Experiments With Recirculating Target for F-18 Production M.Y. Kiselev Eastern Isotopes, Inc. Sterling, VA USA, Abstract. Approximately 10 ml of O-18 water was loaded in an apparatus containing a 5 ml storage vessel, pump, silver target attached to a cyclotron, filter, backpressure regulator, conductivity meter, several valves and ion exchange cartridges. The water was continuously pumped through the target during proton bombardment at a rate 5 ml/min. Continuous irradiation with beam current ranging from 10 to 50 uA was conducted while pressure, temperature and conductivity were continuously monitored. The results indicate that recirculating of the target water can increase production of F-18 in relation to consumed O-18 water material. It can also increase productivity by eliminating idle periods for re-filling the target. A backpressure regulator can precisely control target pressure. This method also allows for continuous monitoring of the target material temperature, pressure, conductivity and accumulated radioactivity. Results of these observations provide important information about target performance and physical processes taking place inside the target. extremely high amounts of target material in an environment of commercial production. INTRODUCTION In most conventional liquid target systems for 18Ffluoride production the target is typically loaded with enriched 18O water by means of a syringe or a pump, the water delivery system is then isolated from the target by means of a valve and target is irradiated. This can be described as a “static” target, meaning that the same target material remains in the target through the irradiation time. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Described herein is the modified method of 18Ffluoride production using continuous recirculation of 18 O-enriched water through the target during irradiation. Produced isotope is periodically extracted from the target material and made available for utilization without interrupting recirculation and irradiation. Addition of deionising cartridges allows returning the target material after extraction of the isotope back into the target. This allows reusing the same portion of enriched water to produce multiple batches of 18F-fluoride thus making this process practical and economical in an environment of commercial production. Static targets do have significant disadvantages including control of pressure and purity of the target material, providing adequate heat dissipation and other problems. It has been proposed 1,2,3 to produce 18F-fluoride and other isotopes by recirculating water through the target. The increase in target yields in recirculating target in comparison with a static target was observed. It was also reported that radiolytic gases produced in recirculating target can be efficiently captured and 18O can be recovered. The system described below was tested on IBA Cyclone 18/9 and GE PETtrace ™ cyclotrons equipped with respectively IBA and GE targets. Target volume was between 0.8 and 2.2 ml. No modifications to the targets were necessary to use this system. In published examples the “one time” extraction method was used, when the entire volume of water was emptied from the circulation loop to recover 18F fluoride. This would have lead to consumption of The targets were irradiated with beam current ranging from 20 to 50 uA and produced isotope was CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 1129 extracted every 30-120 minutes. The recirculating target system and the FDG synthesizer were controlled by the same digital controller system equipped with a PC based user interface. Extraction When desired amount of 18F-fluoride is produced, the flow of target material is directed through the QMA cartridge by switching valves (V1) and (V2) as shown in Fig. 2. Target water temperature, pressure and electrical conductivity were monitored and recorded at 1 sec. interval as well as radioactivity in the QMA (anion exchange cartridge supplied by Waters) cartridge and expansion vial. To hot cell QMA V2 Condenser 18 F-FLUORIDE PRODUCTION HPLC Pump QMA KHCO3 Exp. Vial Helium V3 BPR Delivery SAX 18 Target HPLC Pump SCX Once 18F-fluoride is extracted it is necessary to remove all enriched water from the QMA cartridge to avoid loss of this material during the following steps. This is accomplished by switching valve (V1) allowing helium gas pressure to push 18O-enriched water out of the QMA cartridge. To hot cell V1 SAX QMA cartridge retains fluoride. Target water is then passed through ion retardation cartridges (SAX) and (SCX) in order to remove ionic contaminants from the water. Thus purified and depleted of radioactive isotope material is returned into the expansion vial. Refer to Fig. 1 for schematic diagram of the recirculating target system during irradiation step. The valve V1 directs flow of water into the vial, which serves as an expansion vessel. Direction of water flow is indicated with arrows in the diagram. Condenser V1 FIGURE 2. Extraction Step Irradiation V2 V3 BPR Target The process of production and delivery in this system can be described as a sequence of irradiation, extraction and delivery steps. It should be noted that irradiation of the target is not interrupted during extraction, delivery and FDG synthesis. Helium SCX F-Fluoride accumulated on QMA cartridge is immediately removed by passing three 0.5 ml portions of 20-40 mM solution of potassium carbonate or hydrocarbonate in water. Valves (V2 and V3) direct eluate into the receiving vial located inside the hot cell as shown in Fig. 3. KHCO3 Exp. Vial FIGURE 1. Irradiation Step Activity retained in QMA cartridge was insignificant in comparison to that remaining in circulating water. High background in the cyclotron vault makes it difficult to measure residual activity. Overall system efficiency can be estimated to be 80% as compared with amount of F-18 produced when the entire amount of target material is delivered to hot cell. The target material is being pumped through the target followed by a water-cooled condenser, 10 micron filter and backpressure regulator (BPR) which is used to maintain constant pressure of 250 psig in the target. Pressure transducer (not shown in the picture) is connected to the tubing connecting the target with the filter. High-pressure Rheodyne valves control direction of water flow. 1130 recirculating through the target as in irradiation step. Production of isotope is not interrupted at all times. To hot cell QMA V2 Condenser V3 BPR V1 Target HPLC Pump Helium FDG PRODUCTION SAX SCX In experiments described below 18F-Fluoride was delivered into a hot cell with FDG synthesizer and FDG synthesis was performed using modified Hamacker4 method. Reactivity of isotope produced in this system was similar to that produced in a conventional “static” system when processed in a similar processing module using identical reagents. KHCO3 Exp. Vial FIGURE 3. Delivery Step. Table 1 summarizes results of three consecutive 2hour productions performed without interruption of irradiation using the above-described system and GE PETtrace cyclotron equipped with standard highpressure target. The system was loaded with 10 ml of 95% 18O-enriched water supplied by Marshall isotopes and recircuilated using Waters Model 515 HPLC pump at a rate of 10 ml/min. Irradiation time is given from the start of beam or from the end of previous extraction step. To facilitate delivery of the isotope through 20-30 meter 1/16” OD delivery tubing helium gas pressure of 30-50 psig is applied at the end of this step to push the liquid out of QMA cartridge into the hot cell which takes 2-3 min. Complete removal of liquid from the cartridge is also critical to minimize isotopic dilution of enriched water during the following extraction step. During delivery step 6-port valve (V1) is returned in its original position and target material continues Irradiation Time (min) 120 120 120 TABLE 1. 18F-Fluoride and 18F-FDG production using recirculating target 18 18 F Activity FDG Activity F Yield FDG Yield Bam Current (mCi) (mCi) (mCi/uA*hr) (% at EOS) (uA) 40 3874 2160 48 56 40 3813 2350 47 61 40 4000 2580 50 64 The production cycle starting with extraction and to the end of FDG production was approximately 30 min. Water consumption Since the same controller controls both the target system and the FDG synthesizer the process requires minimum operator intervention. The entire production cycle is fully automated from extraction of the isotope from the target through delivery of the final product. There was no detectable by visual observation change in amount of enriched water in the expansion vial after three production cycles. Electrical conductivity of target water has also remained unchanged. It should be however noted that reliable data on isotopic enrichment of water before and after use is difficult to obtain. Based on an assumption that QMA cartridge may retain as much as 50-100 mg of liquid after being purged with helium it may be expected that every extraction cycle will reduce water enrichment by approximately 0.5-1% resulting in necessity to replace the entire volume of water loaded in the system after approximately 10 cycles to maintain 85% or greater enrichment. Cyclotron operation is also simplified due to the fact that there is no need to interrupt irradiation for target delivery. In an environment of commercial production when multiple batches are produced in one day this can help to increase equipment utilization by as much as 5-10%. Circulating target material allows monitoring its temperature, conductivity, pressure and radioactivity. Extensive monitoring and data collection can provide critical information needed to predict failures and increase system reliability. With system capacity of 10 g of target material replacement of the entire volume after every 10 cycles would lead to an average consumption of 1 g per 1131 batch, which is lower than the volume used to fill the target. As a result more isotope can be produced per each gram of target material used (depleted). Further improvements to system efficiency can be made by optimizing extraction process, i.e. minimizing sorbent amount in the cartridge which is the main source of isotopic dilution of enriched water as well as capturing radiolytic gases which may contain some of 18 O in oxygen gas form. CONCLUSIONS Recirculating 18O-enriched water through target is a convenient and practical way for preparation of large quantities of 18F-fluoride, which can be used to produce 18F-FDG. This approach allows reducing consumption of expensive target material and increasing production of the isotope. REFERENCES 1. Yves Jongen, Benoit Georges WTTC 3rd Workshop Proceedings p 50, 1989 2. Iwata et all, Appl. Rad. Isot. V.38, No 11, p. 979-9843. 3. B.H. Mock and L.A. Corbin WTTC 9th Workshop proceedings, In print (2002) 4. Hamacher K, Coenen H, Stocklin G. J. Nucl. Med. 27, 235 (1986) 1132
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