The Paths of Plurally Scattered Ions in Heavy Ion Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis R.D. Franich, P.N. Johnston, I.F. Bubb Department of Applied Physics, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, GPO Box 2476V, Melbourne 3001, Australia. Abstract. HIERDA spectra are complicated by the pronounced broadening and tailing effects that arise from the frequent plural and multiple scattering undergone by swift heavy ions in solids. The quantitative evaluation of these spectra is dependent on a clear understanding of the contribution of plurally scattered ions. A TRIM based Monte Carlo ion transport code has been shown to reproduce all features of HIERDA spectra and is used here to study the ion paths. The large number of scattering events that each ion undertakes makes the handling of the full scattering histories unwieldy, but the second and subsequent largest scattering angles from individual ion paths may be used to characterise plural scattering. The paths of scattered incident ions and recoiled target atoms have been modelled for 60 MeV I ions incident on Au, as well as other projectile-target combinations. The plural and multiple scattering contributions to HIERDA spectra are quantified and frequency distributions of large deflection scattering events are presented. Simulation results are compared with experimental measurements conducted on the ToF-E HIERDA facility at Lucas Heights. small deflections along its path. Multiple scattering is well described by the theory of Sigmund and Winterbon [1] and the resultant spectrum broadening effects are satisfactorily incorporated into several analytical simulation codes such as RUMP. The output spectra of techniques such as Heavy Ion Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (HIERDA) contain a significant contribution from plurally scattered ions and recoil atoms [2-4]. The analysis of these spectra is critically dependent upon their accurate simulation and requires a quantitative understanding of the plural scattering contribution to the spectra. INTRODUCTION Ion beam analysis techniques using energetic heavy ions are becoming more widely used for depth profiling of thin layered structures and near surface regions. The high scattering cross sections of heavy ions, while responsible for enhancing sensitivity, also reduce the probing depth of the beam. Probing depth is recovered by increasing the incident beam energy. The high cross section results in a higher probability of an ion having more than one significant scattering event in the sample. Ions reaching the detector following two or more large direction changes in the sample are termed plurally scattered. The detected energy of these ions will generally not be simply related to their origin within the sample. Energy lost to elastic collisions may indicate a deeper origin if assumed to be electronic stopping. It is also possible for plurally scattered ions to be detected with higher energy than would result from a single scatter occurring in the surface monolayer. To study plural scattering, we have developed a Monte Carlo (MC) HIERDA spectrum simulation program [4] based on a fast FORTRAN version of the well known TRIM ion transport code [5]. The program allows for the identification of plurally scattered ions and recoiled atoms, and enables their contribution to the output spectra to be isolated and quantified. A record is kept of the number and magnitude of significant direction changes in the scattering history of all ions reaching the detector. This information is used to characterise the paths of plurally scattered counts contributing to the output spectra. Plural scattering is here distinguished from the multiple scattering process by which the direction of an ion is continuously changed by a series of very CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 385 substrate does not contribute to the output spectra for this experimental configuration [3]. EXPERIMENT All simulation outputs have been compared with experimental measurements conducted on the ANTARES 8 MV FN Tandem Accelerator at the Lucas Heights Research Laboratories of the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation. This HIERDA facility employs a TOF-E detector telescope with a flight path length of 495mm between C timing foils of 25.3 µg/cm2 as described in [6]. The detector is positioned at a scattering angle of 45˚ to the incident beam direction. The output file of atoms scattered and recoiled from the target is post-processed to simulate detection by a virtual TOF-E telescope with an enlarged acceptance angle to improve efficiency [2,3]. Energy loss in the timing foils is accounted for and time spectra are generated using the bin width and offset obtained from the experimental calibration. Recorded with the species, direction, and energy of each detected ion is a list of the 10 largest direction changes in its scattering history. The history of a recoiled target atom incorporates the incident ion’s history prior to generation of the recoil. The samples were (i) a well characterised 60 nm Au layer on a Si substrate irradiated at 67.5˚ to the surface normal and (ii) a 91.3/326 nm Ta2O5 layer on Si manufactured at KRISS1 irradiated at 65˚. Incident beams used were 40, 60, 77, and 97.5 MeV 127I. RESULTS Time spectra were extracted from the experimental data using PAW and a purpose written code developed at RMIT. Time of flight spectra are used as they exhibit better depth resolution than the energy spectra [7] and are readily calibrated using a simple direct calibration procedure [6]. Figure 1 shows a frequency distribution of the largest and 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 10th largest direction change for each scattered I ion and recoiled Au atom reaching the detector. 100 (a) 2nd largest scatter SIMULATION detected ions (%) 10 The simulated HIERDA spectra are generated using a program based on the TRIM Monte Carlo ion transport code. The advantage of MC modelling is that the simulated paths of individual ions are known. Analytical techniques attempt to predict the statistical distribution of ion paths and energies. However it is the atypical ion paths which include plural scattering events that give rise to many of the characteristic features in the HIERDA spectrum. MC modelling of heavy ion recoil spectrometry is only viable subject to substantial improvements in efficiency described previously [4] designed to reduce the amount of time spent processing ion and recoil paths which will not result in detector events. The secondary particle enhancement technique used by Arstila [8] is not employed here, so that the scattered ion spectra may also be generated and are in turn used to normalise the output to experimental data. The 60 nm Au layer is modelled as 75 nm to correct for a deficiency in theoretical stopping power [2,4]. To improve efficiency, only the first 10 nm of the Si substrate is modelled as it has been shown previously that the 1 Largest scatter 3rd " " 4th " " 10th " " 1 0.1 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 angle (degrees) 100 Largest scatter 2nd largest scatter (b) 3rd detected recoils (%) 10 " " 4th " 10th " " " 1 0.1 0.01 0 10 20 30 40 50 angle (degrees) 60 70 80 90 FIGURE 1. Angular distribution of the Largest and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 10th largest scattering deflections in the paths of (a) scattered 60 MeV I ions and (b) recoiled Au atoms. Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science 386 The distribution of largest deflections shows the expected single scattering distribution around 45˚, broadened by the small angular contribution from multiple scattering. Also present is the distribution below 40˚ and the long tail beyond 50˚ corresponding to the plurally scattered counts. The distribution of second largest deflections exhibits a long tail extending beyond 60˚ and a local maximum near 20˚. This local maximum together with the corresponding feature in the largest scatter data, describe the double scatters – those having two nearly equal deflections to reach the detector. The product of kinematic factors for these two events is greater than that for a single 45˚ scatter, and the ions are detected with an energy greater than that from a single scatter occurring in the surface layer. This gives rise to the characteristic high energy ‘knee’ on the surface edge of the HIERDA spectrum. The separation of these two local maxima is due to there being a pair of events, the larger of which is counted in the first distribution. The isolation of plurally scattered counts requires the choice of a threshold value of the second largest deflection angle, beyond which the ion will be deemed plurally scattered. The distinction is somewhat arbitrary, and constitutes the differentiation between large angle plural and small angle multiple scattering. The small angle end of the second largest deflection data corresponds to those counts whose largest direction change was near 45˚. The half-height of this edge is approximately at 3˚, and this is chosen to denote a plural scatter Figure 2 shows the simulated output spectra with separated contributions from ions that have had n=1, 2, …,5 scatters greater than 3˚. The single scattered data sets, i.e. n=1, show the shape of the spectra that would be generated by a conventional analytical ‘slab’ analysis technique with only a multiple scattering correction applied. The high energy (i.e. low ToF) double scatter feature and the plural scatter tailing would not be predicted. There is also a plural scattering contribution to the yield in the main body of the spectrum which is not easily seen due to the log scale. Figure 1(b) shows similar distributions for the recoiled Au data although the double scattering is not well defined and the single scattering peak is skewed substantially towards larger angles. 10000 10000 5 scatters > 3 deg (a) " 3 " " 4 " " 5 " 3 " 2 1 1000 100 10 1 100 10 1 0.1 0.1 60 70 80 90 100 60 Time of Flight (ns) 70 80 90 100 Time of Flight (ns) 10000 10000 5 scatters > 3 deg (b) 1000 1 scatter > 3 deg (b) 2 " 3 " " 4 " " 5 " 4 " 3 " 2 1 1000 100 counts counts 1 scatter > 3 deg (a) 2 " counts counts 1000 4 10 1 100 10 1 0.1 0.1 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 80 Time of Flight (ns) 90 100 110 120 130 140 Time of Flight (ns) FIGURE 2. Simulated spectra showing contributions to spectral shape from ions having 1, 2, …,5 scattering events for (a) scattered 60 MeV I ions and (b) recoiled Au atoms. FIGURE 3. Simulated spectra showing ToF distributions of ions having 1, 2, …,5 scattering events for (a) scattered 60 MeV I ions and (b) recoiled Au atoms. 387 Figure 3 shows the same data re-ordered to show this contribution and the Time of Flight distributions of the plurally scattered ions. Analytical simulations are unlikely to correctly predict the total yield throughout the spectrum if plural scattering is not accounted for. deflections in the scattering history of each ion reaching the detector are recorded and used to characterize the paths. The contribution to the output spectra of plurally scattered ions may be separated and quantified subject to a definition of large angle scattering. This contribution may be segregated into those ions having 2,3,4,… etc events. Figure 4 illustrates the varying degrees of complexity of the paths of plurally scattered ions reaching the detector. The 10 largest scattering angles are shown for each of 100 randomly chosen ion histories. Each curve represents the data for a single ion. The majority of paths resemble our idealisation of a singly scattered ion, having a 45˚ scatter with the remainder of the path slightly perturbed by the multiple scattering process. The point P marks the plural scattering condition i.e. a second direction change of 3˚ or greater. The curves which pass above P are the plurally scattered paths. There are 28 such curves in this sample. Several of these appear as double scatters having the third and subsequent events down in the small angle multiple scattering region. Most exhibit a complex plural scattering history with some having up to 10 or more significant direction changes. In the simulated spectra shown in figures 2 and 3, 27% of scattered I ions detected with a Time of Flight < 100 ns, and 40 % of recoiled Au atoms having a ToF < 140 ns, satisfied the 3˚ plural scattering condition. The degree of complexity of plural scattered paths leading to the detector has been shown for a simple case of a thin layer of Au on Si, analysed with a 60 MeV I beam. There is a significant number of plurally scattered ions reaching the detector, and their paths frequently have several large deflections, with some observed having up to 10 deflections greater than 3˚. Future work in this area will include an analysis of the effectiveness of simulation methods which include a double scattering correction to improve the correlation with experimental output. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the Australian Institute of Nuclear Science and Engineering. REFERENCES deflection angle (degrees) 50 1. P. Sigmund and K.B. Winterbon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 119, 541-547 (1974). 40 2. P.N. Johnston, I.F. Bubb, M. El Bouanani, D.D. Cohen and N. Dytlewski, AIP Conf. Proc. 475, AIP Press, New York (1999), Ed. J.L. Duggan and I.L. Morgan, p.517. 30 3. P.N. Johnston, R.D. Franich, I.F. Bubb M. El Bouanani, D.D. Cohen, N. Dytlewski, R. Siegele, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.B 161-163, 314-317 (2000). 20 10 4. R. D. Franich, P. N. Johnston, I. F. Bubb, N. Dytlewski, D.D. Cohen, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.B 190 , 252 (2002). P 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 th n largest scatter 5. J.F. Ziegler, J.P. Biersack, and U. Littmark, Stopping and Range of Ions in Solids, Published by Pergamon Press, New York, NY, USA, ISBN 0 08 021603 X (1985). FIGURE 4. The 10 largest scattering angles in the paths of 100 randomly selected ions reaching the detector. The point P indicates the plural scattering condition of a second scatter greater than 3˚. 6. W.B. Stannard, P.N. Johnston, S.R. Walker, I.F. Bubb, J.F. Scott, D.D. Cohen, N. Dytlewski, J.W. Martin, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.B 99, 447-449 (1995). CONCLUSION 7. P. N. Johnston, M. El Bouanani, W. B. Stannard , I.F. Bubb, D.D. Cohen, N. Dytlewski, R. Siegele, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.B 136-138, 669-673 (1998). We have developed a Monte Carlo code for the simulation of HIERDA spectra which allows for the analysis of the plural scattering contribution to the output spectra. The magnitudes of the largest angular 8. K. Arstila, T. Sajavaara, and J. Keinonen, Nucl. Instr. and Meth.B 174, 163-172 (2001). 388
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