Ubiquitous Suprathermal Tails on the Solar Wind and Pickup Ion Distributions George Gloeckler Department of Physics and IPST, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA Abstract. Using time-of flight mass spectrometers on Ulysses and ACE we measure the velocity distributions of particles in the poorly explored suprathermal range that extends from about twice to fifty times the solar wind speed. We find that H+, He++ and He+ are always present in this energy (or speed) range at variable intensity levels that depend on solar wind conditions. Contrary to most common expectations, even during most quiet times, in the absence of shocks and other interplanetary disturbances, suprathermal power-law tails on solar wind distributions are observed that extend to the highest energies measured. Suprathermal tails are observed in distributions of solar wind and interstellar pickup ions, not just for protons but also in distributions of all heavy ions that can be measured. Tails are seen in the quiet and disturbed slow wind, as well as in the super-quiet fast wind from polar coronal holes. Instead of diminishing rapidly with heliocentric distance, tails are found to persist to at least 5.4 AU and become harder. We suggest that preaccelerated particles contained in these tails may well be the population that is injected for further acceleration by shocks. It remains unknown what processes produce these tails and whether these tails persist to very large distances. INTRODUCTION Pre-accelerated particles contained in these tails may well be the population that is injected for further acceleration by shocks. We review observations from Ulysses and ACE of energy spectra of solar wind and pickup ions observed in the fast and slow quiet solar wind, and contrast these with those found in association with heliospheric shocks. Explaining the origin of these ubiquitous tails remains a challenge. There is little dispute that shocks are among the prime accelerators of particles in and beyond our solar system. A prime example is Anomalous Cosmic Rays that are most likely accelerated to their highest energies (hundreds of MeV) by the heliospheric termination shock. Yet a major difficulty with the shock acceleration mechanism is the injection problem. Shocks alone may not be able to efficiently accelerate particles below some threshold energy of about 100 keV/nuc. Observations of heliospheric suprathermal ions begin to provide some answers. We find that in the quiet solar wind, in the absence of all kinds of interplanetary shocks and strong turbulence associated with such shocks, in the absence of waves and compression regions, etc., solar wind and interstellar pickup ion velocity distributions have pronounced and persistent high-energy tails. The distribution functions of these ions are non-maxwellian with strong powerlaw tails to the highest energies observed. These tails are not generated in the process of solar wind acceleration because they also appear in distributions of interstellar pickup ions that are absent near the Sun. They are observed not just for protons but also in distributions of all heavy ions that were measured. OBSERVATIONS OF SUPRATHERMAL TAILS Measurements presented here were made using the Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) instruments on Ulysses (1) and ACE (2). SWICS is an ion mass vs. mass/charge spectrometer in which energy/charge analysis, followed by post-acceleration, is combined with a time-of-flight and energy measurement to determine the mass/charge, mass and energy of ions from ~0.6 to 60 (Ulysses) and ~100 (ACE) keV/charge. The Ulysses orbit spans heliocentric distances between 1.4 and 5.4 AU and all latitudes from +80° to –80°. ACE orbits around L-1 at ~1 AU in the ecliptic plane. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 583 F(W) Phase Space Density (s3/km6) SWICS Ulysses 10 9 10 7 H 3 1 10-1 He++ 2 He + Ftail = 6•(W-1) - 5.6 60 Ftail = 0.4•(W-1) - 5.1 10 -3 1 2 4 W Ion Speed/Solar Wind Speed 7 10 14 10 10 10 12 He 10 8 O 10 6 Fe 10 4 10 2 100 SWICS 10 3 F=Const•E -1.75 ULEIS 10 4 10 5 SIS 10 6 10 7 Kinetic Energy (eV/nucleon) CRIS 10 8 10 9 such as shocks and compression regions of CIRs that are known to produce distributions with strong suprathermal tails (4, 5) and to accelerate particles (see e.g. reference 6). These accelerated particles, however, would rapidly lose energy by adiabatic cooling in the expanding solar wind and the suprathermal tails of their distributions would decay in a matter of days. + Ftail = 24•(W-1) - 5.1 10 -5 Rave = 5.26 AU th 10 1016 FIGURE 2. Fluence of He, O, and Fe during a 33-month long time period at 1 AU during nearly the same phase in the solar cycle as in Figure 1. (From reference 3). These are the average spectra seen by the bow shock of Earth. No time periods were excluded from these averages. V = 18.6 km/s 5 He, O, and Fe Fluences (10/97 to 6/00) 1018 102 VSW = 403 km/s 10 10 Fluence (particles/cm sr-MeV/nucleon) In order to establish a baseline against which other spectra will be compared, we show in Figure 1 the average velocity distributions of H+, He+ and He++ that were obtained during a two-year time period when Ulysses was in the slow wind, near its aphelion at ~5 AU, and close to the ecliptic plane. The spectra are complicated, being a mixture of several distinct components: (a) the solar wind which peaks at W ≈ 1 and has a non-maxwellian distribution, (b) the relatively flat spectra of the interstellar pickup ions with a cutoff at W ≈ 2, and (c) well developed suprathermal tails above W ≈ 2 that are reasonably good power laws in the solar wind frame with indices of 5.1 for H+, He++ and 5.6 for He+. In these tails there is more He+ than He++ and the H+/He++ ratio of 60 indicates acceleration occurs at W ~ 1.5 (where this ratio is also 60) and not the at the bulk SW, at W = 1, where the H+/He++ ratio is considerably larger. In order to establish the time history of particle densities in the suprathermal tail regions we show in Figure 3 the count rate of all ions (mostly protons) with speeds above 2.3 times the ambient solar wind speed (i.e. W > 2.3). The top panel is for a time period during the declining phase from solar maximum when forward-reverse shocks and compression regions of CIRs were common. Acceleration of suprathermal ions by shocks (indicated by solid and dotted vertical lines) is clearly visible especially for the strongest shocks and in CIRs between forward-reverse shock pairs, such as the one identified by the shaded area in the panel. Sometimes there is modest acceleration when no shocks are observed, for example, between DOY91 ~110 to ~115, ~175 to 185 and 192 to 200. However, there are few, if any, 6-hour intervals when no suprathermal ions are seen. 10 FIGURE 1. Phase space density of H+, He++ and He+ vs. W, the normalized ion speed. These baseline distributions, measured with SWICS on Ulysses, were averaged over a two year period (1997.108-1999.108). No time periods were excluded. These represent the average typical spectra at the bow shock of Jupiter during a 2-year period. The distributions of every species measured show power law tails extending to 50 times the solar wind speed. This is illustrated in Figure 2 (from reference 3) which shows the fluence of He, O and Fe measured with mass spectrometers on ACE. In these long-term averaged spectra we see the slow and fast solar wind, interstellar pickup He (the small bump at about 2•104 eV), particles accelerated in CIRs and by traveling shocks, and solar energetic particles. Suprathermal tails extend to energies beyond tens of MeV and are power laws between ~20 to 2,000 keV/nuc. The power law index is ~1.75 which is equivalent to 5.5 for phase space density vs. ion speed. The power law index is about the same for He, O and Fe. These distributions were averaged over long time periods and thus include contributions from particles of various sources, In the middle panel we show a 110 day time period in 1998 when Ulysses was at low latitudes, at ~5 AU in the slow wind during the ascending phase from solar minimum. CMEs were predominant during that phase of the solar cycle. The maximum rate observed, indicated by the arrow head on the left, is almost a factor of 10 lower than the maximum rate in 1991. During counterstreaming electron events, most likely CMEs, the rates are low. The highest rates are 584 – – – – * ** SWICS Ulysses * * – ** – * ** – * * 4 ** 10 (a) 102 Counts in 6 hours 100 100 120 140 DOY 1991 160 180 200 4 10 (b) 2 10 0 10 280 300 4 10 320 DOY 1998 340 360 380 North Polar Coronal Hole W > 2.3 2 10 (c) 0 10 140 160 180 DOY 1995 200 220 240 FIGURE 3. Counts in 6 hours of ions (mostly protons) in the suprathermal regions (W > 2.3) of the velocity distributions in three 110-day long periods: (a) during the declining phase from solar maximum in 1991 at low latitudes between ~3 and ~4 AU; (b) during the ascending phase from solar minimum in 1998 at low latitudes and ~5 AU; and (c) at solar minimum in 1995 at high latitudes in the north polar coronal hole. In panel (a) forward shock times are indicated by dotted vertical lines and reverse shocks by solid lines (from a list in reference 7). Approximate shock strengths are indicated by ‘**’ for Ms (sonic Mach number) ≥ 2, ‘*’ for 1.5 ≤ Ms < 2 and ‘–’ for Ms < 1.5. In panel (b) counterstreaming electron events (J. Gosling, private communication) are indicated by the hatched vertical bars. observed behind shocks (e.g. around DOY98.331). There are hardly any 6-hour intervals when no suprathermal ions (W > 2.3) are seen. tails as is illustrated in Figure 4 (see also references 4 and 5). For all three species the distribution functions between the forward–reverse shock pairs of a CIR are quite similar and the suprathermal tails are power laws (in the solar wind frame), each having the same index of 4.5. The spectra directly behind the forward shock of November 27, 1998 (most likely associated with the CME that follows it (see panel (b) of Figure 3) are also similar to one another. The suprathermal tails (above W ≈ 2.3) are again power laws. The indices, while close to 4.5, are somewhat different among the three ion species. The tail spectra of all the species in both the CIR and CME associated shocks are harder (less steep) than the tails in the 1997-1999 baseline distributions shown in Figure 1. The bottom panel of Figure 3 shows the counting rate of suprathermal ions during a 110-day period in 1995 when Ulysses was at high latitudes in the north polar coronal hole at solar minimum. No shocks were recorded during the entire time period. The rates are very low but steady. Detailed mass vs. mass/charge analysis of the triple coincidence pulse-height data clearly shows that the counts are real (H+, He++ and He+) and not due to some instrumental background. Clearly suprathermal particles are present in the superquiet solar wind, far removed from any shocks. In Figure 5 we compare the baseline proton distribution from Figure 1 and that measured from 1991.088 to 1993.108 during the declining phase from solar maximum, to the CIR shock-associated H+ spectrum shown in the top panel of Figure 4. As expected, the Velocity Distribution Behind Shocks Shocks are powerful particle accelerators. They heat the solar wind and produce strong suprathermal 585 SWICS Ulysses 10 4 Between F-R Shocks R = 3.54 AU Vth = 47.4 V = 550 km/s SW (s3/km6) 2 10 0 Phase Space Density 60 10 10-2 10 6 10 4 10 2 10 0 F tail = Const•(W-1) - 4.5 H+ 60 He + He ++ 1998.331.00:00-333.12:00 After F- Shock R = 5.25 AU Vth = 40.1 V = 498 km/s F SW tail 10-2 (s3/km6) 6 F(W) Phase Space Density 10 SWICS Ulysses 1991.185.00:00-188.18:00 = Const•(W-1) + He γ = 4.9 0.6 0.8 1 + 3 5 1991.185.00-188.18 between F-R Shocks γ = 4.5 103 101 10-1 V SW 1991.088-1993.108 = 500 km/s V = 21.3 km/s th γ = 4.5 10-3 10-5 1997.108-1999.108 V = 403 km/s V = 18.6 km/s SW 1 th 2 γ = 5.1 4 W Ion Speed/Solar Wind Speed 7 10 only those times which have less than 4 counts in any six-hour period. This selection threshold is indicated by the dotted horizontal lines in all panels of Figure 3. It is evident from Figure 3 that most of such time periods are far removed from shocks. He γ = 4.0 W Ion Speed/Solar Wind Speed 10 H+ FIGURE 5. Two-year averaged baseline distributions of H+ (1991.088-1993.108 and 1997.108-1999.108) and the proton spectrum in the CIR compression region from Figure 4. -γ H γ = 4.4 ++ 10 7 5 The proton velocity distributions during quiet times in the CME-dominated slow wind (1997-99) and in the super-quiet wind of the two polar coronal holes are shown in Figure 6. The intensity in the tail of the quiet-time slow wind is down by about a factor of 5 to 6 from the baseline (dashed curve) tail intensity, but the spectral shape is the same for both. In the polar coronal holes a power-law suprathermal tail is also observed. However, the tail found in polar coronal holes is very weak and soft (steep) with an index of about 8. It seems extremely unlikely that these quiet-time tails, especially in the polar coronal holes, are remnants of particles accelerated by remote shocks. FIGURE 4. Averaged velocity distribution of H+, He+ and He++ associated with CIR forward and reverse shocks (top panel) and a CME driven shock (bottom panel). The averaging time periods are indicated in each panel and correspond to the dark shaded regions in Figure 3. The location of Ulysses and average solar wind bulk and thermal speeds are also listed in each panel. most intense (strongest) tails are found in the shock associated proton distribution which is also characterized by the highest thermal speed. The 1991-93 baseline tail has the same power law index as the CIR tail but is about a factor of 10 weaker. The 1997-99 baseline distribution has the steepest and weakest tail, and the lowest solar wind thermal speed compared to the two other populations. This implies that the CIR-dominated solar wind of 1991 to 1993 is more effective in heating the solar wind and producing suprathermal tails than the CME-dominated solar wind of 1997 to 1999 following solar minimum. Quiet-Time Tails at 1 AU and 5.3 AU We examine changes in the quiet-time suprathermal tails with heliocentric distance by comparing in Figure 7 the spectra of protons measured at 1 AU by SWICS on ACE in 1999, with that measured at 5.26 AU by SWICS on Ulysses during 1997.108-1999.108, the CME-dominated phase of the solar cycle. The velocity distributions differ in several respects. The solar wind at 5.26 AU is cooler than it is at 1 AU. Pickup H+, invisible at ACE, is clearly seen at 5.26 AU for 1.4 < W < 2.2. But the most interesting result is that the quiet-time proton tail spectrum above W ≈ 2.3 at 5.26 AU is stronger and harder than at 1 AU. Evidently, suprathermal proton tails, rather than Suprathermal Tails During Quiet Times In the super-quiet period in the polar coronal hole wind during solar minimum the count rate of ions above W = 2.3 never exceeded 3 counts in a six-hour interval as was shown in Figure 3(c). We use this maximum rate to select quiet times in the turbulent slow solar wind (see top two panels of Figure 3) to be 586 diminishing due to adiabatic cooling, continue to be regenerated in the expanding solar wind, even during quiet times in the absence of shocks. SWICS Ulysses and ACE H+ 107 Quiet-time Slow Solar Wind F(W) Phase Space Density 3 6 (s /km ) 109 DISCUSSION F(W) Phase Space Density (s3/km6) We have shown that everywhere in the heliosphere where measurements could be made, suprathermal tails, extending to the highest measurable energies, are always present. They exist not only in the baseline solar wind, but also during quiet times far removed from shocks that are well known to accelerate particles. Suprathermal tails are seen even in the super-quiet solar wind of polar coronal holes. They are observed in solar wind and pickup ion distributions, 10 H 6 + Baseline Quiet 102 100 10-2 10-4 10 -6 Polar Coronal Holes γ = 8.0 Ftail = Const•(W-1) - γ 1 2 4 W Ion Speed/Solar Wind Speed 7 101 10-1 10 -3 10 -5 5.26 AU γ = 5.1 60 quiet days in 1999 1 AU γ = 6.2 Ftail = Const•(W-1) - γ 1 2 4 7 W Ion Speed/Solar Wind Speed 10 the way to the termination shock, then ions in these tails would be the seed populations for the Anomalous Cosmic Rays (ACRs) accelerated by the termination shock. In Figure 8 we show that this may indeed be the case. The quiet-time He+ spectrum measured at ~5 AU was projected to the termination shock assumed to be at 100 AU. A least- squares power-law fit to the suprathermal tail between 5 and 19 keV/nuc, extrapolated to 1 MeV/nuc connects to the lowest two He points measured at 77 AU by Voyager 1 (9) which are most likely the high-energy end of the He+ tail at 77 AU rather than the He ACRs. Presence of suprathermal tails at the termination shock would solve the injection problem for termination shock acceleration of ACRs, especially in the strong- shock case. Slow Solar Wind 1997.108-1999.108 γ = 5.1 104 1997.108-1999.108 (x27.7) 103 FIGURE 7. Quiet-time spectra of protons at 1 AU and 5.26 AU in 1999. The Ulysses spectrum is that from Figure 6 multiplied by R2 = 27.7. During the CME-dominated phase the tail at Ulysses is harder (less steep). SWICS Ulysses 108 105 10 FIGURE 6. Quiet-time proton spectra in the CME-dominated slow solar wind (1997.108-1999.108) and in polar coronal holes (1994.001-365 and 1995.090-1996.210). The 1997-99 baseline proton suprathermal tail (from Figure 1) is indicated by the dashed curve. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS and for light and heavy ions. These tails are powerlaws in speed (or energy/nucleon) with similar indices for different species. The hardest spectra and the strongest tails are found in shock-associated distributions, the softest and weakest tails in the super-quiet wind of solar-minimum polar coronal holes. Long term averages of velocity distributions (baseline distributions) of H+, He+, and He++ in the slow solar wind show well developed tails that are approximately power-laws in speed W (in the solar wind frame) with indices between ~5 and ~5.5. These baseline distributions include particles accelerated in a variety of ways. In the tails, the intensity of He+ is higher than that of He++ implying that ions in the tails come predominantly from outside the thermal part of the solar wind distribution (W ≈ 1), e.g. from portions of the distribution where W > ~1.5. Power-law tails of baseline He, O and Fe distributions at 1 AU have the same indices, ~5.5, and extend to energies of several MeV/nuc (speeds up to 50 times the solar wind speed). The ions contained in the quiet-time tails are most likely to be the particles accelerated most efficiently by CIR and CME shocks, as well as bow shocks of planets such as Earth and Jupiter. Since the tails extend to beyond 10s of keV, they provide a pre-accelerated population, thus solving the shock injection problem. If tails continue to be generated in the quiet wind beyond the ~5 AU of present observations, all 587 -1 2 Differential Flux (cm s sr MeV/nuc) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Pickup He 1997.108-1999.108 x(1/20) + 10 5 10 3 10 1 10 -1 10 -3 10 -5 The essential contributions of the many individuals (see reference 1 and 2) at the Universities of Maryland and Bern, the Max-Planck-Institut für Aeronomie, and the Technical University of Braunschweig who contributed to the success of the SWICS experiments on Ulysses and ACE are most gratefully acknowledged. I thank L. A. Fisk, N. A. Schwadron and T. H. Zurbuchen for stimulating discussions, G. M. Mason for kindly provided the time periods of the 60 quiet days in 1999, and Christine Gloeckler for her essential help with data reduction. This work was supported in part by NASA/Caltech grant NAG5-6912 and NASA/JPL contract 955460. Baseline strong shock Quiet-time Ftail = A•E•(E 1/2 - 1)-6.9 ACR He dj/dE ≈ B•E -2.45 0.001 0.01 0.1 weak shock 1 Energy (MeV/nuc) 10 100 REFERENCES FIGURE 8. Differential intensity vs. energy per nucleon of baseline He+ (from Figure 1) and quiet-time He+ during 1997 to 1999, and ACR He measured by Voyager 1 at ~75 AU in 1998-1999.182 (8), open circles, and in 2000 (9), open squares. Dashed and dotted curves are respectively strong and weak shock model fits to the 1998-99 ACR He (9). The He+ distributions were reduced by a factor of 20 to account for the 1/R decrease in density of interstellar pickup helium at the termination shock at ~100 AU. The solid curve is the fit of the form indicated in the figure to the quiet-time He+ spectrum from 5 to 19 keV/nuc, extended to 1 MeV/nuc. 1. Gloeckler, G., et al., Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 92, 267-289 (1992). 2. Gloeckler, G., et al., Space Sci. Rev. 71, 79-124 (1995). 3. Mewaldt, R. A., et al., “Long-Term Fluences of Energetic Particles in the Heliosphere” in Solar and Galactic Composition, edited by R. F. WimmerSchweingruber, AIP Conference Proceedings 598, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2001, pp. 165-169. Tails are observed during quiet time periods in the slow solar wind. These periods are far removed from shocks, waves, CIR compression and high turbulence regions which are known to accelerate particles. The intensity of quiet-time tails is lower by a factor of 5 to 6 from baseline but their power-law index is the same as baseline. Power-law tails are present in polar coronal holes, where no shocks, waves or CIRs are observed. Compared to baseline distributions, these super-quiet tails are weaker by factors of 100 or more and steeper (index ~8). Quiet-time tails persist undiminished to distances of at least 5 AU (as sampled by Ulysses) and become harder (index decreases). Because quiet-time tails persist to large distances and are seen also for pickup He, we can rule out that they are formed during solar wind acceleration close to the Sun. What mechanism produces the quiet-time suprathermal tails still remains an open question. 4. Gloeckler, G., Space Sci. Rev. 89, 91-104 (1999). 5. Gloeckler, G., Fisk, L. A., Zurbuchen, T. H., Schwadron, N. A., “Sources, Injection and Acceleration of Heliospheric Ion Populations” in Acceleration and Transport of Energetic Particles Observed in the Heliosphere, edited by R. A. Mewaldt et al., AIP Conference Proceedings 528, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2000, pp. 221-228. 6. Mason, G. M., and Sanderson, T. R., Space Sci. Rev. 89, 77-90 (1999). 7. Balogh, A., Gonzales-Esparza, J., A., Forsyth, R. J., Burton, M. E., Goldstein, B. E., and Bame, S. J., et al., Space Sci. Rev. 72, 171-180 (1995). 8. Cummings, A. C., Stone, E. C., and Steenberg, C. D., Astrophys. J. 578, 194-210 (2002). Quiet-time suprathermal tails are most likely the seed population for particles accelerated by CIR and CME shocks and bow shock of planets. Should these tails continue to the outer regions of the heliosphere, as appears to be the case, then they could well be the source of ACRs accelerated by the termination shock. 9. Krimigis, S. M., Decker, R. B., Hamilton, D.C., Hill, M. E., and Gloeckler G., “Survey of Energetic Particles Observed at Voyager 1 and 2 During 1999-2001” in Proceedings of the 27th ICRC, pp. 3607-3610. 588
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