Status of Ion Beam Therapy in 2002 J. M. Sisterson Northeast Proton Therapy Center, Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts Abstract. Dose distributions produced by using proton and ion beams in radiation therapy conform closely to the target volume maximizing the sparing of adjacent normal tissues and sensitive structures. Worldwide, through 2001, over 30,000 patients have been treated with proton beams and over 3,500 with ion beams. In 2002, there are 21 operating proton therapy facilities, including several hospital-based dedicated facilities. Seven of these facilities are limited to treating eye tumors only. Carbon ions are available at two facilities in Japan and one in Germany. All existing centers use either a cyclotron or a synchrotron and several facilities have one gantry or more to provide beams at any angle to the patient. For several treatment sites, there are good long-term follow-up results, increasing the interest worldwide in having proton or ion beams more readily available. As a result many new facilities are under construction or being planned and some existing facilities are being upgraded. INTRODUCTION R. R. Wilson in 1946 [1] first suggested that the physical properties of proton and ion beams could be used to advantage in radiation therapy. Dose distributions that conform closely to the target volume can be achieved. Thus, the optimal dose to the tumor can be delivered, while sparing adjacent normal tissue and sensitive structures as much as possible. Using intensity modulated proton or ion beams will lead to further improvements in the dose distribution [2]. Proton beams have a radiobiological effectiveness (RBE) that is similar to X-rays. A RBE of 1.1 is used clinically but experiments have shown that near the end of range the maximum RBE is ~1.3 [3]. Ion beams have a higher variable RBE which must be included in treatment planning [4]. All currently operating ion beam facilities use carbon ions but heavier ions have been used in the past [5]. The first clinical use of proton beams was in 1954 at the University of California, Berkeley. Helium ions were used at this facility from 1957 – 1992. The second program using proton beams began in 1957 at the former synchrocyclotron at the Gustav Werner Institute (now the The Svedberg Laboratory), Uppsala University, Sweden. In the 1960s, proton therapy centers opened in Russia and the USA. In 1961, the clinical program at the Harvard Cyclotron Laboratory (HCL) began and 9115 patients were treated before HCL closed in 2002. Patients at HCL were treated in collaboration with departments at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary. All clinical programs at HCL were completely transferred to the Northeast Proton Therapy Center (NPTC), located on the MGH campus, by April 2002. Proton therapy facilities opened in Russia and Japan in the 1970s. During this period, many of the techniques to produce clinically useful beams were developed including passive scattering techniques [6] and beam scanning [7]. Since 1980 there are has been a steady increase in the number of proton therapy facilities worldwide, particularly in Europe and Japan. Only one proton therapy facility is located in the Southern Hemisphere. The first heavy ion program, using ions heavier than helium, began at the University of California, Berkeley in 1975. The first dedicated proton therapy facility designed specifically for the hospital setting opened in 1990 at Loma Linda University Medical Center (LLUMC), California. Now in 2002, there are five such facilities operating. Two of these hospital-based facilities, at Proton Medical Research Center, University of CP680, Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry: 17th Int'l. Conference, edited by J. L. Duggan and I. L. Morgan © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0149-7/03/$20.00 1077 Tsukuba, Japan and NPTC/MGH replace long-running existing programs at accelerator facilities originally designed for physics research. From 1954 - July 2002, over 32,000 patients were treated with proton beams. The number of patients treated in a given year has increased steadily over the years as is shown in Figure 1. This trend should continue – and the number of patients treated each year may increase dramatically – once the several proton therapy facilities under construction or planned are completed. Radiological Sciences (NIRS), Chiba, Japan and in 1997 the first patient was treated with carbon ions at Gesellschaft fur Schwerionforschung (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany. In 2002, the first patients were treated with carbon ion beams at the Hyogo Ion Beam Medical Facility, Harima Science Garden City, Hyogo, Japan, to become the third operating carbon ion facility. From 1975 - July 2002, 3808 patients have been treated with carbon or heavier ions. The cumulative patient totals are shown in Figure 2 for patients treated since 1994. OPERATING FACILITIES Annual Patient Totals 3000 Patients treated/year 2500 Annual patient total Europe North America Southern Hemisphere Russia Japan The first accelerator specifically designed to provide proton beams in the hospital setting began operation in 1990. Before that time, almost all proton and ion beam therapy facilities used accelerators designed for physics research and adapted for medical use. In a few cases, low-energy accelerators, originally designed to provide beams for neutron therapy, were adapted to provide proton beams in the clinical setting. The accelerators used at the 19 operating facilities in 2001 (the two programs at PSI, which use different accelerators, are considered separately) are summarized in Table 1. At seven facilities, only relatively superficial tumors – such as ocular tumors – could be treated because of the relatively low maximum proton energy available. 2000 1500 1000 500 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Year FIGURE 1. Patients treated per year with proton therapy TABLE 1: Accelerators used in 2001 Type of Accelerator Number Total number of accelerators 19 Patients treated w ith carbon ions 1400 Cumulative annual patient totals 1200 1000 800 600 Synchrotron Cyclotron Synchrocyclotron 4 11 4 Maximum energy ~70 MeV 7 Hospital based 5 3 2 400 200 0 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 Year FIGURE 2. Cumulative totals for patients treated with carbon ions. The clinical heavy ion program at the University of California, Berkeley closed in 1992 after >400 patients were treated with ion beams heavier than helium. Two new carbon ion facilities began operation in the 1990s. In 1994, the first patient was treated at Heavy-Ion Medical Accelerator (HIMAC), National Institute for 1078 At most facilities where clinical programs have to share beam time with experimental physics programs, the beam time available for patient treatment is limited. This results in both the total number of patients and the clinical sites that can be treated being compromised. The annual patient loads at proton therapy facilities from 1990 – 2001 are summarized in Table 2. The data in this table show both the increase in the number of operating facilities over this eleven year period and the increase in patient throughput at several facilities. In 2001, a milestone was reached when over 1000 patients a year were treated at LLUMC. In Table 2, the patient statistics from the two clinical programs at the Paul Scherrer Insititute (PSI), in Switzerland are combined. TABLE 2. Proton therapy annual patient load* Patient load Number of facilities Patients/year 1990 1995 2001 0 –10 3 3 3 11 – 50 2 3 4 51 – 100 2 3 5 101 –200 2 3 1 201 – 300 1 1 2 301 – 400 1 2 401 – 500 1 1001 - 1100 1 Total facilities 10 15 18 *the programs at PSI are considered as one facility Almost all proton and heavy ion therapy facilities use passive scattering techniques, range modulation and patient compensating devices to produce the large volume uniform beams required. Beam scanning is used on a routine basis at only a few proton and ion facilities but is under development at several institutions. Beam scanning is essential to fully implement intensity modulated proton therapy. Another important development for both proton and ion beam therapy was the development of gantries, which allow the delivery of the beam at any angle to the patient. Several institutions now use gantries routinely for patient treatments. CLINICAL RESULTS Proton Therapy For patients treated with proton beams there are good follow-up data for selected treatment sites. These sites include choroidal melanoma, chordoma and chondrosarcomas of the skull base, arteriovenous malformations and prostate cancer. A good review of the clinical results is given in [8]. A few patients have follow-ups of over 20 years. There are three general categories of patient treatments: 1. Radiosurgery. Treatment of intracranial targets usually in one or at most two sessions. 2. Eye tumors. These tumors are relatively superficial, so that all operating facilities can potentially treat these tumors. Uveal melanomas are treated with four or five fractions. 1079 3. Fractionated therapy. Fractionated therapy is used to treat a variety of diagnoses and clinical sites located in all parts of the body. The number of fractions depends on the diagnosis. For example at HCL/MGH, over the last two years of operation, the average number of proton fractions per patient was 25 and the maximum was 48 for patients treated in this program. The clinical sites treated using proton beams varies from center to center. In some cases, particularly those located at physics research accelerators, the types of patient treatment are constrained by the limited beam time available. At other centers, only relatively superficial lesions can be treated. The needs of the local community and cancer demographics also influence the choice of patient treatments. To summarize the worldwide proton and ion beam therapy clinical experience, data has been collected from all facilities operating in 2001. From this information, the percent of patients treated/year for selected sites can be estimated as a percent of the total number of patients treated in that particular year. These numbers should be regarded as reasonable estimates only and not absolute numbers. Table 3 summarizes the clinical data for selected treatment sites for 1990 – 2001, the last year for which statistics are available. As Table 3 shows, over three times as many patients were treated with proton beams in 2001 than were treated in 1990. TABLE 3. Patient statistics for selected treatment sites Year 1990 1995 1999 2001 Total # of patients 866 1847 2562 2770 % % % % Uveal melanoma 47 42 34 33 Macular Degeneration 0 3 9 5 Other eye patients 2 3 4 3 Total eye patients 49 47 47 41 Prostate 1 17 19 All sites chordoma & 4 5 5 chondrosarcoma AVM 11* 5 3 Meningioma 1 2 3 Lung 1 0.2 2 Liver 1 1 2 *Does not include data from ITEP, Moscow 25 5 3 3 2 2 As new proton therapy centers became operational in the 1980s, there was a period of time when the treatment of eye patients accounted for over 50% of all patients treated in a given year. Since that time, this percentage has been decreasing and in 2001, the treatment of eye tumors accounted for ~41% of all patients treated. This decrease reflects the opening of the dedicated hospital based proton therapy facilities with the capability of treating all parts of the body. throughput. Many of these challenges have been met but some still remain to be solved by the community involved in the design and development of proton and ion beam facilities. Carbon Ion Therapy For patients treated recently with carbon ions, the longest follow-up is 7 - 8 years. A good review of the experience at HIMAC, where >1100 patients have been treated since 1994, is given in [9]. The year 2000 is the most recent year for which annual patient data is available. 227 patients were treated with carbon ions at HIMAC and GSI with the following patient distribution for the major sites: lung 20%; prostate 14%; head and neck 13%; base of skull 11%; bone/soft tissue 11%; liver 10%. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The data presented here are based on information provided to me by representatives of all operating proton and ion beam therapy facilities. This information was essential to the preparation of this paper. I thank them all for taking the time and effort to provide me with the information that I needed to present this status report. REFERENCES FUTURE FACILITIES 1. Wilson R. R., Radiology 45, 487-491 (1946). The successful development of accelerators designed specifically for the hospital environment has led to many new hospital-based facilities starting to treat patients, being constructed, or in the final design stage. Some of these new hospital-based facilities replace existing programs using physics research accelerators. Patient treatment capabilities are also being added at some existing research accelerator centers. Within the next five years a conservative estimate might be that at least 10 new proton therapy centers will be completed and in operation throughout the world. 2. Lomax A., et al., Med. Phys. 28, 317-324 (2001). 3. Robertson J. B., et al., Cancer 35, 1664-77 (1975). 4. Wambersie A., Strahlenther. Onkol. 175 Suppl. 2, 3943 (1999). 5. Alonso J. R., “Review of ion beam therapy: present and future” in Proc. of European Particle Accelerator Conference EPAC 2000, Vienna, Austria, June 25-30, 2000, pp 235-239. 6. Chu W. T., et al., Rev. Sci. Instr. 64, 2055-2122 (1993). 7. Pedroni E., et al., Strahlenther. Onkol. 175 Suppl. 2, 18-20 (1999). 8. Spiro I. J. et al., “Proton beam radiation therapy” in Cancer: Principles and Practice of Oncology, 6th edition, edited by V. T. Vita, S. Hellamann, S. A. Rosenberg, Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2001, pp. 3229. 9. Tsujii H., et al., “Experiences of carbon ion radiotherapy at NIRS” in Progress in Radio-Oncology VII, edited by H. D. Kogelnik, P. Lukas, and F. Sedlmayer, Bologna, Monduzzi Editore S.p.A, 2002, pp. 393-405. CONCLUSIONS Proton and ion beam radiation therapies were originally developed at accelerators designed and used for physics research and adapted for medical use. In most cases these accelerators were located at some distance from the collaborating hospital. The success of these programs has resulted in the development of accelerators designed specifically to operate in a hospital setting and the building of dedicated facilities located within the hospital. Thus accelerators that are compact, reliable, use power efficiently and simple to maintain and operate, plus gantries to deliver the beam at any angle to the patient were developed. It is a challenge to bring these concepts from the design stage to one where the beam delivery system can operate easily and reliably in a busy clinic with a large patient 1080
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