Multi-Angle Viewing of the Sun and the Inner Heliosphere Alexander Ruzmaikin and MASSÉ Science Team1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, 4800 Oak Grove Drive, Pasadena, CA 91109, USA, E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. We describe the concept of a proposed mission, called Multi-Angle Solar Sources Explorer (MASSÉ), that would observe the Sun and the inner Heliosphere from an orbit at 0.72 AU over all solar longitudes. It would, in coordination with observations from Earth’s side, investigate the sources of solar activity from their origin deep within the Sun, their emergence onto the photosphere, and their ejection into the Heliosphere. It carries a Dopplermagnetic imager, and in situ energetic particle, solar wind, and magnetic field detectors. Three-dimensional views of the convection zone, where solar activity originates, are reconstructed by correlating MASSÉ and earth-side Doppler signals from acoustic wave packets traversing deep solar layers. Magnetic images reveal the evolution of active regions over their life-time and allow the study of emerging fields from deep layers. Particle, plasma, and magnetic field data provide information on the sites and mechanisms of acceleration of hazardous high-energy particles produced by coronal mass ejections. Multiviewing of the inner Heliosphere uncovers the development of space weather related activity and helps to understand mechanisms of acceleration of energetic particles by coronal mass ejections. Here we briefly discuss science benefits of multiviewing and a potential mission to carry it out. INTRODUCTION Viewing only one side of the Sun at a time has handicapped solar observers. Half a solar rotation is needed before the farside becomes fully visible. Hence the processes developing on time scales of weeks, for example the full evolution of active regions, cannot be directly observed. Another critical limitation is that we cannot observe the solar deep interior. Helioseismology that analyzes acoustic p-waves traveling within the solar interior has made it possible to partially overcome both obstacles [1]. Helioseismic studies have established the thermal structure and distribution of differential rotation inside the solar convection zone. Large active regions on the solar farside can be detected by analysis of “doublebounced” waves [2]. However, current helioseismology utilizes viewing from a single point and thus has serious limitations in probing the 3-D structures of flows and magnetic fields inside the Sun. For example, the solar core studies are very limited. The dynamo region located near the bottom of the convection zone cannot be well investigated with a narrow field of view or bounced waves. An effective way to overcome these limitations is simultaneous observation of the Sun from multiple longitudes including observations from the earth side. THE SUN: INTERIOR AND SURFACE The solar interior can be probed through correlation of Doppler images taken from two positions (Fig. 1). This correlation gives travel times (and phases) of waves traversing different depths of the Sun. The travel times are influenced by inhomogeneities, flows and magnetic fields thus carrying information about the interior structure and dynamics [1]. Solar activity originates in interplay between magnetic fields and fluid motions within the solar convection zone [3]. Fields change on time scales from minutes to the 11-year solar cycle and longer. They emerge at the solar surface, diffuse, reconnect, and are transported by the solar wind into the Heliosphere. Conducting plasma moving in the convection zone is a generator (dynamo) for the solar magnetic field. Thus the dynamo is the key to understanding the origins of solar activity. 1 The MASSE science team includes A. Ruzmaikin (PI), E. Stone (particle lead), J. Harvey (solar magnetic lead), R. Ulrich (helioseismology lead), K. Ogilvie (in-situ plasma/magnetic lead), M. Acuna, A. Cummings, J. Feynman, B. Goldstein, D. Gough, K. Harvey, A. Kosovichev, A. Lazarus, C. Lindsey, D. Mewaldt, C. Ng, D. Reames, P. Scherrer, S. Tomczyk, Y. Toomre, T. von Rosenvinge, M. Wiedenbeck, G. Zank. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 826 bracket the solar center, passing both to the east and to the west of the core center. Magnetic imaging of the solar surface from multiple longitudes allows the study of: Active region evolution. Magnetic field evolution of a specific area on the Sun can only be observed for about 10 days before it rotates out of view from the Earth. Active regions systematically evolve through significant portions of their life while they are on the unseen side of the Sun, so their evolution from one configuration to another can only be described statistically. There are unanswered questions such as: What makes some active regions so energetic, while others are placid? Why do some active regions last for a long time while others, seemingly similar, quickly vanish? What is the magnetic flux budget history of an active region? The uninterrupted view of solar active regions development allows photospheric magnetic fields to be studied without confusing its spatial and temporal changes. Magnetic clustering. During the rising phase of the solar cycle magnetic activity clusters at a few solar longitudes for many months [9,10]. Clusters of activity are often the sources of fast CMEs and solar energetic particles (SEPs) and should be monitored carefully. The cause of this clustering observed in the distribution of active regions [9] and associated magnetic fields on the Sun [11, 8] remains unknown; it may be a manifestation of the low-wavenumber, nonaxisymmetric modes of the dynamo [8]. The preferred longitudes manifest themselves in the Heliosphere. It has been found that the radial component of the interplanetary field and the non-axisymmetric solar field rotate with a period of 27.03 days [12, 13]. This period does not coincide with the period of the surface or core rotation [8]. Multi-angle imaging to probe different depths of the convection zone is needed in search for the cause of this periodicity associated with preferred longitudes. It has long been known that CMEs tend to occur in sheared magnetic fields. However, physical interpretation of line-of-sight earth-side observations is ambiguous (variations of field strength, direction, or location?) because they provide only the component of the vector magnetic field in the line of sight. Vector field measurements suffer from a 180°-direction ambiguity, and current vector instrumentation is less sensitive than required to isolate the cause of changes in weak fields. Much of the ambiguity will be resolved by making line-of-sight observations of the same event from different directions. Earth-Sun-spacecraft angles of ~20-100° are especially useful for this. Two-sided magnetic imaging provides almost fullSun boundary conditions, replacing current synoptic maps that confuse time and space, and thus greatly advancing MHD modeling of the Heliosphere [14]. FIGURE 1. Imaging from two positions allows the probing all depths of the Sun. One type of motion that is poorly known is called giant cells. Giant cells are expected to have lifetimes comparable to the Sun's rotation period; the rotation and convection at this scale are interrelated and interact with magnetic fields. Another type of dynamo related motion is meridional circulation, which is directly measured on the solar surface. First attempts have been made to follow it below the photosphere [4] but available data (SOHO and GONG) do not provide sufficient accuracy to definitively establish the pattern of meridional flows deep within the convection zone. Current modeling of the dynamo [5-7] emphasizes the importance of a region deep inside the Sun, called the “tachocline”, a thin layer where differential rotation of the convective zone, which stretches field lines into strong toroidal belts, ends and a nearly uniform rotation of the deeper interior begins. It is here where the dynamo is believed to work. In each solar cycle some critical changes occur in the dynamo as the field switches from a dominantly axisymmetric at solar minimum to a dominantly non-axisymmetric at solar maximum. The non-axisymmetic fields are associated with preferred longitudes of solar activity [8]. The tachocline can be probed by the Doppler viewing from different solar longitudes. The structure and rotation of the Sun’s energygenerating core remain enigmatic. Because magnetic fields decay very slowly in the core, it can have kept memory of initial stages of the Sun’s formation in a field now frozen into the highly-conductive core. Current models of rotation based on data taken from a single observation point are limited in depth to >0.4 solar radii. With a spacecraft at the farside, the core rotation can be measured by using wave packets that 827 maximum intensity at or near shock crossing. A study of plateau intensity versus heliocentric distance has been made [21] but scant observations of the radial dependence are available. The spatial dependence of the early plateau is important because of an impact on astronauts and spacecraft hardware. It is also important to study maximum intensities of heavy ions because of their greater ionizing power. INNER HELIOSPHERE 106 Multiviewing enhances the scientific understanding needed to forecast space weather. Technological developments and continuous human presence in space sharpen the need to accurately predict CME-related hazardous Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) events on time scales of days to weeks. This requires observation of the solar farside [15]. Several indications of impending CMEs are seen in photospheric magnetic fields such as development of large, long-lived magnetic clusters fed by newly emerging magnetic flux. Many of the most hazardous SEP events in the past 30 years were associated with CMEs erupting from these clusters. Previously the two Helios’ measured high-energy particles inside 1 AU but only protons, electrons, and helium ions. Elemental abundances for SEP events were determined from Helios 1 in only 2 events (21 June 1980 and 3 July 1982). ACE and WIND data show that composition and spectral signatures are key to understanding SEP acceleration and transport. Two main classes of SEP events have been recognized: impulsive and gradual [16]. It is generally agreed that these involve separate acceleration mechanisms, resulting in different compositions and other signatures. The SEP events that represent a significant hazard to astronauts and space hardware, are gradual. Important questions must be answered to verify models and provide bases for SEP event forecasting: What is the role of self-amplified waves in controlling particle transport? Fast CME-driven shocks may continuously accelerate particles. According to the quasilinear theory of wave-particle interaction and models of SEP transport [20,17] streaming particles produce waves that tend to trap them near the shock, producing more streaming particles and waves. These waves can be investigated by observing of wave intensity and cross (speedmagnetic field) helicity at 0.7 AU, where shocks, wave and particle intensities are much higher than at 1 AU. How do CME-driven shocks accelerate particles? A vantage point inside 1 AU will help to find the answer. As the shock surface expands past this point to other spacecraft at 1 AU, correlated observations will allow evaluation of spatial gradients of shock and energetic particle characteristics. Models [16-18] will then be applied to study the evolution of SEP abundances, energy spectra, and maximum particle energies (Fig. 2). Simultaneous measurements of particles from spacecraft at different longitudes and radii relative to the Sun will lead to the site of the acceleration (e.g., at the nose of the shock or distributed across the shock front). How do the early plateau and maximum SEP intensities scale with radius? Observations at 1 AU indicate that particle intensity in a given energy range sometimes rise by more than an order of magnitude to 105 M = 4.7 104 Maximum Energy (keV) M = 12.3 103 M = 2.2 0.3 0.5 r (AU) 0.7 1 FIGURE 2. Maximum energy of particles accelerated at interplanetary shocks. Mach number at 0.5 AU is shown [18]. As shocks propagate into a weaker magnetic field, maximum energies drop, although particles accelerated earlier can be trapped behind the shock and then gradually leak out ahead of the shock. Are there hybrid SEP events? Advanced Composition Explorer measurements [22] have shown that a significant fraction of events have a mixture of impulsive and gradual characteristics. These events typically are associated with both a large X-ray flare and a CME. Joint observations from two or more spacecraft at different viewing angles can distinguish whether material in these events is confined to a narrow cone, as expected for flare-accelerated material, or whether radial and latitudinal composition variations are consistent with a CME shock-acceleration model. MISSION CONCEPT To carry out the science objectives described above, a mission, called Multi-Angle Solar Sources Explorer (MASSÉ), was proposed to NASA. MASSÉ travels to a circular orbit 0.72 AU from the Sun, using a Venus gravity assist (Fig. 3). With a 584-day as seen from the Earth, MASSÉ traverses Earth-Sun-spacecraft angles at the rate of 225º per year passing the Sun’s far side 8 months after launch. (The STEREO drift relative to Earth is only 22.5°/year.) Data are returned via weekly downlinks to the Deep Space Network. 828 A Doppler-Magnetograph has been designed to perform simultaneous Doppler/magnetic imaging of the Sun. Doppler data from MASSÉ and GONG (SDO) would permit the detection of strong magnetic fields in the interior, while magnetic measurements reveal their manifestation at the surface. MASSÉ-GONG observations provide unique two-component magnetic field. Near the limb (90° ± 30°), MASSÉ observes magnetic fields at sites of the initiation of CMEs seen from earth-side. REFERENCES 1. Duvall, T. et al., eds., Helioseismic Diagnostics of Solar Convection and Activity, Kluwer Publs., 2001. 2. Lindsey, C. and Braun, D., Science, 287, 1799-1801 (2000). 3. Parker, E., Cosmic Magnetic Fields, Oxford Univ. Press, 1978. 4. Giles, P., Duvall, T., Scherrer, P., and Bogart, R., Nature, 390, 52-54 (1997). 5. Caligari, P., Moreno-Insertis, F. and Schussler, M., Astrophys. J., 441, 886-902 (1995). 6. Fisher, G. 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These instruments provides spectra from ~2 to >150 MeV/nucleon for ions from H to Ni, as well as ~0.2-5 MeV electrons. Coordinated measurements with an earthside spacecraft give the gradient; three spacecraft would give parabolic estimates of the amplitude and location of the SEP peak; four spacecraft would see inhomogeneities in SEP and in shocks and CMEs. Solar wind plasma and magnetic measurements can be made with ion and electron spectrometers, and a magnetometer that identify CMEs, measure their speed, and detect interplanetary shocks and waves associated with high-energy particle acceleration. 16. Reames, D., Space Sci. Rev., 90, 413-491 (1999). 17. Ng, C. K., Reames, D. V. and Tylka, A. J., Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2145-2148 (1999). 18. Zank, G., Rice, W. K. M. and Wu, C. C., J. Geophys. Res.. 105, 25,079 (2000). 20. Lee, M. A., J. Geophys. Res., 88, 6109-6119 (1983). 21. Ng, C. and Reames, D., Astrophys. J., 424, 1032-1048 (1994). 22. Cohen C. et al., Geophys. 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