Status and Perspectives of a Forward Scattering Project for the Multielemental Analysis of Liquids J. A. Liendoa,b, A. C. Gonzálezb, N. R. Fletcherc and D. D. Caussync. a Departamento de Física, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas,Venezuela Centro de Física, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas, Caracas,Venezuela c Physics Department, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, USA. b Abstract. A project based on low mass multielemental analysis of liquid samples by using forward elastic scattering is under progress. Elastic cross section measurements for the reactions 13 MeV 6,7Li +A and 24 MeV 16O +A, A being any nucleus lighter than Na, are necessary due to the existence of non-elastic processes. The non-Rutherford character of some of the reactions quoted above has been established from experiments carried out at 12.45º, 16.45º, 20.45º and 28.0° where A = Be, C, O and Si. The accuracy and precision of the measured cross sections have been tested. In the future, accurate cross section determinations will be required for lighter target elements such as B, Li and H. The dilution of a liquid sample improves the spectrum resolution. Efforts are currently concentrated on determining if the relative yields corresponding to various elements present in a given sample remain constant as dilution changes. is important because previous publications [3] show remarkable improvements in the spectrum energy resolution when a complex sample such as amniotic fluid is diluted. INTRODUCTION An accurate determination of forward angle cross sections and a quantification of the relationship between sample dilution and elemental yield are required in order to improve a method proposed previously [1] for low mass multielemental analysis of liquid samples. Differential cross sections relevant to this method have been determined [2] from elastic yields collected simultaneously at 12.45°, 16.45°, 20.45° and 28° for the reactions 6,7Li +9Be , 6,7Li + 12C, 6,7 Li + 16O, 6,7Li +28Si at Elab(6,7Li) = 13 MeV and 16O 9 + Be, 16O +12C, 16O +16O and 16O +28Si at Elab(16O)=24MeV. In this work, we have tested the accuracy and precision of the measured cross sections. Using several targets, a set of three or four density values has been obtained for each target element mentioned previously by using elastic yields collected at different angles and the corresponding cross sections reported in a recent publication [2]. The consistency of the density values obtained for each target element studied has been used as the criterium to test the precision of our measured cross sections. The cross section accuracy has also been tested by comparing some of our density results with target thickness nominal values supplied by the target maker. In addition, we have carried out a preliminary quantification of how amniotic fluid elastic yields behave as sample dilution changes. This EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS The experimental configurations used in this research have been discussed in detail in a recent publication [2]. In this work, for each target element of interest (9Be,12C,16O and 28Si), we have carried out an experiment where that element, contained in selected targets made in the Florida State University Accelerator Laboratory, has been bombarded with three beams: 13 MeV 6Li, 13 MeV 7Li and 24 MeV 16 O. Elastically scattered data have been gathered simultaneously at 12.45°, 16.45°, 20.45° and 28°. The dominance of Rutherford scattering has been assumed previously [1] to obtain density estimates for several elements contained in amniotic fluid. However, we have evidence for the existence of non-elastic processes as shown in Fig. 1. The spectrum displayed in this figure was collected at 28° when a target containing carbon and gold was bombarded with a 16 MeV 7Li beam. The most prominent peaks, labeled in Fig. 1a, are due to 7Li ions elastically scattered from 12 C and 197Au while the small peaks observed in the region of the spectrum above channel 1050 (expanded CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 377 total charge, in µc units, collected during every experiment in a Faraday cup attached to the scattering chamber and located behind the target, and dσ/dΩ is the measured differential cross section (in the laboratory reference frame) whose precision is being tested. We have obtained dσ/dΩ values for 6,7Li-beam reactions from 16O-beam reaction differential cross sections by using the equation in Fig. 1b) correspond to alpha particles produced in 12 C(7Li,α)15N reactions where the 15N nuclei are left in several excited states labeled by their energies in Fig. 1b. Since Rutherford scattering is not the only process available, we decided to measure elastic scattering 6,7 cross sections for reactions initiated with 13 MeV Li ( Au + Li 5.28 5 200 0 100 1100 C + Li* 0 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1200 1300 1300 1400 1400 Channel Number FIGURE 1. Elastically scattered particle spectra collected at 28° from the bombardment of a (C+ Au) target with a 16 MeV 7Li beam. and 24 MeV 16O beams bombarding target elements lighter than Na. The determination of accurate cross sections is required to have confidence in the target element density values obtained from the method proposed previously [1]. The elastic scattering method at forward angles is especially intended to analyze low mass elements which cannot be detected by established techniques such as Proton Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE) and Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence (TXRF). The first set of cross section measurements relevant to the method have been reported recently [2] using 9Be, 12C, 16O and 28Si as target elements. To test the precision of our cross section measurements, the densities of 9Be, 12C, 16O and 28Si present in several testing targets have been determined at different scattering angles by using the formula T ( µ g / cm 2 ) = 0 . 266 A T Z P Y dσ Q ∆Ω dΩ dσ dσ Y Z Q ) Li = ( ) O Li Li O dΩ d Ω YO Z O Q Li (2) where the indexes O and Li identify quantities belonging to the reactions initiated with 16O and 6,7Li beams respectively. It is obvious that the determination of (dσ/dΩ )Li is possible if the corresponding (dσ/dΩ )O is known. We have shown experimentally that the reactions 16O+ 28Si , 16O+ 16O and 16O+ 12C are consistent with the Rutherford predictions (at least in the angular range used in this study). This has allowed us to obtain (dσ/dΩ )Li values using equation (2) for the corresponding reactions 6,7Li + 28Si, 6,7Li + 16O and 6,7 Li + 12C. Although the 24 MeV 16O + 9Be reaction was proved to be a non-Rutherford process, we were able to obtain target dependent cross section estimates (at several scattering angles) for that reaction which were then used to determined the 6,7Li + 9Be cross sections by using equation (2). Table 1 shows density values obtained in this research for the target elements mentioned in the previous paragraph. In most cases, for every targetprojectile combination, at least three density values were obtained from elastic scattering data collected simultaneously at 16.45°, 20.45° and 28.0°. The 12C density values determined from the reactions 13 MeV 6 Li + 12C (using a formvar target) and 13 MeV 7Li + 12 C (using a target, labeled in Table 1 as SiO(c), containing C, O and Si) show impressive agreements within the errors. Similar consistent results were obtained for the density determinations carried out for 9 Be (present in a BeO target bombarded with a 24 MeV 16O beam) and for 28Si (present in two different SiO targets, labeled by (a) and (b), bombarded with a 24 MeV 16O beam). It is important to remark that the nominal density value of silicon contained in target SiO(b) was 8.4 µg/cm2 (given by the target maker) which is very close to the value of (8.6 ± 0.6) µg/cm2 obtained in this work. The 16O density values shown in Table 1 for a formvar target (using the 13 MeV 6Li+16O reaction) are consistent within the errors if they are calculated from 6.32 7.16 7.57 10 C + Li 300 b) 8.57 15 400 9.81 a) 9.16 Events / Channel 500 (1) where AT is the target atomic mass number, ZP is the beam average charge state as the beam passes through the target, Y is the yield collected at a particular angle, ∆Ω is the detector solid angle in msr units, Q is the 378 TABLE 1. Density values obtained for 9Be, 12C, 16O and 28Si contained in several selected targets. Target Denomination Target Element 12 C Projectile 13 MeV 6Li Formvar 16 O 13 MeV 6Li Densities (µg/cm2) 0.23±0.02 0.21±0.02 0.21±0.02 0.074±0.006 0.073±0.009 0.076±0.009 0.078±0.007 0.059±0.006 0.053±0.005 Comments The density values are obtained at 16.45°, 20.45° and 28.0° by use of equation (1). The 6Li+16O cross sections used for the density determination (equation (1)), were determined by using, in equation (2), the corresponding Mott 16 O + 16O cross sections. The 6Li+16O cross sections used for the density determination (equation (1)), were calculated by using, in equation (2), the “overestimated” 16O +16O cross sections. 23±1 9 Be 16 24 MeV O 21±1 23±1 103±3 BeO 135±8 16 O 24 MeV16O Using Mott 16O +16O cross sections. 154±9 109±4 109±6 Using “overestimated” 16O +16O cross sections. 107±6 12.1±0.8 SiO (a) 28 Si 16 24 MeV O 12.6±0.9 11.4±0.8 8.6±0.6 SiO (b) 28 Si 16 24 MeV O 8.5±0.6 Nominal density = 8.4 µg/cm2 (given by the target maker). 8.6±0.6 5.2±0.5 SiO (c) 12 C 13 MeV 7Li 5.2±0.4 5.1±0.5 The density values are obtained at 12.45°, 16.45°, 20.45° and 28.0° by use of equation (1). 5.0±0.4 equation (1) with the 6Li + 16O cross sections, obtained from equation (2), under the assumption that the 16 O+16O reaction is a Mott type process. It is interesting to point out that although our measured 6Li + 16O cross sections were consistent with the results published by Poling et. al [4], the corresponding 16O + 16 O cross sections do not follow the Mott curve. However, from the analysis of the 16O+ 12C reaction, which was proved to follow the Rutherford predictions, we knew that the 16O + 16O reaction had to be a Mott process. Using targets of different thickness, we realized that the target used to determine the16O + 16O cross sections was so thick that it did not allow us to distinguish a contaminant contribution located very 379 close to the 16O elastic peak. This led to an overestimation of the 16O+16O cross sections and, consequently, to an overestimation, by virtue of equation (2), of the corresponding 6Li + 16O cross sections. Table 1 shows that the 16O density values obtained for the formvar target are not consistent when the overestimated 6Li + 16O cross sections are used in equation (1). This clearly indicates that the formvar target does not contain the contaminant contribution mentioned above. An opposite situation occurs with the 16O density determinations of the BeO target (using the 24 MeV 16O+16O reaction) contained in Table 1. In this case, the concentration values obtained show consistency when the “overestimated” 16O+16O cross sections are used in equation (1). This reveals the presence of the contaminant in this BeO target. We have determined 16O concentrations for several BeO and SiO targets irradiated with 24 MeV 16O. The results have been similar to those obtained for the BeO target included in Table 1. In addition, the targets used by Poling et. al [4] probably had the same type of contamination since our “overestimated” 6Li + 16O cross sections [2] are consistent with those reported in that previous work. We do not know if the contamination observed in all these targets containing oxygen (except the formvar target) is related to the process of making the targets and/or the beams used and/or any other reason. More research needs to be done on this matter. Recently, we have started the quantification of how the dilution of amniotic fluid (AF) with distilled water affects the elastic scattering yields produced by different elements present in a given AF sample. Scattering spectra obtained from the bombardment (with a 13 MeV 6Li beam) of two AF samples prepared with a relative dilution of 2.5, show that the yield corresponding to the less diluted sample is approximately 3 times that of the other sample for the spectrum region above the elastic carbon peak. However, a relative yield of 3/2 is obtained for the region of the spectrum located below the 12C peak. The discrepancies obtained in this preliminary quantification between the relative yields measured for different regions of the collected spectra (3 and 3/2) and the nominal relative dilution of 2.5 need to be understood. Currently, we are involved with the analysis of several spectra generated from the irradiation (with 6Li and 7Li beams) of several AF targets prepared from the same original AF but with different dilutions. Our objective on this matter is to obtain a quantitative relationship between AF dilution and elastic yield per element contained in a sample. This determination is important for the consolidation of the forward scattering method because AF dilution has been proved to improve the resolution of elastic scattering spectra [3]. CONCLUSIONS The consistency of the density values determined for 9Be, 12C, 16O and 28Si (contained in several selected targets) by use of cross sections measured in a recent publication [2] has proved these dσ/dΩ measurements are highly reliable for the application of the forward scattering method proposed previously [1] for low mass multielemental analysis. No explanatiom has been found for the existence of a contaminant contribution observed very close to the 16O elastic peak in the spectra collected for targets containing oxygen except the formvar backing. The agreement between our overestimated 6Li + 16O cross sections measured with thick targets and those reported by Poling et. al [4] seems to indicate that the targets used by Poling had a contamination similar to that observed in our investigation. In the future, we will be carrying out experiments to measure cross sections necessary for the quantification of lighter elements such as boron, lithium and hydrogen. Preliminary results show no linear dependence between the degree of dilution of an AF sample and the elastic yield produced by its constitute elements when the sample is bombarded with a 13 MeV 6Li beam. Desorption under ion irradiation may be a factor contributing to this. One of the goals of this project in the near future is to analyze AF samples with different dilutions to try to establish a quantitative relationship between sample dilution and the elastic yield produced by elements such as carbon and oxygen contained in these samples. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research has been funded by project # S1-PNCB-401, Decanato de Investigación y Desarrollo, Coordinación de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, The Florida State University and the National Science Foundation, USA. REFERENCES 1. Liendo, J. A., González, A. C., Castelli, C., Gómez, J., Jiménez, J., Marcó, L., Sajo-Bohus, L., Greaves, E. D., Fletcher, N. R., Lee, C., Caussyn D. D., Myers, S. H., and P. 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