Benefit of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Radio-resistant Tumors Tadashi Kamada, Hirohiko Tsujii, Hiroshi Tsuji, Tsuyoshi Yanagi, Reiko Imai, Jun-etsu Mizoe, Tadaaki Miyamoto, Hirotoshi Kato, Shigeru Yamada, Shingo Kato, Kyousan Yoshikawa, and Susumu Kandatsu Research Center Hospital for Charged Particle Therapy, National Institute of Radiological Sciences Chiba 263-8555, JAPAN Abstract. The Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC) is the world’s first heavy ion accelerator complex dedicated to medical use in a hospital environment. Heavy ions have superior depth-dose distribution and greater cell-killing ability. In June 1994, clinical research for the treatment of cancer was begun using carbon ions generated by HIMAC. Until August 2002, a total of 1,297 patients were enrolled in clinical trials. Most of the patients had locally advanced and/or medically inoperable tumors. Tumors radio-resistant and/or located near critical organs were also included. The clinical trials revealed that carbon ion radiotherapy provided definite local control and offered a survival advantage without unacceptable morbidity in a variety of tumors that were hard to cure by other modalities. We are pleased to report that carbon ion beam shows remarkable therapeutic efficacy in a variety of tumors that were difficult to cure with other modalities. INTRODUCTION In 1946, Robert Wilson first suggested that beams of atomic nuclei might have therapeutic usefulness.1 Clinical research using such a beam, a carbon ion beam, has been rigorously carried out at the National Institute of Radiological Sciences, Chiba, Japan, since 1994.2 Among the high linear energy transfer (LET) particle beams used for cancer treatment, the carbon ion beam possesses unique physical and biological properties.3, 4 It has a well-defined range and insignificant scatter in tissues, and the energy release is enormous at the end of its range. This well-localized energy deposition (high-dose peak) at the end of the beam path, called the “Bragg peak”, is a unique physical characteristic of charged particle beams, as is the induction of more cell cycle- and oxygenation-independent, irreversible cell damage than that observed with low LET radiation. In order to investigate these useful properties, we conducted carbon ion radiotherapy clinical trials in patients with various types of malignant tumors. PATIENTS AND METHODS Between June 1994 and August 2002, a total of 1,297 patients were enrolled in clinical trials using carbon ion beams generated by the Heavy Ion Medical Accelerator in Chiba (HIMAC). Carbon ion radiotherapy of these patients was carried out by 37 different phase I/II or phase II protocols. Of these, 17 were already closed for patient registration, and 20are still on-going. Six phase II protocols were activated for head and neck, lung, liver, prostate, and bone and soft tissue tumors. Patients were included in the trials if they had histologically confirmed malignant tumors, that were judged unresectable by the referring surgeon, if they were poor surgical candidates, or if they declined surgery. Patients who had prior radiation therapy at the same site were excluded from the study. The tumor had to be grossly measurable, but the size could not exceed 15 cm. Eligibility criteria included Karnofsky CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 1142 Tumor sites and annual patient accrual are listed in Table 1. We treated more than 200 patients/year in more recent years. Lung, head & neck, prostate, liver, and bone and soft tissue tumors were the most frequent 5 tumors in the trials. performance status score > 60, and estimated life expectancy of at least 6 months. Exclusion criteria were having another primary tumor or infection at the tumor site. TABLE 1. Patient Distribution of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy at NIRS (Treatment: June 1994~August 2002) Sites 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Total % Head & Neck 9 10 19 31 22 38 29 39 10 207 16.0 Brain 6 8 10 6 9 7 15 10 3 74 5.7 Base of Skull 6 4 2 2 4 2 20 1.5 Lung 6 11 27 17 28 33 45 51 27 245 18.9 Liver 12 13 19 25 17 22 28 9 145 11.2 Prostate 9 18 10 30 30 31 44 18 190 14.6 Uterus 9 13 11 10 11 13 5 6 78 6.0 Bone/soft tissue 9 13 19 18 25 23 14 121 9.3 Esophagus 1 16 4 2 23 1.8 Pancreas (pre/op) 3 7 8 18 1.4 Rectum (post /ope pelvic rec) 10 5 15 1.2 Eye (advanced) 8 5 13 1.0 Miscellaneous 24 16 30 17 32 14 12 3 148 11.4 Total 21 83 126 159 168 188 201 241 110 1297 100 HIMAC is the world’s first heavy ion accelerator complex dedicated to medical use.5, 6,7 there are 3 treatment rooms with fixed vertical and/or horizontal beam lines. The accelerated energy of the vertical beam is 290 MeV or 350 MeV, and that of the horizontal beam is 290 MeV or 400 MeV. The patients were positioned in customized cradles and immobilized with a low-temperature thermoplastic sheet. A set of 5-mm thick CT images was taken for treatment planning with the immobilization devices. Respiratory gating of both CT acquisition and therapy was performed when indicated.8 A margin of 5 mm was usually added to the clinical target volume to create the planning target volume. The clinical target volume was covered by at least 90% of the prescribed dose. Dose was calculated for the target volume and any nearby critical structures and expressed in Gray-Equivalent (GyE = carbon physical dose (Gy) x Relative Biological Effectiveness {RBE}). Radiobiological studies were carried out in mice and in 5 human cell lines cultured in vitro to estimate RBE values relative to megavoltage photons. Irrespective of the size of the SOBP (Spread-out of the Bragg Peak), the RBE value of carbon ions was estimated to be =3.0 at the distal part of the SOBP. 7 Carbon ion radiotherapy was given once daily, 3 to 4 days a week, for 4 to 24 fractions in 1 to 6 weeks. At every treatment session, the patient’s position was verified with a computer-aided on-line positioning system. The absence of local failure in the treatment volume based on CT, MR, and PET imaging was defined as local control. The duration of survival and local control were defined as the interval between the initiation of carbon ion radiotherapy and the date of death or the date of diagnosis of local failure, respectively. For acute reactions, the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) acute scoring system was employed, and for late reactions, the Late Effects of Normal Tissues (LENT) / Subjective, Objective, Management, and Analytic (SOMA) scoring system was used in addition to the RTOG/EORTC (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer) late scoring system.9, 10 RESULTS A total of 1,087 patients with a follow-up period of 6 months or more were included in this analysis. Local tumor control rate and survival in five major tumor sites; head & neck, lung, liver, prostate, and bone and soft tissue tumors are summarized in Table 2. The head & neck protocols were performed on locally advanced tumors. Two dose-escalating protocols were carried out, and then a fixed 16-fraction-over-4-weeks phase-II study was conducted. The two-year local control rates of these studies were 80, 71 and 69 %, respectively. The 1143 treatment time of 5 weeks was then shortened to 3, 2 and 1 week(s) in the following protocols. The results of these protocols were also quite favorable. The two-year local control rates in the first 2 studies were 79 % and 85 % and the three-year survival rates were 50 % and 45 %. A phase II study using 4 fractions in one week is currently underway. A fixed 20-fractions-over-5-weeks protocol was employed for all prostate cancer studies. At first, a dose-escalation study was carried out, and the optimal total dose was determined to be 66 GyE. No local recurrence has been observed during initial 24-month follow-up, and the survival rates so far are very high. Unresectable bone and soft tissue tumors were treated with fixed 16-fractions-over-4-weeks phase-I/II and-II studies. Despite the fact that bone and soft tissue tumors are among the most radio-resistant tumors, the two-year local control rates in 2 studies were 77 % and 90 %, and the three-year survival rate in the phase-I/II study was 49 %. Carbon ion radiotherapy seems to be a safe and effective modality in the management of bone and soft tissue sarcomas not eligible for surgical resection, providing good local control and offering a survival advantage without unacceptable morbidity.2 three-year survival rates were 47, 42 and 41%, respectively. In these studies, non-squamous cell cancers such as malignant melanoma, adenoid cystic carcinoma and adeno-carcinoma, all considered to be radio-resistant, showed better outcomes compared to squamous cell cancer. The type of lung cancer chosen for the study was on-small cell lung cancer. Patients with medically inoperable stage I tumor were treated by several protocols. We started with a fixed 18-fraction-over-6-weeks dose-escalating study, and then shortened the overall treatment time to 3 weeks in the subsequent 3 protocols. The two-year local control rates were 62 to 100%, and the three-year survival rates were 65 to 88 %. These results are better than those of conventional photon radiotherapy, and are almost the same as those of surgical treatment. We have been conducting a fixed 4-fractions-over-1-week protocol for stage I non-small cell lung cancer since 2000. We are able to give a very high dose in one week without unacceptable side effects. Although it is too early to draw definite conclusions, the interim results look quite promising. For liver cancer, a 15-fixed-fractions-over-5-weeks dose-escalating protocol was carried out initially. The overall TABLE 2. Results of carbon ion radiotherapy in 5 major tumors at NIRS (Treatment: June 1994~February 2002) No. of 2-year 3-year Protocol Phase Material Treatment patients local survival (Dosea)/fx/week) control 47% 80% 17 48.6-70.2/18/6 Locally I/II Head & Neck-1 advanced 42 71 19 52.8-64/16/4 Locally I/II Head & Neck-2 advanced 41 69 148 57.6or64/16/4 Locally II Head & Neck-3 advanced 88 62 47 (+1) 59.4-95.4/18/6 Stage I (peripheral) I/II Lung-1 65 86 34 68.4-79.2/9/3 Stage I (peripheral) I/II Lung-2 100 14 57.6-64.8/9/3 Stage I (Hilar) I/II Lung-3 73 100 50 (+1) 72/9/3 Stage I (peripheral) II Lung-4 32 52.8or60/4/1 Stage I (peripheral) I/II Lung-6 Liver-1 I/II T2-4N0M0 49.5-79.5/15/5 24 (+1) 79 50 Liver-2 I/II T2-4N0M0 48-69.6/4-12/1-3 82 (+4) 85 45 Liver-3 II T2-4N0M0 52.8/4/1 26 54.0-72.0/20/5 Stage B2-C I/II Prostate-1 94 100 35 (+ hormone) 60-66/20/5 Stage B2-C I/II Prostate-2 97 100 61 (+ hormone) 63or66/20/5 Stage T1C-C II Prostate-3 100 74 (+ hormone) Bone/soft tissue-1 I/II Un-resectable 52.8-73.6/16/4 64 77 49 Bone/soft tissue-2 II Un-resectable 70.4or73.6/16/4 47 90 a) GyE (gray equivalent) 1144 TABLE 3. Normal tissue morbidity in carbon ion radiotherapy at NIRS (Treatment: June 1994~February 2001) Early (<3 months) Late (>3 months) Sites No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 No. 0 1 2 3 4 5 Skin Scalp 84 26 43 14 1 0 0 84 78 6 0 0 0 0 Head & Neck 201 1 83 95 22 0 0 193 80 103 10 0 0 0 Chest 235 2 217 15 1 0 0 226 1 221 4 0 0 0 Upper abdomen 148 14 108 25 1 0 0 148 14 126 6 1 0 0 Lower abdomen 250 187 62 1 0 0 0 248 222 25 1 0 0 0 Others 268 15 152 88 13 0 0 252 34 177 29 10 2 0 Total 1186 245 665 238 38 0 0 1150 429 658 50 11 2 0 (%) (100) (21) (56) (20) (3) (0) (0) (100) (37) (57) (4) (1) (0.2) (0) Mucosa 186 26 70 69 21 0 0 182 142 33 7 0 0 0 Lung 287 267 9 8 3 0 0 273 66 198 9 0 0 0 Intestine 579 494 71 12 2 0 0 551 471 44 18 7 8 0 Bladder/urethra 263 208 51 8 0 0 0 261 176 64 14 7 0 0 3. Blakely, EA, Ngo FQH, Curtis SB, et al: Heavy ion radiobiology: cellular studies. Adv. Radiat. Biol. 11, 295-378 (1984) Normal tissue morbidity of carbon ion radiotherapy at NIRS is listed in Table 3. The incidence of high-grade reactions was very low through out the study, although some severe complications were experienced in the early phase. Analysis using DVHs (Dose Volume Histograms) of affected organs was rigorously performed to avoid high-grade complications. Their incidence as now becomes exceptionally low. 4. Hall, EJ: Radiobiology for the Radiologist. JB Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1988, pp 281-291. 5. Tsujii H, Morita S, Miyamoto T, et al: Preliminary results of phase I/II carbon-ion therapy. J. Brachyther. Int. 13:1-8 (1997) CONCLUSIONS 6. Sato K, Yamada H, Ogawa K, et al: Performance of HIMAC, Nuclear Physics A, 588:229-234 (1995) Clinical trials revealed that carbon ion radiotherapy provided definite local control and offered a survival advantage without unacceptable morbidity in a variety of tumors that were hard to cure by other modalities. 7. Kanai T, Endo M, Minohara S, et al: Biophysical characteristics of HIMAC clinical irradiation system for heavy-ion radiation therapy. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 44:201-210 (1999) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 8. Minohara S, Kanai T, Endo M, et al: Respiratory gated irradiation system for heavy-ion radiotherapy. Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 47:1097-1103 (2000) We thank the patients who participated in these trials. These studies were supported by the Research Project with Heavy Ions at NIRS-HIMAC of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences. 9. Cox JD, Stetz BS, Pajak TF: Toxicity criteria of the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC). Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. Biol. Phys. 31:1341-1346 (1995) REFERENCES 10. LENT SOMA Tables: Table of Contents. Radiother. Oncol. 35:17-60 (1995) 1. Wilson, RR, Radiological use of fast protons. Radiology 47, 487-491 (1947) 2. Kamada, T, Tsujii, H, Tsuji H, et al: Efficacy and Safety of Carbon Ion Radiotherapy in Bone and Soft Tissue Sarcomas. J. Clin. Oncol. in press 1145
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