Theoretical Evaluation of the Escape Rate of Charged Particles Trapped in a Potential Energy Well Yongbin Chang and C. A. Ordonez Department of Physics, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas 76203 Abstract. In various types of charged particle sources and traps, charged particles are temporarily trapped within a potential energy well. In the work reported, a theoretical evaluation of the escape rate of trapped charged particles is carried out. As a specific example, the loss rate is evaluated for trapped plasma particles that are undergoing both collisions among themselves and collisions with particles of a different plasma species having a different temperature. Conditions are considered in which both species are confined within a nested Penning trap. INTRODUCTION plies to a one component plasma interacting with itself, as indicated below.) The objective is to obtain the escape rate for the test particle species as a result of collisions with the field particle species. As an example application of the theory, ion confinement in a nested Penning trap equilibrium presented in an accompanying paper is considered [6]. Various types of ion sources and traps produce a threedimensional electric potential well and temporarily confine ions in the well. Prior to releasing the ions, it is often important to have good confinement of the ions to minimize ion-wall interactions and the generation of impurity ions. Examples of ion sources and traps that produce a three-dimensional electric potential well for ion confinement include the electron beam ion trap/source [1, 2], the inertial electrostatic confinement approach to ion trapping [3], the Penning fusion ion trapping approach [4], and the nested Penning trap [5, 6]. The objective of the study reported here is to assess under what conditions good ion confinement occurs. Existing theory, that could be used for such predictions, was developed primarily for describing hot fusion plasmas in magnetic mirrors [7]. The existing theory has a number of limitations that make it unsuitable for evaluating the confinement properties of plasma particles trapped within a three-dimensional electric potential well. The existing theory was (1) developed for plasmas trapped parallel to a magnetic field by a combination of electric and magnetic gradient fields; (2) developed in the limit that the ratio of the plasma temperature (in energy units) to the potential energy well depth approaches zero; and (3) developed assuming that the Coulomb logarithm has a value larger than 10. Here we report on a theory that applies for three-dimensional electric confinement of plasma particles. The theory applies for any ratio of the plasma temperature and the depth of the potential energy well within which the particles are trapped, and any value of the Coulomb logarithm. To develop the theory, two species of plasma particles are considered, a test particle and a field particle. (The approach nevertheless ap- PROBABILITY FUNCTION When a test particle is put into a Maxwellian background of field particles, the test particle experiences Brownian motion in velocity space due to collisions. An ideal description of the Brownian motion should be in terms of a probability function, P(v, ∆v), which represents the probability of a test particle with initial velocity, v, to experience a velocity change, ∆v, due to a collision. A derivation of the probability function, P(v, ∆v), has been presented in our previous papers [8, 9]. Here, we outline the derivation. The background particles have a Maxwellian velocity distribution [10], given by m 3/2 mF v2F F exp − , (1) f0 (vF ) = nF 2πkT 2kT where vF and mF are the velocity and mass of a field particle, respectively, nF and T are the density and temperature of the field particles, respectively, and k is Boltzmann’s constant. If there is a charged test particle with velocity, v, within the field particle background, the test particle will experience Coulomb collisions with field particles. The collision frequency can be calculated from Z ν(v) = f0 (vF )|v − vF |σR dΩdvF , (2) CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 148 0 Considering that ∆v = v −v, we can express the function 0 as C(v, v ), where v and v0 are test particle velocities before and after a collision. This function has a symmetry 0 0 property, C(v, v ) = C(v , v). This symmetry property is important in the proof of conservation of particle number for a simplified linear Boltzmann collision integral [9]. where the solid differential angle is dΩ = sin θ dθ dϕ, and the Rutherford differential scattering cross-section is [11] 2 1 ZZF e2 σR = . (3) 4 4πε0 µ 4|v − vF | sin4 (θ /2) Here Z, ZF are the charge-states of the test and field particles, respectively; e is the unit charge; ε0 is the permittivity of free space; µ = mmF /(m + mF ) is the reduced mass; and m is the test particle mass. In order to derive the probability function, Eq. (2) can be calculated by changing the integration variables from the velocity of the field particle, vF , to the change in velocity of the test particle, ∆v. It is interesting to note that the integral over scattering angle can be calculated exactly without the usual divergence difficulty. After the variable change and the integration over the scattering angle, Eq. (2) can be written as [12] Z ν(v) = P(v, ∆v)d∆v, ESCAPE RATE Assume a plasma is confined in a three-dimensional electric potential well, such as created by a nested Penning trap [6]. Because the potential well cannot be infinitely deep, the particles that are confined in the well have a limited kinetic energy. Any particle that has an energy larger than some threshold value cannot be confined. Collisions may cause some particles to acquire enough energy to escape the system. The purpose of this section is to derive an escape rate from the probability function, P(v, ∆v). For a three-dimensional square well, we can define an “escape” collision as a collision that causes the speed of a test particle to be larger than ve . Here, ve is the threshold speed for escape from the system considered. The initial test particle speed, v, must be smaller than the escape speed, ve . The escape frequency is calculated by integrating the function, P(v, ∆v). Based on the value of the collision strength (defined to be proportional to the magnitude of the velocity change ∆v), there are three different regions: a very strong collision range (∆v ≥ v + ve ), a mixed range (ve − v ≤ ∆v ≤ v + ve ), and a weak collision range (∆v ≤ ve − v). When the collision is in the strong collision range, the speed of the test particle after the collision is larger than ve , and it will escape regardless of the direction of the velocity change, ∆v. When in the weak range, the speed of the test particle after the collision is less than ve . Therefore, the lowest integral limit for the escape frequency must be ∆v ≥ ve − v. In considering the mixed range, we define χ as the angle between ∆v and v. Then, only collisions associated with a sufficiently small value of χ may cause the test particle speed to exceed ve . Based on the above considerations, the escape frequency, p, can be calculated as (4) where the probobility function, P(v, ∆v), is 2 ν0 ∆v −5 − av∆v + vv · ∆v th th ∆v e . P(v, ∆v) = √ ( πavth )3 avth (5) Here a close collision frequency ν0 is defined as ν0 = nF vth πρ 2 ; (6) and the interaction radius ρ is defined by ρ= ZZF e2 0; 8πε0 kT (7) 0 the reduced temperature is defined as T = µT /mF ; the mass coefficient is a = 2mF /(m + mF ); and p the thermal speed of the field particle is defined vth = 2kT /mF . Two basic properties of the probability function are easily found from Eq. (5). The factor (∆v)−5 in Eq. (5) shows that weak collision events dominate Coulomb interactions. The probability of weak (small ∆v) collisions is much larger than for strong (large ∆v) collisions. The exponential factor indicates that v·∆v > 0 collisions have less probability of occurring than v · ∆v < 0 collisions. A test particle passing through a plasma of field particles typically feels more collisions that decelerate its forward motion than collisions that accelerate its forward motion. This is the basis for the dynamic friction experienced by a test particle. If we multiply a test particle’s Maxwellian velocity distribution function, f0 (v), with the probability function Eq. (5), we define the function C = f0 (v)P(v, ∆v). p = p1 + p2 Z = ∆v≥ve +v P(v, ∆v)d∆v + Z ∆v<ve +v ∆v>ve −v P(v, ∆v)d∆v, (9) where p1 represents the escape frequency in the very strong collision range, and p2 is the contribution from the mixed range. If we introduce the dimensionless variables uδ = ∆v/(avth ) and u = v/vth , and use spherical coordinates, (8) 149 we have Z ∞ Z π Z 2π ν0 p1 = ×u2δ ve +v avth 0 π 3/2 0 plasma (assumed to have a uniform density). For the integral over g(v), the upper limit has been set to ve because no test particle has a speed larger than this magnitude. A difficulty in calculating dN dt is the integration over p(v). When the speed of the test particle is close to the escape speed, ve , the lower integral limit ve − v approaches 0, and p(v → ve ) −→ ∞. However, we can avoid the singularity by employing a “lowered” Maxwellian velocity distribution for the test particles [13], h i 2 2 gLM (v) ∝ v2 e−(v/vthT ) − e−(ve /vthT ) Θ(ve − v), (17) 2 −(uδ +u cos χ) u−5 δ e sin χdχdφ duδ . (10) After integrating over the angles φ and χ, we get Z ∞ p 1 = ν0 ue +u a erf(uδ + u) − erf(uδ − u) duδ , uu3δ (11) where ue = ve /vth . To calculate the escape frequency from the mixed range, we integrate χ from 0 to a maximum value, χmax , ve +v avth Z p2 = Z χmax Z 2π ν0 ve −v avth ×u2δ where vthT is the thermal speed of the test particles and Θ is the Heaviside step function. The lowered Maxwellian distribution makes the integral for dN dt numerically calculable since the lowered Maxwellian distribution equals 0 when the speed of the test particle is equal to or greater than ve . We do not use an equal sign in Eq. (17), because the normalization constant is not included. If the lowered Maxwellian distribution is normalized to unity, the probability for one test particle to escape the system per second is 0 0 −(uδ +u cos χ)2 u−5 δ e 3/2 π sin χdχdφ duδ . (12) The angle χmax is determined by a relation between the velocity of the test particle, v, velocity change, ∆v, and minimum escape speed, ve , given by u2 − u2 auδ v2e − v2 − ∆v2 = e − . 2v∆v 2auuδ 2u cos χmax = Z ue (13) pE = If we integrate over angle in Eq. (12), the escape frequency from the mixed range can be reduced to erf(uδ + u) − erf(uδ + u cos χmax ) duδ . uu3δ (14) The escape collision frequency for a single test particle is p2 = ν0 ue −u a Z ∞ p(u) = ν0 Z +ν0 ue +u a ue −u a ue +u a erf(uδ + u) − erf(uδ − u) duδ uu3δ erf(uδ + u) − erf(Auδ + uB ) δ uu3δ duδ , (15) where A = 1 − (a/2) = m/(m + mF ), and B = (u2e − u2 )/(2a). Considering the term u−3 δ in the integrand and the difference of the lower integral limits of the two integrals, the second integral of Eq. (15) is expected to be more important than the first. We assume that the test particle species has a nearMaxwellian velocity distribution. The escape rate of the test particle species can be calculated by integrating over the velocity distribution of test particles: dN =V dt Z ve Z p(v) f (v)dv = V p(v)g(v)dv, p(u)gLM (u)du, (18) where the escape frequency p(u) is given by Eq. (15). We can calculate the escape time scale from τ = 1/pE . If the total number of test particles is N, the escape rate is then pE N, which is the number of particles that escape from the system per second. The escape frequency, p(u), given by Eq. (15) is expressed in terms p of a dimensionless speed u = v/vth , where vth = 2kT /mF is the thermal speed of the field particles. To calculate Eq. (18), it is more convenient to express the lowered Maxwellian distribution in terms of u. Next, we provide example calculations of the escape rate for ion confinement in a nested Penning trap equilibrium presented in an accompanying paper [6]. Suppose there exists a plasma of trapped protons, which have a uniform density of 1016 m−3 and a nearMaxwellian velocity distribution. Assume that protons with kinetic energy greater than 3100 eV escape confinement. Assume the protons interact with an electron plasma that has a uniform density of 8.4 × 1016 m−3 and a Maxwellian velocity distribution associated with a temperature of 3000 eV. We can calculate the proton escape rate due to proton-proton collisions and electron-proton collisions for different proton temperatures. First, we calculate the proton escape rate due to electron-proton collisions when the proton temperature is 300 eV. For the above parameters, we calculate the thermal speed of the field particles (electrons) to be vth = 3.25 × 107 m/s and the thermal speed of the test particles (protons) to be vthT = 2.40 × 105 m/s. The escape speed ue +u a Z 0 (16) 0 where f (v) is the test particle velocity distribution function; g(v) = 4π f (v)v2 is the test particle speed distribution function; and V is the total volume of the test particle 150 TABLE 1. Escape time versus plasma temperature Proton Temperature (eV) Escape Time (s) 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 4.08 × 105 3.88 × 103 9.34 × 102 4.77 × 102 3.25 × 102 2.54 × 102 No. PHY-0099617 and the Texas Advanced Research Program under Grant No. 3594-0003-2001. REFERENCES 1. Donets, E. D., “Electron Beam Ion Sources,” in The Physics and Technology of Ion Sources, edited by I. G. Brown, Wiley, New York, 1989, pp. 245-279. 2. Marrs, R. E., Nucl. Instrum. Meth B 149, 182-194 (1999); Marrs, R. E., and Slaughter, D. 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Therefore, the escape speed normalized to the thermal speed of the field particles is ue = 0.0237. To obtain the dimensionless normalized distribution function for the test particles, we have (vth /vthT )2 = 18361.5. If we normalize the lowered Maxwellian distribution function to unity, the distribution, gLM (u), has the form 2 gLM (u) = 5.62 × 106 u2 (e−18361.5u − 3.25 × 10−5 ) ×Θ(0.0237 − u). (19) From Eq. (15), the escape frequency p(u) can be calculated directly. With the escape frequency p(u), and the lowered Maxwellian distribution gLM (u), we can integrate Eq. (18) to obtain an escape time of τ = 2.04 × 109 s. The escape time is very long, which means the escape probability is very small. The escape probability is very small mainly due to the mass of the field particle being small compared to the mass of a test particle. It is very unlikely for an electron to knock a proton out of the well during a collision for the parameters considered. Due to the mass difference, the proton-proton collision escape rate can be expected to be much larger than the electron-proton collision escape rate. Thus, escape predominantly occurs due to proton-proton collisions. In Table 1, the proton escape time due to proton-proton collisions is calculated for different proton temperatures. We find that the higher the temperature, the smaller the escape time. It can be concluded from the results presented in Table 1 that for ions trapped in a three-dimensional electric potential well under the conditions considered, good ion confinement occurs when the ion temperature multiplied by Boltzmann’s constant is much smaller than the potential energy well in which the ions are trapped. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank J. R. Correa for helpful discussions. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant 151
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