Solar wind acceleration in low density regions L. Teriaca, G. Poletto , M. Romoli† and D. Biesecker † £ Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi 5, 50125 Firenze, Italy Dipartimento di Astronomia e Scienza dello Spazio, Università di Firenze, Largo Fermi 5, 50125 Firenze, Italy ££ Emergent I. T., Inc., NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, USA Abstract. High speed solar wind is known to originate in polar coronal holes which, however, are made up of two components: bright, high density regions known as plumes, and dark, weakly emitting low density regions known as interplumes. Recent space observations have shown that the width of UV lines is larger in interplume regions [see e. g. 1, 2] while observations of the ratio of the O VI doublet lines at 1032 and 1037 Å, at the altitude of 1.7 solar radii, suggest higher outflows in interplume regions than in plumes [3]. These results seem to locate the source of the fast solar wind in the interplume regions. The present work aims at identifying the outflow speed vs. altitude profile of the O VI ions, at heights up to 2 solar radii, both in plumes and interplume regions. To this end, we examined SUMER and UVCS data taken in the North polar coronal hole on June 3, 1996 over the altitude range between 1 and 2 solar radii. A Doppler dimming analysis applied to our data allows us to determine the outflow speed in interplume regions throughout the range covered by the observations. Our results favor interplumes as sources of fast wind. However, models mimicking observations in plume regions will also be discussed. INTRODUCTION OBSERVATIONS Polar coronal holes have long been recognized to be the sources of the high speed solar wind [4], but only recently some light has been shed on where, within coronal holes, the solar wind originates. UVCS and SUMER measurements of line widths and of the ratio of the O VI doublet lines at 1032 and 1037 Å in the low corona (at heliocentric distances lower than 2.5 R ) seem to indicate that the low density background plasma, rather than the high density plume plasma, is the site where high speed wind originates. Recent analyses of SUMER and UVCS data [see e. g. 3, 2, 5] have shown that the width of UV lines is larger in interplume than in plume regions, hinting to interplumes as the site where energy is preferentially deposited and, possibly, fast wind emanates. Moreover, the analysis of fast polar wind performed by [6] seems to favor the low density regions as sources of the fast wind streams, while no evidence of outflow motions in bright points and plumes observed within a coronal hole in the Ne VIII 770 Å line has been found by [7]. In this paper we present strong evidence supporting the idea that interplume regions are sources of the fast solar wind. The outflow velocity profile for O VI ions in interplume areas will be given together with a model reproducing plume observations. The observations discussed here were acquired using several instruments aboard SoHO on 3 June 1996 and are shown in Fig. 1. SUMER observations comprise two rasters of the North Polar Coronal Hole (NPCH) obtained using the 4 300 slit and covering a total area of 280 470 (for further details [see 2]). These rasters were aimed to obtain high signal-to-noise O VI 1032 and 1037 Å line profiles in the plume and interplume regions above the limb out to 1.5 R . Seven UVCS spectra comprising the O VI doublet and the Hydrogen Ly al pha were acquired with the slit tangent to the solar limb at altitudes up to 2.1 solar radii. A CDS raster scan of the solar limb in the Mg IX 368 Å line provides informations on the roots of the structures onto the solar disk. Polar plumes are linear structures that are apparent over the solar poles in visible light, in extreme ultraviolet and in soft X-rays [see 8, and references therein]. After selecting a plume and an interplume region, binning was applied to SUMER and UVCS data to increase adequately the S:N ratio. In such a way, line profiles were determined at 19 different locations above the solar limb for both plume and interplume areas. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 327 DATA ANALYSIS SUMER spectral profiles were carefully fitted in order to obtain C II 1037, O VI 1032 and O VI 1037 Å line intensities. Despite the very high quality of the telescope mirror, the level of stray light is not negligible when observations of lines that are bright on disk are carried out above the limb [9]. The level of stray light in SUMER spectra was determined using the C II 1037 Å line as described in [2]. Stray light in UVCS spectra was also estimated and removed. Errors on line intensities were calculated through Poissonian statistics and, finally, their propagation in the O VI 1032/1037 line ratio was evaluated. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION FIGURE 1. June 3rd 1996 map of the north polar coronal hole as obtained using four of the instruments aboard SoHO. Strong plumes and inter plume lanes can be identified in this diagram out to 2.0 R¬ above the limb. An EIT image in the Fe XII 195 Å line provides the disk image showing a well developed coronal hole. A CDS raster in the Mg IX 368 Å line shows the root of a large plume structure. A SUMER scan in the O VI 1032 Å line shows how the plume develops with altitude up to 1.5 solar radii. Above this altitude the structure of the coronal hole is obtained throughout seven spectra acquired in the O VI 1032 Å line with the UVCS slit normal to the solar radius. The contrast of the SUMER and UVCS maps was enhanced by dividing each map for its average intensity profile in the y-direction. O VI 1032 and 1037 Å spectral lines arise from transitions well described by a two level atomic model where, at coronal conditions, the upper level is populated by electron impact excitation (collisional component) and by resonant absorption of the O VI radiation from the transition region (radiative component), Iobs A IRad 0 85 ∆E 4π O H qTeRTe Ne2 BI DTO W RTeNe IColl (1) where ∆E is the energy of the transition, A OH is the oxygen abundance relative to hydrogen, qT e the collisional excitation rate coefficient, B the Einstein absorption coefficient, I the O VI disk-averaged line intensity, DTO W accounts for Doppler dimming and geometrical dilution factors and is function of the oxygen temper ature TO (consisting of the components parallel To and perpendicular To to the direction of the magnetic field lines) and the wind velocity W . Ne is the electron number density, RTe is the oxygen ionic fraction calculated in ionization equilibrium and 0.85 is the value of the hydrogen to electron number density ratio for a fully ionized plasma with composition given by [10]. The quantities in brackets ... are integrated along the line of sight. We are interested in obtaining the O VI outflow profile through the comparison of observed O VI line intensities and ratio with values computed using Eq. 1. Both radiative and collisional components are strongly dependent on the electron density (N e ), electron temperature (T e ), and oxygen elemental abundance (A OH ), while the radiative component depends also on the adopted values of I , To , To and W . I was evaluated assuming a 1cosθ center-to-limb line intensity variation [11] and adopting an intensity at disk centre of 280 mW m 2 St1 for the O VI 1032 Å line. The above value was obtained from a disk centre spectrum obtained on June 4th 1996. In the case of the observations here discussed, we can assume the magnetic field lines to be perpendicular to the line of sight. This allow us to identify To with the effective temperature Te f f associated with the Doppler width (in km s1 ) of the observed spectral line. Doppler width in both plume and interplume regions were obtained for the SUMER data of this dataset by [2]. UVCS line widths were obtained from our data. IRad is not a strong function of To and, due to the small difference between measured line widths in plume and interplume, a unique Doppler width profile was assumed as representative of both regions. Both cases of To equal to Te (anisotropic case) and To equal to To (isotropic case) have been explored. Spectroscopically derived Te values never exceed 10 6 K in the range 1.05–1.3 R . [5] provide the only measurements of Te in plume and interplume regions below 1.2 solar radii while, at higher altitudes, an upper 328 FIGURE 2. O VI 1032 to O VI 1037 intensity line ratio as a function of altitude in polar coronal holes. Values obtained in interplume regions: SUMER data (open circles), UVCS data (open squares). Values obtained in plumes: SUMER data filled circles, UVCS data (filled squares). Solid lines represent models for interplume conditions in the anisotropic (thin lines) and partially isotropic case (thick lines), respectively. Dashed lines represent a mixed model comprising plume and interplume lanes. limit to the electron temperature is given by the value of 1.075 MK given by [12] from in situ measurements of the O VII/O VI ion ratio in fast wind streams. For this work we adopted the T e values given by [5] below 1.2 solar radii and we assumed constant temperature above this altitude. The O VI 1032/1037 line ratio is insensitive to T e [14] and does not depend on the elemental abundance. It is, however, strongly dependent on the electron density N e as well as on the wind speed W . In order to reproduce the observed line ratio, the N e profile as a function of height needs to be known, together with the exciting transition region radiation. Above 1.5 solar radii average electron densities were obtained from the UVCS WLC and the LASCO C2 coronograph for the day of our observations. Densities in coronal holes have been evaluated by several authors [e. g. 15, 16]. However, in the present analysis only data obtained by [17, 5, 18, 19, 15] in 1996 (i. e. closer in time to our data) were used to integrate our measurements. In particular, the behaviour at lower altitudes was evaluated from data published by [5] for both plume and interplume regions. Using those electron density and temperature profiles the O VI 1032 and 1037 observed line intensity ratios below 1.2 solar radii were reproduced throughout Eq. 1 assuming no outflow speed. In these conditions (W 0), O VI line intensities depend on the elemental abundance only (once the density and temperature profiles have been fixed). We found that observed line intensities be- low 1.2 solar radii could be reproduced provided an oxygen abundance of 8.5 is adopted. Using the adopted interplume T e and Ne profiles and an oxygen abundance of 8.5, we found the outflow profiles able of reproducing our interplume data (see Fig. 2) for both isotropic and anisotropic conditions. Above 1.3 solar radii, unless wind is accelerated and lines are Doppler dimmed, we would be unable to reproduce UVCS data (see Fig. 3). A realistic attempt to model our plumes observations requires a combination of plume and interplume emissivities along the line of sight. A mixed plume-interplume model has been, hence, created assuming a single plume with no outflowing plasma embedded in the outflowing interplume plasma. The line of sight fraction occupied by the plume was estimated from Fig. 1. This model is able to reproduce our plume observations (see Fig. 2) supporting the hypothesis that interplumes are the regions from where fast wind streams emanate. CONCLUSIONS Our interpretation of the measurements of the O VI 1032/1037 line intensity ratio shows that negligible outflow velocities are consistent with the values measured below 1.3 R , while the wind starts being accelerated above this altitude. This is the first time that the O VI outflow profile is provided below 1.5 solar radii: results 329 FIGURE 3. O VI ions outflow speed as a function of altitude in polar coronal holes. Values obtained in interplume for the anisotropic case are shown as open circles while values obtained in the partially isotropic case are represented using filled circles. As a reference, the outflow profiles given by [13] for an average coronal hole are also shown. presented here show that the wind acceleration initiates at lower altitudes than usually assumed ([see e.g. 13]). 8. 9. 10. 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