NEW RESULTS IN PHOTOIONIZATION OF LASER-EXCITED ATOMS F. J. Wuilleumier1,2, D. Cubaynes1,2, M. Meyer2, S. Canton3, E. Kennedy4, J. Bozek3, J.-M. Bizau1,2 and N. Berrah5 1LIXAM, UMR CNRS 8624 Universite Paris Sud, B. 350, 91405 Orsay, France 2LURE, Campus d'Orsay, B. 209d, 91405 Orsay, France 3Advanced Light Source, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Berkeley, Ca 97405, USA 4Dublin City University, School of Physics, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland 5Western Michigan University, Physics Department, Kalamazoo, MI 40849 Abstract. The use of high-spectral resolution VUV-photon beams in atomic photoionization experiments has significantly increased over the past few years, owing to the number of operating third generation synchrotron radiation sources and associated high-resolution beam lines. For laser-excited atoms, however, the number of experiments is still low, because of the difficulties in combining the use of these two widely-different photon sources. In the following, we will present the results of high-resolution photoionization experiments performed by combining a cw dye laser and the photon beam available at the 10.0.1 station of the Advanced Light Source. INTRODUCTION In the experiments describe hereafter, we performed high-resolution measurements in excited atoms by exploiting simultaneously the high-spectral resolution of the ALS photon beams, the high-electron resolution of the Scienta electron spectrometer and the use of a cw laser beam. More than twenty years ago, we have pionnered this field in performing the first experiments [1] combining laser and synchrotron radiation to study resonant photoionization processes in an excited atom, and to determine oscillator strengths of transitions to evenparity autoionizing states [2]. Later, we succeeded in measuring a strong enhancement of partial cross sections for multiple inner-shell photoionization (photoionization accompanied by excitation) into the continuum for excited 2p63p 2P3/2 sodium atoms [3]. EXPERIMENT The experimental set up consisted of three main parts: the laser system, the synchrotron radiation source, and the vacuum chamber including the electron spectrometer and the oven for the production of the sodium beam. The laser and synchrotron radiation beams counterpropagated along the direction of the incident photon beam. Relatively to this direction, the sodium beam was emitted perpendicularly, and the electrons were analyzed at an angle of 54°44’ relative to the polarization axis of synchrotron radiation. For photoionization of atoms in the ground state (randomly oriented atoms), this angle is the magic angle, at which the differential cross section is proportional to the absolute cross section. A cw ring dye laser, pumped by an argon ion laser, was used for pumping the atoms into the excited 3p states, with an output power of routinely several hundreds of milliwatts in single mode operation. The linear polarization of the laser could be rotated continuously with respect to the linear polarization of the At about the same time, were started the studies of innershell excitation processes from aligned or oriented atoms, by absorption of polarized laser radiaton followed by inner-shell ionization with synchrotron radiation [4,5]. More recently [6], we have studied the formation of triply-excited states in resonant photoexcitation of laser-excited lithium atoms, using high–resolution monochromatic photon beams available at the Advanced Light Source (ALS). Two-photon experiments have also probed short lived excited atomic states by using a pulsed laser synchronized to the synchrotron radiation pulsed [7]. In most of the photoionization experiments, a relatively low-resolution analyzer (a cylindrical mirror electron spectrometer, with an ultimate resolution of about 100 meV) was used to measure the photoelectrons emitted in photoionization processes. CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 124 Fig. 1 - Photoelectron spectra of sodium atoms in the ground- and 2P3/2 excited states as measured at Super ACO (upper panel, ref. 3) and at the ALS synchrotron radiation source (lower panel, this work). synchrotron radiation beam. Approximately 1% of the laser radiation was used to excite sodium atoms in a reference chamber to lock the laser to the atomic transition by observing the resonance fluorescence. We have used the high-resolution SCIENTA electron spectrometer and the undulator photon beam available at the 10.0.1 beamline of ALS over the 30-110 eV photon energy range. Ultimate resolution (FWHM including spectral width, Doppler effect, and spectrometer resolution) was 13 meV. A resistively heated oven has been built to produce a beam of Na vapor. To populate significantly some specific excited states of sodium atoms, the dye laser was successively tuned to the wavelength of the 2p63s 2S1/2 → 2p63p 2P 2 1/2 or P3/2 transitions, respectively. Synchrotron radiation was used to probe inner-shell photoionization in these laser-excited atomic states. atoms in the ground state appear first (2p53s 3P2,1,0, and 1P1 ionic states), then the main lines for photoionization of atoms in the excited 2P3/2 state (2p53p 3S1, 3D3,2,1, 1D2, 1P1, 3P2,01, 1S0). At higher binding energies, one sees the interchannel coupling (IC) 2p53p satellites produced in photoionization of atoms in the ground state which correspond to the same final states as the main lines in the excited state (although relative intensities within the two manifolds are strongly different as different pathways are followed in either case). Then, the IC satellites from the excited atom result from partly resolved transitions to both 2p54s (∆l = - 1) and 2p53d (∆l = + 1) final ionic states, offering the possibility to simultaneously study transitions with a gain or a loss of one unit of angular momentum. They are followed by the mostly resolved shake up satellites from the excited state (2p54p 3S, 3D, 1D, 1,3P, 1S, ∆l = 0), and from the RESULTS In the upper panel of Fig.1, we show, as a reference, the low-resolution photoelectron spectrum resulting from photoionization of sodium atoms in the ground state and in the 3p 2P3/2 state, as measured by using the synchrotron radiation emitted by the Super ACO storage ring [3]. Since only 10 to 15 % of the atoms are transferred into the excited state, most of the atoms in the vapor are still in the ground state. Thus, the few lines measured in this spectrum result from photoionization of atoms in both ground and excited states, and some treatment had to be applied to extract the photoelectron spectrum originating merely from the atoms in the excited state. In the lower panel, we show the full photoelectron spectrum measured at ALS when both synchrotron radiation and laser beams illuminate the vapor. Most of the photoelectron lines corresponding to the various final ionic states are fully resolved. In order of increasing binding energies (from right to left), the main lines for photoionization of ground state (2p54s), and by higher-order (2p53d, ∆l = 2) satellites from the ground state. The resolution is such that every group of lines is completely separated one from each other. No further operation is needed to determine the true photoelectron spectrum from the excited state. In Fig. 2, we show, on an magnified scale, the photoelectron spectrum, recorded at 48 eV photon energy, over the binding energy range corresponding to the resolved 2p-main lines from the 2P3/2 excited state (middle panel) and 2P1/2 (lower panel), and to the IC satellites (upper panel) measured in photoionization of sodium atoms in the ground state. The electronic configuration of the residual ionic states we are looking at is 2p53p in all cases, but several pathways are followed to reach the same final states. The upper pannel of Fig. 2 presents the photoelectron spectrum corresponding only to these final ionic states detected after photoionization of sodium atoms in the ground state. From this initial state, the 2p53p final ionic states are reached by correlation effects according to : 2p63s 2S 5 1,3L + εl. The total relative 1/2 + hν → 2p 3p intensity of these unresolved interchannel coupling satellites relatively to the main lines has already been measured [8], but here, we are able to determine the individual behavior of most of the components. One can note that the 3S satellite dominates the spectrum, and that the relative intensities of the lines within the 3D manifold is distributed according to the 3,2,1 statistical ratio 7: 5: 3. In the middle panel of Fig. 2, 125 one can see the photoelectron spectrum (shifted along the kinetic energy axis by the amount of energy (2.109 eV) brought by the laser) measured after single photoionization of sodium atoms excited in the 2P3/2 state according to the pathway : 2p63s 2S1/2 + hνL excited in the 2p63p 2P1/2 state. Again, there are strong changes in the relative intensities. The 3D3 line has completely vanished, as expected from dipole selection rules. The 1D2 line can still be measured but its relative intensity is strongly reduced. The oscillator strength within the 3D manifold is redistributed among the 3D1 and 3D2 final states which dominate now the spectrum, together with the 1P1 state. The intensity of the 1,3S components is severely reduced like in the case of 2P3/2 optical excitation. Although the experiments were performed at high sodium vapor density (at least 1013 atoms/cm3), we observed significant dichroism effects in the photoelectron spectra measured with the laser polarization axis either parallel or perpendicular to the synchrotron polarization axis, respectively. An intensity variation occurs when the atoms are optically excited into the 2P3/2 state, demonstrating that at least partial alignment of the atoms occurs in the vapor. This linear dichroism is particularly clear for the photoelectron lines corresponding to the final ionic states having the 2p53p and 2p54p configurations, although the variation of the relative intensities is not strong enough to change the qualitative conclusion given above. This suggest that radiation trapping is weak in the volume seen by the electron spectrometer, as compared to direct photoexcitation. This is understandable when considering the very small diameter of the interaction zone where the laser and synchrotron beam overlap. In recent experiments [911] studying aligment effects, the fluorescence photons measured to check the depolarization of the target with increasing vapor densities were likely emitted from a region larger than the interaction volume. In further experiments, we will study in details the laser-induced aligment effects on the photoelectron lines, including the satellite lines. The data measured following inner-shell photoionization of atoms laser excited to the 2P1/2 state are free from any dichroism effect [12]. As a second example of the potentialities of twophoton experiments performed at high resolution, we have been able to determine some lifetimes of evenand odd- parity strongly autoionizing states. Tuning the laser to the wavelength of 3s 2S1/2 + hνL → 3p 2P variation, as a 3/2 transition, we measured the function of the photon energy, of the number of electrons emitted in the decay of several of 2p53s3p resonantly excited states. In Fig. 3, we show the result of a scan obtained in measuring the decay of the [2p5(3s3p 2P3/2)] 2D5/2 state excited near 31.40 eV photon energy. Preliminary analysis of the decay curve was made by fitting the experimental profile to a Voigt Fig. 2 - Photoelectron spectra showing the inter-channel coupling satellite lines for sodium atoms in the ground state (upper panel), and the main lines emitted from sodium atoms laser-excited to the 2p63p 2P3/2 (middle panel) and 2P1/2 (lower panel) (with a vertical offset), respectively. → 2p63p 2P3/2, and 2p63p 2P3/2 + hνRS → 2p53p 1,3L + εl’. The same photoelectron lines are observed, but with relative intensities differing considerably. The 3D line fully dominates the spectrum, while the 3 intensity of the 1,3S lines is strongly reduced. The relative intensity of the 3D1 and 3D2 lines is very weak, far from the value of the statistical ratio. The 1,3P and 1D lines do not show significant change in 2 relative intensity as compared to the 3D3 line. In the lower pannel of Fig. 2, one sees the photolectron lines measured after single ionization of the sodium atoms 126 profile resulting from the convolution of a Gaussian shape instrumental profile with a Lorentzian natural profile. We obtained a value of the natural witdh of the autoionizing state that is a little lower than 1 meV, corresponding to a long lifetime of several hundreds of femtosecondes. More accurate values will be obtained in further experiments, but this long lifetime suggests that time-resolved probe of transitions induced by a Fig. 4 – Shake up photoelectron lines (2p54p final ionic configuration) emitted in 2p-inner shell photoionization from the 2p63p 2P1/2 (full line) and 2P3/2 (dashed line) states, respectively. the main lines (Fig.2, middle panel). In both cases, the relative intensity of the 1,3S states is also quite reduced. Thus, as it could be expected, we observed that the satellite spectra are almost a faithful image of the main lines, with similar transfer of the oscillator stength when compared to the IC satellites from the ground state atoms. This results shows that the measured enhancement of the overall intensity of the satellite states is also valid for each individually resolved state and does not dependend on the laser transition. Fig. 3 - Excitation function of the [2p5(3s3p 2P3/2)] 2D5/2 resonant state in 2P3/2 excited sodium atoms as a function of the excitation energy (lower scale, in eV). sub-picosecond powerful laser between autoionizing states may become feasible in the near future. As a last example, we like to mention the strongly different behavior of the shake up satellite lines produced by photoionization of excited-atoms, depending of the transition the laser was tuned to. In Fig. 4, we show the shake up lines following photoionization of sodium atoms optically excited either in the 2P1/2 (full line) or 2P3/2 (dashed line) excited states, respectively. In both cases, the electronic configuration of the final ionic states is 2p54p. In the satellite spectrum measured from the 2P 1 3 1/2 state, the dominant L-states are the P1, D1, and 3D ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors warmly thank Bruce Rude for helping in taking the data, and Chantal Jucha for preparing the manuscript in its final form. 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