Non-Exponential Decay of Nuclei – A Search for a Fundamental Quantum Effect in Nuclei. W.W. SCATES, D.P. WELLS, J.F. HARMON and R.J. SPAULDING Idaho State University, Idaho Accelerator Center, Campus Box 8263, Pocatello, ID 83209 Abstract: Modern tests of grand unification theories have spent considerable experimental effort in pursuit of rare decays. A common feature of these experiments is that they involve extremely rare decay processes and probe regions of the systems’ decay curves which are very short in time compared to their expected mean lifetimes. A potential complication to interpretation of such experiments is the approximate nature of the exponential decay law for quasistationary states. Using the decay of the isomeric nuclear state 207mPb in the short time limit, we search for predicted deviations from the exponential decay law. These experiments address the short-time electromagnetic decays of nuclei with half-lives on the order of a few seconds, and explore the as-yet untapped electromagnetic sector for short-time (tmin/t½ ≈ 10-5) violations of the exponential decay law. Isomeric states are photo-populated via (γ, n) reactions with bremsstrahlung beams. discrete states, (2) that the final group of states is truly continuous, (3) that the spectrum is flat and unbounded (the so-called Weisskopf-Wigner approximation) and (4), that the continuum couples only to the initial state or, equivalently, that the products of the decay are stable. It should be noted that several authors [6, 7] have pointed out that an unstable state, when monitored for its existence at sufficiently small time intervals, should live longer than one that is not periodically observed. Others contend the opposite. That is, the monitored state decays faster than the unperturbed systems [10]. This effect is sometimes called the quantum Zeno effect (or Anti-Zeno effect for the latter) and is intimately related to the deviation from the exponential decay law at small times in that the measurement of the existence of the particle amounts to a collapse of its wave-function and a return to the beginning of its decay curve. The existence of a deviation in the decay curve at short times would be especially important for quantum computing. Non-exponential decay (NED) for excited states and its relevance to quantum computing has been theoretically discussed [11], but has not been observed. Thus in addition to testing a basic prediction of quantum mechanics and fundamental conservation laws, and shedding light on tests of grand unification theories, the observation of non-exponential decay offers the possibility of altering the decay rate (and production rate) of radio-nuclides, and has important Introduction Modern tests of grand unification theories have spent considerable experimental effort in pursuit of proton decay and neutrinoless double beta decay. These experiments are designed to test theories of the fundamental forces and new grand unification schemes. A common feature of these experiments is that they probe regions of the systems’ decay curves which are very short compared to their expected mean lifetimes. A potential complication to interpretation of such experiments is the approximate nature of the exponential decay law for quasi-stationary states, which has been acknowledged by numerous authors [1,2,3,4]. Merzbacher has noted that, “the exponential decay law can be derived only as an approximate, and not a rigorous, result of quantum mechanics and ... it holds only if the decay process is essentially independent of the manner in which the decaying state was formed and of the particular details of the incident wave packet.” [3] Kalfin [5] showed that quantum mechanics predicts that the exponential decay law cannot hold in the short and long time regime and that the decay rate must approach zero as t →0. Here short and long mean with respect to the half life of the system when measured from the time of preparation of the unstable state. Deviations from the exponential law can be traced to a number of approximations made in its derivation. These include (1) the assertion that the initial level is well separated in energy from other CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 305 consequences for quantum computing. Another application may be the production of new medical or industrial radio-nuclides through intermediate states that would ordinarily be too short-lived to serve as a production intermediary. Most historical theoretical and experimental research on NED has focused upon the long-time limit. No deviation from the exponential decay “law” in this regime has ever been observed. Experiments on the short-time limit for NED in nuclei were conducted by Norman et al. [8, 9]. These experiments studied the weak decays of 56Mn down to 0.3 half lives and 60Co down to around 10-4 half lives and found no deviations. In the experiments on 56Mn and 60Co, the isotopes were produced in a reactor over a very short time interval, and their subsequent beta decay curves were observed. More recently, Norman et al. performed a weak-decay experiment on 40K [9], where the decay rate of a newly prepared sample was compared to that of naturally occurring 40K and found to be the same to an accuracy of ±11%. This experiment pushed the observational time-scale tmin/t½ for β decay down to the 10-10 level. It may be that deviations from exponential decay are too small in nuclear and/or particle systems to be detected with current experimental techniques. However, the absence of experimental limits in a variety of nuclear and particle systems leaves open the question of the importance of this effect in interpreting rare decays. Currently, we have extended the weak-decay studies conducted by Norman [8, 9] et al. to the electromagnetic sector using nuclear isomeric decays at time scales of tmin/t½ = 10-2, and will soon decrease this limit to tmin/t½ = 10-5. above neutron threshold (nominally 8 MeV). The energy spread of the bremsstrahlung almost completely spanned the predominantly (γ, n) giant dipole resonance of the nuclei. The peak cross section for the giant dipole resonance of 208Pb is 1,200 mb. Decay gammas were detected with a highefficiency germanium detector. The detector was initially shielded with 10 cm of lead and a 7.5 cm diameter collimator. We began counting tens of µs (t ≈ 10-4 t1/2) after the flash, continuing until the subsequent pulse at t ≈ 0.25 t1/2. Energy information was recorded for all events, and temporal information was recorded for the 1.064-MeV 207mPb line separately using a singlechannel analyzer in conjunction with a multi-channel scaler. The pulsed time yields were repeated until adequate statistics were obtained. Pulses were separated by approximately 0.25 half-lives. The residual activity from previous pulses was a source of complication, which we address below. The 5-cmthick lead target consisted of natural isotopic abundance, having roughly 99% purity. The yield of isomeric nuclei Ytot recorded over the duration of an experiment was: Ytot = εγ(E) Ιγ N TR / т (1) where εγ(E) is the absolute efficiency of the detector (including solid angle and other geometric effects), Ιγ is the relative intensity (branching ratio) of the isomeric transition, N is the number of isomers produced in a pulse, TR is the duration of the experiment and т is the time between pulses. Assuming exponential decay, the yield (Y∆t) for a given time decade of width « t½ from activation over the duration of the experiment is then: Experimental Methods Y∆t = λ ∆t Ytot We have investigated the short-time electromagnetic decays of the isomeric nucleus 207mPb which has a half-life of 0.805 seconds. This isomeric nucleus was formed by the 208Pb (γ, n) reaction. The subsequent purely electromagnetic isomeric transitions (IT) were recorded as a function of energy and also as a function of time after irradiation. (γ, n) reactions were produced with high-intensity, pulsed bremsstrahlung beam. The bremsstrahlung beam (maximum energy = 20 MeV) was produced with a pulsed electron beam from the IAC LINAC. Burst widths ranged from 2-30 ns, with 5-200 nC per pulse. These beams were incident upon tungsten targets of either 0.1mm or 1mm thickness. This produced a large photon flux per pulse (3) where λ is the decay constant of the reaction product and ∆t is the time width of the decade in question. However, the target is not allowed to completely decay before the subsequent bremsstrahlung burst arrives. As a result, Y∆t does not represent the total recorded yield in that time division, but the yield in that time division from the last pulse only. The total yield in the time division (Ytot∆t), therefore, is Y∆t plus the yield from all residual activity stemming from all pulses previous to the most recent. The total number of counts recorded from the isomeric states in question, in a time division is therefore: 306 Ytot∆t = Y∆t / (1 – e-λт) (4) approximately: Y∆t = 0.5 λ ∆t Ytot. Thus the expected experimental signature of NED in this simple model is a yield of approximately half of that expected from exponential decay. Our present experimental apparatus involving the HPGe detector and accompanying electronics is capable of probing for NED effects down to t/t½ ≈ 10-5 in 207mPb, as the resolving time of this system is roughly tens of microseconds. Note that because we compared different parts of the decay curve in these experiments, we are not sensitive to the usual systematic errors associated with absolute photo-nuclear cross sections, photon flux, target thickness, etc. The predominant uncertainties in these experiments are counting uncertainties. The background rates from natural background are small when compared to the expected rates from these experiments. Other backgrounds stem from neutron activation of the detector’s environment, from neutron capture in the detector, and from photoninduced activation of materials other than the target isotope. Pileup and dead-time due to the lower-energy portion of these beam-related background rates can complicate data analysis by “mis-routing” useful events, adding background counts to the useful part of the spectrum, and “losing” useful counts from the spectrum. These difficulties have not been addressed at this time. Recall that Y∆t is the portion of the total that arises from the most recent pulse. This portion of the decay curve is most likely to exhibit NED. The remainder of the yield in the time division is produced by nuclei relatively late in their decay process, and therefore is presumably exponential. Our signal, therefore, is defined as Y∆t, while Ytot∆t - Y∆t constitutes a temporally-dependent background. An example of the relative number of “good” counts (Y∆t) with respect to the total counts (Ytot∆t) appears in Figure 1. In this figure, the counts below the dashed line are generated by the decays from the previous pulses (which, as suggested above, are assumed exponential). The counts above the dashed line are counts generated by decays from the most recent pulse, and are depicted here with a greatly exaggerated non-exponential effect for demonstrative purposes. Results 207m Pb has two major gamma rays associated with its decay. The gamma ray energies are 0.570 MeV and 1.064 MeV. The spectrum collected by our high purity germanium detector is displayed in Figure 2 below. The net areas of the 0.570-MeV and 1.064-MeV peaks are 11,408 ± 121 and 15,903 ± 140, respectively. The data in Figure 2 and 3 were collected over a three-and-a-half hour period at an LINAC repetition rate of 5 Hz. The half-life of 207mPb is ~ 0.8 sec, therefore т ≈ ¼ t½. The total yield of the 1.064-MeV peak, Ytot∆t, in this configuration equated to 0.25 counts per pulse. The temporal history of the counts in the 1.064-MeV gamma line is plotted in Figure 3. Figure 1 – Counts vs. Time for NED measurement with four pulses per half-life. To convincingly demonstrate a deviation from exponential in a particular time-decade, the total counting error of the time decade, ∆Ytot∆t, must be statistically significantly smaller than the counts generated by the decays from the most recent pulse, namely Y∆t. For short-lifetime (t½ ~ seconds) experiments such as our initial studies to date, the expected yield in a given decade of the decay (∆t « t½), if the decay is exponential is: Y∆t = λ ∆t Ytot. On the other hand, if the decay follows the simple linear model from one end of the time-decade to the other, the yield will be 307 correct the energy and efficiency changes during the recovery of the detector due to the pulse. Once this enhancement of the experimental setup is integrated, a better understanding of the decay curve near the pulse will be possible. We have searched for the much discussed, but never observed effect of NED. Preliminary analysis of our data does not show statistically significant NED effects at the level of t/t½ = 10-2 for the isomeric transition of the 207mPb nucleus. Acknowledgements *Supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under DOE Idaho Field Office Contract 684045-95. Figure 2 – HPGe spectrum, showing the 0.570-MeV and 1.064-MeV lines produced from the isomeric transition of 207mPb. The time axis of the decay curve in Figure 3 is with respect to the most recent pulse. Preliminary analysis of these data does not suggest non-exponential behavior at t/t½ = 10-2; however further statistical analysis of our data, down to t/t½ =10-5 is required before strong conclusions can be drawn. References 1. Jacob, R., R.G. Sachs, Phys. Rev., 121, no. 1, (1961) 350. 2. Goldberger, M.L., K.M. Watson, Phys. Rev., 136, no. 5B, (1964) 1472. 3. Merzbacher, E., Quantum Mechanics, second edition, 1970. 4. Peres, A., Ann. of Phys., 129 (1980) 33. 5. Khalfin, L.A., JETP Lett., 8, (1968) 65. 6. Ekstein, H., A.J.F. Siegert, Ann. of Phys. 68 (1971)509. 7. Sudbery, A., Ann. of Phys. 157 (1984) 512. 8. Norman, E., S.B. Gazes, S.G. Crane, D.A Bennett, Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, no. 22, (1988) 2246. 9. Norman, E., et al. Phys. Lett. B, 357 (1995) 521. 10. Kofman A.G., and G. Kurizki, Nature 405, 546 (2000). 11. Flambaum V.V., and F.M. Izrailev, Phys. Rev. E, 64, 026124 (2001). Figure 3 – Time information recorded for the 1.064-MeV Pb line. The solid curve represents the least-squares exponential decay fit of the data. t=0 corresponds to the LINAC pulse. Future Research and Conclusion To compensate for the pileup and dead time due to the lower-energy portion of the beam-related background, several “references lines” shall be employed in future experiments. One reference line will stem from a source with long half-life which is placed in the geometry. Another reference line will stem from a short-lived isomer from photon activation with a half-life of ~100 µs. The gamma rays recorded in the reference lines by the detector will be used to 308
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