The Solar Wind in the Outer Heliosphere at Solar Maximum John D. Richardson and Chi Wang Center for Space Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139 Abstract. This paper reviews solar wind observations in the outer heliosphere, concentrating on the recent data near solar maximum. The speed and temperature tend to be lower at solar maximum, due to the lack of coronal holes. The near-absence of a latitudinal speed gradient at solar maximum allows us to measure the speed decrease of the solar wind and nd a value for the H density in the local interstellar medium (LISM) at the termination shock of 0.09 cm;3 . The temperature prole is well-matched by a model using pickup ion heating and a speed dependence of the temperature. The density prole at solar maximum is dominated by MIRs we show one case where converging CME ejecta form a MIR. INTRODUCTION In June 2002 Voyager 2 was 68 AU from the Sun and at 24 S heliolatitude. The Voyager 2 trajectory is shown in Figure 1, which illustrates the radial distance of Voyager 2 and its heliolatitude. The state of the heliosphere changes dramatically with the solar cycle. At solar minimum the slow (400 km/s) solar wind is conned to a thin strip of half-width 10-20 near the heliographic equator, but at solar maximum the slow wind lls almost the entire heliosphere. In this paper we describe plasma conditions in the outer heliosphere in the context of their solar cycle variation, use the unique conditions at solar maximum to determine the interstellar neutral density from the slowdown of the solar wind, model the temperature prole using a combination of pickup ions and a dependence of temperature on speed, and show how the merged interaction regions (MIRs) that are prevalent at solar maximum can be formed by transient solar events. FIGURE 1. The Voyager 2 trajectory showing distance from the SUN in AU (top) and heliolatitude (bottom) lation of speed and temperature in the solar wind. The density structure at solar maximum is increasingly dominated by MIRs as Voyager 2 moves farther from the Sun. The solar wind dynamic pressure at 1 AU (IMP and Wind data) and at Voyager 2 are shown in Figure 3. The dynamic pressure of the solar wind is what balances the pressure of the LISM and thus determines the locations of the heliopause and termination shock. In the past two solar cycles, the pressure has been at a minimum near solar maximum, then risen sharply near the end of the solar maximum period. This factor of two increase in pressure drives out the termination shock as of mid-2002 the increase in pressure has not been observed at 1 VOYAGER 2 DATA OVERVIEW Figure 2 shows the solar wind speed, normalized proton density (NR2 ), proton temperature, and sunspot number. The hashed regions show the three solar maximums observed by Voyager 2 to date. The speed during solar maximum tends to be lower than at other times, due to the presence of only low-speed solar wind. The temperature is also lower at solar maximum, probably due to the well-known corre- CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 71 AU, after which it will take roughly a year to reach the termination shock. FIGURE 3. The solar wind dynamic pressure observed at 1 AU by IMP 8 and WIND and from 1-65 AU by Voyager 2. The bottom trace is the sunspot number 2002.2. The bottom panel shows the heliolatitude of Earth, Ulysses, and Voyager 2 during this time period. Earth (and IMP 8) are near the helioequator, Ulysses moves from 20 to 45 S heliolatitude, and Voyager 2 is always at intermediate latitudes. The speeds observed by IMP 8 and Ulysses track each other very well and have nearly the same magnitude. The Voyager 2 speeds, however, are signicantly below those observed by the other spacecraft, clear evidence of the slowing of the solar wind from the incorporation of the pickup ions. The density proles at IMP 8 and Ulysses are also very similar, more evidence that the same solar wind is present at low and medium latitudes. The Voyager 2 density prole is dominated by a large interaction region. To determine the magnitude of the solar wind speed decrease and the LISM H density at the termination shock, a 1-D MHD model was used to propagate the solar wind from IMP 8 to Ulysses and then from Ulysses to Voyager 2 (2). Table 1 shows the average observed solar wind speeds and densities at Earth, Ulysses, and Voyager 2. The density of the termination shock was adjusted to nd the value which best t the data, and that value was 0.09 cm;3 . The model values based on propagating IMP 8 data out to Ulysses and Voyager 2 are also shown. The model and observed speed and density FIGURE 2. The solar wind speed, density normalized to 1 AU, temperature and sunspot number. The shaded regions show solar maxima SOLAR WIND SLOWDOWN The solar wind interacts with the neutral material from the LISM as it moves outward. These neutrals, mostly H, are ionized and then accelerated to the solar wind speed, with the energy for this acceleration coming from a slowdown of the solar wind. This slowdown depends of the density of the LISM H at the termination shock. The problem with measuring this slowdown is that the solar wind speed varies with time, latitude, and longitude. Generally one needs spacecraft at the same latitudes in the inner and outer heliosphere to determine the speed decrease, since latitudinal speed gradients are large and systematic. At solar maximum, however, the latitudinal speed gradient is small (1). Thus the solar wind speed decrease can be determined using any two spacecraft at dierent radial distances. Figure 4 shows 50-day running averages of the solar wind speed and normalized density from 1999 to 72 Table 1: Solar Wind Parameters ACE Uly (5 AU) V2 (60 AU) data model data model data V (km/s) 441 432 428 379 378 N (cm ;3 ) 7.0 7.3 7.2 6.1 6.6 are almost identical at Ulysses, giving credence to our assumption that the solar wind is independent of latitude. The model speed matches that observed at Voyager 2, and the densities are also close. The solar wind speed decrease is 53-62 km/s, the largest yet observed. The LISM value of 0.09 cm;3 is consistent with other derivations of this number (3). TEMPERATURE PROFILE The temperature of the thermal solar wind protons measured by Voyager 2 is shown in gure 5, where we have plotted 50-day running averages. The temperature decreases out to about 30 AU, then increases to 50 AU, then starts to decrease again from 50-65 AU. The decrease in temperature is much less than an adiabatic model would predict (dashed line). Smith et al. (4) describe a model which incorporates stream interactions and pickup ion heating which gives a reasonable t to the overall shape of the data The large temperature structures with scales of a FIGURE 5. The solar wind proton temperature ob- served by Voyager 2 compared with several model predictions Richardson (5) investigated whether a combination of the Smith et al. model and a temperature dependence on speed could match the observations. The upper dotted prole shows the result of this work. Much of the ner structure is now matched by the model curve the correlation coecient between the model prediction and data is 0.86. In this case the model curve is produced by adding (V - 440 km/s)*80 to the Smith et al. curve, where V is a 100-day running average of the speed. Although this model generally works very well it does not explain all the features of the temperature prole, such as the large rise near 10 AU and the period near 50 AU which corresponds to the 1996 solar minimum. DEVELOPMENT OF A MIR MIRs dominate the density structure near solar maximum in the outer heliosphere. These regions of enhanced magnetic eld and often plasma density restrict the inward diusion of energetic particles, resulting in step decreases in cosmic ray intensities. Transient events at the Sun which pile up the plasma and eld ahead of them have been suggested as the drivers of these MIRs. In general it is dicult to test this hypothesis since signatures of transient events such as CMEs dissipate by the time they reach the FIGURE 4. The solar wind speed, normalized density observed at IMP 8, Ulysses, and Voyager 2 and the heliolatitudes of these spacecraft few AU are not reproduced by the model. The speed and temperature of the solar wind are correlated, and 73 CONCLUSION outer heliosphere. However, large alpha particle ratios were used to track one CME from Ulysses to Voyager 2 (6). We found another case where a CME could be tracked from Earth to Ulysses to Voyager 2 these two cases happened to bracket a MIR observed at Voyager 2 (7). The Voyager mission continues to explore the heliosphere at a pace which allows study of solar cycle changes. The combination of Voyager, Ulysses, and Earth-orbiting spacecraft allows us to look dierentiate between solar cycle and spatial changes, giving information on the global solar wind outow and in this case allowing the best determination yet of the eect of pickup ions on the solar wind, in terms of heating and slowing the ow. As we enter the declining phase of the solar cycle we expect to see how the stream structure observed last solar cycle at 35 AU has evolved, providing new science for SW11. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported under NASA grant NAG5-11623 and NASA contract 959203 from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. REFERENCES 1. McComas, D. J., J. T. Gosling, R. M. Skoug, Ulysses observations of the irregularly structured mid-latitude solar wind during the approach to solar maximum, Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 2437-2440 (2000). 2. Wang, C., J. D. Richardson, Determination of the solar wind slowdown near solar maximum, J. Geophys. Res., 106, in press (2002). 3. Gloeckler, G., G. A. Fisk, and J. Geiss, Anomalously small magnetic eld in the local interstellar cloud, Nature, 386, 374 (1997). 4. Smith, C. W., W. H. Matthaeus, G. P. Zank, N. F. Ness, S. Oughton, J. D. Richardson. Heating of the low-latitude solar wind by dissipation of turbulent magnetic uctuations, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 82538272 (2001). 5. Richardson, J. D., The speed-temperature relation from 1-65 AU, in preparation for submission to GRL (2002). 6. Paularena, K. I., C. Wang, R. von Steiger, and B. Heber, An ICME observed by Voyager 2 at 58 AU and by Ulysses at 5 AU, Geophys. Res. Lett. 28, 2755-2758 (2001). 7. Richardson, J. D., K. I. Paularena, C. Wang, and L. F. Burlaga. The life of a CME and the development of a MIR: From the Sun to 58 AU, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 10.1029/2001JA000175 (2002). FIGURE 6. From top to bottom, Ulysses density data (which was used as input to the 1-D MHD model), model density proles at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 AU and 58 AU, and the Voyager 2 data at 58 AU. The model proles are timeshifted to roughly align the density decreases associated with the CME ejecta. Tick marks are every 10 cm;3 . The vertical dotted lines show the enhanced alpha abundance regions at Ulysses and Voyager 2. Figure 6 shows the evolution of the solar wind from Ulysses at 5 AU to Voyager 2 at 58 AU. A 1-D MHD model was used to propagate the Ulysses data outward. The locations of the CME ejecta are shown by the two vertical dashed lines. The CMEs were initially about 60 days apart. As they propagate outward they converge, piling up plasma between them, and are about 30 days apart at Voyager 2. The bottom trace shows the measured Voyager 2 density it is very similar to the model prediction in the trace above. The density in the MIR is about a factor of 2 above the surrounding solar wind density, consistent with the factor of 2 decrease in the spacing of the CME ejecta. 74
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