Magnetically Quantized Continuum Distorted Waves D S F Crothers, D M McSherry and S F C O'Rourke Theoretical and Computational Physics Research Division Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics Queen's University Belfast, Belfast BT7 1NN Northern Ireland PACS: 34.50 Fa, 34.70+e Abstract. The continuum distorted-wave eikonal initial-state (CDW-EIS) theory of Crothers and McCann (1983) used to describe ionization in ion-atom collisions is generalised (G) to GCDW-EIS, to incorporate the azimuthal angle dependence of each CDW in the final state wave function. This is accomplished by the analytic continuation of hydrogenic-like wave functions from below to above threshold, using parabolic coordinates and quantum numbers including magnetic quantum numbers, thus providing a more complete set of states. At impact energies lower than 25 keVu-1, the total ionization cross section falls off, with decreasing energy, too quickly in comparison with experimental data. The idea behind and motivation for the GCDW-EIS model is to improve the theory with respect to experiment, by including contributions from non-zero magnetic quantum numbers. We also therefore incidentally provide a new derivation of the theory of continuum distorted waves for zero magnetic quantum numbers while simultaneously generalising it. Comparison of our theoretical calculations are made with available experimental data. the usual angles of θ and φ to be subscripted also. This is to represent the fact that they are either targetbased or projectile-based as indicated by the subscript T or P respectively. In recent work, (Nesbitt et al 2000 and McGrath et al 2000) no evidence was found by our experimental and theoretical groups for saddle-points for collisions of 40 keV protons with either He or H 2 . However INTRODUCTION The continuum distorted-wave eikonal-initial-state (CDW-EIS) model was first introduced by Crothers and McCann (1983) who both presented and applied it to the single ionization of H, He + , Li 2+ and Be 3+ by a proton. Since then the theory has been extensively studied and extended to model the single ionization of multielectron atoms ranging from helium to argon. One of the benefits of the EIS wave function is that it is normalised at all times and impact parameters. The advantages of the EIS and the final state CDW two-centre wave functions are that all long range Coulomb boundary conditions are obeyed. In essence the CDW final state is a two-centre product of two CDWs, each of which is a zero magnetic quantum number analytic continuation of the well known exact hydrogenic bound state with parabolic quantum numbers and coordinates. One of the CDWs is targetbased and one projectile-based so that most of the postcollision interaction is included. In this paper a new derivation of continuum distorted-wave (CDW) theory is presented. We have also generalized the CDW final state to non-zero magnetic quantum numbers which leads to a more complete set of states. The more general and therefore more complicated geometry of the system has required for 100 keV proton collisions with H 2 CDW-EIS calculations predict saddle-points in contradiction with the experimentalists. This was puzzling and indeed incongruous, since saddle-point electrons are normally expected to be associated with lower impact energies. We were therefore motivated to reconsider the very basis of CDW-EIS. DERIVATION OF THE GENERALIZED CDW FINAL STATE In this section we derive the generalized CDW final state by analytic continuation of hydrogen wave functions from below to above threshold using parabolic coordinates and magnetic quantum numbers thus providing a more complete set of states. In deriving the generalized CDW final state we follow the analysis of Schiff (1968) in his treatment of the hydrogen atom. We consider the hydrogen-like ion to CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 142 where consist of a two-particle system of an electron of charge − e and an atomic nucleus of charge + Ze . These interact via a Coulomb attractive potential of α= 2 − Ze = − Z in atomic units. r r h 2 ( n1 + n 2 + m + 1) ) n1 ∑ (αη ) = Lm m +n η = r − z = r (1 − cos θ ) = (2) 2 4 ∂ ∂u ∂ ξ + η ∂η η ∂η + ∂ξ ξ ∂u + 1 ∂ 2 u ∂ξ ηξ ∂φ 2 2 m ! n1! (αξ ) = Lm m +n 2 (3) = (4) (n1 − k )!( m + k )! k! (8) Zη M − n1 ,1 + m , n (( n 2 + m )!) 2 m !n2 ! n2 ∑ k =0 2 ( − 1) k ( n 2 + m )! (αξ ) k ( n 2 − k )!( m + k )! k! . Zξ M − n 2 ,1 + m , n (10) ( ) u n n m (η , ξ , φ ) = exp Z (η − ξ ) − imφ (ηξ ) 1 2 2n m 2 (αη ) Lm m +n 1 (9) to equation (8) then the analytic continuation of the unnormalised wave function may be written as (η , ξ , φ ) = α (ξ + η ) exp − (ξη ) 2 2 ( − 1) k ( n1 + m )! (αη ) k M ( a, b, z ) = exp( z ) M ( b − a, b, − z ) It is clear (Schiff 1968) that in parabolic coordinates the unnormalised bound states of the hydrogen-like wave function may be written as 1 2m (7) Now applying the Kummer relation, equation (13.1.27) of Abramowitz and Stegun (1970) We seek eigenfunctions u(η , ξ , φ ) of the form un n (6) and − 2Ze u = Eu where E < 0. ξ +η u (η , ξ , φ ) = f (η )g (ξ )Φ(φ ). k =0 ((n1 + m )!) 2 to give the resulting equation −h 2µ . The above threshold analytical continuation of the hydrogen-like atom bound states in parabolic coordinates with parabolic quantum numbers may be obtained by first rewriting the associated Laguerre polynomials in terms of confluent hypergeometric functions and secondly by then choosing appropriate separation constants. Thus in terms of the regular Kummer hypergeometric functions we obtain 1 φ nh 2 n function is Ψ ( r, t ) = u ( r ) exp − i Et . It is convenient h to rewrite the wave equation in terms of parabolic coordinates where the parabolic coordinates η , ξ and φ are defined in terms of either spherical polar coordinates ( r , θ , φ ) or Cartesian coordinates ( x, y, z ) by the formulae = r + z = r (1 + cos θ ) y = tan −1 x µZe 2 α=Z . 2 2 2 2 (1) − h ∂ + ∂ + ∂ u + Vu = Eu 2 µ ∂x 2 ∂y 2 ∂z 2 where µ is the reduced mass and the total wave ξ = In atomic units and assuming an infinitely massive nucleus, α reduces to We start from the basic separated Schrödinger equation in terms of the spatial relative motion of the two particles with separation r = ( x, y, z ) , ( µZe 2 (5) ((n1 + m )!) 2 1 m (αξ ) exp( − imφ )α ( 2π ) − 2 Lm m + n2 m ! n1! 143 m 2 − Zη M m + 1 + n1 , 1 + m , n ((n 2 + m )!) 2 Zξ α m . M − n 2 ,1 + m , n ( 2π ) 12 m !n2 ! 2 Γ1 + iZ + m υ 2 m m ! Γ1 + iZ − υ 2 (11) The choice of separation constant can now be made to model the physical behaviour of the continuum. Thus we set Z = −iυ (Crothers 1989 equation A30) where n v is the impact velocity of the collision and ξ − η = 2 z so that the continuum hydrogen-like atom wave function may be written in the form m ( − i) m . M − i Z + , 1 + m , − i( υ ⋅ r + υr ) 1 υ 2 ( 2π ) 2 Setting (( n 2 + m )!) m !n2 ! 2 m m M ( m + 1 + n1 , 1 + m , iυη ) ( − i) 1 ( 2π ) 2 (12) . M 1 n1 = −1 − 1 m , n 2 = iZ − 1 m . υ 2 2 m ) ) (15) 2 [ ] Dυ− ( r; Z ) = m D−+υ ( r; Z ) * D υ± ( r; Z ) = ( (16) ) ( exp ± imφ + πv M ± iv + 1 m , 1 + m , ± iυr − iυ ⋅ r 2 2 (13) M Thus the analytic continuation of the hydrogen-like wavefunction from below to above threshold is given by (υr − υ ⋅ r ) m 2 m ,1 + m , − i( υ ⋅ r + υr ) 2 m 2 m following: ) (12 m ,1 + m , m iυr − iυ ⋅ r )(υr + υ ⋅ r ) m / 2 (υr − υ ⋅ r ) m / 2 m Γ(1 + = exp( iυz − imφ )(υr + υ ⋅ r ) 2 1 2 m m iv )Γ(1 + 2 Γ (1 + m ) ( m2 ) m M ( ,1 + m , i(υr − υ ⋅ r ) ) m 2 m !Γ (− ) 2 Γ ( M − iv + ( Γ1+ ( m2 ,1 + m , i(υr − υ ⋅ r ))ΓΓ(1 +(1 + +miv) ) 2 implies a suitable choice of n1 and n 2 is the m 2 m 2 m 2 where we have written the generalized continuum distorted wave (GCDW) having dropped the spatial exponent. Now we have no longer integers as they were for the case of bound states and since n = iZ = n + n + 1 + m then this υ ) m Here the first M function models the physical behaviour of the outgoing wave and the second M function simulates the physical characteristics of the ingoing wave. In the continuum since n1 and n 2 are (η , ξ , φ ) 1 2m ( Dυ− (r; Z ) = exp π ν − imφ (υr + υ ⋅ r ) 2 (υr − υ ⋅ r ) M ( − n 2 , 1 + m , − iυξ ) un n and 1 2 m m ! n1! r =∞, at Crothers and Dubé (1993), generalized to include magnetic-quantization dependence we obtain exp( iυz − imφ )(υr + υ ⋅ r ) 2 (υr − υ ⋅ r ) 2 (( n1 + m )!) renormalizing representing the Coulomb distorted wave function, u n n m (η, ξ , φ ) in the continuum in the notation of u n n m (η , ξ , φ ) = 12 2 ν=Z, υ (14) 2 It may also be noted that in m 1 2 m) . (17) Dυ+ ( r; Z ) , the first M function is outgoing whereas the second is ingoing and vice versa for single-centred 144 m Dυ− ( r; Z ) . This is in essence a non-zero magnetically quantized generalized continuum distorted wave theory. It is quite clear we have a radially coherent set of final states since they all have the same radial asymptotic behaviour. This may be compared with the wave treatment of Crothers et al (2002). Here R is the position vector of P relative to T where P denotes the projectile and T denotes the target. The position vectors of the electron relative to the target and projectile respectively are defined as rT and rP . The electron APPLICATION OF THE GENERALIZED CDW FINAL STATE TO THE GENERALIZED (G) TWOCENTRE CDW IONIZATION STATE WITHIN AN IMPACT PARAMETER TREATMENT ( velocity of the projectile is given by υ with k and p the momentum of the ejected electron relative to the target and projectile respectively. The ingoing waves We now apply the formalism adopted in section 2 to address the problem of ionization in ion-atom collisions. We derive a generalized two-centre continuum distorted wave function which correctly models the physical representation of the ejected electron which travels in the presence of two Coulomb potentials namely that due to the target and that to the projectile. Thus this section generalizes the theory in section 2 where we confined our discussion to a single Coulomb potential and hence the wave function derived in equation (17) was a single centred wavefunction. In the present work we assume the independent electron model which simplifies the description of the ionization process to a one electron system. Our approach is within the semiclassical straight-line impact parameter ρ time dependent ( t ) formalism of Crothers and McCann (1983). As in section 2 we generalize the notation of Crothers and Dubé (1993) equation (132) in which m P = 0 = mT , to for χ k− in equation (18) are obtained by using the definition stated in equation (17). written explicitly as mT mT mT υ exp π T − imT φT (krT + k ⋅ rT ) 2 Γ1 + 2 2 ( krT − k ⋅ rT ) mP Dk±′ (rP , Z P ) exp ± iZ P Z T υ mT m M T ,1 + mT , i( krT − k ⋅ rT ) 2 mT Γ 1 + + iυ T 2 2 2 mT 2 mT M − iυ T + ,1 + mT ,−i(k ⋅ rT + krT ) 2 2 distorted wave states of energy k thus 3 These may be Dk− (rT ; Z T ) = obtain ingoing and outgoing generalized continuum χ k± = ( 2π ) − 2 exp(ik ⋅ rT )E k ,± 1 υ ( r, t ) ) translation factor is exp −1 iυ ⋅ r , where r is the 2 electron position vector relative to the midpoint of the nuclei. The nuclear charge of the target is denoted by Z T and that of the projectile by Z P . The impact Dk± (rT ; Z T ) Γ 2 (1 + mT ) (23) where ( ) ln υR m υ t 2 (18) υT = ZT (24) k where and k′ = p = k − υ (19) R = rT − rP = ρ + υt (20) r = 1 (rT + rP ) 2 (21) mP Dp− (r P ; Z P ) = m Γ 1 + P + iυ P 2 Γ 2 (1 + m P ) υ exp π P − im P φ P ( prP + p ⋅ r P ) 2 2 E 1 ( r, t ) = exp ± 1 iυ ⋅ r − 1 iυ 2 t − i k t . (22) k ,± υ 2 8 2 2 145 mP 2 m Γ 1 + P 2 ( prP − p ⋅ rP ) m M P ,1 + m P , i( prP − p ⋅ rP ) 2 mP 2 m M − iυ P + P ,1 + m P ,−i(p ⋅ r P + prP ) 2 1 M − iυ T + m T ,1 + m T , − ikr T − i k ⋅ r T 2 1 M mT ,1 + mT , ikrT − ik ⋅ rT (krT + k ⋅ rT ) 2 (25) where (krT υP = ZP p . − k ⋅ rT ) ( prP − p ⋅ r P ) between ( rT , k ) and ( υ, k ) , φ P appearing in equation (25) is the angle between ( rP , p ) and ( υ, p ) . It should be pointed out that, although p = k − υ, p and k are skew vectors. Also the uniform two-centre nature of Γ 2 (1 + mT ) mP Γ 1 + 2 ) mP ( prP + p ⋅ r P ) 2 ( r, t ) = exp(ip ⋅ rP + iρ ⋅ k )E p, 12 v mP 2 mP M ,1 + m P , i ( prP − p ⋅ r P ) 2 mP M − iυ P + ,1 + m P ,−i(p ⋅ r P + prP ) 2 χ k± may be confirmed by noting that k,− 12 v 2 2 (26) This generalizes the treatment of Crothers and Dubé (1993). It should be noted that the target and projectile continuum waves contain magnetic quantum numbers mT and m P respectively. In eq (23) φT is the angle exp(ik ⋅ rT )E ( Γ 1 + 12 mT + iυ T mT mT mP Γ 1 + + iυ P 2 ( r, t ) Γ 2 (1 + m P (27) ) (29) . Consideration of the analytic behaviour of the confluent hypergeometric functions for large arguments allows the asymptotic form to be extracted so that The coupling between the P and T components is minimal at finite separation and in any case dies out before infinity where degeneracy occurs. This is due to the exp( −imT φT − im Pφ P ) term. Moreover mP summation of any cross sections over degeneracies is required. If we let mT = m P = 0 , then equation (22) Dp− (rP ; Z P ) ≅ exp( − im Pφ P )( prP + p ⋅ rP )iv p . p >>1 reduces down to (28) Hence the final Two-Centre GCDW state for a threebody continuum Coulomb wave function may be expressed as a sum of products of two-body Coulomb waves with their corresponding magnetic quantum numbers and the individual wave function is given by 1 2 1 8 1 2 3 πυ 1 Γ1 + mT exp − im p φ p exp(− imT φT ) exp T 2 2 ( ) πυ exp P 2 2 8 2 ) πυ exp T M ( − iυ T ,1,−ikrT − ik ⋅ rT )Γ(1 + iυ T ) 2 πυ exp P 2 χ k− = (2π )− 2 exp ik ⋅ rT − iυ ⋅ r − iυ 2 t − ik 2 t 3 ( χ k− ≈ ( 2π ) − 2 exp ik ⋅ rT − 1 iυ ⋅ r − 1 iυ 2 t − 1 ik 2 t M ( − iυ P ,1,−iprP − ip ⋅ rP )Γ(1 + iυ P ) (30) which agrees with equation (17) of Crothers and McCann (1983) as derived from their equations (7) and (16) representing the final state of their CDW Approximation. This also implies that if we take m P = 0 = mT in the generalized form of the CDW- EIS (GCDW-EIS) it reduces down to the usual CDW- 146 EIS approximation. This provides one good test for our computer programs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS One of us (DMcS) acknowledges support by a DENI (now DEL) Distinction Award. CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES We have addressed the hydrogen-like one-electron atom in a below-threshold bound state using parabolic coordinates and quantum numbers. By analytic continuation above threshold and with suitable choice of the now more flexible separation constants we have generalized the CDW theory of Cheshire (1964) so that the CDW includes two regular Kummer functions, one with outgoing and one with ingoing waves, which reflects reality and includes an azimuthal phase factor with magnetic-quantum-number dependence. It is normalized at the surface at infinity. The derivation is within the wave treatment. 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