Characterization of SEP events at high heliographic latitudes S. Dalla , A. Balogh , S. Krucker†, A. Posner , R. Müller-Mellin , J.D. Anglin‡ , M.Y. Hofer§ , R.G. Marsden§ , T.R. Sanderson§ , B. Heber¶, M. Zhang and R.B. McKibben†† Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London, UK Space Sciences Laboratory, University of California, Berkeley, USA University of Kiel, Germany ‡ National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Canada § Research and Scientific Support Dept. of ESA, ESTEC, The Netherlands ¶ University of Osnabrück, Germany Florida Institute of Technology, USA †† University of Chicago, USA † Abstract. Between February 2000 and May 2002, the Ulysses spacecraft made the first ever measurements of solar energetic particles (SEPs) at high heliographic latitudes. Nine large gradual SEP events were detected at latitudes greater than 45Æ , their signatures being clearest at high particle energies, i.e. protons >30 MeV and electrons >0.1 MeV. In this paper we measure the onset times of Ulysses high latitude events in several energy channels, and plot them versus inverse particle speed. We repeat the procedure for near Earth observations by Wind and SOHO. Velocity dispersion is observed in all the events near Earth and in most of them at Ulysses. The plots of onset times versus inverse speed allow to derive an experimental path length and time of release from the solar atmosphere. We find that the derived path lengths at Ulysses are longer than the length of a Parker spiral magnetic field line connecting it to the Sun, by a factor between 1.2–2.7. The time of particle release from the Sun is typically between 100 and 200 mins later than the relase time derived from in-ecliptic measurements. Unlike near Earth observations, Ulysses measurements are therefore not compatible with scatter-free propagation from the Sun to the spacecraft. INTRODUCTION Ulysses measurements have shown that solar energetic particles (SEPs) can easily reach high latitudes [1]. Three possible explanations for these observations are as follows: (a) the CME shocks accelerating the particles extended to high latitudes and crossed the interplanetary magnetic field lines connecting to Ulysses; (b) the CME shocks did not extend to high latitudes but significant particle cross-field diffusion took place [2]; and (c) magnetic field lines connecting high latitudes with low latitude active regions existed in the solar corona, allowing particles to reach high latitudes close to the Sun [3]. Onset time analysis can provide a measurement of the distance travelled by particles prior to their arrival at a spacecraft (path length), and of their release time from the solar atmosphere. Experimental values of the path length for high latitude SEP events could be used to constrain models of particle and cosmic ray propagation. In this paper we analyse onset times for 9 high latitude events using data from the Ulysses COSPIN experiment. We measure the onset times in several energy channels, and plot them versus c v where v is the particle speed and c the speed of light. This allows us to verify whether dispersion is observed, and to calculate the apparent path length travelled by the particles. We compare Ulysses measurements with those by near Earth spacecraft. DATA ANALYSIS Figure 1 shows an overview plot of SEP measurements by the Ulysses COSPIN/KET instrument between January 2000 and May 2002. During this time Ulysses travelled over the South Pole of the Sun, then moved northwards crossing the ecliptic and passing over the North Pole. We considered times when the spacecraft latitude was 45Æ (the non shaded parts of Figure 1). We selected SEP events producing large count rates in the KET 38125 MeV proton channel and obtained a list of 9 events. Details of the events, and of their associated Soft-X-Ray flares, are given in Table 1. During the events, Ulysses’ distance from the Sun was between 1.63 and 3.28 AU, and for most its latitude was between 70 Æ and 80Æ . All 9 events in our list were observed near Earth. In fact, a comparison of Ulysses with IMP8 profiles shows CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 656 TABLE 1. SEP events at high latitudes event n year date doy SXR onset 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2000 2000 2000 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 14 Jul 12 Sep 8 Nov 15 Aug 24 Sep 4 Nov 22 Nov 26 Dec 21 Apr 196 256 313 227 267 308 326 360 111 10:03 12:13 22:42 23:54 09:36 16:03 20:22 04:32 00:59 flare loc. SXR class RUlysses (AU) Ulysses heliolat N22 W07 S17 W09 N10 W77 S16 E23 N06 W18 S25 W67 N08 W54 S14 W84 X 5.7 M 1.0 M 7.4 X 2.6 X 1.8 M 3.8 M 7.1 X 1.5 3.17 2.80 2.41 1.63 1.90 2.18 2.31 2.54 3.28 -62.1 -70.9 -79.3 +63.1 +78.2 +77.6 +73.7 +66.7 +47.9 onset of associated CME (no SXR flare) Ulysses/KET count rates (s -1) 1e+2 1e+1 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 9 8 1e+0 1e-1 1e-2 p 38-125 MeV p125-180 MeV (/100) 1e-3 1e-4 1e-5 2000.0 2000.2 2000.4 2000.6 2000.8 2001.0 2001.2 2001.4 2001.6 2001.8 2002.0 2002.2 FIGURE 1. Overview of Ulysses SEP high latitude measurements, for two COSPIN/KET proton channels. Times when the spacecraft was at latitudes 45Æ are shaded in grey and were not considered in this study. that at energies above 10 MeV almost all large events near Earth produce significant increases at Ulysses [1]. Onset time analysis For a particle of energy E, the time t s c of arrival at the detecting spacecraft is given by: ts c E tSun L v E proton dispersion compatible with path length of 1.2 AU, but proton release delayed by about 1 hour from electron release. The second class had events with simultaneous release of protons and electrons (within uncertainties of 20 mins), but proton dispersion indicating a path length of 2 AU. Instruments and onset time measurement (1) where tSun is the time of particle release at the Sun, L is the path length and v is the particle speed. The quantities tSun and L are assumed to be independent of energy in eq.(1). If this is the case, onset times plotted versus 1 v lie on a straigth line, whose slope gives the path length and intercept with the y-axis the time of particle release. In their analysis of Wind/3DP data Krucker et al. measured L and tSun for several medium-sized SEP events, and found that they could be divided into 2 classes [4]. The first class consisted of events with both electron and 657 We used energetic particle data from the Ulysses COSPIN experiment and from Wind/3DP and Soho/COSTEP near Earth. The COSPIN experiment consists of several separate energetic particle detectors. We measured electron onset times from the HET instrument (electrons 3–5 MeV). For proton measurements we have used channels from the HET, ATs and HFT. Most of the HET proton channels are contaminated by electrons during the onset of SEP events. For some of these channels we were able to subtract the electron contributions. For Ulysses, we used spin-averaged data. The FIGURE 2. Plots of onset time versus cv near Earth (empty symbols) and at Ulysses (filled symbols). The theoretical length Lp (in AU) of the Parker spiral to Ulysses and the angle α between the flare and Ulysses’ footpoint are given. The last plot gives an indication of the dispersion curves that would be expected for 3 different path lengths and injection at t=0. 658 pitch angle of the particles responsible for the measured onset might not be zero, as is implied by eq.(1). This would result in the experimental path length being larger than the actual path length by a factor 1 cos θ , with θ the pitch angle of the first arriving particles. A non zero pitch angle would lead to underestimating the release time. Wind/3DP electron data at zero pitch angle and Soho/COSTEP electron and proton data were used. We determined onset times by following the procedure outlined by Krucker et al. [5]. This involves subtraction of the pre-event background and calculation of its standard deviation σ . The upper limit t upper to the onset time is the time at which the particle count rate reaches 4σ . The onset time tonset is the first time prior to tupper for which particle counts are above zero. The error bar on each value of the onset time is given by 2 (t upper -tonset ). Onset times were determined from 10 or 20 min averaged data for Ulysses and from 64 s averages for Wind data. For a channel measuring particles of energy in the range between E min and Emax , the measured onset time has been assigned to the speed v E max , within the assumption that the fastest particles arrive first. For the few channels for which a more accurate estimate of the most probable speed existed, its value has been used. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figure 2 shows plots of onset times versus c v for 7 high latitude events. Empty symbols are for near Earth channels and filled symbols for Ulysses ones. In the plots, t=0 is the time of onset of the associated SXR flare. For each event we have calculated the nominal length L p of the Parker spiral magnetic field line that would connect Ulysses to the Sun, using the measured solar wind speed. We have also calculated the angle α between the location of the Ulysses footpoint and the solar flare associated to the event. Both at Ulysses and near Earth, reasonable agreement in the onset times measured by different instruments is seen. For events 1,3 and 8, it was not possible to determine onset times at low energies at Ulysses. For event 1, this is due to intensities not being at background level prior to the flare, for 3 to data gaps and for 8 to very likely contamination by higher energy protons in the low energy channels. Plots of onset times are not reproduced for events 7 and 9, the former having large pre-event fluxes which make onsets unreliable, and the latter because some of the data was not yet available. We observe that Wind/3DP electron onsets are consistent with scatter-free propagation along a field line of length 1.2 AU. For event 3, instrumental problems are hiding the velocity dispersion. A first correction for the instrumental effect shows that also this event is consis- 659 tent with scatter-free propagation. The release time deduced from Ulysses onset times is much later than the one found from near Earth observations. For most events, the Ulysses release time is approximately 100 to 200 mins after the Wind release time. Exceptions are event 8, for which the delay in release is 60 mins, and event 3 for which it is 260 mins. Path lengths deduced from the Ulysses plots are larger than the nominal length of the Parker spiral to the spacecraft. Approximate fits to the plots in Figure 2 give a ratio between L and LParker between 1.2 and 2.7. SUMMARY In 6/7 of the events, the release time deduced from high latitude onsets is delayed by more than 100 minutes with respect to the release time deduced from near Earth measurements. • Path lengths derived from Ulysses measurements are larger than the length of a Parker spiral through the spacecraft, by factors between 1.2 and 2.7. • We conclude that onset times at high latitudes are not compatible with direct scatter-free propagation along a magnetic field line. • The large path lengths and late release times suggest that propagation to high latitudes requires scattering. • ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge use of the Ulysses Data System. S.D. acknowledges support from PPARC through a PostDoctoral Fellowship. M.Y.H. thanks ESA for the current research Fellowship. REFERENCES 1. 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