Solar Wind Plasma Experiment on Solar Orbiter: dealing with the need for a sufficient phase-space resolution R. D’Amicis , R. Bruno , MB. Cattaneo, B. Bavassano , G. Pallocchia and J.A. Sauvaud† Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario (CNR) - Via Fosso del Cavaliere, 100 - 00133 Rome - Italy † CESR (CNRS/Université de Toulouse), BP 4346 - 31029, Toulouse Cedex, France Abstract. Solar Orbiter is proposed as a space mission dedicated to study the solar surface, the corona and the solar wind by means of remote sensing and in-situ measurements, respectively. At 0.21 AU, closest approach to the Sun, the full 3-D particle velocity distribution should be sampled as fast as a few tens of msec in order to study the growth phase of the instabilities. This implies some restrictions on the maximum phase space resolution given the limited allowed bit-rate for data transmission. In this paper we evaluate consequences of this limitation for solar wind distributions with different parameters. INTRODUCTION NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS Our present knowledge of the solar corona, the solar wind and the 3-D heliosphere is based on the results of missions such as Helios, Ulysses, Yohkoh, Soho and Trace. Solar Orbiter will provide us with new insights in the plasma kinetic processes that act in the Sun’s atmosphere and in the extended corona as it will explore the inner regions of the Solar System (the perihelion will be at 0.21 AU). The study of the kinetics of the solar wind is fundamental to fully understand the mechanism acting within the plasma’s micro state. In particular, it helps us to understand the role of microinstabilities generated by non-Maxwellian characteristics and anisotropies in phase-space of the velocity distribution function. In order to study these microinstabilities it would be extremely important to study them during their growth phase. To do so, we should be able to sample the whole 3-D velocity distribution function fast enough, i.e. with a time resolution of the order of a few tens of msec, which is the time taken by the s/c to go across a scale length of the order of the typical Larmor gyroradius at 0.2 AU. Taken into account the need to follow the instability for about 100 gyroperiods, typical time duration of the growth phase, and the allowed bit rate of 5 kb/s, it follows that the maximum possible resolution would be 10 energies, 10 azimuths and 10 polar angles (see the Assessment Study Report, 2000). In this report we show that this phase-space resolution is generally not sufficient to fully resolve the ion distribution and to compute correctly its moments. The solar wind distribution can be represented by a biMaxwellian, defined in the following way: f m n 2π kT v z m 2π kT Vz 2 1 2 exp m vx 2kT m 2kT Vx v y Vy 2 2 where m is the proton mass, k is the Boltzmann’s constant and Vxyz are the plasma flow velocity components. This distribution represents the most general equilibrium status for a magnetized plasma and it is written in the magnetic field’s frame, i.e. chosen in such a way that the x axis is parallel to B. It is characterized by the following 6 variables: the number density, n; the parallel and perpendicular components of the temperature, T and T , with respect to the magnetic field’s direction; the particle velocity components v x ,vy ,vz . We assume that the wind flow is parallel to the x axis. Taking into account only the major ions, we have extrapolated the proton parameters to 0.21 AU, closest approach to the Sun for Solar Orbiter, using the radial trends evaluated from Helios 2 observations. In particular, we chose day 100th (Marsch, 1982) as a reference for the slow solar wind and day 107th (Marsch, 1982; Marsch, 1991) for the fast solar wind as shown in Table 1. In Table 2, we show the temperature radial gradients and their indexes for both slow and fast wind. From the CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 822 radial trends shown in Table 2 and adopting r 2 for the density radial dependence, we obtained the parameters of the distribution as shown in Table 3. We chose proton velocity values slightly different from those of Helios (especially for what concerns the slow wind) because we intend to study solar wind in quasi-extreme conditions. The parameters characterizing the alpha particles, as obtained by Helios 2 (Marsch, 1991), are shown in Table 4. TABLE 4. 0.333 0.291 429 781 71.9 28.3 18.6 48.8 15.7 83.4 TABLE 2. Temperature radial gradients. Radial Index Slow Fast Gradient wind wind T ∝ rβ β T ∝ rβ β 1.0 0.72 0.9 1.12 250 800 181 54.3 29.5 61.7 23.8 120 T T Ttot Protons α particles np 0.05 n p Tp 2 Tp Tp 2 Tp T ptot 2 T ptot C 2 v cosθ d θ d φ dv G v4 that becomes: N 25.7 101 ∆θ ∆φ G ∆v ∑ v2i ∑ ∑ cosθk Ci jk vi i φ j θk where ∆θ and ∆φ are the amplitudes of the polar and azimuthal sectors, respectively, while ∆v i is the amplitude of the energy channel. The average over v 2i is an average over the four adjacent energy sub-channels that constitute an energy channel while cosθ k is computed using the central angle of the polar sector. Expressions for the other moments are obtained in a similar way. We assume a field of view varying from -45 o to +45o both in azimuthal and polar direction (D’Amicis et al., 2001). The energy variation law is assumed exponential and the energy limits vary from 15000 eV to 10 eV in order to cover the entire energy distribution. We computed the principal moments as a function of some possible combinations of the number of azimuths, polar angles and energy steps, i.e. varying ∆θ , ∆φ and ∆E, starting from the resolution suggested in the Assessment Study Report of 9 o and 10 energy steps, down to 5o and 32 energy steps (Helios resolution). Our model distribution is characterized by a proton bi-Maxwellian distribution, whose parameters are shown in Table 3. Results shown in Table 5 suggest that the lowest resolution causes large uncertainties in the computation of the principal moments. On the contrary, the other resolutions reproduce quite well the model. It is evident that, in general, the higher the resolution the closer to the Computing the moments of the distribution Given a distribution function f, one can define the moment of order n of such distribution: Mn n N TABLE 3. Solar Wind Parameters extrapolated at 0.21 AU. R vp np T p T p Ttot [AU] [km/s] [cm3 ] [eV] [eV] [eV] 0.21 0.21 Parameters counts by the instrument, defined as: C registered Sv f d 3 v where S is the effective cross-section and d3 v = v2 cos θ dθ dφ dv, θ is the polar angle and φ is the azimuthal angle. As the incidence is perpendicular, θ 0, so cos θ 1. Dealing with discrete quantities, one fi jk S v3 ∆vi ∆φ j ∆θk can rewrite the preceding as: Ci jk or in a more compact way as C i jk fi jk G v4 where the geometric factor, G = S cosθ ∆φ ∆θ ∆v v has been introduced. From the preceding equation, the distribution function can be evaluated: f i jk Ci jk G v4 (for further reading see Paschmann et al., 1998). As an example, we will obtain the number density expression. Coming back to its definition and substituting the preceding expression for f, one obtains: TABLE 1. Solar Wind Parameters from Helios 2. Day R vp np T p T p 1976 [AU] [km/s] [cm3 ] [eV] [eV] 100 107 Alpha particles parameters. f vvn d 3 from which one can evaluate: • the number density: N f vd 3 v, • the number flux density vector: NV f vvd 3 v (from which one can compute the velocity dividing by N), • the moment flux density tensor: Π m f vvvd 3 v, m • the energy flux density vector: Q f vv2 vd 3 v. 2 Converting the momentum flux tensor and the energy flux vector to the plasma’s ref. frame, one obtains the pressure tensor, P Π ρ V V and the heat flux vector, H Q VP 12 VTrP. Using the definition P NkT , one can convert the pressure tensor into a temperature tensor. These quantities can be written by means of the 823 TABLE 5. Moments of the distribution as a function of the number of energy steps, of polar and azimuthal angles for a fast wind. Resolution Moments no φ steps no θ steps no E steps n [cm3 ] Vx [km/s] T [eV] T 1 [eV] T2 [eV] Ttot [eV] 10 10 10 12 12 18 18 10 10 10 12 12 18 18 10 20 32 20 32 20 32 25.9 52.0 53.4 52.0 53.4 52.0 53.4 731. 803. 800. 803. 800. 803. 801. 48.5 54.0 54.9 54.0 54.9 53.9 54.8 103. 121. 120. 121. 120. 121. 120. 114. 134. 133. 130. 129. 125. 124. 88.0 103. 103. 102. 101. 99.8 99.6 higher resolution, i. e. 12 φ , 12 θ and 32 E and the alpha peak is now clearly identifiable. We also simulated the sampling for the maximum resolution (18 18 32), but we did not obtain a better spatial definition of our distribution function. 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 Normalized counts Normalized counts model are the computed moments. Moreover, the number of energy steps plays a very important role. Actually, the computation of n, Vx and T is more sensitive to this parameter. The transverse velocity components are very small, as expected, of the order of unity. As an example, we can compare the 10 10 32 resolution to that of 18 18 20. The previous parameters are closer to the model when we use 32 energy steps instead of 20 energy steps, although the total resolution is lower than in the other case. We also notice that n, Vx and T are not very sensitive to the resolution in θ and φ provided that the number of energy steps is kept constant. On the other side, increasing the angular resolution allows to determine the perpendicular temperature more accurately. Finally, the highest resolution does not show very different results from the previous cases. An analogous computation for a slow wind (see table 3) showed better results even at the lowest resolution because slow wind is sampled in energy using narrower energy channels, given that the wind is peaked at low energies and ∆E E is kept constant. 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 0 300 600 V [km/s] 200 200 0 B Vy [km/s] 400 Vy [km/s] 400 -200 1200 1500 1800 0 B -200 -400 -400 400 900 V [km/s] 600 800 1000 1200 1400 400 600 Vx [km/s] 800 1000 1200 1400 Vx [km/s] FIGURE 1. Fast wind. In the upper panels: counts vs. velocity. In the lower panels: contour plots integrated over θ . On the left-hand side panels: 10 φ , 10 θ and 10 E. On the right-hand side panels: 12 φ , 12 θ and 32 E. The first contours correspond to 10 % of the maximum phase-space density. Sampling the distribution function The next step is to study how the instrument samples a distribution function, obtained as the sum of two biMaxwellians, one for protons (see Table 3) and the other one for alpha particles (see Table 4), varying the number of energy steps, polar and azimuthal angles, both for slow and fast solar wind. We simulated all the cases described in Table 5 but we noticed that the alpha peak emerges when we use 24 energy steps, at least. The left panels of Fig. 1 which refer to the lowest resolution, show the counts (top panel) as a function of velocity and the contour plots (bottom panel) computed integrating over the polar angle. It is clear that this resolution is not sufficient to fully resolve the distributions of the major ions since the alpha particle peak does not show up. In the right panels the same fast wind is resolved using a Finally, we simulated a slow solar wind as shown in Fig. 2 for the highest resolution. We represented three distributions: protons, alpha particles and protons+alpha particles. We observe that the proton and alpha particle distributions can not be separated. We notice that the proton distribution is dominant and the alpha particles are entirely masked. Co-rotating phase Solar Orbiter will correlate in-situ and remote-sensing measurements at 45 solar radii from a co-rotational van- 824 CONCLUSIONS tage point. It is then very important to simulate this phase of the orbit which will identify the links between the activity on the Sun’s surface and the resulting evolution of the corona and inner heliosphere. To do this, we have to add a Vy component, which can be estimated of the order of 100 km/s, to the bulk velocity. The aim of this study is to verify whether the field of view of the analyzer can cover the whole distribution function for both slow and fast wind. Fig. 3 shows that this is the case for a fast wind for both low and high resolution. On the contrary, the slow wind is at the limits of the field of view of the analyzer. This problem can be simply solved by shifting one angular sector downwards, so that we are able to observe the entire distribution during the whole orbit. We studied the moments computation as a function of the resolution used for energy, polar and azimuthal angles. For a fast wind, the resolution firstly suggested in the Assessment Study Report seems to be inadequate. It is important to emphasize how the computation of n, V x and T mainly depends on the number of energy steps. Increasing the angular resolution allows only to determine the perpendicular temperature values more accurately. The sampling of the distribution functions shows that, for a fast wind, the lowest resolution does not show any evidence for the alpha particles peak. By increasing the energy steps and leaving almost unchanged the angular resolution, we observe that the alpha peak emerges. For a slow wind, even with the highest resolution, we are not able to separate alpha particles from protons. Finally we find that during the co-rotating phase, a field of view from 45 o to 45o centered around 0 o seems not to be appropriate to observe the slow wind distribution. A simple solution can be found by shifting the azimuthal field of view adequately. To better resolve the major ions’ distribution, we propose a higher phase-space resolution than the one firstly suggested in the Assessment Study Report. From our simulations, it emerges that an angular resolution of 10 φ and 10 θ is sufficient but, a minimum of, at least, 24 energy steps is needed. Normalized counts 1.0 protons+alpha particles protons alpha particles 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 V [km/s] FIGURE 2. Slow wind. The picture shows three distributions: protons, alpha particles and protons+alpha particles with a velocity resolution of 18 φ , 18 θ and 32 E. 200 REFERENCES 400 100 200 Vy [km/s] Vy [km/s] 0 -100 -200 1. D’Amicis, R., Bruno, R., Bavassano, B., Cattaneo, M. B., Baldetti, P., Pallocchia, G., "Numerical Study of a quasi 3D Top-Hat Analyzer", in Solar Encounter: The First Solar Orbiter Workshop, ESA SP-493, Tenerife, Spain, 2001, pp. 205–209. 2. Marsch, E., Mühlhäuser, K.-H., Schwenn, R., Rosenbauer, H., Pilipp, W. and Neubauer, F. M., J. Geophys. Res., 87, 52-72, (1982). 3. Marsch, E., "Kinetics Physics of the Solar Wind Plasma", in Physics of the Inner Heliosphere II, edited by R. Schwenn, E. Marsch, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 1991, Vol. 21, pp. 45–133. 4. Paschmann, G., Fazakerley, A. N. and Schwartz, S. J., "Moments of Plasma Velocity Distributions" in Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data, edited by Paschmann G. and Daly P. 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