) The HCl uptake onto ice has been studied by various authors using a variety of methods. Most experiments have been performed in much shorter timescales (less than 30 min) than in the experiments presented here. Thus our measurements cannot directly be compared with their results. The solubility of HCl in single crystals has been measured by Thibert and Dominé [12] at temperatures above -35°C. These authors used thermodynamic considerations to derive a parameterization of the HCl solubility as function of the temperature and HCl partial pressure. This parameterization can be used to calculate the HCl solubility in single crystals at the conditions of our experiments. Our data give solubilities, that are about a factor of 50 higher than the estimates from the work of Thibert and Dominé [12]. (1) Fitting this equation to the data gives x0 (and thus the Henrys’ Law constant) and also the diffusivity D. A condition for validity of this equation is that the gas-phase concentration of HCl is constant during the uptake. However, during the course of the uptake experiment of several hours, the HCl partial pressure increased by about a factor 4 due to very slow wall equilibration of he stainless steel cell. But, as the HCl partial pressure changes very slowly, Eq. 1 is still valid in a quasi-static approximation. We are not certain of the significance of our observation of 2 orders of magnitude higher solubility of HCl than what would be expected from the extrapolations of the Thibert and Domine work. In polycrystalline ice trace gases may accumulate in the grain boundaries and triple junctions of the ice as suggested by several authors [14, 16]. RBS cannot distinguish between such different reservoirs. We also note, that Thibert and Dominé [12] derived the bulk solubility from HCl diffusion profiles in single crystals with a spatial resolution of about 20 µm. In contrast, RBS probes the near surface region with 2 orders of magnitude better depth resolution. One may speculate, that the solubility in the near surface region is enhanced compared to the solubility in the single crystal matrix due to specific effects. For example, the volumes of grain boundaries and triple junctions increase towards the surface [17, 18]. If HCl Using this analysis, we find for the HCl surface concentration values of 0.1-0.4 mole %, corresponding to a Henry’s Law constants of about H=108). From our data we derive a diffusion constant of about 1-4 x 10-17 m2/s. DISCUSSION We have demonstrated that we can observe the diffusion of HCl into the near surface region of ice with RBS in situ and non-destructively. Our data can 402 6. Carslaw, K. S., and Peter, Th., Geophys. Res. Lett., 24 (14), 1743-1746 (1997). accumulates in such reservoirs, this would enhance the effective surface concentration compared to the bulk ice in the polycrystalline sample. Another possibility is that due to the high ice vapor pressure, there is a continuous burial of HCl molecules in the upper surface region. As the HCl is buried in concentrations above the bulk solubility limit, HCl will be expelled from the ice matrix. The counter play between the burial of HCl into the ice and the expulsion of HCl from the bulk ice will lead to an HCl enriched surface region, in similarity to the physical picture used by Gertner and Hynes [19]. Alternatively, a sub-surface disordered layer (quasi-liquid-layer) may lead to the observed high HCl concentration in the near surface region. If so, we may observe the diffusion of HCl into such a disordered layer in the presented experiments or the formation of a disordered surface layer by interaction of the gaseous HCl with the ice surface. 7. Dash, J.G., Fu, H., and Wettlaufer, J. S., Rep. Prog. Phys., 58, 115-167 (1995). 8. Dosch, H., Critical phenomena at surfaces and interfaces, Springer Tracts in modern Physics, Berlin, Springer, 1992. 9. Chu, W. K., Mayer, J. M., and Nicolet, M. A., Backscattering spectrometry, New York, Academic Press, 1978. 10. Krieger, U. K., Huthwelker, T., Daniel, C., Weers, U., Peter, Th., and Lanford, W. 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