Intermittency of turbulence in the solar wind V. Carbone, L. Sorriso–Valvo , F. Lepreti , P. Veltri and R. Bruno† Dipartimento di Fisica, Universitá della Calabria and Istituto Nazionale di Fisica della Materia, sezione di Cosenza, Italy. † Istituto di Fisica dello Spazio Interplanetario/CNR, Rome, Italy. Abstract. We review some of the work done to investigate statistical features of turbulence in the inner solar wind, within slow– speed streams. We present results related to anomalous scaling laws of fluctuations and to the scaling behaviour of Probability Density Function (pdf). The results are compared with turbulence in other systems, that is neutral fluid flows and laboratory plasma. Some of the statistical properties are shared with low–resolution cascade models which describe the gross features of turbulence. INTRODUCTION Let us introduce the differences of fields, along the direction of r, between two points separated by a distance r, that is δ z r = [z (x + r) z (x)] er which represent characteristic fluctuations across eddies at the scale r (e r being the direction of r). These are the main quantities involved in the study of statistical properties of turbulence. In fact, under suitable hypothesis (homogeneity, stationarity and isotropy, see Ref. [2]), an exact relation for the inertial range can be obtained from ideal MHD equations Turbulence is a phenomenon in which chaotic dynamics and power law statistics coexist, and is characterised by randomness in both space and time, unpredictability and instability to every small perturbation. Flows in turbulent conditions are often characterised by the presence of structures on all scales, energetically dominant with respect to the remaining part of the flow. In these conditions low–resolution dynamical models can describe quite realistically the flow [1]. Here we briefly summarize the work done by studying low–frequency plasma turbulence using the solar wind as a "wind tunnel" and spacecrafts as probes. We will compare the results with other turbulent systems. < Low–frequency turbulence in plasmas is the result of nonlinear dynamics of incompressible Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations, which can be written as + z ∇ z = ∇(P=ρ ) + ν ∇2 z + f 3 (2) being ε the energy transfer rates in the stationary state, for both Alfvénic fluctuations (brackets represent ensemble averages). This relation is the MHD analogous of the 4=5–law Kolmogorov’s law [3]. Since the 3–th order moment is different from zero the energy cascade generates fluctuations with some phase correlations. Moreover ideal incompressible MHD equations (1) are invariant providing lengths and velocities are scaled respectively as r ! λ r and z ! z λ h for each value of h (or both v ! vλ h and B ! Bλ h ). Then we expect scaling h laws where δ z r δ v δ B r . Since equations are invariants for each value of h, this can be fixed only with suitable phenomenlogical considerations. The compressible case is a little bit different. Since scaling laws are expected also for the density fluctuations, velocity and magnetic fluctuations must have scaling laws with different exponents. In the fluid–like case, by introducing the pseudo– 2 energies dissipation rate ε (δ z r ) =Tr , and using the eddy–turnover times Tr τNL r=δ zr , we obtain the 2 scaling relations (δ z r ) δ zr ε r, which lead to the SCALING LAWS FOR HYDROMAGNETIC TURBULENCE ∂ z ∂t 2 δ z >= 4 ε r r (δ zr ) (1) with the conditionp ∇ z = 0. We use the Elsässer vari ables z = u B= 4πρ , being u and B respectively the velocity and magnetic field, P is the total pressure, ρ the constant mass density, ν represents the kinematic viscosity (assumed to be equal to the magnetic diffusivity) and f represent some external forcing terms. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 439 1.0 PDF( b) 1.0 0.1 0.1 = 0.02 h = 0.02 h 1.0 0.1 0.1 = 0.4 h = 0.4 h 1.0 0.01 -3 = 5.8 h -2 -1 0 b 1 0.01 = 5.8 h 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 v 1 2 PDF( v) PDF( b) 1.0 PDF( v) PDF( b) 1.0 PDF( v) Kolmogorov’s scaling h = 1=3 when ε are constant. When the charged fluid is magnetically p dominated, the Alfvén time τA r=CA (CA = B0 = 4πρ is the Alfvén velocity related to the average magnetic field) can become smaller than the eddy–turnover times, so that the nonlinear interactions between opposite travelling eddies, are lowered. This means that the energy cascade is (τ =τ ) [4], and the scaling realised in a time Tr τNL NL A 2 2 relation becomes (δ z r ) (δ z r ) ε r, which leads to the Kraichnan scaling law h = 1=4 if the pseudo–energies dissipation rate are constant. Homogeneous and isotropic turbulence in MHD has been described by the pseudo–energies density spectra which are related to the 2–th order moment of fluctua2 tions kE (k) < (δ z r ) > (r 1=k). Using the scaling laws with h = 1=3, a Kolmogorov’s spectrum E (k) k 5=3 is obtained, while in the other case (h = 1=4) the Iroshnikov–Kraichnan spectrum E k 3=2 is recovered. Satellite observations do not give definite answer as regarding to the phenomenology preferred by the solar wind [5]. Of course in the usual fluid flows the Kolmogorov’s spectrum is observed in all cases, and this indicates that the predictability lost at dynamical level, can be reintroduced at a statistical level [3]. To get some insigth of turbulence we have to look at higher order moments of fluctuations. In fact, since δ z r are stochastic variables, the Probability Density Functions pd f (δ z r ) are uniquely determined when the entire set of moments of fluctuations are known. For a gaussian process the 2–th order moment suffices to fully determine pdf and then to characterize turbulence. It can be immediately seen what kind of prediction can be made for the high–order moments. In the fluid–like case 1=3 , so that, by defining the p–th we have δ z r (ε r ) p order moment S ( p r ) =< (δ zr ) >, we obtain S p (r ) (ε ) p=3 r p=3 . In the magnetically dominating case we 1=4 , so that S p (r) (C ε ) p=4 r p=4 . have δ z r (ε r ) A In both cases the scaling exponent ζ p , defined through ζp S p (r ) r , are linear ζ p = ph. 3 FIGURE 1. We report pdfs of fluctuations for velocity (right hand panels) and magnetic field (left hand panels) at different scales τ for solar wind data. mission in the inner heliosphere. The original data were collected in 81 s. bins and we choose a set of subintervals of 2 days each. The subintervals were selected separately within low speed regions and high speed regions selected in a standard way according to a threshold velocity [6]. For each subinterval we calculated the velocity and magnetic increments at a given time scale τ through δ Vτ = V (t + τ ) V (t ) and δ Bτ = B(t + τ ) B(t ). Of course in the supersonic solar wind moving at speed V SW , the usual Taylor’s hypothesis is verified, and we can get information on spatial scale r through τ = r=VSW . In the following we report only results relative to the slow periods. The incompressibility assertion is perhaps correct in the Alfvén waveband, in fast streams, but it is very approximative in the slow streams, even in the same waveband. Also, at still lower wavelengths, it is certainly false. Let us consider the pdfs of the normalized quantities δ uτ = δ Vτ = < δ Vτ2 >1=2 and δ bτ = δ Bτ = < δ B2τ >1=2 (using the ergodic theorem brackets are now time averages). The interest of this normalization is the fact that pdfs of these fluctuations can be compared as far as the scaling properties are concerned. In particular if pdfs at two different scales become identical, the phenomenon is self–similar [7]. A plot of pdfs calculated for these quantities (see fig. 1) as a function of the scale r shows that: 1) the pdfs are not gaussian, at least at small scales; 2) the shape of pdfs depends on the scale τ . In particular, while for large scales the differences are gaussian distributed, as the scale becomes smaller the wings of pdfs becomes more and more important [8, 9]. This accumulation of high–probability intense fluctuations to small scales is one of manifestation of intermittency in turbulence. Since the process is not gaussian the energy density does not play any privileged role. Turbulence must be characterized not only by the second–order moment, rather by the whole set of moments or by the scaling behaviour of pdfs. SOLAR WIND LOW–FREQUENCY FLUCTUATIONS The satellite observations of both velocity and magnetic field in the interplanetary space, offer us an almost unique possibility to gain information on the turbulent MHD state in a very large scale range, say from 1 AU (Astronomical Units) up to 10 3 km. Here we report some analyses of plasma measurements of the bulk velocity V (t ) and magnetic field intensity B(t ). These analysis are mainly based on plasma measurements as recorded by the instruments on board Helios 2 during its primary 440 0.1 = 0.35 s 0.01 = 0.5 s 1.0 0.1 =3s 0.01 =8 s 1.0 0.1 = 50 s 0.01 FIGURE 2. Normalized scaling exponents ζp =ζ3 of p–th order moment for both velocity and magnetic field for solar wind data. -2 -1 0 v 1 0.01 = 128 s 2 3 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 b 1 2 3 PDF( b) PDF( v) 0.01 -3 PDF( b) PDF( v) 0.01 PDF( b) PDF( v) 1.0 4 FIGURE 3. Pdfs of fluctuations for velocity field (fluid flows, left hand panel), and magnetic field (laboratory plasma, right hand panel) at different scales τ . Since the pdfs are scale–independent, turbulence appears to be not globally self–similar, so that moments of fluctuations can have anomalous scaling relations. From the scaling properties of p–th moments of fluctuations p p < δV τ > and < δ Bτ > [6] The relative scaling exponents ζ p =ζ3 allow us to compare them with the scaling exponents obtained in usual fluid flows [10, 6]. In figure 2 the scaling exponents as a function of the order p are reported. It is evident that the behaviour of ζ p =ζ3 is different from the linear shape of the classical phenomenologies (see also Ref. [11]): the shape of ζ p =ζ3 turns out to be a nonlinear function of p. The above behaviours of pdfs and moments are quite universal. We analysed a sample of fluid turbulence collected in the earth’s boundary layer [12] where the longitudinal velocity field v(t ) and the temperature field T (t ) are recorded. Furthermore some samples of magnetic turbulence collected at the edge of RFX have been examined. RFX is a device in PAdova (Italy) where the plasma is confined in a reversed field pinch configuration [13] designed for thermonuclear fusion. In figures 3 the pdfs of the normalized velocity δ w τ = δ vτ = < δ v2τ >1=2 (for the fluid flow), and normalized magnetic fluctuations δ bτ = δ Bτ = < δ B2τ >1=2 for RFX, have been reported. The scaling behaviour of pdfs looks to be similar to what has been observed in the solar wind. The pdfs are gaussian at large scales, and develop fat tails at small scales. Furthermore we examined the normalized scaling exponents for velocity and temperature fields in the fluid flows. The values of the normalised exponents for the velocity turn out to be the same for the solar wind and for the fluid sample. It is worthwhile to realize that in this experiment the temperature field acts like a passive scalar, and is transported by the velocity field. Using the differences ∆ p = p=3 (ζ p =ζ3 ) as a measure of the intensity of intermittency, it can be seen that the passive scalar is more intermittent than the velocity field (fig. 4). In the solar wind the same behaviour is visible for the magnetic field. Actually magnetic field, which behaves like a "pas- FIGURE 4. Normalized scaling exponents ζp =ζ3 of p–th order moment for both velocity and temperature fields, for fluid flows data. sive vector", results to be more intermittent than the velocity field, and this seems to be a characteristic of MHD flows because this is visible also in numerical simulations [14]. As regards laboratory plasma, intermittency of magnetic fluctuations in RFX [15] depends on the distance from the external wall where measurements have been performed (fig. 5). We found that intermittency increases going towards the external wall. FIGURE 5. Normalized scaling exponents ζp =ζ3 for RFX, calculated from turbulent samples taken at different distances R from the external wall. Distances are normalized with the minor radius a = 0:457 m of the torus. 441 vx (km/sec) 10 0 -10 0 1.0*10 0 1.0*10 0 1.0*10 0.0*10 3 2.0*10 3 3.0*10 3 2.0*10 3 2.0*10 3 4.0*10 3 3.0*10 3 3.0*10 3 5.0*10 3 4.0*10 3 4.0*10 3 6.0*10 3 7.0*10 3 5.0*10 3 5.0*10 3 8.0*10 3 6.0*10 3 7.0*10 3 6.0*10 3 7.0*10 3 9.0*10 3 8.0*10 3 8.0*10 3 1.0*10 3 9.0*10 3 9.0*10 4 1.1*10 3 1.0*10 3 1.0*10 4 4 1.1*10 4 1.1*10 vx (km/sec) 5 0 -5 vx (km/sec) 0.0*10 0 0.0*10 vx (km/sec) 4 4 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 5500 6000 n FIGURE 6. We report the time evolution of velocity fluctuations δ Vτ (t ) at four different scales for solar wind data. Scales increases from the top to the bottom. WHAT IS INTERMITTENCY? A MULTIFRACTAL MODEL singularities of the gradient of the field. Because of the idea of self–similarity underlying the energy cascade process in turbulence [1], a different point of view can be introduced [16, 9]. That is a model which tries to characterize the behaviour of the pdfs through the scaling law of a parameter describing how the shape of the pdf changes in going towards small scales. In its simplest form the model can be introduced by saying that the pdf of the increments δ ψ r (representing here both velocity and magnetic fluctuations) at a given scale r, is made by a convolution of the typical Gaussian distribution of widths σ =< δ ψ 2 >1=2 , whose distribution is given by a function G λ (σ ) Let us look at figure 6, where we reported the time evolution of δ Vτ for four different values of τ for the solar wind data. Fluctuations at large scales appear to be smooth, while as the scale becomes smaller, intense fluctuations are visible. In fact these intense fluctuations are not distributed in a continuous way, instead they are relatively rare, and we see that there are periods with relative quiet activity alternating to small periods where the turbulent activity is very high. This is precisely the meaning of intermittency in fully developed turbulence. Starting from this point, it is natural to conjecture that, even if the fluid cannot be globally self–similar, self–similarity can be reintroduced as a local property. This is the basis of the multifractal model of intermittency, cf. e.g. [3], in which it is conjectured that turbulent flows can be made of an infinite set of points S h (x), each characterised by a h scaling law δ z τ τ and a local scaling exponent h(x). The dimension of the set is variable D(h). With this in mind it can be shown that the high–order moments can be described by ζ p = minh [ ph + 3 D(h)]. In this way the departure of ζ p from a linear scaling, and then intermittency, can be characterized through the changing of generalized dimensions D(h), as h is varied. That is as p increses, we are probing regions of fluids where even more rare and intense events exists. These regions are characterised by a smaller value of h, and by stronger P (δ ψr ) = p1 2π Z ∞ 0 Gλ (σ ) exp δ ψr2 =2σ 2 dσ σ (3) In a purely self–similar situation, where the energy cascade generates only a trivial variation of σ with the scale, a Gaussian distribution for P(δ ψ r ) is recovered. When the cascade is not strictly self–similar, the width of the distribution Gλ is different from zero, and the scaling behaviour of the width of this distribution, namely λ 2 , can be used to characterize intermittency. In order to make a quantitative analysis of the energy cascade leading to the process just described, the distributions have been fitted by using the log–normal ansatz [16] 442 Gλ (σ ) = p 1 exp 2πλ ln2 σ =σ0 2λ 2 ! "file" for the gaussian background, and another for structures. In figure 7 we give an example of that behaviour. Apart from recognizing the typical structures in the space [18, 19], some statistics can be made. The interesting statistics is about the time separation of structures. Let us call ∆t the waiting time between two consecutive structures, that is between w g (τ ; t ) and wg (τ ; t + ∆t ) at a scale τ , and let us consider the pdf P(∆t ). In figures 8 we report the pdf for magnetic structures calculated for solar wind and RFX, and the pdf obtained for velocity structures in fluid flows. As it can be seen the waiting times are distributed according to a well defined power law P(∆t ) ∆t β with some values for β , extended over at least two decades. A similar investigation in the usual fluid flows and in the laboratory plasma, shows the same phenomenon (see fig. 8). This property is very interesting, because this means that the underlying process of cascade is non–poissonian [20, 21]. In fact waiting times occurring between isolated poissonian events, must be distributed according to an exponential function [22]. The power law for P(∆t ) represents the asymptotic behaviour of a Lévy function with characteristic exponent α = β 1 [23]. This function describes self–affine processes and are obtained from the central limit theorem by relaxing the hypothesis that the variance of variables is finite. The power law for waiting times we found is a clear evidence that long–range correlation (or in some sense "memory") exists in the underlying cascade process [23]. (4) The width of the log–normal distribution of σ is given by λ (r) =< (∆ ln σ )2 >1=2 . The expression (3) have been fitted on the experimental pdfs for both velocity and magnetic intensity, and the corresponding values of the parameter λ can be recovered. In figures 1 we plotted, as full lines, the curves relative to the fit, showing that the scaling behaviour of pdfs in all cases is very well described by the function (3). At each scale τ , we get a value for the parameter λ 2 (τ ), which for τ 1 hour, can be fitted with a power law λ 2 (τ ) = µτ γ . The values of µ and γ obtained in the fitting procedure are µ ' 0:75 0:03 and γ = 0:18 0:03 for the magnetic field, while µ ' 0:38 0:02 and γ = 0:20 0:04 for the velocity field, in the range of scales τ 0:72 hours. TURBULENT STRUCTURES AND NON–POISSONIAN EVENTS The nonlinear energy cascade towards smaller scales accumulates fluctuations only in relatively small regions of space, where gradients become singular. These regions can be viewed as localized zones of fluid where some phase correlation exists (coherent structures). Structures continuously appear and disappear apparently in a random fashion, in some random location of fluid, and they carry the great quantity of energy of flows. The turbulent flow can be viewed as a superposition of non–gaussian structures, within the sea of gaussian background. The presence of structures can be evidenced by using for example a Wavelets transform. Unlike the Fourier basis, Wavelets allow a decomposition both in time and frequency (or space and scale) (see for example [17] and references therein). That is a function f (t ) can be projected on a wavelet basis with coefficients w(τ ; t ). Since a Parceval’s theorem exists, the square modulus jw(τ ; t )j2 represents the energy content of fluctuations f (t + τ ) f (t ) w(τ ; t ) at the scale τ at time t. It is useful to introduce a measure of local intermittency [17], as for example lim = jw(τ ; t )j2 = < jw(τ ; t )j2 > (averages are made over all times at a given scale τ ). This represent the energy content of fluctuations at a given scale, with respect to the standard deviation of fluctuations at that scale. The whole set of wavelets coefficients can then be splitted in two set: a "gaussian" set wg (τ ; t ) and a "structure" set ws (τ ; t ). Then w(τ ; t ) = wg (τ ; t ) ws (τ ; t ), according to wheter lim is respectively lesser or greater of a given threshold (the symbol stands here for union of disjoint sets). An inverse wavelet transform, performed separately on wg and ws , gives two separate time series: a CONCLUSIONS We reported some of the work done on solar wind turbulence, and we compared the behaviour with other turbulent systems. Intermittency manifests itself through a breakdown of pure self–similarity of fluctuations, leading to anomalous scaling laws, and non–gaussian tails for pdfs at small scales. At small scales the statistics of waiting times between intermittent isolated events, results to be non–poissonian. This indicates that the underlying cascade process which generates these events conserves memory. In some sense, the cascade continuously transmit to small scales a phase–correlated excitation into varying subsets of the fluid. To what extent dynamical models can describe all behaviours is an interesting task [21]. A simplified shell model describing the gross features of MHD turbulence [24] is able to reproduce all statistics observed. Time intermittency, that is the occurrence of bursts of chaoticity concentrated on the dissipative shells, generates a break of the global scaling invariance in the shell model, which is responsible for the observed departure from self–similarity. 443 Complete signal l.i.m. smaller than threshold l.i.m. larger than threshold Structures Gaussian background FIGURE 7. An example of the procedure used to recognize structures on a given scale. In the top panel of the figure we report the original time serie (here a sample of velocity field in the solar wind). Then we operate with the lim procedure (see text), and we obtain the two series at the bottom of the figure. FIGURE 8. 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