The Geoeffectiveness of Magnetic Clouds as a Function of Their Orientation C. Cid, T. Nieves-Chinchilla, M. A. Hidalgo, E. Sáiz and Y. Cerrato Departamento de Física. Universidad de Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain Abstract. Trying to get light into the paradigm of forecasting geomagnetic activity, we have looked for a relationship between geoeffectiveness and the orientation and helicity of magnetic clouds. During the years 1995-2000, we have selected all the geomagnetic storms with Dst index less than -70 nT. Then, we have inspected WIND data looking for a possible magnetic cloud related to every storm event. When a magnetic cloud is encountered, we have fitted to experimental data a model that we have developed for the magnetic cloud topology in order to obtain the attitude of the magnetic cloud and its helicity. On the basis of the results obtained, a close relationship is observed between the orientation of the magnetic cloud and its helicity, and the geomagnetic activity. In this paper we look for the response of the current ring as a magnetic cloud (MC) passes through it. Depending on the helicity of the MC and on the orientation of its axis, the induced current is calculated and related to the Dst index. We also compare the theoretical expectations that we obtain with experimental data. INTRODUCTION The defining feature of a geomagnetic storm is a global decrease in the horizontal component, H, of the geomagnetic field, and a gradual recovery to its average level ([1], [2]). Analyses of magnetic storm morphology have been made by Chapman [3], Vestine et al. [4], and many others (see [5]). These studies have shown that at equatorial and mid latitudes the decrease in H during a magnetic storm can approximately be represented by a uniform magnetic field parallel to the geomagnetic dipole axis and directed toward the South. The magnitude of the decrease in H represents the severity of disturbance, and the disturbance field is denoted as Dst index ([6],[7]). Thus, the Dst variation provides a quantitative measure of geomagnetic disturbance that can be correlated with other solar and geophysical parameters (e.g. [8]). THEORETICAL APPROACH We consider a MC that passes through the ring current located around the Earth at a distance Rrc, with a thick δ Rrc. We assume that the magnetic field of the MC is given by the model proposed by Hidalgo et al. [10]. In this model the magnetic field vector can be decomposed only in two components: an axial and a poloidal one (there is no radial component). These components of the magnetic field are obtained from Maxwell equations, assuming a circular cross section for the MC and a current density vector with no radial component, and with axial and poloidal components constants. The expressions obtained for the magnetic field components are the following The variation in H during a geomagnetic storm is due to changes in the terrestrial ring current (see e.g.. [9]). This current ring consists in energetic charged particles flowing toroidally around the Earth, and creating a ring of westward electric current, centered at the equatorial plane and extended from geocentric distances of about 3 to 8 Re. This ring is a critical element in understanding the onset and development of space weather disturbances in geospace. BMC poloidal = MC Baxial µ0 jaxial r 2 = µ 0 j poloidal (R MC − r ) CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 741 (1) (1) We suppose that the electric field has only one component, Eϕ, that is, it follows the angular direction in a cylindrical coordinate system, and where RMC is the radius of the MC. When the MC travels through the interplanetary medium, its axis makes an angle θ (latitude) with respect to the ecliptic plane and it presents a longitude angle, φ, relative to the Sun-Earth line. Then, the theoretical magnetic field of the MC has to be expressed in the new reference system. As we assume that the ring current lies on the ecliptic plane, we will consider the GSE reference system as a proper system for this analysis. The velocity of the MC is also refereed to GSE system, obtaining two components in the ecliptic plane: a parallel (vx) and a perpendicular (vy) to the Sun-Earth line (see Figure 1). (2) We consider that BGSE can be decomposed in two different contributions: the terrestrial magnetic field (that does not vary with time), and the MC magnetic field (that varies with time). In order to simplify the analysis, we only take into account the z-GSE component due to the MC magnetic field. The electric field induced, Eϕ, obtained from equation (3) produces a variation in the intensity of the ring current, δI, given by Rrc + δR rc δI = σ ∫R Ecliptic plane Magnetic cloud rc (4) Eϕ dr where σ is the conductivity of the ring current, that we consider constant. This δI produces a magnetic field in the z direction, δB, whose effect in the center of the ring current can be approach as µ δI (5) δB = 0 2 Rrc This magnetic field, δB, is the responsible of the perturbation of the geomagnetic field, and can be compared with the Dst index. In this analysis we take into consideration the term of the theoretical Dst index that only depends on the longitude angle. FIGURE 1. A schematic view of the ring current (in brown colour) and the projection of the MC (in blue) on the ecliptic plane. The orientation of the axis, the radius and the velocity of the MC are also indicated. Then, from all the above theoretical considerations, we obtain [ Dst ≈ C0 sinφ (2a xt + v x0 ) − cos φv y ] (6) In experimental data we can see that vx decreases linearly with time and vy is almost constant. Then, we will consider that v x = v x0 + a x t , v y = cte (2) Having into account the situation described above, the electric field induced in the ring current due to the passage of the MC is given by ρ ρ ∂B GSE ∇ × E GSE = − ∂t (3) FIGURE 2. Simulation of the Dst index obtained from equation (6). For the simulation, we have taken a Rrc=4.5Re, δRrc =2Re, | jaxial |=10-12 Cm-2s-1, vy=0, v x0 =-800 kms-1, ax=5.8 ms-2 and. As the conductivity has been assumed to be one, the Dst is expressed in arbitrary units. that we solve in cylindrical coordinates under the following considerations: 742 where C0 = µ 02 jaxial σRrc (δRrc )2 16 . Figure 2 shows a simulation of the Dst index obtained. Dst vy=0 vy/vx=0.4 Influence of the MC Helicity in the Geoeffectiveness A MC will be geoeffective when a South magnetic field disturbs the Earth magnetic field as it passes, that is, when a negative value is obtained for the Dst index (at this stage, we do not consider the magnitude of Dst index, but just its sign). The influence of the MC helicity in equation (6) is included in the sign of the axial component of the current density. A left (right) handed MC corresponds to a positive (negative) jaxial. In order to explain clearly this influence, we will analize separatelly the case when the velocity of the MC as it goes away from the Sun presents only x-GSE component, and when the velocity present a y-GSE component not nule 2π π φ(rad) 0 FIGURE 3. Theoretical Dst index obtained at t=0 for a left-handed MC with vy=0 (solid line) and vy= vx/4 (dotted line). DATA ANALYSIS We have analyzed Dst index from Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR) during the years 1995 to 2000. From this data, we have selected those events where the index was less than -70nT unless for one day, then, a sample of 61 events is considered for this work. Once a “storm event” has been selected, we examine magnetic field and plasma data from the Wind spacecraft looking for a MC event in the solar wind associated with the storm. Only for 11 storm events (a 16 per cent) there was no MC associated. For the rest of storms, we fit our model to magnetic field data in the MC interval obtaining the axial component of the current density and the longitude angle of the MC axis, as well as other parameters that are not related to this work. The Magnetic Cloud Velocity Is Parallel To The XGSE Direction If we assume that the MC moves parallel to the Sun-Earth line ( vy=0), there are two possibilities to obtain we obtain from equation (6) a Dst negative value: (1) if it is left handed and its axis longitude angle is included in the interval between 0 and π rad or (2) if it is right handed and its axis longitude angle is between π and 2π rad. Then we have obtained that the helicity and orientation of a MC need to be considered in order to analyze its geoeffectiveness. Trying to check our theoretical results, we have plotted the sign of the axial component of the current density of all these MC events (as a measurement of the helicity) versus the longitude angle of its axis (Figure 4). The Magnetic Cloud Velocity Is Not Parallel To The X-GSE Direction jaxial/|jaxial| In the last section, in order to obtain the geoeffective latitude intervals, we have considered that the MC travels far away from the Sun, directed right to Earth. Then, the function that let us obtain the theoretical Dst value (eq. 6) is the same that sin function. Anyway, if the cloud does not travel following the Sun-Earth line, that is, if vy≠0, then a shift in the longitude angles that gives a negative Dst index is produced (Figure 3). 1 0 -1 0 90 180 270 360 phi (degrees) FIGURE 4. The figure represents the sign of the axial component of the current density versus the longitude angle of the MC axis. The reference lines indicate a shift of +25º from the Sun-Earth line. 743 2. Adams, W. G., Phil. Trans. London (A) 183, 131 (1892). The results obtained show a close relationship between the helicity and the longitude of the MC axis that is shifted from the Sun-Earth line direction (0º180º). Following the theoretical results, this shift could be associated to the existence of a non-null component of the solar wind velocity in the perpendicular direction to the Sun-Earth line. 3. Chapman, S., Annali di Geofisica 5, 481 (1952). 4. Vestine, E.H., Laporte, L., Lange, I., and Scott, W.E., The geomagnetic field, its description and analysis, Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication 580, Washington D.C., 1947. 5. Akasofu, S.-I. and Chapman, Solar Terrestrial Physics, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1972. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 6. Mayaud, P.N., Derivation, Meaning, and Use of Geomagnetic Indices, Geophysical Monograph 22, American Geophysical Union, Washington D. C., 1980. In this work, we have analyzed the influence of a MC in the magnetic field of the Earth. Using a model that we have developed previously for the magnetic field of a MC, we have calculated the electric field induced on the ring current around the Earth, and the influence of the appearance of this electric field on the Earth magnetic field. We have compared the disturbed magnetic field with the Dst index, trying to determine the characteristics of a MC to be geoeffective. We have focused our study on the influence of the longitude angle of the MC axis. A close relationship is obtained between this angle and the helicity of the clouds for the events analyzed. Although this relationship is clear, a shift from the expected values of the longitude angles is obtained. We have explain this shift as due to a component of the velocity perpendicular to the Sun-Earth line, although a detailed analysis of the velocity vector of these events would be desirable. We will try this analysis in a nearly future. 7. Rangarajan, G.K., "Indices of geomagnetic activity" in Geomangetism, p.323, ed. By J.A. Jacobs, Academic Press, London (1989). 8. Daglis, I. A., Kasotakis, G., Sarris, E.T., Kamide, Y., Livi, S., and Wilken, B., Influence of interplanetary disturbances on the terrestrial ionospheric outflow, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 24, 229-232, 1999). 9. Williams, D.J., Planet. Space Sci. 21, 1195 (1981). 10. Hidalgo et al., J. Geophys. Res. 107, pp1-pp7 (2002). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We want to thank K. Ogilvie, R. Fitzenreiter and R. Lepping (Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Mariland) for permission to use Wind data, and Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR) for providing Dst index data. This work has been supported by the Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) of Spain, grant ESP97-1776. Consuelo Cid wants also to acknowledge to the Solar Wind X organizing committee for their financial support. REFERENCES 1. Broun, J. A., “On the horizontal force of the Earth's magnetism”, Proceedings Roy. Soc. Edinburg 22, 1861, pp. 511. 744
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