Coherence Lengths of the Interplanetary Electric Field: Solar Cycle Maximum Conditions Charles J. Farrugia, Hiroshi Matsui, Roy B. Torbert Space Science Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH. Abstract. It is increasingly being realized that by affecting geoeffective scale lengths the interplanetary electric field (IEF) is a key quantity in space weather discussions. In this work we derive and analyze statistically IEF coherence lengths in year 2000, i.e., near maximum of solar cycle 23, working in a much used formulation for the IEF. We focus on the frequency domain. We use magnetic field and plasma data sets acquired by Wind and ACE. During year 2000, ACE-Wind separations were very variable and, in particular, Wind’s first dayside distant prograde orbit resulted in a Y-separation comparable to the X-separation ( 220 RE ). We find IEF coherence lengths of 200-250 RE (X) and 50-100 RE (Y). The coherence is mainly carried by the low frequency components ( f 001 min 1 . INTRODUCTION in the time domain (8). We work in a formulation of the IEF derived from considerations of the maximum merging rate at the dayside magnetopause (15,6): IEF = V BT sin2 θ 2, where BT Bygsm2 Bzgsm2 1 2 , V is the bulk speed, and θ is the IMF clock angle (i.e., the polar angle in the GSM YZ plane.) We show a systematic decrease in the coherence level with the east-west separation ∆Y during Wind’s first dayside distant prograde orbit (DPO). From this we obtain the coherence length of the IEF in the east - west direction. We also examine the coherence level of the IEF with X, analysing data from the early part of the year when Wind made an excursion to the L1 Lagrangian point. The interplanetary electric field (IEF) plays an increasing important role in both theoretical and observational discussions of the geoeffectiveness of interplanetary configurations, i.e., the level of geomagnetic disturbances which they elicit inside the magnetosphere. For example, it is thought that the transpolar potential, but not the Dst, saturates for large IEF ( 3 mV m 1 ) (13). It follows that a knowledge of the coherence lengths of the IEF parallel and perpendicular to the Sun-Earth line is a crucial quantity in space weather considerations. Yet, no studies addressing these issues have been attempted to date. The need for such investigations was highlighted by (2) in their study of geoeffective interplanetary scale sizes. In this paper we examine coordinated observations made by Wind and ACE in year 2000. This year is chosen because: (i) it is close to the maximum of solar cycle 23 when interplanetary configurations are expected to be strongly geoeffective on average; (ii) data coverage at both spacecraft is optimal; (iii) The orbit of Wind relative to ACE allows a study of the IEF as functions of both X and Y, the latter varying over 500 Earth radii, R E . (By comparison, coordinate Z is small.) As methodology we adopt the approach taken in a pilot study by (8). Rather than cross-correlating two time series using various time windows, they decomposed the signals into their Fourier components and could thus examine the level of coherence at the two observing sites also as a function of frequency. Spectral analysis has distinct advantages over the more common analysis WIND AND ACE ORBITS IN YEAR 2000 Figure 1a shows the position of Wind during year 2000 in GSE coordinates. In January, Wind was executing orbits mostly in the geomagnetic tail. These data are not used further. During February-March, Wind made an excursion to the neighbourhood of L1. Then follow dayside and nightside, high latitude Petal orbits (April August). From mid-August to the end of the year Wind starts its dayside DPOs. The months October - December contain one-half of such an orbit, taking Wind from 250 RE to 250 RE . The spacecraft spends relatively long times at the “apex” of the DPO. The DPOs afford a unique opportunity to study coherence lengths in the Ydirection over a long baseline. The resulting ACE-Wind separations are plotted in Figure 1b. The excursion by Wind to near L1 gives a range of 200 R E in the Sun-Earth CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 766 (a) WIND (RE) Year: 2000 (GSE) 250 120 200 80 40 0 by the FFT routine are complex, calculated for each frequency and for each time. (GSE) 100 Excursion to L1 Petal Orbits First Distant Prograde Orbit 0 744 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 1440 2184 2904 3648 4368 5112 5856 6576 7320 8040 8784 DY (Re) Y (Re) Year: 2000 150 50 -40 -80 744 1440 2184 2904 3648 4368 5112 5856 6576 7320 8040 8784 250 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 744 1440 2184 2904 3648 4368 5112 5856 6576 7320 8040 8784 744 1440 2184 2904 3648 4368 5112 5856 6576 7320 8040 8784 744 1440 2184 2904 3648 4368 5112 5856 6576 7320 8040 8784 C f 0 -50 744 Jan 1440 2184 2904 3648 Feb Mar Apr May Jun 4368 5112 Jul 5856 6576 Aug Sep Oct 7320 8040 8784 Nov Dec Month of Year 0 ∆φ f arg -50 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec direction X. The first DPO gives a Wind-ACE separation of the same magnitude both to the east and west of Earth. The magnetic field data were acquired by the Magnetic Field Investigation (MFI) on Wind (7) and the Magnetic Field Experiment (MAG) on ACE (14) with time resolutions of 90 s and 16 s, respectively. The plasma data are from the Solar Wind Experiment (SWE) on Wind (10) and the Solar Wind Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (SWEPAM) on ACE (9) with time resolutions of 94 s and 64 s, respectively. (These data are courtesy of the NASA CDA Web site.) The data resolution is equalized by linear interpolation. We employ a time resolution of 1 min. Data spikes have been removed before the analysis. For the magnetic field we remove those data points which are larger than neighboring points by 5 nT or more. Similar criteria are adopted for the velocity (a jump of 50 km s 1 ). We interpolated only data gaps which are shorter than, or equal to, 10 data points. A NOTE ON THE FOURIER TECHNIQUE QiACE f 2 QiWind f 2 QiACE f QiWind f ∆φ f 360 This is described in detail in (8). At each spacecraft we calculate the Fourier amplitude and phase of the IEF by FFT (11). From this we derive (i) the amplitude ratio, R f , (ii) the coherence, C f , and (iii) the phase lag, ∆φ f between the two spacecraft as a function of frequency f . These three analysis quantities are defined as follows: 3 i 0 ∑3i 0 (2) (3) We set the number, n, of samples per FFT as 512, corresponding to 512 min per FFT. Data have been weighted by a Hamming window. To obtain C f we need results from multiple FFTs (e.g., 3, 5). Increasing the number of FFTs reduces random errors (1) but at the expense of time resolution. In addition, the assumption of time stationary conditions inherent in the method is more likely to be violated when many FFTs are summed. In this analysis we use 4 FFTs, the same number which we used successfully in an analysis of IMF and solar wind parameters (8). Neighboring FFTs are overlapped by one-half the number of samples per FFT. One cross-spectrum is thus based on 1280 samples per FFT. The coherence is similar to the correlation of the phases between QiWind f and QiACE f . When the phases of the fluctuations of the quantity are randomly distributed, the numerator of equation (2) is 0, which indicates lack of coherence. When the phase lag between QiWind f and QiACE f is constant, C f is 1. The phase lag ∆φ f contains information about the propagation of the IEF between spacecraft. This value is significant only when the coherence is high or, in other words, when the correlation of the phases is high. Consider a front propagating with constant velocity, V . If the normal to the structure is parallel to the X axis, the relation between the phase lag and the frequency is FIGURE 1. 1a: Position of Wind in year 2000. 1b: WindACE separation in year 2000. R f 3 ∑ i 0 Month of Year Ú Ù Ù Ø∑ ∑3i 0 QiACE f QiWind f 2 ∑3i 0 QiACE f 2 ∑3i 0 QiWind f 2 where denotes complex conjugation. 50 DZ (Re) 50 Z (Re) (b) ACE - WIND (RE) 300 160 DX (Re) X (Re) 200 ∆X f deg VX (4) where ∆X is the separation between the two spacecraft in the X direction. Quantity ∆X VX corresponds to the convection delay time between the two spacecraft. ILLUSTRATION OF THE METHOD Figure 2 shows frequency-time spectra of IEF for October – December, 2000. The vertical axis gives the frequency in min 1 . The panels show from top to bottom the Fourier amplitudes at Wind and ACE; the amplitude ratio, R f , between Wind and ACE; the coherence, C f ; and (e) the phase lag, ∆φ f . The scale of the amplitudes shown on the right side is in units of (1) where QiWind f and QiACE f correspond to the Fourier components of IEF, respectively. The summation is over four FFTs (see below). The quantities returned 767 (d) ½ Coherence (c) Phase lag(deg.) (b) Amplitude Ratio IEF(mV/m/Hz ) Nov. 25, 2000 0000-2120UT (a) 100 Wind ACE 10 1 10 1 0.1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 180 120 60 0 -60 -120 -180 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 Frequency(min -1 ) FIGURE 3. November 25, 2000: The IEF at Wind and ACE, the amplitude ratio, the coherence and the phase lag. FIGURE 2. Frequency-time spectrograms for OctoberDecember, 2000. For further details, see text. mV/m/ Hz. One can make the following points. Typically, the coherence is high only at low frequencies, f 0.01 min 1. In November, with ∆Y passing through 0, the coherence is generally high up to f 003 min 1 . The phase lag panel shows a green band corresponding to no phase lag at the lowest frequencies. Then a yellow band at somewhat higher frequencies. Above f = 0.02 min 1 , the phase lag is random, indicating that it is difficult to predict the arrival time at Wind of high frequency components of the IEF observed at ACE. Figure 3 shows an example of high coherence on November 25 (hours 1344-1368) and compares the spectral analysis technique with the time series analysis. The average positions of ACE and Wind were (224, 35, -17) RE and (80, 82, 0.5) R E , respectively, and the solar wind speed 400 km s 1 . The coherence 06 for f 0.015 min 1 . An approximately linear phase lag plot (bottom panel) below this frequency can be seen. The propagation velocity estimated from this phase lag is 30 min. Compare this with the convection delay X V x =38 min. Analyzing the two time series, we find that the lag at maximum correlation, R (= 0.88) = 36 min. In Figure 4 we overlap the two electric fields (ACE in light trace) for November 25, 2000 taking into account a 36 min delay. Thus the quantities are comparable and there is selfconsistency between the analyses in the frequency and time domains. By contrast poor coherence was achieved on October 6 when ACE and WIND were located at (224, -26, -10) RE and (32, -250, -3) R E , respectively, i.e. they had a an FIGURE 4. a superposition of the ACE (red) and Wind IEFs for November 25, 2000 with a 30 min propagation delay included. X- and Y-separation each 200 R E . The low coherence is probably due to this large separation. STATISTICAL RESULTS We now summarize the main results of the statistical analysis on all year 2000 data acquired in the solar wind. Figure 5 shows the dependence of the coherence of IEF on period (frequency). As the period increases (the frequency decreases), coherence values increase. Values exceeding 0.6 are reached for periods of 150 min or longer (f 0.007 min 1 or lower). Figure 6 gives the dependence of coherence on the Xseparation between Wind and ACE. Calculations for 3 different times are shown as indicated. Highest correlation correspond to longer times (256 min). For this trace, the coherence decreases with X. (The range ∆X 50R E is an exception because it is affected by the large ∆Y , see Figures 1a, b.) Adopting a definition whereby the coherence length scale corresponds to the distance when the coherence decreases by 0.1 from its highest value (12, 768 Dependence on Period prograde orbits, which yield an ACE-Wind Y-separation comparable to the X-separation ( 220 R E ) we carried out a statistical study using all solar wind data returned by Wind and ACE in year 2000. We find two different scale lengths for the IEF: 200 250 RE in the X-, and 50-100 R E in the Y-directions. In practical terms, this means that if a monitor orbiting L1, say, is displaced from the Sun-Earth line by less than 50 RE , there is a high probability for the IEF it measures to be equal to that at the magnetopause nose. The coherence lengths of the IEF, in both X and Y, are similar to those of the IMF (8, and references therein). As a function of frequency, the general behavior is for there to be good coherence at low frequencies. The coherence is invariably lost at the higher frequencies. Similar conclusions as to the frequency dependence of the coherence of the IMF and solar wind parameters were reached by (8). That work showed that the power spectral densities follow a -5/3 law in frequency, indicative of turbulence. This may also be the reason here. 1 Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 10 100 1000 Period(min.) FIGURE 5. Dependence of the coherence of the IEF on period (frequency) Dependence on X (-100< Y<100 RE) 1 T=256min T=64min T=16min Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 X(RE) FIGURE 6. Dependence of the coherence of the IEF on X. 8), we obtain that the coherence length of IEF in the Xdirection is of order 200-250 Re. Figure 7 summarizes the statistical dependence of the coherence on the separation between Wind and ACE in the Y-direction. A coherence length of IEF in the Y-direction of 50-100 Re is indicated. Here typically the coherence peaks at a negative value of Y and then drops off, i.e., it is not symmetric about ∆Y = 0 (for T = 256 min). The offset to negative GSE Y (west) may have several causes: (i) aberration effect due to the motion of the Earth; (ii) the Parker spiral orientation of the IMF; (iii) encounter with highly coherent structures preferentially on one side of the Earth-Sun line on this DPO. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the PIs of the magnetic field and plasma instruments on Wind and ACE for use of key parameter data from their instruments. This work is supported by the Wind Grant NAG5-11803, and NASA Living with a Star Grant NAG5 - 10883. REFERENCES 1. Benignus, V. A., IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust., 17, 145–150, 1969. 2. Burke, W. J., et al., J. Geophys. Res., 104, 9989, 1999. 3. Eriksson, A. I., in Analysis Methods for Multi-Spacecraft Data, ISSI Sci. Rep. 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CONCLUSIONS Our statistical study over 1 year of joint ACE-Wind observations constitutes the first calculations of the coherence length of a quantity so central to discussions on the interaction of the solar wind with the magnetosphere: the interplanetary electric field, IEF. Utilizing Wind’s distant Dependence on Y (150< X<250 RE) 1 T=256min T=64min T=16min Coherence 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -250 -200 -150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 Y(RE) FIGURE 7. Dependence of the coherence of the IEF on Y. 769
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