On the role of coherent and stochastic fluctuations in the evolving solar wind MHD turbulence: Intermittency R. Bruno , V. Carbone†, L. Sorriso–Valvo† and B. Bavassano † Istituto Fisica Spazio Interplanetario del CNR, 00133 Roma, Italy Dipartimento di Fisica Università della Calabria, 87036 Rende (Cs), Italy Abstract. One of the most interesting findings about solar wind turbulence is the intermittent character of its fluctuations. So far, intermittency has been studied, within solar wind context, only for scalar quantities neglecting to include in the study also vector fluctuations. In this paper we compare magnetic field and wind velocity intermittency computed for both scalar and vector fluctuations. We confirm that intermittency generally increases with radial distance from the sun only for fast wind and we suggest that at the basis of this behavior is a competing action between coherent structures imbedded in the wind and Alfvénic stochastic fluctuations propagating within the wind. The radial evolution experienced by these two components is rather different and consistent with the observed radial increase of intermittency in the inner heliosphere. INTRODUCTION Solar wind turbulence is strongly anisotropic and poorly single scale–invariant (see [13] and references therein for an extensive review on this and on related subjects), two fundamental hypotheses at the base of Kolmogorov’s theory [8]. Moreover, the study of these fluctuations by means of conventional spectral analysis is strongly limited by the non-Gaussianity of their probability distribution function (PDF), which makes the second order moment of the distribution no longer the limiting order. As a consequence, it becomes necessary to look at higher order moments of the PDFs, which are built directly from the differences of the fluctuating field over all the possible spatial scales. This is usually done in the framework of the so-called multifractal approach [7]. The first time this new approach was employed within the solar wind context [4], it showed that interplanetary magnetic field and velocity fluctuations are highly intermittent. This feature implies that small turbulent eddies are less and less space filling if turbulence is looked at in the framework of a classical Richardson’s cascade. Thus, the global scale invariance required in the Kolmogorov theory would become a local scale invariance where different fractal sets are characterized by different scaling exponents [5]. These first results obtained for the solar wind [4] also showed an unexpected similarity to those obtained for laboratory turbulence, unraveling consistency between observations on scales of 1 AU and laboratory observations on scales of meters. Further studies [9] addressed the radial evolution of intermittency within the inner heliosphere concluding that the Alfvénic tur- bulence observed in fast streams starts from the Sun as self–similar but then, during the expansion, decorrelates becoming multifractal. On the contrary, it was found that slow wind did not suffer a similar radial evolution [12]. Sorriso et al., [11] studied quantitatively the effect of intermittency on the PDFs of the increments over different scales adopting Castaing’s model [6]. This model is based on the idea of a log–normal energy cascade and the non-Gaussian behavior of the PDF’s at small scales can be represented by a convolution of Gaussians whose variances are distributed according to a log-normal distribution. As a matter of fact, large scales PDFs closely resemble Gaussian distributions but, at smaller scales the tails of the distributions become more and more stretched. Moreover, techniques recently adopted in the context of solar wind turbulence and based on the wavelet decomposition of time series [14] allowed to show that some of the events causing intermittency are either compressive phenoma like shocks or planar sheets like tangential discontinuities separating adjacent flux–tubes [3]. Intermittency can be estimated looking at the behavior of the flatness factor of the PDFs built at different scales. If this parameter increases as the scale of interest becomes smaller our time series can be considered intermittent [7]. Having adopted this definition of intermittency, we studied the radial behavior of the flatness factor at different scales as a function of the solar wind velocity regime within the inner heliosphere. The study was performed for magnetic field and velocity fluctuations as reported in the following sections. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 453 TABLE 1. From left to right: time interval in dd:hh, heliocentric distance in AU, average wind velocity in km/sec Fast Wind: 0.9AU, radial distance 46:00–48:00 49:12–51:12 72:00–74:00 75:12–77:12 99:12–101:12 105:12–107:12 0.90 0.88 0.69 0.65 0.34 0.29 433 643 412 630 405 729 20 flatness time interval <V> 25 0.7AU, 0.3AU MAGNETIC FIELD: SCALAR FLUCTUATIONS 15 10 5 0 10 DATA ANALYSIS 2 25 10 3 10 4 10 5 MAGNETIC FIELD: VECTOR FLUCTUATIONS F (τ ) = ξ 4 (τ ) > 2 2 < ξ (τ ) > < (1) where τ is the scale of interest and ξ p(τ ) =< jV (t + τ ) V (t )j p > is the Structure Function of order p of the generic function V (t ). The flatness factor can be studied for both scalar and vector fluctuations (also called compressive and directional fluctuations, respectively) of velocity and magnetic field vectors. As a matter of fact, a fluctuating vector field encompasses two distinct contributions, a compressive one that modifies the strength, or intensity, of the fluctuations and can be expressed as δ j ~B(t ; τ )j = j~B(t + τ )j j~B(t )j and a directional contribution that acts on the vector orientation and can be expressed as δ ~B(t ; τ ) = ∑i=x;y;z (Bi (t + τ ) Bi(t ))2 . Obviously, δ ~B(t ; τ ) takes into account also compressive contributions and the expression δ ~B(t ; τ ) jδ j~B(t ; τ )jj is always true. In the section that follows we will describe the radial behavior of the flatness factor F for both scalar and vector fluctuations, for both velocity and magnetic field and for both q 454 flatness 20 For this analysis we used 81 sec averages of magnetic field and plasma data recorded by Helios 2 s/c during its first solar mission in 1976. Helios orbit was such that allowed us to observe the same corotating fast stream at different heliocentric distances during consecutive solar rotations. Thus, in the hypothesis of stationary solar wind source conditions, we can estimate possible radial gradients of physical parameters. Together with these fast streams we also included in our analysis the slow wind interval preceding each stream having care of avoiding any stream interface. Time intervals, heliocentric distances and solar wind speed are reported in Table 1. One of the characteristics of these fast streams is that they are notorious for being dominated by strong Alfvénic fluctuations and offer a unique opportunity to observe the radial evolution of MHD turbulence within the inner heliosphere [13]. We computed, scale by scale, the following flatness estimator 15 10 5 0 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 scale[sec] FIGURE 1. Flatness factor F for scalar and vector magnetic field differences as a function of time scale expressed in seconds are shown at the top and bottom panels, respectively.The three different symbols refer to three different heliocentric distances as illustrated at the top of the Figure. Time intervals refer to fast wind. fast and slow wind. From the comparison of the radial behavior of these two quantities we can infer useful hints that can help us to better interpret the radial evolution of the intermittency observed in the solar wind MHD turbulence. Radial dependence of magnetic field and velocity intermittency Flatness factor F for both scalar and vector differences are shown in Figure 1 for magnetic field as a function of time scale expressed in seconds. The three different curves in each panel, which refer to fast wind observed at the three heliocentric distances we chose, show that flatness increases with distance for both kinds of fluctuations. In particular, the smallest scales are the least Gaussian while, the largest scales are rather Gaussian (flatness close to 3) and not influenced by the radial excursion. In addition, since F increases at small scales more slowly for directional fluctuations than for scalar fluctuations, these last ones can be considered more intermittent. It is interesting to compare this behavior to that shown within slow wind as illustrated in Figure 2. The most striking Slow Wind: 0.9AU, Fast Wind: 0.9AU, 0.3AU 25 MAGNETIC FIELD: SCALAR FLUCTUATIONS 20 20 15 15 flatness flatness 25 0.7AU, 10 5 0.3AU 10 5 0 0 10 2 25 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 2 25 MAGNETIC FIELD: VECTOR FLUCTUATIONS 20 20 15 15 flatness flatness 0.7AU, WIND VELOCITY: SCALAR FLUCTUATIONS 10 5 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 5 WIND VELOCITY: VECTOR FLUCTUATIONS 10 5 0 0 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 scale[sec] 2 10 3 10 4 scale[sec] FIGURE 2. Flatness factor F for scalar and vector magnetic field differences as a function of time scale are shown in the top and bottom panels in the same format used for Figure 1.Time intervals refer to slow wind. feature is that intermittency does not evolve with distance either for scalar or for vector fluctuations. Moreover, at small scales, F is generally higher than in fast wind, suggesting a higher intermittency level. In particular, F for vector fluctuations starts to increse at much larger scales than in the fast wind, suggesting that intermittency is already present at hourly scales. Results relative to fast wind velocity fluctuations are shown in Figure 3 in the same format as of the previous Figures. Although the general trend shown in both panels confirms that intermittency for scalar and vector fluctuations increases with distance also for fast solar wind velocity, we easily recognize that scalar fluctuations (upper panel) are generally less intermittent than the corresponding magnetic field fluctuations (Figure 1, upper panel). On the contrary, the behavior of F for velocity vector fluctuations (lower panel) suggests that intermittency of these fluctuations is quite similar to that of magnetic field vector fluctuations (Figure 1, lower panel). This last result, as it will be discussed later on, clearly derives from the strong contribution due to the Alfvénic component of these fluctuations. Results similar to those obtained for magnetic field observations within slow wind, are shown for velocity fluctuations in Figure 4. The three curves, for both panels, show that F increases from the largest to the small- 455 FIGURE 3. Flatness factor F for scalar and vector velocity fluctuations as a function of time scale expressed in seconds are shown at the top and bottom panels, respectively. The three different symbols refer to three different heliocentric distances as illustrated at the top of the Figure. Time intervals refer to fast wind. est scales but its behavior doesn’t depend on heliocentric distance given that these curves intermingle with one another especially at the smallest scales where the existence of a radial trend is expected to be more clear. However, this complicated behavior might also be due to a poor stationarity at the source regions of the wind itself. However, also in this case, especially for scalar fluctuations, wind velocity confirms to be less intermittent than magnetic field. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION We have studied the radial evolution of intermittency associated with magnetic field and wind velocity fluctuations between 0.3 and 1 AU on the ecliptic plane for time scales ranging between 81 sec and 24 hours . Since one of the main effects of intermittency is that of increasing the value of the flatness factor of the PDFs of the fluctuations as we look at smaller and smaller scales [6, 7, 11], we concentrated our attention on the behavior of the flatness factor at different scales, analyzing both scalar and vector fluctuations. This last point is important since intermittency of vector fluctuations contains also contributions due to stochastic fluctuations like the Alfvénic ones. Slow Wind: 0.9AU, 25 0.7AU, tions is very low. However, as the wind expands, the Alfvénic contribution is depleted because of turbulent evolution [13] and, consequently, the underlying coherent structures convected by the wind, strengthen further on by stream–stream dynamical interaction, assume a more important role. Obviously, slow wind doesn’t show a similar behavior because Alfvénic fluctuations have a less dominant role than within fast wind and their turbulent evolution is much slower. An alternative view [10] is that these coherent structures, contributing to increase intermittency, are locally created by parametric decay instability of large amplitude Alfvén waves. Probably both mechanisms are present at the same time and confirm that the radial evolution of the intermittency level of interplanetary fluctuations is strongly related in any case to the turbulent evolution of the spectrum of these fluctuations. 0.3AU WIND VELOCITY: SCALAR FLUCTUATIONS flatness 20 15 10 5 0 10 2 25 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 5 WIND VELOCITY: VECTOR FLUCTUATIONS flatness 20 15 10 5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 0 10 2 10 3 10 4 scale[sec] FIGURE 4. Flatness factor F for scalar and vector velocity fluctuations as a function of time scale are shown at the top and bottom panels in the same format used for Figure 3. Time intervals refer to slow wind. Our first result shows that magnetic field scalar fluctuations are always more intermittent than the corresponding velocity fluctuations as it was already noticed [2]. This is probably due to the fact that, differently from wind velocity, magnetic field has to obey to ∇ B = 0 and it has to readjust its topology continuously to satisfy this relation during the wind’s expansion. We have also found that: a) generally, scalar (i.e. compressive) fluctuations are more intermittent than vector (i.e. directional) fluctuations, b) that slow wind does not show any radial evolution while c) fast wind intermittency, for both magnetic field and velocity, increases with distance. The interpretation we give of our observations derives from a view of the MHD turbulence that has already been given [1, 12] but that finds new evidence in our analysis. In other words, we can imagine interplanetary fluctuations made of two distinct components: one due to coherent, non propagating structures convected by the wind and, another one made of propagating, stochastic fluctuations, namely Alfvénic modes. While the first component tends to increase the intermittency level because of its coherent nature, the second one tends to decrease it because made of stochastic fluctuations. At 0.3 AU power associated to directional fluctuations largely exceeds that associated to compressive fluctuations and thus the corresponding intermittency of vector fluctua- 456 We thank F. Mariani and N. F. Ness, PI’s of the magnetic experiment and, H. Rosenbauer and R. Schwenn, PI’s of the plasma experiment onboard Helios 1 and 2, for allowing us to use their data. REFERENCES 1. Bruno, R. and Bavassano, B., 1993, Planet. Space Sci., 41, 677–685. 2. Bruno, R., B. Bavassano, E. Pietropaolo, V. Carbone and P. Veltri, 1999, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 3185–3188 3. Bruno, R., V. Carbone, P. Veltri, E. Pietropaolo and B. Bavassano, 2001, Planetary Space Sci., 49, 1201–1210. 4. Burlaga, L., 1991b, Geophys. Res. Lett. 18, 69–72. 5. Carbone, V., R. Bruno and P. 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