Hyperspherical Theory of Three-Body Recombination in Cold Collisions James Sternberg∗ and J.H. Macek† ∗ † Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996 and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN Abstract. Three-body recombination in cold atomic collisions has been successfully modeled using the hyperspherical closecoupling theory. This representation maps many-body fragmentation channels onto simple radial equations similar to those for two-body processes. Computation of hyperspherical adiabatic energy eigenvalues is a major task using this theory. We have developed asymptotic representations of the adiabatic eigenvalues based upon energy dependent zero-range potentials. Our asymptotic expressions are compared with ab initio calculations as well as hyperspherical adiabatic calculations using zero range potentials with constant M that have appeared in the literature. INTRODUCTION The theoretical study of cold three-body collisions has become an important topic of study because of its application to Bose-Einstein condensation. In particular, the experimental work of Inouye et al. has succeeded in observing recombination of a Bose condensate as a function of the two-body scattering length a[1]. Numerous theory papers have dealt with the connection between the scattering length and the recombination rate, which has been the motivation for calculations using zero-range potentials(ZRP)[2, 3] . A ZRP approximates the twobody scattering potential as a function of the scattering length alone. In this work, we define an energy dependent zero-range potential, which not only depends on the scattering length a, but also on the energy k[4]. The most successful methods for studying three-body recombination of such systems have been hyperspherical adiabatic theories. Esry et al. have successfully calculated the hyperspherical potential curves for threebody recombination by directly numerically solving the Schrödinger equation[5]. This calculation is essentially exact, however it is computationally intensive. For small values of the hyper-radius R, the calculations were quite effective. They became more computationally expensive for larger values of R, however. Furthermore, the calculation contains many parameters which must be chosen. As a result, it is more difficult to draw physical insight from that calculation than from a simpler one. The theory of Nielsen et al. is both complete and accurate within the constraints of the model they use[6]. Practical application of that theory can be difficult, however, because of the generality of the theory. Simplified calculations have also been made. For example, the hyperspherical adiabatic theory has been applied to zero range potentials (ZRP)[3]. The calculation of ref. [3] condenses the physics the potential curves into knowledge of simple physical parameters such as the two-body scattering length. Those calculations are only accurate for large values of the hyper-radius R, however. We have extended this calculation to obtain potential curves for energy dependent zero range potentials (EDZRP). That is, instead of assuming a constant M matrix M = −1/a, an energy dependent M(k) is used. This method retains the simplicity of the hyperspherical adiabatic ZRP theory, while improving on its range of validity. METHOD Hyperspherical adiabatic theory for EDZRPs In this work we will study three-body recombination in the helium trimer. In order to calculate the hyperspherical adiabatic potential curves, we ignore explicit threebody interaction terms, and assume only pairwise interactions. Several previous papers used the Aziz potential in order to model the potential of the helium dimer [5, 7]. For convenience, we have chosen a potential which can be made similar to the Aziz potential, but which yields a Schrödinger equation with analytic solutions. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 133 We can thus write the M matrix Comparison of the Aziz and Morse Potentials M (k) = k cot δ (k) . 40 Aziz Potential Morse Potential 30 Once this is obtained, the potential curves can be calculated by using the adiabatic hyperspherical zero-range equation. √ ν cos (νM π/2) − 8/ 3 sin (νM π/6) = −RM (k) (7) sin (νM π/2) U(r) 20 10 0 with k = νM /R. The potential curves are given by -10 -20 (6) 0 5 10 15 r 20 25 30 ε (R) = FIGURE 1. The Aziz potential used by Esry et al. is compared with the Morse potential. These two potentials are visually almost identical to each other except for very small values of R. The potential we have chosen is the Morse potential[8]. The Morse potential can be expressed as, V (r) = D exp [−2a (r − ro )] − 2D exp [−a (r − ro )] (1) Here, D denotes the depth of the potential, ro is the location of the potential’s minimum and a is its width. These parameters were varied in order to best fit the Aziz potential which was used in ref. [5]. A plot comparing these two potentials can be seen in Fig. 1. The advantage of this potential over the Aziz potential is that the Schrödinger equation can easily be transformed into a confluent hypergeometic equation with known, analytic solutions. The solutions to the Schrödinger equation are 1 Ψ1 = exp −β a r − r0 − γx (r) (2) r 1 × 1 F1 β + − γ; 1 + 2β ; 2γx (r) 2 and 1 exp β a r − r0 − γx (r) (3) r 1 × 1 F1 −β + − γ; 1 + 2β ; 2γx (r) . 2 √ Here we use the definitions γ = 2mD/a, x(r) = exp −a r − r0 and β = ik/a. From these solutions, the S matrix can be determined by Ψ (0) S= 1 , (4) Ψ2 (0) and from the S-matrix, the phase shift is found to be " !# √ ik 1 ik 2 2mD δ = arg 1 F1 + − γ; 1 + 2 ; (5) a 2 a a Ψ2 = 134 2 − 1/4 νM . 2µR2 (8) It should be noted that the significant difference between the expression in equation (7) and previous expressions is a more complicated dependence on k = ν/R on the right-hand side of the equation. Ordinarily it is assumed that M(k) = −1/a, leading to a directly solvable equation, rather than the transcendental equation shown above. Connection with the complete theory of Nielsen The EDZRP theory presented here can be derived from the complete theory of Nielsen et al.[6]. Starting from Nielsen’s equation (71), we can define 1 1 1 1 ω = sinlx +1 α cosly +1 αPν(lx + 2 ,ly + 2 ) (cos 2α) υ = sinlx +1 α cosly +1 αPν(ly + 2 ,lx + 2 ) (− cos 2α) (9) where Pν(a,b) are the Jacobi functions defined in Appendix A of ref. [6]. Throughout this section, ν will be the defined as it is used by Nielsen in his paper. It is related to the νM used throughout the rest of this report by the ν −2 equation ν = M2 . The logarithmic derivative is written as D= ∂ log [sin α cos αu] . ∂α (10) Where u is defined in eq. 14. We can then rewrite Nielsen’s equation (71) as ∂υ ∂ω Dυ − A = Dω − RA (11) ∂α ∂α where R are Nielsen’s Ri j written in matrix form and A are expansion coefficients. If we define M= Dυ − ∂∂ αυ Dω − ∂∂ ωα (12) then Eq. 11 requires and det (M − 2R) = 0. (13) The functions ω, υ and u are solutions to the Schrödinger equation lx (lx + 1) ly (ly + 1) ∂2 + (14) − 2+ ∂α cos2 α sin2 α i + K ∗ 2mR2V µ −1 R sin α − λ ψ =0 N jk where K = 0 for ω and υ and K = 1 for u. One can show that to order α 4 that equation (14) becomes the usual radial equation for potential scattering as α → 0, with r = Rα µ −1 jk , λN − 31 lx (lx + 1) − ly (ly + 1) 2mk = . R2 2 (15) and λN = (2ν + lx + ly )(2ν + lx + ly + 2). In the that limit, ω and υ become linear combinations of spherical Bessel functions. ω goes to the regular Bessel function kr jlx (kr) in this limit, but υ goes to a linear combination of the regular Bessel function and the irregular Bessel function krylx (kr). We can therefore write υ = Aω + Bζ , (16) where to order (kr)4 relative to the lowest non-vanishing term (17) ω → Cω kr jlx (kr) 1 + O(kr)4 4 ζ → Cζ krylx (kr) 1 + O(kr) . Here A,B,Cω and Cζ are constants which are to be determined. If we substitute the above expressions into equations (11) and (12) and take only diagonal elements of R we find that (M + A) B−1Cω Cζ−1 = cot δlx (18) In the calculations presented in this paper, we are interested in S-wave scattering. In this case lx = ly = 0. We can therefore write the functions ω and υ as 1 1 ω = sin α cos αPν( 2 , 2 ) (cos(2α)) υ = sin α cos αPν( 2 , 2 ) (− cos(2α)). (19) υ = + Γ ν + 32 Γ(ν + 1)Γ Γ ν + 32 Γ(ν + 1)Γ 3 2 3 2 sin(πν) cos[(2ν + 2)α] (21) 2(ν + 1) cos(πν) sin[(2ν + 2)α] . 2(ν + 1) One can easily see from equations (20) and (21) that A = cos(πν), B = sin(πν) and Cω = Cζ . We now substitute the constants A and B into Eq. (18) to obtain (M + cos(πν)) (sin(πν))−1 = cot δ . (22) Multiplying both sides of Eq. (22) by k and using the relation k = (2ν + 2)/R (please note that we are still using Nielsen’s definition of ν) on the left-hand side gives, 2ν + 2 (M + cos(πν)) (sin(πν))−1 = k cot δ = M(k). R (23) Solving for M , we find that M= sin(πν)RM(k) − cos(πν), 2ν + 2 (24) which is substituted into Eq. (13) to obtain RM(k) = 2(ν + 1) cos(πν) + √83 sin sin(πν) π 3 (ν + 1) . (25) This agrees with the result given in Eq. (100) of ref. [6]. Substituting ν = (νM − 2)/2 we exactly obtain equation (7). For k = 0, this yields exactly the ZRP result. It is important to note that in deriving this expressions that we never make the assumption that k = 0 and that M(k) is constant. Equation(25) can be used for arbitrary values of k, and is expected to improve of the standard ZRP model in cases where the energy is significantly different from zero. This treatment eliminates the constant M approximation from the ZRP model, in contrast to more traditional treatments such as that of Baz’ et al.[9]. BOUND STATES 1 1 Using the definitions of the Jacobi functions, we rewrite these as Γ ν + 32 sin [(2ν + 2) α] ω= (20) 2(ν + 1) Γ(ν + 1)Γ 32 135 The Aziz potential cited in ref. [5] has a single bound state. The Morse potential with the parameters we have chosen also supports a single bound state. The hyperspherical adiabatic potential curves ε(R) are plotted in Fig. 2. Direct comparison between the more extensive calculation and the EDZRP calculation is presented here here. As expected, the two results match almost exactly for large values of R. This is to be expected, since in Comparison of EDZRP, Exact and ZRP Calculations Comparison of EDZRP, ZRP and Exact Calculations Single Bound State 0 40 EDZRP Morse Potential Data Aziz Potential ref.[5] ZRP calculation EDZRP Calcluation Exact. ref.[9] ZRP Calculation 35 -0.1 λ(λ+4) Epsilon(R) 30 -0.2 25 20 -0.3 15 -0.4 0 100 200 300 400 10 500 R (a.u.) FIGURE 2. Comparison of EDZRP calculation with the exact calculation of ref. [5] and the ZRP calculation of Gassaneo[3]. This figure compares the exact calculation using the Aziz potential to the EDZRP calculation using the Morse potential and the ZRP calculation of ref. [3] for a bound state. the zero energy limit, M(k → 0) = −1/a. The advantage over the standard ZRP calculation can be seen in the small R region. The ZRP calculation in reference [3] reports that for R/a ≈ 0.25, the value of ε(R) agrees with the Esry’s calculation within 17%. The EDZRP calculation improves on this and gives a value within 6.5%. POSITIVE ENERGY STATES We have shown the the previous section that the EDZRP calculation is an improvement over the standard ZRP calculation for small values of R. This is the region over which the value of k is significantly different from zero. A challenge for ZRP calculations is positive energy states. In these cases, the k ranges over a much wider range and the approximation that k = 0 leads to inaccurate results. By allowing the value of k to change in the EDZRP calculation, the results are accurate for a much larger range of the value R. Just as in the bound state calculation, we find that in the limit as R → ∞, the value of k goes to zero. In fact, we confirm that the EDZRP and ZRP calculations give identical results. This correct asymptotic behavior is one of the main motivations for using the hyperspherical adiabatic method. Incidentally, it is for these large values of R that the numerical calculation of ref. [5] becomes more difficult. The advantage of the EDZRP method over the standard treatment is seen for smaller values of R. In Fig. 3, we plot λ (λ + 4) for R between approximately 20 and 300 atomic units, where λ is related to ν(R) by the relation ν(R) = λ + 2, and is directly related to the adiabatic energy eigenvalues ε(R) shown in equation (8). The results are compared directly 136 0 100 200 R (a.u.) 300 400 FIGURE 3. Comparison of EDZRP calculation with the exact calculation of ref. [10] and the ZRP calculation of ref. [3]. The EDZRP calculation closely reproduces the behavior of the direct numerical calculation. to the ZRP calculation of reference [3] and the exact numerical calculation of reference [10]. For the larger values of R, all three calculations are converge to the same value. The asymptotic limit in this case is zero. For R less than approximately 200, the behavior the of the ZRP and the exact numerical calculations are quite different, however. The ZRP calculation has an almost linear dependence on R, and in fact goes to a value of λ (λ + 4) ≈ 17 at R = 0[3]. The exact calculation rises steeply as R goes to zero[10]. Our EDZRP calculation reproduces the behavior of the exact calculation. In fact, it is highly accurate, even to R ≈ 25. POSITIVE ENERGY STATES WITH A RESONANCE The ability to calculate potential curves with arbitrary k affords us the opportunity to examine phenomena which can not be calculated in the standard ZRP model. For example, positive energy states in the presence of a resonance can be examined. For a resonance, it can be shown that M(k) can be written in the form M(k) = − k2 − Eres (γ 2 /2) (26) Here Eres is the energy where the resonance occurs and γ is reduced width[11]. Using the M(k) above, we calculate the potential curves for several values of λ . We chose Eres = .01 and a width of γ 2 /2 = .001. These curves can be seen in FIGURE 4. As one might expect, we see a series of avoided crossings. In the simple model M(k) which we have chosen above, we can analytically predict ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4 The authors would like to thank Dr. Gustavo Gassaneo for supplying data from both his calculation[3], and that of B. Esry[5]. We also would like to thank the National Science Foundation for support under grant number PHY0140321. Epsilon(R) 3 2 REFERENCES 1 1. 0 0 50 FIGURE 4. 100 R 150 200 Scattering with a resonance the positions of each of √ these avoided crossings. These should occur at r = λ / Eres . In this case we should find them at R = 20, 60, 80, 100.... CONCLUSIONS We have derived an energy dependent extension of the standard hyperspherical adiabatic ZRP model for threebody recombination in cold collisions. In this new model, the term which is the inverse of the scattering length a is replaced by a function M(k), which depends on energy. We have related this theory with the more general theory of Nielsen et al. [6], which depends independently on both k and R. We then used this EDZRP model with the Morse potential to calculate hyperspherical adiabatic potential curves for both bound states and positive energy states. These calculations were compared with both a direct numerical solution to the Schrödinger equation[5] and a calculation using the adiabatic hyperspherical ZRP model[3]. In all cases, the EDZRP model reproduced the numerical solution more accurately than the ZRP model. This was especially true for smaller values of R because the energy is significantly different from zero, and the zero energy assumption of the ZRP model is no longer valid. Finally, we used the EDZRP model to examine positive energy states with a resonance included. 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