Production of the 2s2p2 2De triply excited state in collisions of quasi-free electrons with He-like B3 , C4 , N5 , O6 , and F7 ions E.P. Benis , M. Zamkov , P. Richard , T.J.M. Zouros† and K.R. Karim‡ James R. Macdonald Laboratory, Department of Physics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-2604 † Dept. of Physics, University of Crete, P.O. Box 2208, 71003 Heraklion, Crete, Greece Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser, P.O Box 1527, 71110, Heraklion, Crete, Greece ‡ Department of Physics, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois 61790-4560 Abstract. We report on a study of the isoelectronic sequence of the 2s2p2 2De triply excited state formed in collisions of He-like B3 , C4 , N5 , O6 and F7 ions with H2 gas targets. The ions were prepared in a mixture of 1s2 1S ground state plus 1s2s 3 S metastable state that allowed for the formation of the 2s2p2 2De state via the process of resonant transfer and excitation (RTE). The electron yield from the decay of this state to the 1s2s 3S and 1s2p 3P states was recorded at zero degrees with respect to the beam direction. Absolute singly differential cross section measurements were obtained after determining the 1s2s 3S fraction for each ion beam experimentally. Fairly good agreement between the measured and calculated single differential cross sections was observed. state ion beams in thin (5 µ g/cm2) carbon foils. The Helike ion beams were then magnetically selected and focused in a 5 cm long differentially pumped gas cell to be collided with H2 gas targets. The electron emission spectra were obtained at zero-degrees with respect to the beam axis with a single-stage high-efficiency hemispherical spectrograph utilizing a focusing/decelerating lens system and a large (40 mm active diameter) position sensitive detector [4]. A FWHM resolution of 0 3% in the projectile rest frame was attained after decelerating the electrons by a factor of F 4. All spectra shown here were recorded in one shot by tuning the spectrograph at the appropriate tuning energy and deceleration factor (F 4). The beam current was collected in a shielded Faraday Cup (FC) using electron suppression located at the exit aperture of the spectrograph, and was used for the data acquisition charge normalization. Single collision conditions were ensured by using an H2 target pressure of 20 mTorr. INTRODUCTION Li-like triply excited states represent a fundamental case of a four-body Coulomb system dominated by electronelectron interaction. These states, also referred to as hollow states, have received increased attention over the last decade, studied primarily with the method of photoexcitation by synchrotron radiation (see for example Ref. [1] and Refs. therein). However, to date, only Li excited states have been studied with the above method, while only a few data from the use of the beam-foil technique are available for other elements [2]. In this paper we report first time systematic experimental results on the Z-dependence of the formation of the 2s2p2 2De triply excited state in collisions of He-like B3 , C4 , N5 , O6 , and F7 ions with H2 gas targets. The initial ion beams were prepared in a mixed 1s2 1S ground state and 1s2s 3 S metastable state of well known fractions. The state was populated via the process of RTE [3] from the 1s2s 3 S metastable part of the beams. DATA ANALYSIS AND CALCULATIONS EXPERIMENT The spectra were energy calibrated with the use of a typical oscilloscope tube electron-gun. The ion beams’ kinetic energies were determined after aligning the measured 1s2p2 2D Auger line with the theoretically calculated values [2]. The experimental Double Differential The experiments were performed in the J.R. Macdonald Laboratory at Kansas State University, using the 7 MV EN tandem Van de Graaff accelerator. The ion beams were produced by post-stripping the appropriate charge- CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 168 Cross Section (DDCS) was obtained according to the formula: d 2 σi dΩd εi DDCSi Nei DTC NI L n ∆Ω ∆Ei T ηi is the Compton profile, which gives the probability to find the target electron with a z-momentum component pz . ΩRES is the resonant excitation strength given by: [10] (1) ΩRES where i refers to the i-th channel, Ne is the number of electron counts, DTC is the data acquisition dead time correction, NI is the number of ions collected at the FC, L is the length of the gas cell, n is the target number density, ∆Ω is the solid angle subtended by the lens entrance aperture, ∆E is the energy step of the spectrum per channel, T is the transmission of the two grids used in the spectrograph and η is the detector’s efficiency. The average efficiency value was determined by normalizing the 4.0 MeV B3 + H2 Binary Encounter electron (BEe) spectra to the Electron Scattering Model (ESM) calculations [5] (see below). An overall efficiency determination of 20% was established in this way. The absolute uncertainty was estimated to be about 20%. A very crucial factor in obtaining absolute cross section data is the determination of the beam’s 1s2s 3S metastable fraction. Recently, we published a series of studies on the determination, production mechanism, energy dependence and control of the metastable part of He-like ion beams for Z=5-9 [6, 7, 8]. The metastable fraction assignments adopted in this paper are based on these publications. The absolute uncertainty for the fractions was estimated to be about 30% resulting in an overall absolute uncertainty of 35%. A comparison of the theoretical predictions to the measurements was made possible by the use of the ESM calculations also known as the Impulse Approximation (IA) [9, 3]. According to the IA, in fast ion-atom collisions the atom-target electron is considered as “quasifree”, localized only by the target nucleus, which plays a role of spectator in the collision process. Under the ESM, the zero-degree (θ 0 at the lab frame corresponds to θ 180 to the ion’s rest frame) Single Differential Cross Section (SDCS) for the process of RTE followed by Auger decay (RTEA) is described by the following formula [3] (atomic units throughout): where RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In Fig. 1 the normalized electron yields obtained in collisions of B3 , C4 , N5 , O6 , and F7 mixed (1s2 1S 1s2s 3S) state beams with H2 targets are shown. The spectra were transformed to the ion’s rest frame, while the non-resonant BEe continuum was subtracted after being fit with a polynomial. The shaded peaks are the ones identified as the triply excited states formed by RTE from the 1s2s 3S metastable part of the ion beams. Recent R-matrix electron elastic scattering calculations involving pure B3 1s2 1S ground state beams in collisions with H2 atoms [13] were used as a benchmark to identify the Li-like doubly-excited states. Then, theoretical calculations on energies and Auger rates for the Li-like triply-excited states from Ref. [11] were utilized to identify the triply-excited states. In this way, the intermediate 2s2p2 2De state, which Auger decays to the 1s2s 3S or the 1s2p 3P states, became evident in the spectra. Recently, the formation of the 2s2p2 2De state from the initial 1s2s 3S state was verified in an experiment that involved pure ground state and mixed state B3 beams [14]. Also, in a recent paper [12], it was shown that RTE is the main process contributing to the formation of the 2s2p2 2De state from the initial 1s2s 3S metastable state. Therefore, the Auger decay to the 1s2s 3S state corresponds to the elastic scattering channel, while the decay to the 1s2p 3P state corresponds to the inelastic scattering channel. The rest of the peaks shown in the spectra correspond to the formation of the Li-like doubly excited states from the 1s2 1S ground state part of the beam. An exception is the case of B3 , where the He-like doubly excited 2s2p 3P state, formed mainly by 1s 2p excitation from the 1s2s 3S metastable part of the beam, is also present. From the spectra in Fig. 1 it is evident that the doubly and triply excited states have different Z-scaling for their transition energies. Thus, in the case of B3 the triply excited states are located almost after the series limit of the doubly excited states, while for the case of O6 they are located right before the threshold of the doubly excited states. For the cases of C4 and N5 , their energy spans (2) pz 2 ε EI Vp (3) is the z-momentum component of the electron, z being the beam direction. Vp is the ion beam velocity, ε is the electron kinetic energy in the ion’s rest frame, and EI is the ionization potential of the target electron. J pz d px d py ψ p 2 (5) Here, Li Ld and Si Sd are the angular momentum and spin quantum numbers of the initial i and intermediate d states, respectively, ER is the RTE resonance energy, Aαd i is the Auger transition rate and ξ is the Auger yield. 2L 1 J pz d σRT EA θ 180 ΩRES d dΩ 4 π V p pz π 2h̄3 2Ld 1 2Sd 1 Adα i ξ 2 2Li 1 2Si 1 ER (4) 169 qr â ã ¡ ¢£¥¤ ¦ § ¨¥© ª «¬ ®&¯&° ±² ³&´¥µ ¶ ·¥¸ ¹º&» ¼½ ¾#¿ À ÁÃÂÄ op s/tvuxw yz { mn ÿ kl þ j i úûýü ù ~ |} g ß ð í îï ëì èéê ç äåKæ âã ß àá ñò l íî Ý üý ëì |} z{ xy i À Á ÂÄà ŠÆÈÇ É ÊÈË Ì ÍÏÎ Ð ÑÈÒ Ó ÔÄÕ Ö ×ÄØ Ù Ú a6b c ^ _` [ \] X YZ U VW R ST O PQ L MN I JK F GH C DE ýþ ÿû ü j úû h !#" $%& ')(+*-, .0/ 1+243 567 89+:;=< >@? A4BDCFE ~ g ìsíî¦ï ðñ ò k øù Ü ïð p#q#rts uFv w m Û é-ê ë æ-ç è ã-ä å à-á â Ý-Þ ß Ú ÛÜ × ØÙ Ô-Õ Ö Ñ-Ò Ó + -F ¡ ¢+£D¤ ¥§¦-¨© ª@« ¬+® ¯4°²± ³-´-µ¶¸· ¹Fº »4¼¾½0¿ n þÿ Þ 9 : ;=< > ?A@ B CAD EGFAH IKJ7L M NPO Q RPS T U7V W XPY Z []\ ^ _P`a bPcd e ñò ó óô f ôõ o äåæ4ç èé ê õö ÷ h ö ÷ø !#" $&%' (*) +,&-/.10 23 4*5768 à á ÷ øùõ úö óô § ¨ ©«ª ¬ «® ¯ °²± ³ ´¶µ · ¸¶¹ º »¶¼ ½ ¾¶¿ À6Á«Â Ã Ä«Å Æ Ç«È6É Ê«Ë-Ì Í«Î Ï Ð G H IKJ L MON P QKR S TOU V)WOX Y)ZK[ \ ]O^ _ `Ka b cOd e f qsrut vxwzy|{~}~ u ~ x x ~ xs ¡s¢¤£¦¥ no pl m h ijf kg de ! " #%$ & '%( ) *%+-, .!/-0 132 465!7 8 93: ; <3= > ?3@ A B ÅÇÆ È=ÉËÊÍÌ#ÎÐÏÒÑÇÓPÔÐÕÖA×ÙØÛÚAÜÞÝ FIGURE 1. Normalized electron yields obtained in collisions of B3 , C4 , N5 , O6 , and F7 mixed state (1s2 1S 1s2s 3S) beams with H2 targets. Shaded peaks are the ones identified as the triply excited states formed by RTE from the 1s2s 3S metastable part of the ion beams. Both peaks correspond to the same intermediate 2s2p2 2De state but different final states. The Auger decay to the 1s2s 3S state corresponds to the elastic scattering channel while the decay to the 1s2p 3P state corresponds to the inelastic scattering channel. The rest of the peaks correspond to the formation of the Li-like doubly excited states from the 1s2 1S ground state part of the beam, with the exception of the B3 case where the He-like doubly excited 2s2p 3P state is also present. In the case of C4 the inelastic branch is not indicated as it is embedded in the spectrum of doubly excited states. Solid lines are Gaussian fits to the data. overlap, however the transition 2s2p2 2De 1s2s 3S is well resolved from the neighboring 1s2l2l | 1s2 1S transitions. In the case of C4 the inelastic part is not indicated as it is embedded in the spectrum of doubly excited states. It is very interesting to see that in the case of F 7 the inelastic peak is not evident in the spectrum. The fact is not well understood as calculated Auger decay rates vary slightly with the atomic number Z [11]. The Auger rates in Ref. [11] were used, after statistically averaging the 2Dej 3 2 and 2Dej 5 2 substates, within Eq. (5) to obtain the theoretical ΩRES in each case. Then, applying the IA by using Eq. (2), the SDCSs were calculated. The Auger yield was estimated from the ratio of the state’s partial Auger rate to the total Auger obtained from Ref. [11]. The radiative decay channel was not considered since it is negligible for all Z=5–9. Also, the COWAN code was utilized to calculate the transition energies and Auger rates for the case of boron. Absolute experimental SDCSs were obtained after fitting the normalized electron yields with Gaussians having the same FWHM as the spectrograph’s resolution and dividing the obtained integrated electron yields with the metastable fraction of the beam in each case. The experimental ΩRES were obtained from the experimental SDCSs with the use of Eq. (2). The theoretical and experimental results are presented in Table 1, where it is evident that the calculations, both from Ref. [11] and COWAN code are in fairly good agreement with the measurements. CONCLUSIONS The iso-electronic sequence study of the formation of the 2s2p2 2De triply excited state in collisions of Helike B3 , C4 , N5 , O6 , and F7 mixed (1s2 1S 1s2s 3S) state beams with H2 targets was reported. The state was 3 populated via RTE from the 1s2s S metastable part of the beams and two decay channels, the elastic scattering (decay back to the 1s2s 3S state) and the inelastic scattering (decay to the 1s2p 3P state) were identified. Absolute zero-degree SDCSs were obtained for the elastic scattering channel after determining the 1s2s 3S fraction for each ion beam experimentally. Fairly good agreement between the measured and calculated SDCSs was found. 170 REFERENCES 21 8 8 3 10 4 4 1.4 SDCSexp 16 6 1. SDCSth 2. 4.1 0.8 3.2 1.1 0.03 0.08 0.05 0.08 4. 5. 1.6 0.6 1.1 0.5 2.1 1.9 1.6 1.0 0.10 0.25 0.15 0.25 Y Ωexp RES 6. 4.4 1.8 3.0 1.5 7. 3 84 6 31 4.50 3.37 2.62 2.09 Ωth RES 3. 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 f [12] 0.25 0.08 19 4 32 0 21.4 14.1 9.4 5.7 ξ 8. 0.56‡ 0.56‡ 0.56‡ 0.56‡ 0.56‡ 9. 10. Aα 17 03 28‡ 28‡ 28‡ 28‡ 28‡ 206 6 205 12† 287.71† 384.25† 494.47† 618.42† N5 O6 F7 C4 12. 13. 14. ‡ 11. This work From Ref. [11] Read from Figs. 7 and 8 in Ref. [11] † B3 Z state 287.2 384.1 493.4 618.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 205.4 0.5 Eexp R Eth R TABLE 1. Calculated and experimental resonance parameters for the production of 2s2p2 2De intermediate state. 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