The Energetic Particles Spectrometers (EPS) on MESSENGER and New Horizons S. A. Livi, R. McNutt, G. B. Andrews, E. Keath, D. Mitchell, G. Ho Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory 11100 Johns Hopkins Road Laurel, MD 20723 - USA Abstract. In the course of this decade, two NASA deep space mission to the inner and outer heliosphere, MESSENGER to the planet Mercury and New Horizons to the planet Pluto, will carry onboard energetic particle spectrometers. The combination of measurements near the Sun (0.3 AU), and from the outer heliosphere (up to almost 40 AU), will ideally complement the information available from Ulysses and from near-Earth orbiting spacecraft, yielding boundary conditions on the processes that accelerate energetic particles. EPS is a hockey-puck-size Time-of-Flight (ToF) spectrometer that measures ions and electrons over a broad range of energies and pitch angles. Particle composition and energy spectra will be measured for H to Fe from 15 keV/nucleon to 3 MeV/nucleon and for electrons from 15 keV to 1 MeV. The ion section of EPS is a compact ToF telescope with two main components: a ToF section and a Solid State Detector (SSD) array to measure separately velocity and total energy of the incoming particles. Electrons are identified in EPS by the presence of an energy signal and by the absence of start or stop pulses, since energetic electrons have low efficiency for production of secondary electrons when passing through thin foils. For both ions and electrons the angle of arrival is determined by the position of the solid-state detector that collects the particle. • How energetic particles interact with largescale magnetic structures in the solar wind (like interplanetary coronal mass ejections), both inside and outside the orbit of Mercury INTRODUCTION Both the Sun and the dynamic heliosphere are prodigious accelerators of energetic ions and electrons. The evolution of the particles’ intensities, angular distributions, energy spectra, and composition can yield incisive diagnostics of the acceleration process, if the particle’s propagation from the acceleration site can be understood. EPS can reveal remarkably different scientific results in the vicinity of Mercury and of Pluto, because the physics of energetic particles takes on extreme opposite characteristics in the inner and outer heliosphere. • Detection at the orbit of Pluto at a mean distance of 40 AU maximizes the effects of particle propagation and in situ energy changes. EPS observations can reveal the acceleration mechanisms of plasma/particle interactions in the outer heliosphere because: • Great outbursts of solar activity can create populations of solar energetic particles that take ~100 days to pass by on their way out of the solar system The orbit of Mercury at a mean distance of 0.39 AU minimizes the particle propagation effects from the Sun and transient shocks in the inner heliosphere. Therefore observations by EPS can directly address: • Distances are so immense that field-aligned propagation becomes negligible compared to convection with magnetic field lines in the solar wind, so solar wind structure molds the energetic particle structures. • Where and when prompt solar particles are accelerated and released from the Sun in association with solar flares and coronal mass ejections • Energetic particle populations can survive only if there is a balance between acceleration at shocks and/or magnetic field compressions on the one hand, and adiabatic deceleration in the expanding solar wind on the other. • Under what conditions energetic particles are accelerated by fast shocks in the inner heliosphere CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 838 transmission toward the SSDs. The secondary electrons released by the stop foil are steered to the MCP and generate the stop signal. Electron trajectory simulations show that there is less then 400ps dispersion in the transit time of the secondary electrons from the foil to the MCP. Sub-nanosecond dispersion is required so as not to misidentify ion species. EPS DESCRIPTION The Energetic Particle Spectrometer (EPS) is a hockey-puck-size Time-of-Flight (ToF) spectrometer that measures ions and electrons over a broad range of energies and pitch angles. Particle composition and energy spectra will be measured for H to Fe from ~15 keV/nucleon to ~3 MeV/nucleon and for electrons from 15 keV to 1 MeV. EPS was developed on a NASA Planetary Instrument Definition and Development (PIDDP) grant focused on providing a low-mass, low-power instrument1,2 that could measure the energetic pickup ions produced in the vicinity of Pluto3,4 in a cometary-type interaction5-8 An engineering model has operated well at the accelerator facility at GSFC. The instrument combines minimal spacecraft resource requirements with versatile measurement characteristics for exploratory missions. The difference in time between start and stop (1ns to 200ns), together with the distance between the two foils, give a measure of the particle’s velocity. The total charge released in the SSD is proportional to the energy of the parent particle. Start Foil Stop foil SSD -2900 V Ion and Electrons Electrons Electrons -2900 V -2600 V -2100 V Cover closed -2600 V -2100 V Collimator Gnd Annular MCP The EPS was chosen for and will fly on the MESSENGER (NASA Discovery Program) mission to Mercury that launches in March 20049. Only minor changes will be made to this instrument for the Pluto mission: (1) more open collimator to increase the geometric factor, (2) slower microprocessor clock to decrease secondary power by 375 mW, (3) low-current microchannel plates (MCPs) to decrease secondary power another 250 mW, and (4) a thinner front foil (6.6 µg C (300 Å)) to lower the energy threshold in the much lower UV background present. Start Anode Gnd Stop Anode Gnd 60 mm SSD Start Foil Start Anode (1 of 6) Stop Anode Collimator (conceptual) Stop Foil Ion Measurement EPS is a compact ToF telescope with two main components: a ToF section and a Solid State Detectors (SSD) array. The SSD comprises six ion implanted planar silicon detectors, each with four pixel, two dedicated to ion measurements and two to electron measurements. FIGURE 1. Principle of operation of EPS. Electron Measurement Energetic electrons have low efficiency for production of secondary electrons when passing through thin foils. A zero ToF technique for measuring energetic electrons would suffer from low foregroundto-background ratio, in a radiation environment like the Earth radiation belt. A thin layer (flashing) of 1mm of aluminum covers half of the SSD in EPS. This dead layer stops protons with energy less then 200 keV; on the other hand electrons lose less then 10 keV energy by the interaction with this dead layer. Electrons are identified in EPS by the presence of an energy signal and by the absence of start and stop pulses. Under such conditions, a signal of 50keV in the detector can be generated either by a 250keV proton that did not generate either a start or a stop pulse (a low probability event), or by a 60 keV electron. The ToF spectra Particles enter the system through a mechanical collimator that delimits the look direction and hit a thin (4 mg/cm2) polyimide foil. A layer of 500 Å of Aluminum covers the entrance foil, to enhance Lyα rejection properties. A deployable cover protects the EPS front foil during launch. Electrons are released from the inner surface of the start foil and focused to a well-defined region on a microchannelplate (MCP) to generate the start signal in a dedicated anode. The incident ions are not affected by the electric fields of the focusing optics. After a 6-cm flight path ions traverse the stop foil, which is a 4 mg/cm2 polyimide foil, covered by 500 Å of palladium to reduce light (both visible and UV) 839 collected in the adjacent SSD (without flashing) will be used during ground data analysis for checking and correcting for the proton contamination. these spacecraft are three-axis stabilized during data taking, so the azimuthal angle of arrival is set by the instantaneous orientation of the spacecraft.. For both ions and electrons the elevation angle of arrival is determined by the position of the solid-state detector that collected the particle. This type of instrument is best suited to a spinning spacecraft, but The main instrument parameters of EPS are summarized in Table 1. Table 1. EPD Sensor Characteristics Geometric Factor (G-total instrument) = 0.03 cm2 sr Angular Coverage (Instantaneous) = 160° x 12° Angular Pixels (elevation x azimuth) = 13.5° x 22.5° Energy Coverage See Table Below Energy Resolution (Spectral Mode) = 8 keV ∆E/E Capability at 50 keV = 16% ∆E/E Capability at >100 keV = <8% Mass Species Separation See Table Below Species Energy Range Logic Ions > 5 keV ToF only Protons 15 keV - 3.0 MeV ToF x E Alphas 25 keV - 3.0 MeV ToF x E CNO 60 keV - 30 MeV ToF x E Electron Spectra 15 keV - 1.0 MeV Singles/Foil Technique Relative Electron Rates 1.0 to 2.0 MeV Singles CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES 1. McNutt, R. L., Jr., Mitchell, D. G., Keath, E. P. Paschalidis, N., Gold, R. E. and McEntire, R. W., SPIE Proceedings, 2804, 217-226 (1996). The EPS onboard MESSENGER and the EPS part of the New Horizon payload ideally complement each other, the first flying in the inner solar system, and the second in the outer. The two instruments are designed and tailored for planetary magnetospheric measurements, yet they will make important contributions to our understanding of the processes that generate energetic particles in the Sun’s atmosphere and accelerate particles in interplanetary space. 2. Andrews, G. B., Gold, R. E., Keath, E. P., Mitchell, D. G., McEntire, R. W., McNutt, R. L., Jr., and Paschilidis, N., SPIE Proceedings, 3442, 105-114, (1998). 3. Bagenal., F., and McNutt, R. L., Geophys. Res. Lett. 16, 1229-1232 (1989). 4. Bagenal, F., Cravens, T., Luhmann, J., McNutt, R., and Cheng, A.F., “Pluto’s interaction with the solar wind”, in Pluto and Charon, edited by S. A. Stern and D. J. Tholen, Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press, 1997, pp. 523-555. 840 5. 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