Solar Wind Disturbances and Their Sources in the EUV Solar Corona A. N. Zhukov † , I. S. Veselovsky† , F. Clette , J.-F. Hochedez , A. V. Dmitriev† , E. P. Romashets , V. Bothmer‡ and P. Cargill§ Royal Observatory of Belgium, Avenue Circulaire 3, B–1180 Brussels, Belgium Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University, Moscow 119992, Russia IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow Region 142190, Russia ‡ Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie, Max-Planck-Str. 2, D–37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany § Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, SW7, 2BZ, UK † Abstract. We investigate possible links between the activity manifestations in the solar corona and conditions in the solar wind. For the reduction of this immense task we have selected 206 events in the solar wind in 1997 – 2000 corresponding to geomagnetic events with Ap > 20 (compiled into a database at Up to now, 24 events during the epoch of low solar activity (January 1997 – January 1998) are investigated. The solar wind conditions monitored by ACE and WIND spacecraft were traced back to the solar corona observed by SOHO/EIT. The search for coronal signatures which are probably associated with the disturbed solar wind conditions was performed. The coronal sources of these 24 events are identified, namely: eruptions in active regions, filament eruptions and coronal holes. It is shown that halo and partial halo CMEs observed within the SOHO/LASCO sensitivity limits are not necessary indicators of Earthdirected eruptions, and coronal EUV dimmings can be used as a complementary indicator. We also found that a structure now conventionally called a “sigmoid” cannot be represented as a single S-shaped loop (flux tube), but exhibits an assembly of many smaller structures. It could be formed and destroyed via eruptions. INTRODUCTION upper limit of the one standard deviation interval in 1997 – 2000). The statistical analysis of these events was done by Bothmer et al. [1]. The events were compiled into the database located at http://alpha.sinp.msu. ru/apev. To date 24 events occurred in January 1997 – January 1998 were investigated, thus the epoch of low solar activity is considered in this paper. The procedure of analysis is as follows. First, using ACE and WIND spacecraft data, we identify the solar wind disturbance which produced increase of A p index (shock, discontinuity of another type, region of strong negative Bz , increase in velocity, pressure etc). Average velocity of the disturbance is found and the approximate start time from the Sun is estimated assuming constant solar wind velocity en route from the Sun to the Earth. To establish more precise timing, halo (angular width 360 ) and partial halo (angular width more than 120 ) CMEs detected by SOHO/LASCO close to the estimated start time were identified using the CSPSW/NRL CME catalog ( list/index.html). In most cases a possible source halo/partial halo CME is found to happen in one – two days interval around the estimated start time. The coronal activity observed by EIT close to the initiation Physical conditions on the Sun responsible for the production of appreciable geomagnetic perturbations are still under investigation. The biggest geomagnetic storms develop in association with the appearance of strong heliospheric perturbations seen in plasma and magnetic field parameters measured by satellites in the solar wind. They are commonly related to powerful nonstationary processes in the solar corona and deeper layers of the solar atmosphere visualized by different observations. Impulsive and long-duration solar flares, disappearing filaments, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), transient brightenings (dimmings) and coronal holes represent the most popular signatures to date used for diagnostic purposes. The aim of this paper is to report several examples illustrating the preliminary results on the search of the geomagnetic disturbances sources in the SOHO/EIT data. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS We have selected 206 events in 1997 – 2000 corresponding to the days with daily A p index more than 20 (an CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 711 FIGURE 1. NOAA AR 8040 observed by SOHO/EIT in the Fe XII bandpass (195 Å) on May 21, 1997 at 06:13:09 UT (left panel) and 06:43:10 UT (right panel). Note the dimming in the SW part of the AR in the right panel. is shown in Figure 1). Hence, halo/partial halo CMEs (as observed by LASCO) are not necessary indicators of Earth-directed eruptions. A most interesting problem linked with eruptions is their precursors. It was reported [3, 4, 5] that an eruption in AR is often accompanied by the sigmoid-to-arcade restructuring of this AR seen by Yohkoh/SXT. It is argued [5] that sigmoid represents an S-shaped loop (or a flux tube) stretched along the photospheric magnetic neutral line – an unstable configuration which is then erupted [6]. AR transforms into an unsheared arcade with its axis along the pre-eruption sigmoid. Canfield et al. [4] found 23 sigmoidal ARs in 1997. Later, Glover et al. [7] reported that only 7 of them were truly sigmoidal, others being either projected sigmoidal (when many structures collectively form an S-shaped feature) or non-sigmoidal. Glover et al. [7] stress the need of observational definition of the term “sigmoid”. In the recent work Glover et al. [8] state that a truly sigmoidal AR for most of the time exhibits two J-shaped loops which reconnect and form a true sigmoid just before the eruption. Our analysis of the EIT data leads to a stronger conclusion: S-shaped loops along the neutral line are never observed (at least in our limited data set), see e. g. NOAA AR 8038 – truly sigmoidal according to a modified classification by Glover et al. [7] – in the right panel of Figure 3. In the SXT data “sigmoids” are either interrupted, or partly saturated, or too diffuse to reveal their magnetic structure. EIT images (Figure 3, right panel) show that the overall configuration of AR indeed could be S-shaped (it is even better seen in the 284 Å bandpass), but no single S-shaped loop (flux tube) is observed. Another interesting feature of NOAA AR 8038 (which erupted on May 12, 1997 to produce the event 12, see Thompson et al. [2]) is the origin of its “sigmoidal” struc- of this CME was studied to identify the coronal structure and/or process which is the most probable candidate to be the source of the CME (and of the geomagnetic disturbance). Sometimes no halo/partial halo CMEs were observed during these days. In this case we investigate the EIT data in the 3-day window around the estimated start time. The list of events with their identified sources is shown in Table 1. Three events (numbers 2, 3, 10) are produced by flows from coronal holes (CH), either equatorial ones (event 3) or extensions of polar CHs to the equator (events 2, 10). 7 events (9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21) are produced by eruptions in active regions (AR). Event 11 is a combined event: plasma erupted from the AR is pushed by a faster flow from the CH. 3 events (14, 23, 24) are produced by the eruptions of filaments inside ARs or connected to them. 4 events (4, 6, 17, 18) are produced by filament eruptions outside ARs. (A filament producing event 17 is situated in the remains of decayed AR 8076, and at the time of eruption no sunspots could be seen there.) 4 events (5, 7, 19, 22) have the same source as events of the previous day (4, 6, 18, 21 respectively). These events are either long-duration events or represent long (more than a day) relaxation of the A p index to undisturbed values. Sources of 2 events (1 and 8) are not identified as EIT was baking out. Following examples illustrate the obtained results. Consider the event 13. We note first that it cannot be produced by a flow from a CH because the average velocity of the geoeffective solar wind disturbance was very low (about 360 km s 1 ). During previous two weeks LASCO did not observe a halo/partial halo CME. According to e. g. Thompson et al. [2], Hudson et al. [3], eruptions could be accompanied by coronal dimmings. Indeed, on May 21 EIT detected two eruptions in the NOAA AR 8040 associated with dimmings (the first eruption 712 TABLE 1. List of geomagnetic events in January 1997 – January 1998 with Ap > 20 and their coronal sources observed by SOHO/EIT Event number Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 10.01.97 28.01.97 08.02.97 10.02.97 11.02.97 27.02.97 28.02.97 28.03.97 11.04.97 17.04.97 01.05.97 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 15.05.97 27.05.97 09.06.97 03.08.97 03.09.97 01.10.97 10.10.97 11.10.97 07.11.97 22.11.97 23.11.97 30.12.97 24 07.01.98 Coronal source seen by SOHO/EIT (EIT bakeout) extension of the southern polar CH to the equator CH near the disk center southern polar crown filament eruption same as event 4 filament eruption in the southern hemisphere same as event 6 (EIT bakeout) two eruptions in NOAA AR 8027 extension of the southern polar CH to the equator? eruption in NOAA AR 8035 followed by the flow from the southern polar CH eruption in NOAA AR 8038 eruption in NOAA AR 8040 filament eruption from the west of NOAA AR 8048 eruption in NOAA AR 8066 eruption in decaying NOAA ARs 8076, 8078, 8079 filament eruption in remains of NOAA AR 8076 southern polar crown filament eruption same as event 19 eruption in NOAA AR 8100 eruption in NOAA AR 8108 same as event 21? eruption of the filament channel extending out from NOAA AR 8124 eruption of the filament-like structure to the east of NOAA AR 8130 Start from the Sun – end of Jan. 23 Feb. 5 Feb. 7, 01:05 UT – Feb. 22, 01:18 UT – – Apr. 6, 23:10 UT and Apr. 7, 14:00 UT Apr. 13 Apr. 27, 03:08 UT May 12, 04:50 UT May 21, 06:13 UT and/or 20:42 UT Jun. 1, 22:35 UT Jul. 31, 01:43 UT Aug. 29, 23:24 UT Sep. 27, 17:58 UT Oct. 6, 12:13 UT – Nov. 4, 05:58 UT Nov. 17, 03:51 UT – Dec. 25, 21:49 UT Jan. 2, 22:34 UT FIGURE 2. Remains of NOAA ARs 8076, 8078 and 8079 observed by SOHO/EIT in the Fe XII bandpass (195 Å) on August 30, 1997 at 00:49:26 UT (left panel; note the “sigmoidal” structure) and 01:12:31 UT (right panel; note rising post-eruption loops). 713 FIGURE 3. NOAA AR 8038 observed by SOHO/EIT in the Fe XII bandpass (195 Å) on May 10, 1997 at 11:06:10 UT (left panel), 14:34:10 UT (middle panel) and 23:55:17 UT (right panel). Note the dimming associated with the eruption to the south of the AR in the middle panel and an assembly of small-scale structures forming an overall S-shaped feature in the right panel. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ture on May 10. It appears that the “sigmoid” is formed as a result of another eruption as shown in Figure 3. This AR exhibits an example of the process when “sigmoidal” configuration (unstable?) is formed via an eruption and is destroyed via an eruption as well. Finally, consider event 16 produced by an eruption in the decaying NOAA ARs 8076, 8078 and 8079 on August 29–30, 1997. In the left panel of Figure 2 one can see a “sigmoidal” structure (close to saturation). It is interesting to note that post-eruption loops have the same footpoints as the “sigmoid”, and there is no signature of reconnection although the “sigmoidicity” of that part of the AR disappears. SOHO/LASCO and SOHO/EIT consortiums are acknowledged for the data used during the preparation of this paper. SOHO is a joint ESA–NASA project. The CME catalog used is generated and maintained by the Center for Solar Physics and Space Weather, The Catholic University of America in cooperation with the Naval Research Laboratory and NASA. The authors are grateful to the ACE and WIND teams for open access via Internet to the solar wind data. This work is supported by the Belgian OSTC program for cooperation with Central and Eastern Europe, INTAS–ESA 99-00727 and INTAS 00-752 grants. The work in the Moscow State University is supported by the RFBR, State Program “Astronomy” and the Program “Universities of Russia” grants. CONCLUSIONS We have investigated the coronal sources of geoeffective interplanetary disturbances during the low activity epoch (January 1997 – January 1998). Using the EIT observations of the EUV solar corona, we have preliminarily identified the sources of all 24 geomagnetic events with daily A p index values more than 20. The identification of the source is mostly unambiguous; it is doubtful only in 2 cases (events 10 and 22). It is found that halo/partial halo CMEs observed within LASCO sensitivity limits are not necessary indicators of Earth-directed eruptions (events 13, 14, 15). We propose to use the coronal dimmings observed by EIT as a complementary indicator. Indeed, transient dimmings are associated with all of the events except those produced by flows from CHs. A structure now conventionally called a “sigmoid” cannot be represented as a single S-shaped loop (flux tube) but instead exhibits an assembly of many structures of smaller scale. REFERENCES 1. Bothmer, V., Cargill, P., Dmitriev, A. V., Romashets, E. P., Veselovsky, I. S., Zhukov, A. N., and Yakovchouk, O. S., Solar System Research, 36, 499–506 (2002). 2. Thompson, B. J., Plunkett, S. P., Gurman, J. B., Newmark, J. S., St. Cyr, O. C., and Michels, D. J., GRL, 25, 2465–2468 (1998). 3. Hudson, H. S., Lemen, J. R., St. Cyr, O. C., Sterling, A. C., and Webb, D. F., GRL, 25, 2481–2484 (1998). 4. Canfield, R. C., Hudson, H. S., and McKenzie, D. E., GRL, 26, 627–630 (1999). 5. Sterling, A. C., Hudson, H. S., Thompson, B. J., and Zarro, D. M., ApJ, 532, 628–647 (2000). 6. Rust, D. M., and Kumar, A., ApJ, 464, L199–L202 (1996). 7. Glover, A., Ranns, N. D. R., Harra, L. K., and Culhane, J. L., GRL, 27, 2161–2164 (2000). 8. Glover, A., Ranns, N. D. R., Brown, D. S., Harra, L. K., Matthews, S. 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