The effect of time-dependent coronal heating on the solar wind from coronal holes Øystein Lie-Svendsen∗ , Viggo H. Hansteen† and Egil Leer† ∗ Norwegian Defence Research Establishment, div. for electronics, P.O. Box 25, NO–2027 Kjeller, Norway † Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, Univ. of Oslo, P.O. Box 1029, Blindern, NO–0315 Oslo, Norway Abstract. We have modelled the solar wind response to a time-dependent energy input in the corona. The model, which extends from the upper chromosphere to 1 AU, solves the time-dependent transport equations based on the gyrotropic approximation to the 16-moment set of transport equations, which allow for temperature anisotropies. Protons are heated perpendicularly to the magnetic field, assuming a coronal heating function that varies sinusoidally in time. We find that heating with periods less than about 3 hours does not leave visible manifestations in the solar wind (the oscillations are efficiently damped near the Sun); heating with periods of order 10 hours leads to perturbations comparable to Ulysses observations; while heating with periods of order 100 hours results in a series of steady-state solutions. Mass flux perturbations tend to be larger than perturbations in wind speed. Heating in coronal holes with periods of order 30 hours leads to large mass flux perturbations near Earth, even when the amplitude of the change in heating rate in the corona is small. INTRODUCTION THE MODEL Does the fairly steady-state high speed wind that, e.g., Ulysses observes from polar coronal holes [1] indicate a steady-state coronal heating process, or merely that the solar wind has filtered out the high-frequency variations before they reached Ulysses’ orbit? Several of the proposed coronal heating mechanisms, e.g., by “nanoflares” [e.g. 2] or by “jets” [e.g. 3, 4], are inherently time dependent. The level of, or lack of, variability in the solar wind may put severe constraints on such mechanisms, or even rule out some of them. To study the solar wind response to a time-dependent energy input in the corona, we have employed a fluid solar wind model based on the 16-moment approximation, a model that extends from the chromosphere to 1 AU [5]. In addition to yielding constraints on the coronal heating mechanism, modelling a time-dependent solar wind can also provide information about the evolution of shocks in the solar wind. Only a few previous studies [6, 7, 8] have considered the effect of time-dependent energy input in the corona. The main improvement of the model used here is that the coupling between the chromosphere and corona is included, and that it provides a better description of energy transport between the chromosphere, transition region and corona. The model includes neutral hydrogen, protons (which are produced dynamically through ionization of HI), and electrons. For each species s the coupled equations for density ns , drift speed us , temperature parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field (Tsk and Ts⊥ ), and radial heat flux densities of parallel and perpendicular thermal motion (qsk and qs⊥ ), are solved. These equations are described elsewhere [5, 9]. We choose a rapidly expanding flow geometry, in which the flux tube area A(r) increases by a factor 5 relative to radial (r2 ) expansion near the Sun, and increases radially beyond a few solar radii. Except for a small energy input in the transition region in order to maintain a minimum pressure in the corona, the main heating is contained in the proton perpendicular heating term, which is specified as the divergence of a “mechanical” energy flux, Q pm⊥ (r,t) = − 1 ∂ Fm (r,t) . A ∂r (1) We choose a simple analytical form for the applied energy flux, r − RS Fm (r,t) = Fm0 (t) exp − , (2) Hm where t denotes time and we choose Hm = 0.5 RS where RS is the solar radius. With the chosen parameters most of the energy will be deposited within a solar radius CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 299 above the solar surface. For the time-dependence we choose a purely sinusoidal variation in time, 2πt Fm0 (t) = F0 1 + a p sin . (3) tp We choose F0 = 400 W m−2 , which in the case of a constant heating rate (a p = 0) leads to a reasonable highspeed wind with a speed of about 700 km/s and a mass flux scaled to Earth (nu)E ' 2.4 × 1012 m−2 s−1 . For the amplitude of the change in heating rate we choose a p = 0.75, so that Fm0 (t) varies between 100 and 700 W m−2 over a period t p . RESULTS Figure 1 shows a snapshot of the solution after the model has been run for so long that the perturbations have had time to reach 1 AU. As can be seen, periods of order 103 s are filtered out close to the Sun and are therefore not visible in the solar wind. This is also the case with shorter periods; choosing, e.g., t p = 300 s to simulate the so-called 5-minute oscillations, the solution is essentially steady state for r > 2 RS . Heating with a period of 104 s leads to an essentially steady-state wind beyond about 1/2 AU. For longer periods the solar wind is no longer able to smear out the perturbations by 1 AU, and for t p = 105 s the figure shows that the mass flux perturbations even increase with distance. We attribute this to a “snowplow” effect in which faster parcels of plasma overtake slower parcels so that matter piles up behind the forward shock while behind the reversed shock the mass flux becomes very low. This process only works as long as there is sufficient difference in speed between the different regions. When this is no longer the case, in the outer solar wind, the enhanced pressure in the highdensity regions will cause this plasma to expand. Eventually this expansion will damp the oscillations. Note also that, in agreement with e.g., Ulysses observations, the perturbations in mass flux are larger than the perturbations in wind speed. The temperature panels show that the perturbations in electron temperature are smaller than the proton temperature perturbation, indicating that electron heat conduction can smear out the small-scale electron perturbations. For even longer heating periods than 105 s the solution essentially turns into a series of steadystate solutions corresponding to the different values for the coronal heating rate. Figure 2 shows how the mass flux evolves as a function of time and distance for heating periods t p = 104 s and 105 s. We note again that the 104 s perturbations are gradually damped and disappear around 0.5 AU, while 105 s perturbations even grow in amplitude and remain clearly visible at 1 AU. Note also that the perturbations 300 behave like “linear” waves, despite that the magnitude of the perturbations can be very large: If we launch perturbations in the corona with a period of 105 s, say, we shall find exactly the same period in the solar wind (as long as the perturbations are detectable). In that sense the waves maintain their identity, and we find no tendency for the solar wind to generate “higher harmonics.” A time-dependent coronal heating will have a similar effect in the slower solar wind generated in a radially expanding flow geometry. The main difference is that shocks tend to be somewhat less pronounced in a radially expanding flow, and that the lower wind speed allows the high-pressure interaction regions more time to expand before they reach Earth orbit. What mechanism damps the oscillations in the solar wind? As alluded to above, the perturbations are damped mainly by expansion of the high-pressure regions (and compression of the low pressure regions). Such pressure differences are generated directly by changing the amount of coronal heating; for the shortest periods the gas does not have time to expand within one period of the heating. Pressure perturbations are also created indirectly in the solar wind when faster parcels of plasma overtake slower parcels. As the fluid moves outwards these highpressure regions expand and cool, hence damping the oscillations. In addition, electron heat conduction can in principle smear out temperature differences in the electron gas. To study the role of electron heat conduction, we have rerun the model with t p = 104 s, but effectively switching off electron heat conduction beyond r = 5 RS . As expected, the electron temperature perturbations then become much larger (than they do in the t p = 104 s panel of Figure 1), with the relative perturbations in Te being comparable to the relative perturbations in Tp seen in the figure. The perturbations in Te are still damped however, even in the absence of heat conduction, and disappear beyond about 0.5 AU, as do the perturbations in Tp . But most importantly, switching off electron heat conduction has essentially no effect whatsoever on the perturbations in wind speed u p and mass flux (nu)E . Hence electron heat conduction is of little importance in damping the solar wind oscillations. This is to be expected since the electron temperatures in the models are much lower than the proton temperatures, so that the dynamics will be dominated by the proton pressure gradients. In order to damp the oscillations significantly the highpressure regions must have time to expand a distance of order the distance between the high- and low-pressure regions. Hence for rapid changes in the coronal heating rate, and hence small distances between the high- and low-pressure regions, the required time will be shorter than for the long periods of the heating. Since this damping takes place as the solar wind propagates outwards, a more rapid damping for small values of t p means that the up 600 400 4.0•1012 (nu)E 50 100 150 Distance [RS] 200 Flux density [m-2s-1] 1.0•1013 up (nu)E 0 0 50 100 150 Distance [RS] tp=3 104 s 1.2•1013 1.0•1013 up 8.0•1012 200 (nu)E 2.0•1012 0 0 50 100 150 Distance [RS] tp=105 s 1.2•1013 1.0•1013 up 8.0•1012 (nu)E 0 0 50 100 150 Distance [RS] 200 0 250 250 tp=3 104 s 104 Te 103 0 107 200 2.0•1012 200 Tp 800 400 100 150 Distance [RS] 105 108 600 50 106 1000 6.0•1012 4.0•1012 Te 107 0 250 200 250 tp=104 s 104 103 0 200 200 Tp 800 400 100 150 Distance [RS] 105 108 600 50 106 1000 6.0•1012 4.0•1012 Te 107 0 250 200 104 800 400 2.0•1012 Tp 108 600 4.0•1012 105 1000 6.0•1012 tp=103 s 106 103 0 0 250 tp=104 s 8.0•1012 200 Speed [km/s] Temperature [K] 2.0•1012 1.2•1013 Flux density [m-2s-1] 107 6.0•1012 0 0 Flux density [m-2s-1] 800 Speed [km/s] Temperature [K] 8.0•1012 108 Speed [km/s] Temperature [K] Flux density [m-2s-1] 1.0•1013 1000 Speed [km/s] Temperature [K] tp=103 s 1.2•1013 50 100 150 Distance [RS] 200 250 tp=105 s 106 Tp 105 Te 104 103 0 50 100 150 Distance [RS] 200 250 FIGURE 1. Snapshot of the solution for t p = 103 s, 104 s, 3 × 104 s, and 105 s. Here (nu)E (solid curves) denote the proton particle flux scaled to 1 AU; u p (dashed curves) is the proton speed, Te (solid curves) is the mean electron temperature, and Tp (dashed curves) is the mean proton speed (Tp ≡ (Tpk + 2Tp⊥ )/3). The dotted curves denote the corresponding steady-state values (a p = 0). 301 Time [s] 5.0•104 4.0•104 3.0•104 2.0•104 1.0•104 0 0 50 100 Distance [RS] 150 200 100 Distance [RS] 150 200 2.0•105 Time [s] 1.5•105 1.0•105 5.0•104 0 0 50 FIGURE 2. Proton particle flux scaled to 1 AU for t p = 104 s (top panel) and t p = 105 s (bottom panel) as a function of time and distance. damping occurs closer to the Sun. For the longest period shown in Figure 1, t p = 105 s, the plasma has not come to approximate pressure equilibrium even at 1 AU. For very short periods, t p ≤ 103 s, the coronal plasma hardly has time to respond to the changes and the initial perturbations in the corona will therefore be smaller, too. A more detailed presentation of this study is given by Lie-Svendsen et al. [9]. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by the Research Council of Norway under grants 121076/420 and 136030/431. REFERENCES 1. McComas, D. J., et al., J. Geophys. Res., 105, 10419–10433 (2000). 302 2. Parker, E. N., Astrophys. J., 330, 474–479 (1988). 3. Feldman, W. C., Habbal, S. R., Hoogeveen, G., and Wang, Y.-M., J. Geophys. Res., 102, 26905–26918 (1997). 4. Wang, Y.-M., N. R. Sheeley, J., Socker, D. G., Howard, R. A., Brueckner, G. E., Michels, D. J., Moses, D., Cyr, O. C. S., Llebaria, A., and Delaboudinière, J.-P., Astrophys. J., 508, 899–907 (1998). 5. Lie-Svendsen, Ø., Leer, E., and Hansteen, V. H., J. Geophys. Res., 106, 8217–8232 (2001). 6. Grappin, R., Mangeney, A., Schwartz, S. J., and Feldman, W. C., J. Geophys. 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