Single Cell Irradiation Nuclear Microscopy Using a Radioactive Source P. Rossi*#, B.L. Doyle*, J.C. Banks*, A. Battistella+, G. Gennaro$, F.D. McDaniel*¶, M. Mellon£, E. Vittone&, G. Vizkelethy*, N.D. Wing* * Sandia National Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, USA Department of Physics and INFN, via Marzolo 8, 35131 Padova, Italy + Laboratori Nazionali Legnaro, INFN, Legnaro(PD), Italy $ Azienda Ospedaliera and INFN, Padova, Italy ¶ Ion Beam Modification and Analysis Laboratory, University of North Texas, Denton, TX £ Quantar Technology inc., Santa Clara, CA & Department of Experimental Physics of the University and INFN, 10125 Turin, Italy # Abstract. Irradiation of a single biological cell, instead of a whole tissue, with ions in a known number and position, is a powerful means to study very low dose biological effectiveness. Present methods employ accelerated ion beams which are 1) either collimated with micro-apertures and affected by a halo of 3-5µm at best, or 2) focused to a sub-micron spot, whose resolution is degraded when extracted into air. We have studied the efficacy of a new micro-radiobiological method, originally developed for materials research. This new approach uses an IPEM, Ion Photon Emission Microscope, which employs a specially shaped Po210 alpha particle source for in-air irradiation. Alpha particles strike the cells, which are previously grown directly on a 10-20 µm thick scintillating plastic blade and placed in the focal plane of a conventional optical microscope. Photons produced at the single ion impact point are projected at high magnification onto a single-photon position sensitive detector, which provides the position of each ion that hits the cells. Adequacy of this setup for Single Cell Radio-Biology will be discussed. tions stressing the cells and blurring dim endpoints could lead to safer, but more demanding measuring methods. An example is that cells rest horizontally on a Petri-dish floor and are covered by a thick culture medium, which requires that the beam must have a vertical up direction. Eventually, in Bystander Effect studies, one considers endpoints of an untouched cell, when few irradiated cells surround it. In this case, it seems better to avoid a random irradiation of the culture medium to have clearer experimental conditions. For Single Cell irradiation, we mean in-air irradiation of a living-cell culture, where cells are spatially separated and every particle hits the culture in a known position. Facilities for this kind of irradiation can be divided in two groups: those in which the single ion is explicitly aimed to strike a predetermined position and those in which the ion strikes randomly, but its position is measured and recorded. INTRODUCTION Few facilities in the world use accelerated ion beams to irradiate single biological cells for studies of dose effects. Whenever a low-dose radiation risk has to be assessed, as in the much-studied case of radon exposure, low fluence broad beams and statistical methods proved totally inadequate. Single cell irradiation methods were developed by two pivotal groups at Gray Laboratory in London [1] and at RARAF of Columbia University in New York [2]. Actually, there are a number of radiobiological measurements that require diversified techniques. In the following, we review some of them. Studies of rare endpoints (e.g. “what” happens to cells after being hit) require hitting several 100,000 cells, which led to systems for high speed automated cell pattern recognition, aiming, and hitting. If biological intracellular signaling models have to be tested, a micrometer spatial accuracy is required. Sometimes, very different and penetrating high-energy ion species are needed to study the socalled “Bystander Effect,” when a whole tissue has to be targeted. Finally concern about experimental condi- Aiming at Cells A facility of the first type requires a micro-beam, which can be provided by either collimating or focusing CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 364 optically inspected after the irradiation run, and (2) the lack of highly controlled experimental conditions, when this is required, as in the Bystander Effect studies. This method, which originally gave interesting results, is now very seldom used due to the difficulty in providing good statistics. The second drawback alone does not prevent employing the “random” irradiation method to study several biological endpoints, but it does seriously complicate experiments of the Bystander Effect. We are now proposing an alternate way to perform single cell random irradiations with on-line impact point measurements. This new approach will provide high statistics, is inexpensive, and offers reliable operation. This new approach is an extension of an idea of Doyle et al. at Sandia National Laboratories, who proposed that nuclear microscopy can be performed without microbeams [3,4]. An early suggestion to apply this microscopy to radiobiology can be found in ref. [5]. We have developed an IPEM, Ion Photon Emission Microscope, to be employed with a specially shaped alpha particle source for in-air irradiation. See Fig. 1. Although, it was originally planned for Radiation Effects Microscopy of ICs, it could also become a radiobiology tool. Alpha particles randomly strike the cells, which are previously grown directly on a 10-20 µm thick scintillating plastic blade, and placed in the focal plane of a conventional optical microscope. Photons produced in the blade at the single ion impact point are projected at high magnification onto a single photon position sensitive detector. These positions are later correlated with the measured position of the cells under exposure. a broad beam. Collimated micro-beams are the easiest approach, since all that have to be taken into account are a small hole for the ions and a 100% efficient trigger to detect the single ion, which then switches on a mechanical or electrostatic beam-blanking shutter. Fused silica capillaries of about 1 µm bore are used at Gray Lab [1]. A pair of laser-drilled apertures is used at RARAF [2]. Examples of such triggers are thin plastic phosphor foils giving light upon the particle crossing (Gray-Lab), or miniaturized pulse ion counters (RARAF). Collimation methods, while providing a huge amount of data and significant achievements, have two main drawbacks: (1) the presence of a prominent halo, due to ions hitting the collimator walls, which extends the actual beam size to 3-5 µm at best; and (2) the need for a relatively slow mechanical movement to position the single cell in front of the collimator. The second drawback forbids a very high irradiation speed and reduces statistics. Although really fast stages are now available, one wonders whether such a mechanical impulse could stress the cells or even change their position. A proposed solution has been to employ focused micro-beams with an electrostatic or magnetic scanning system, which are more costly and technically demanding. Moreover, a micrometer spot size beam can exist only in high vacuum and degrades immediately whenever extracted in air. A very thin window coupled to an ultra-precise positioning of the Petri dish, which should lean upon the window, would seem to solve the problem. According to widespread opinion, the cell irradiation facilities should be devoted to this sole task and be under control of a “biological” group. Simplicity and low cost of both installation and operation are therefore important. Because these systems must be so dedicated, one cannot easily exploit accelerators, beam lines and microbeams already built for other purposes. This is particularly true when large production or simply suitable biological conditions are required, e.g. a vertical-up beam. For the time being, no large production of real biological interest has taken place in focused beam installations and it seems that collimation will remain the leading approach to single cell irradiations for some time. OM40 60 X X PSD 0.5 mCi Po210 400 TEM grid BC400 Random Irradiation PinDiode Diode Pin Diode A second approach for single cell irradiation consists of randomly hitting the culture and measuring each impact point relative to the position of the cells. Traditionally, nuclear emulsions stacks or sensitive plastics like CR39 are employed. This method has two drawbacks: (1) the practical impossibility to handle a large quantity of data since the “nuclear” images must be IBICC FIGURE 1. Setup for an alpha particle IPEM in vacuum. 365 7 IN-VACUUM IPEM SETUP AND PERFORMANCE -1 alpha particle source (activity = 2·10 s , diameter = 12.5 mm, manufacturer Isotope Products). Because of geometric restrictions, we initially had to place the source on the other side of the OM40 hole with respect to the sample (at 40 mm), and evacuate the chamber (see Fig. 1). We obtained a detected alpha particle rate of only 0.05 Hz using this initial trial system, and had to run over the weekend to get the image shown in Fig. 2. While these results are clearly not optimal, they do represent the first demonstration of inair nuclear microscopy performed using a radioactive source. This alpha-source-IPEM is currently being evaluated for resolution, efficiency and its adequacy for radiobiology. We are proceeding using two approaches: 1) exploiting an existing “accelerator” IPEM setup, which has to be operated under vacuum for an early assessment of performance; and 2) building and testing a prototype alpha particle IPEM, which will involve inair alpha particle source irradiation. The existing setup includes a scattering chamber, a specially shaped microscope (JEOL OM-40), with a hole allowing the beam to pass through during viewing, a commercially available 210Po alpha source, and a Quantar Position Sensitive Detector (PSD) for light measurement [6]. Among alpha particle emitters, 210Po has many advantages. The alpha particle energy is 5.3 MeV and the source has minimal gamma and beta emission. It has a half-life of 138 d, which is long enough to allow a practical use without continued replacements and short enough to have a high specific activity, leading to a spectroscopic-grade energy resolution. To maintain single photon sensitivity, the PSD has a low signal threshold, which results in a quantum noise of few hundreds counts per second (cps). For IPEM experiments, and particularly for single cell hit experiments, it is necessary to eliminate this noise. To accomplish this, we demand a coincidence with a particle detector, and therefore a silicon “pin-diode” detector is located downstream from the sample. The spatial resolution has been analyzed in ref. [7]: The FWHM is about 12 µm and there is a prominent halo (Tail Percentage, TP, for |x| > FWHM of about 20%). This poor result is due to scattered and stray light rays in the blade and the environment proximate to the blade. Enhancements in resolution are currently being explored. These improvements include a better preparation of the environment, which has to be as opaque as possible, and adhering the blade to the sample. A comparison between hits detected by the IPEM and the pin-diode gave a measured overall IPEM efficiency of about 0.2. For this test, we employed a provisional PSD detector, with a S2 photo-cathode (quantum efficiency (q.e. = 0.05). We foresee alpha detection efficiency close to 100% for the new system, because the optical microscope on this system has a much larger Numerical Aperture and Transmission Coefficient. In addition, a new Quantar detector (Mepsicron) is being used on the new setup, which has a bi-alkali photocathode with q.e. = 0.25. The alpha particle exposure rate has been extremely low up until now, due to the geometry of the JEOL OM40 microscope and the low activity of the 210Po FIGURE 2. Alpha particle IPEM on a 400 TEM-grid. The full-energy IBIC signal from the pin-diode is put in coincidence with the PSD (x, y) signals ALPHA PARTICLE TABLE-TOP IPEM Of course these exposure rates are much too low to allow a practical use of the alpha-source-IPEM. Our solution to increase this rate has been to employ a usual table-top microscope (see Fig. 3) and place a needle source between the lens and sample. See Fig. 4. The distance from source to sample would be between 5 and 10 mm. The solid angle fraction (SAF), for a viewing field of 0.5 mm radius and a distance of 6 mm is SAF = Ω/(4π) = 1.7·10-3. If Nhit is the number of cells per second we want to hit and CAF the Cell Area Fraction, we can calculate the total activity of the source that is needed to be A = Nhit/(CAF*SAF). For CAF=0.01, which corresponds to a cell diameter of 10 µm and average cell distance of 100 µm, and for Nhit between 10 and 1000, which is the highest speed focused beam facilities that we have, we get an activity between 6·105 and 6·107 Bq, or 0.015-1.5 mCi. 366 From Isotope Products, we obtained a custom 2 mCi 210Po source, electrodeposited on a thin silver foil of 100 mm2 surface area. A new source with 50 times more activity will be delivered soon. We will then be able to cut the 2 mCi radioactive foil into pieces of 1.3 mm on a side, with an activity of 106 s-1 each. The reduced size will allow the source, when attached to a needle, to be brought much closer to the sample with a substantial increase of the solid angle fraction. This distance could be as small as 6-8 mm, allowing in-air irradiation. Also, the needle can easily be mounted close to the lens of a standard table-top optical microscope. See Figures 3 and 4. FIGURE 4. A high activity (1.3 mm)2 source is placed between lens and sample, to be covered by a phosphor blade. The use of a thick culture medium appears to be possible with our set-up, provided we modify the current system to utilize an upward pointing beam and have a “rejection” detector placed before the phosphor blade (e.g. underneath it), which is thin enough to transmit the alpha particles at minimal energy loss. An example of such an upstream ion detector is a miniaturized pulsed ion counter with thin windows and filled with P10 gas, developed by the RARAF group [2], which is also transparent to light (Fig.5). We note here that this detector cannot be employed “before” the target for the “aiming at cells” approach because the thin windows (2.5 µm optical clear mica) would slightly deviate the beam, whose position would be lost. This is not an issue for us, because with IPEM we measure the strike point of each ion, in close proximity (a few microns) upstream of the cells. FIGURE 3. Prototype of alpha particle table-top IPEM, with the Mepsicron PSD on top of the Microscope. Combining the improved light collection efficiency of this microscope, the q.e. = 0.25 of the Mepsicron PSD, and the use of a 10 µm thick BC400 blade, we can foresee an alpha particle detection efficiency approaching 100%. The anticipated exposure rate for such a system using the existing 2 mCi Po source should be more than 10 hit cells per second. This rate would increase nearly two orders of magnitude with the new 100 mCi alpha source. We employ a “pin-diode” downstream from the sample for PSD noise rejection (of some hundreds of Hz), and this requires a thin sample. A final pin diode is what most focused and unfocused beam installations use for single cell exposure experiments, but as noted in the introduction, this should be avoided, because cells prefer a thick medium. Thin (10 µm) phosphor blade window Pulsed Ion Counter Alpha source tip PSD COINCID Thick culture medium Optical microscope + PSD FIGURE 5. Schematic of the “Up Side Down” Irradiation geometry of thick cell culture samples. 367 CONCLUSION REFERENCES A new irradiation device, based on a table-top optical microscope with photon position detection and a high activity alpha particle source, has been invented and built. Although it was originally planned for Radiation Effects Microscopy of ICs, it could also find considerable application as a new radiobiology tool. Performance evaluation is still taking place and we have presented data here only for an alpha particleIPEM prototype. This non-optimized system shows a reduced resolution of 10s of microns and a prominent halo. This poor resolution could preclude most of the radiological applications, if remedies are not found. However, improvements look quite possible and are based on 1) better preparation of the sample, 2) reducing lateral scattering of photons in the phosphor, and 3) eliminating stray light photons. If all of these issues are resolved, the alpha-IPEM device would become appealing for radiobiology applications for four reasons: (1) It will be extremely inexpensive and have a very low equipment footprint (a “table-top” device), (2) It will be possible to strike cells in a relatively large field in air, and at high speed without the need of a fast mechanical displacement system, (3) Irradiation can be vertically oriented and in an advantageous bottom to top geometry, with a suitable noise rejection detector, and (4) Alpha particles remain the most-often used and interesting ion in this kind of research. 1. Folkard, M., Prise, K.M., Vojnovic, B., Newman, H.C., 2. 3. 4. 5. Roper, M. J., and Michael, B., Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 69, 729 (1996). Randers-Pherson, G., Geard, C. G., Johnson, G., Elliston, C. D., and Brenner, D. J., The Columbia University Single-Ion Microbeam, Radiation Research 156, 210-214 (2001). Doyle, B. L., Vizkelethy, G., Walsh, D. S., Senftinger, B., and Mellon, M., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 158, 6 (1999). Doyle, B. L., Walsh, D. S., Renfrow, S. N., Vizkelethy, G., Schenkel, T., and Hamza, A. V., Nucl. Instr. And Meth. B 181, 199-210 (2001). Rossi, P., Vittone, E., Doyle, B.L., Cherubini, R., Battistella, A., Gennaro, G., Giacomelli, L., Giudice, A. Lo, Manfredotti, C., and Zafiropoulos, D., ALBA: AlphaLight Based Analysis. A new approach to Single Cell Irradiation, Radiation Research, 158 (#3), 378-379 (2002). 6. Quantar Technology Inc., Santa Clara, CA. 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Sandia is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy under Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Work supported in part by the Italian “Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare” (INFN). Work at UNT supported in part by the National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, Texas Advanced Technology Program, and the Robert A. Welch Foundation. 368 Rossi, P., Doyle, B. L., Banks, J. C., Battistella, A., Gennaro, G., McDaniel, F.D., Mellon, M., Vittone, E., Vizkelethy, G., and Wing, N.D., Ion Photon Emission Microscopy, to be published in Nucl. Instr. And Meth. B, proceedings of the ICNMTA8 (Sep 2002), Takasaki, Japan.
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