Three-body Reaction Dynamics in Dissociative Recombination R. Thomas , F. Hellberg , M. Larsson , C. R. Vane† , P. Andersson , J. Pettersson , A. Petrignani‡ and W. J. van der Zande‡ Department of Physics, University of Stockholm, SCFAB, Stockholm, Sweden. † Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6377, USA. Department of Chemistry, Göteborg University,SE-412 96 Göteborg,Sweden. ‡ FOM Instituut AMOLF, PO Box 41883, 1009 DB Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Abstract. Dissociative recombination of molecular ions with electrons is the most important neutralising process in plasmas cold enough to contain molecules. The basic features and principles describing recombination of diatomic molecular ions are now reasonably well characterised and understood. However, recombination of polyatomic ions is much less well understood. Over the last six years, experiments carried out at ion storage rings have shown that tri-atomic molecular ions tend to break up into three atoms upon recombination with free electrons. The question of how this break-up occurs has started to be investigated at ion storage rings using particle-imaging techniques. In this presentation, used in these the imagine technique the use of experiments will be discussed together with results obtained from studies of H2 O , NH2 and CH2 . Finally, this technique to study the dissociative recombination of more complex polyatomic ions, for example D5 O2 , will also be discussed. INTRODUCTION Dissociative recombination (DR) is a process in which a molecular ion recombines with an electron and, to achieve stability, the resulting molecule fragments into neutral products. For plasmas containing molecular ions, DR is the most important neutralising process. Thus, DR is of great importance to the chemistry occurring in such diverse regions as interstellar clouds, planetary atmospheres and in semi-conductor etching. In the last few years, many DR studies have been related to the break-up of polyatomic ions, mainly driven by the situation that given the apparent simplicity of the DR process, developing a general theory to predict product branching ratios for even the simplest polyatomic ions, e.g. XH2 , has proven to be difficult. The earliest models suggested that the reaction would predominantly proceed via single bond breaking, i.e, the weakest X-H bond, giving H + XH. However, all recent storage ring studies for such ions show a propensity for three-body break-up, i.e. X + H + H, see [1] for a comprehensive list. To try and understand the processes occurring in these simple systems, the dynamics of the three-body fragmentation channel has been investigated in more detail. So far, results on H2 O [2] and H3 [3] have been reported, and a review on the three-body dynamics also published.[1] For H2 O , theoretical trajectory calculations were employed on the known potential energy surfaces, for an understanding of the experimental observations, and these were also recently published. [4] Furthermore, the group at TSR looked at the dynamics in, and competition between, the two- and threebody fragmentation dynamics of H3 . Using a statistical model to describe the process, they reached good agreement with those experimental data previously obtained at CRYRING [5] as a function of reaction energy.[6] It is interesting to examine similar systems in detail to see if more insight can be obtained into the dynamical/statistical nature of the DR process. Furthermore, it will be instructive to examine larger systems, especially systems with molecular fragments, to see if information can be obtained on how much of the available reaction energy goes into internal excitation of the molecular fragments. DISSOCIATIVE RECOMBINATION IN STORAGE RINGS All the experiments discussed in this paper were carried out at the heavy ion storage ring CRYRING located at the Manne Sieghbahn Laboratory, which is part of the University of Stockholm in Sweden. In the last 10 years CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 187 EXPERIMENTAL DISCUSSION In this article, a selection of results from recent experi mental work at CRYRING on the DR of some XH2 sys tems, i.e., H2 O , NH2 and CH2 , as well as the larger system D (D2 O)2 will be discussed. At 0 eV collision energy, the following three-body fragment channels, with their associated kinetic energy release (KERn), are allowed: H2 O NH2 H2 C D D2 O 2 O(3 P) e O(1 D) N(4 S) e N( D) N(2 P) C(3 P) C(1 D) D(2 S) 2 e e 2H(2 S) 2H(2 S) 2H(2 S) 2H( S) 2H(2 S) 2H(2 S) 2H(2 S) 2 2(D O) 2 KER1 (1) KER2 (2) KER3 (3) KER4 (4) KER5 (5) KER6 (6) KER7 (7) the following three main parameters to be obtained: • • • the branching ratio between the available channels, determined from distributions of the measured distances between the particles the intra-molecular angle between the two h atom fragments and the energy distributed to the two h atom fragments. For D (D2 O)2 , preliminary results are discussed using • the 3 2-particle distance distributions between the D, D2 O and D2 O. RESULTS AND INTERPRETATION Example plots of the distance distributions for H2 O and NH2 , the angular distributions for H2 O and H2 C , and the h atom energy distributions for H2 O and NH2 are illustrated in Figures 1, 2 and 3, respectively. An example plot of the 2 particle distance distributions obtained from D (D2 O)2 is shown in Figure 4. 3500 HN+2 H2O+ 3000 2500 Counts /Arb. Units or so, the use of such facilities for the study of DR processes has increased due to several experimentally desirable aspects, and these are discussed here. The high beam energy, which is in the MeV range, is an advantage in several respects. The electron capture cross section in collisions between the stored ion beam and residual gas molecules is small at high beam energy, which significantly reduces the background. Furthermore, the good vacuum < 10 11 Torr in the experiment indicates that the number of residual gas molecules is extremely low, further adding to the long storage lifetime of the ion beam. This time, which can be tens of seconds, allows metastable components to be removed and vibrationally excited levels to be relaxed. A review on the use of merged-beams in atomic and molecular physics has recently been published.[7] 2000 N(2D) limit ≈ 1.3 eV O(3P) limit ≈ 3.0 eV 1 1500 O( D) limit ≈ 1.1 eV N(4S) limit ≈ 3.7 eV 1000 500 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Measured Projected KER /pixels 35 40 FIGURE 1. Measured Projected KER for the DR of H2 O and NH2 KER8 (8) It is noted that for (8) this is the available reaction energy and is available for internal excitation of the molecular fragments. Using time- and position-sensitive detectors (briefly, a stack of multi-channel plates (MCPs), a phosphor screen and a photo-multiplier tube (PMT). See [8, 9]) in a triple-coincidence experiment, monitoring the position and arrival time of the fragments from the DR reaction enables differentiation between the competing channels. Further to the standard detector arrangement, used in the D (D2 O)2 study, a new technique was employed for the XH2 systems which enabled the heavier, X, atom to be identified [2, 4]. In identifying the heavier atom, the centre of mass (c.m.) is determined, allowing 188 Interpretation For the XH2 study, due to the resolution of the detection system, it can be seen in Figure 1 that it is not possible to completely separate the distance distributions arising from the competing channels. Initial conclusions from the angular distributions shown in Figure 2 indicate that H2 O preferentially dissociates from surfaces having an open geometry, with some preference for a closed geometry, whilst H2 C from surfaces having an open geometry. Finally, though it is difficult to draw any conclusions from the h-atom energy (Figure 3), it is distribution clearly seen seen that H2 O and NH2 are different. To obtain accurate information on all the necessary parameters, as well as any understanding on the data ob- 70 tors of the fragment atoms were simulated, taking into account the random orientation and location of the DR event in the electron cooler. The main parameters in the simulation are the available energy, the angle between the fragments and the energy given to the fragments. Manipulation of these parameters, while simulating the same “measurements" as were done in the laboratory, enables a detailed comparison to be made between the initial/final conditions in the simulation and the experimental observations. For example, Figure 5 shows the branching between the available channels for H2 O . The simulation X = C(arbon) X = O(xygen) 60 Counts (Arb. units) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 H−c.m.−H Angle (Degrees) 3500 FIGURE 2. Measured Intra-molecular angle for XH2 , where X = O and C 3000 2D Distributions 1 3 Sim. ( D) + ( P) 1 Sim ( D) 3 Sim ( P) 1 O ( D) limit ~ 1.1 eV Counts (arb. units) 2500 2.5 + HN 2 H O+ P(c.m.−H)/Distance /Arb. units 2 2 1.5 3 1500 3 O ( P) limit ~ 3.0 eV 1000 500 0 0 1 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 Measured TD (pixels) 0.5 FIGURE 5. 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Distance /Pixels FIGURE 3. Measured h-atom energy distribution for XH2 , where X = O and N tained from the D (D2 O)2 study, a Monte Carlo simulation was written. The main details on the simulation are discussed in [4] (and see [10]). Briefly, the asymptotic momentum vec4 3 x 10 2.5 D2O <−> D2O 2 Counts 1 Ratio ( D):( P) 1:3.5(0.5) 2000 1.5 D <−> D2O 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 2 Particle Distances /Pixels FIGURE 4. Measured 2 Particle distance distributions from D (D2 O)2 189 Simulated Projected KER [TD] for DR of H2 O allowed information and insight to be obtained on the DR processes. The branching ratios between the competing three-body fragmentation channels for each of the XH2 systems studied is given in Table 1 For the angular TABLE 1. Three-body branching for XH2 , where X = O, N and C Ion H2 C H2 N H2 O Ground state C(3 P) N(4 S) O(3 P) First Excited state C(1 D) N(2 D) O(1 D) Ratio 1:1 1:1 3.5:1 distributions, it was suggested that H2 O preferentially dissociates from surfaces having an open geometry, with some preference for a closed geometry, with CH2 preferentially from surfaces having an open geometry. The simulation matched the experimental observations best if these conditions were true. Finally, for the energy distribution over the two h-atoms, Figure 6 plots data for three different cases of the energy partition; ρ = 1 (equally distributed), ρ = 0.1 (one atom gets 90%), and where it is randomised ρ = c. Also plotted are data from H 2 O and NH2 . It can be seen that the best match for H2 O is when ρ = c and, for NH2 , when ρ = 1. For the larger system, D (D2 O)2 , the simulation also allowed information to be extracted on the internal excitation of the D2 O fragments. Any internal excitation reduces the available kinetic energy, with the majority taken by the D atom. By simulating different available kinetic energies for the fragments, 9 P(c.m.−H)/Distance /Arb. units detail than ever before. The information obtained from these experiments indicates that in some cases a high degree of dynamics is occurring in the process, leading to a scrambling of the available reaction energy and internal molecular angles. The same techniques also allow us to probe the internal excitation of any molecular fragments, which is important in plasmas where any heating of the plasma due to fragments of high kinetic energy is critical. ρ=c ρ = 1.0 ρ = 0.1 + NH 2+ HO 8 7 2 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 30 Distance /Pixels FIGURE 6. Measured and simulated h-atom energy distribution for XH2 , where X = O and N and comparing the resulting distributions with the experimental observations, it is possible to see if there is any internal excitation of the D2 O’s. For example. Figure 7 plots data for such a set of simulations, where a good fit to the observed data is obtained when there is internal excitation of the D2 O’s up to about 3 eV, i.e. in some cases there is only 2.1 eV given as kinetic energy to the fragments. The authors are grateful to the staff members of the Manne Siegbahn Laboratory for their assistance and help in the experiment. This work is supported by the following organisations: The Swedish Science Council, the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education, the Fifth Framework Programme of the EU (HPRN-CT-2000-00142), Stcihting voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, and the U.S. Department of Energy, Offices of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences under Contract No. DEAC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC. REFERENCES 4 3 x 10 Experimental data Simulated data 2.5 D2O <−> D2O 1. 2. Counts 2 1.5 D <−> D2O 1 0.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Expt. and Sim. 2 Particle Distances /Pixels FIGURE 7. D (D2 O)2 Comparison distance distributions from COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS DR is an extremely important process in cold, molecular plasmas. 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