Propagation of a Toroidal Magnetic Cloud through the Inner Heliosphere Eugene Romashets* and Marek Vandas_ * Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere, and Radio Wave Propagation of Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Moscow Region, 142190, Russia, Email: [email protected] _ Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Bocni II 1401, 14131 Praha 4, Czech Republic, Email:[email protected] Abstract. An analytical solution for a potential magnetic field with arbitrary intensity around a toroidal magnetic cloud has been found. The background external field may have a gradient. The solution is used for calculation of magnetic cloud propagation. Obtained velocity profiles show a good agreement with in situ observations near the Earth’s orbit. INTRODUCTION Φ0 = B0 x − The idea that magnetically isolated bodies, also called “magnetic clouds”, may exist in inerplanetary space has been considered before[1-5]. There are many reasons for these structures to retain common field lines with the Sun [6,7]. On the other hand, the possibility for such objects to be isolated from the solar magnetic field may not excluded. In order to verify if this hypothesis is consistent with observations of magnetic clouds, including time delays of their launches and arrivals to the Earth’s orbit, their velocities observed by coronographs close to the Sun and at 1 AU, we calculated dynamics of isolated bodies of toroidal shape and found their velocity profiles for 5 R < R < 220 R , where RS is solar radius. S B1 2 x − y2) , ( 2L (1) which yields the magnetic field components, as follows: Bx = B0 − B1 B x , By = 1 y , Bz = 0 L L (2) Φ0 is a harmonic function, i.e., ∆Φ0 = 0 , which ensures the condition divB = 0 is fulfilled. A toroid with the major radius R0 and the minor radius r0 is inserted into this field. The intrinsic system of the toroid will be described in the toroidal coordinates µ , η , and ϕ : S x= CALCULATION a sinh µ cos ϕ cosh µ − cos η , y= a sinh µ sin ϕ cosh µ − cos η a sin η , z = cosh µ − cos η , (3) The parameter a is defined as a = R20 − r 20 , and the surface of the toroid is given by µ = µ 0 , where cosh µ 0 = R0 / r 0 . The expression for the scalar potential Φ0 is arranged as a sum of the harmonic It is assumed that the main (homogeneous) → magnetic field B 0 is directed along the x axis. A small magnetic field gradient B1/L along the x axis is added to the main field. The scalar magnetic potential of the resulting field is functions x , and x 2 − y 2 . These functions can be expressed as a sum of toroidal harmonics : CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 180 5/2 2 2 a ∑ Q (cosh µ ) cos nη cos 2ϕ . x − y = cosh µ − cos η 3π 3/ 2 ∞ a 1 x = cosh µ − cos η 2 ∑ Qn −1 / 2 cosh µ cos nη cos ϕ (4) n = −∞ ∞ 2 2 n = −∞ 2 n −1 / 2 ( π ) Qmn −1/ 2 are the Legendre functions of the second kind. A way to obtain these relationships is described in [8]. Now we shall look for the potential magnetic field which (i) has normal components to the surface of the toroid equal to zero and which (ii) tends to the undisturbed field (2) at larger distances from the toroid. That is, we add to the scalar potential (1), expressed in the toroidal harmonics, additional toroidal harmonic functions, for which the additional magnetic field becomes negligible when µ → 0 , and for which the total magnetic field component Bµ = 0 for µ = µ 0 . The scalar magnetic potential Φ1 of the total field is 2 F = cosh µ − cos η 1 { ∞ [ 0 n=0 n n −1 / 2 a − B ∑ε Q 3L ∞ 1 n=0 n [ a (5) × π (cosh µ ) − a1n P (cosh µ )] cos nη cos ϕ − (cosh µ ) − a P (cosh µ )] cos nη cos 2ϕ , 1 1 × B ∑ε Q 3/ 2 n −1 / 2 2 n −1 / 2 2 2 n n −1 / 2 where the coefficients a1n and a 2n were formally added and they will be selected in order for the two above mentioned conditions, (i) and (ii), to be m satisfied. Pn−1 / 2 are the Legendre functions of the first kind, ε n = 1 for n = 0 and ε n = 2 for n>0. Condition (ii) is fulfilled by the selection of Legendre functions of the first kind [8]. Condition (ii) implies that Bµ = 0 at µ = µ0 for all η and ϕ . In Figures 1-3 magnetic field magnitude contours and field lines for the case R0 / r 0 = 5 are shown. FIGURE 1. Contours of modified by the insertion of a toroid magnetic field’s magnitude in xy plane, z = 0 (a), and z = r 0 (b). Once the magnetic field around the toroid is found, the diamagnetic force acting on it along the x axis can be calculated: F =− x = −a 2 1 ∫ ( B + B ) e dS = F + F = 8π sinh µ ∫ ∫ 8π 0 π 2π −π 0 2 2 η ϕ (B + B ) ( 2 2 η ϕ x ⋅ xη In Figure 4 one can see radial velocities of toroidal magnetic cloud as a function of the radial distance from the Sun. The diamagnetic force given by (6) was used for calculation. Also gravity and the drag force of solar wind plasma were taken into account, in a way similar to that used in [8]. (6) xϕ cosh µ cos η − 1) cos ϕ 0 (cosh µ − cos η) 3 dϕdη 0 181 FIGURE 4. Velocity profiles of a toroidal magnetic cloud for the following initial velocities close to the Sun:100 km s-1 (solid line), 400 km s-1 (dashed line), and 800 km s-1 (dotted line). The dashed-dotted line shows the ambient solar wind velocity. FIGURE 2. Field lines for the case of initially non-uniform field. B1 = B0 4 , L = 2 R0 . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by EU/INTAS/ESA grant 99-00727 and by AV CR project S1003006. REFERENCES 1. Klein, L. W., and Burlaga, L. F., J. Geophys. Res., 87, 613-624 (1982). FIGURE 3. Field lines for the case of initially non-uniform field. Side view. 2. Ivanov, K. G., and Harshiladze, A. F., Solar. Phys., 98, 379-386 (1985). CONCLUSIONS 3. Magnetic field modification caused by the insertion of toroidal body with super-conductive walls into current free medium was calculated. This result can be applied for space and laboratory plasmas. Ivanov, K. G., Harshiladze, A. F., and Romashets, E. P., Solar. Phys., 143, 365-372 (1993). 4. Vandas, M., et al., J. Geophys. Res., 98, 11467-11475 (1993). 5. Vandas, M., et al., J. Geophys. Res., 98, 21061-21069 (1993). It is shown that the maximum field increase in the case of a sub-sonic cloud is of the order of 2 times in magnitude. 6. Kahler, S. W., and Reames, D. W., J. Geophys. Res., 96, 9419-9424 (1991). 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