Changing of the Modulation Region Structure With Particle Rigidities According to Data of Hysteresis Phenomenon (Cycle 22) Lev I. Dorman Israel Cosmic Ray Center and Emilio Segre’ Observatory, affiliated to Tel Aviv University, Technion and Israel Space Agency, Israel; IZMIRAN, Russian Academy of Science, Troitsk, Russia; Abstract. Our studies of neutron monitor observatory data with different cut-off rigidities during solar cycle 22 have made it possible to investigate the hysteresis properties of the relationship between the variations in solar activity and galactic cosmic ray intensity. Hysteresis arises due to the delay of interplanetary processes (responsible for cosmic ray modulation) with respect to the initiating solar processes, which correspond to some effective solar wind and shock wave propagation velocity. It allows determination of the effective dimension of the modulation region as a function of the effective energy of galactic cosmic rays. We extend previous investigations made in the framework of the convection-diffusion model by taking into account drifts that change sign in periods of solar magnetic field reversal. From comparisons with experimental data on longterm cosmic ray variation in cycle 22, we determine the role of convection-diffusion and drifts in global modulation, and the effective dimension of the modulation region in dependence of particle rigidities. INTRODUCTION approximation X o max and Adr are about the same in odd and even solar cycles. In the present paper we try to solve the problem of determining Adr and X o max only on the basis of data in solar cycle 22. We will therefore correct the observed cosmic ray long-term variation in cycle 22 for drift effects with different values of the amplitude Adr ; for each Adr we determine the correlation coefficient R ( X o , Adr ) of corrected cosmic ray long-term variation according to a convectiondiffusion model for different values of the time-lag X o (from 0 to 60 av. months with monthly steps). Then we determine the value of X o max ( Adr ) when R( X o , Adr ) reaches the maximum value Rmax ( X o max , Adr ) . For each Adr we will determine Rmax and X o max . It is A short historical introduction to the research of the lag between long-term variations of cosmic ray (CR) intensity observed at Earth and solar activity (SA) is given in [1]. Analysis made in [1] leads to the conclusion that observed long-term CR modulation is caused by two processes: a convection-diffusion mechanism that does not depend on the sign of the solar magnetic field (SMF), and a drift mechanism (e.g. [2-7]) which gives opposite effects depending on the sign of the SMF. In [1] the relative role of convection-diffusion and drifts in the long-term CR modulation on the basis of a comparison of observations in odd and even cycles of SA was considered: it was shown that the time–lag X o max between CR and SA in the odd cycles 19, 21 decreases with increasing of the amplitude of the drift effect Adr , but in the even cycles 20, 22, X o max increases with increasing natural to assume that the most reliable value of Adr will correspond to the biggest Rmax ( X o max , Adr ) Adr . To determine X o max and Adr separately, in [1] was assumed that for a first value, i.e. when the correction for drift effects is the best (in the frame of the model used for drift effects for longterm CR variations). This way will also determine the CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 164 of the SMF polarity reversal. We used data on tilt-angles for the period May 1976-September 1993. On the basis of these data we determined the correlation between T and W for 11 month-smoothed data as most reliable value for X o max characterizing the dimension of the cosmic ray modulation region in the Heliosphere. T = 0.349W + 13.52° (3) with correlation coefficient 0.955±0.013. Important for the Cycle 22 reversal periods were: March 1981±5 months, and June 1991±7 months. As example, the drift effect according to this model for the period January 1985-December 1996 is shown in Figure 1 for the 11month-smoothed data of W according to (3) and Adr =1% at W=75. COSMIC RAY LONG-TERM VARIATION CAUSED BY CONVECTION-DIFFUSION Because the basic convection-diffusion quasistationary model of CR-SA hysteresis phenomenon was described in details in [1], we will give only the final equations used in this paper. According to this model the expected contribution to cosmic ray long-term variations caused by the convection-diffusion mechanism at the Earth’s orbit is: E ) obs o 1 2 o 1 ( 2 Xo o XE 2 ) 1.5 DRIFT EFFECT, % ( ln n(R,r ,t) = A(X , β,t ,t )− B(X , β,t ,t )× F t,X , β,W(t − X) 2.5 , (1) where ( F t, X , β ,W(t − X ) o Xo XE W (t − X ) = ∫ W ) Xo XE ( 1 2 + 1− W ( t− X ) Wmax 3 3 ,(2) ) −β X dX max ( ( F t, X ,W t − X o ) XE 0 -0.5 -1.5 -2 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 2.628 × 10 6 s). As it was mentioned in [1], the regression coefficient A(R, X o , β , t1 , t 2 ) determined the CR intensity out of the Heliosphere, and B(R, X o , β , t1 , t 2 ) characterized the effective diffusion coefficient in the interplanetary space; these coefficients can be determined from correlation of observed values ln (n(R, rE , t ))obs Xo 0.5 -1 with X = r u , X E = 1 AU u , X o = ro u ( X E and X o are in units of average months = (365.25/12) days = with values of 1 ) FIGURE 1. An example of assumed drift modulation in Cycle 22 for Adr =1% at W=75. NEUTRON MONITOR DATA Results for Climax NM calculated according According to the procedure described above we correct the 11-month-smoothed data on the drift effect for different values of Adr from 0% (no drift effect) up to 4% at W=75. The dependence of the correlation coefficient on the value of the expected time-lags is shown in Figure 2. For each value of Adr in Figure 2, X o max ( Adr ) can be easy determined when the to (2) for different values of X o in the time interval t1 ≤ t ≤ t2 . Here r is the distance from the Sun, ro is the assumed radius of modulation region, rE = 1 AU , W is the monthly sunspot number, and Wmax is the sunspot number at the maximum of SA. correlation coefficient reaches a maximum value Rmax . COSMIC RAY LONG-TERM VARIATION CAUSED BY DRIFTS According to the main idea of the drift mechanism (see [2-7]), we assume that the drifts are proportional to the value of tilt angle T and changed sign during periods 165 amplitude Adr Xo, av.month 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 -0.97 according to (5) and the function -0.96 Xo, av. month -0.95 10 -0.94 -0.93 -0.92 -0.91 -0.9 -0.89 -0.88 -0.87 Adr=0.5% Adr=2.5% Adr=1% Adr=3% Adr=1.5% Adr=4% FIGURE 2. Correlation coefficient R ( X o , Adr ) according to 11-month-smoothed data of Climax NM (N39,W106; height 3400 m, 2.99 GV) in Cycle 22 for different Adr from 0% up to 4% at W=75. 12 13 14 15 16 25 -0.94 15 -0.955 13 Rmax(Adr) -0.95 -0.96 11 -0.965 9 7 1 1.5 Xomax(Adr) 2 2.5 Rmax(Adr) 3 3.5 4 Adr, % FIGURE 3. Functions Rmax ( Adr ) and X o max ( Adr ) for Climax NM data in Cycle 22. Results for Kiel NM Data The function Rmax ( Adr ) for Kiel NM (sea level; 2.32 GV) data can be approximated with a correlation coefficient 0.9992±0.0004 by (4) with regression coefficients a=0.0095±0.0001, b=-0.0250±0.0004, c=0.960±0.014, what gives, according to (5), Adr max = The function Rmax ( Adr ) can be approximated with correlation coefficient 0.9985±0.0007 by parabola 2 + bA + c , Rmax ( Adr ) = aAdr dr -0.961 connection between expected and observed CR intensity is characterized by correlation coefficient Rmax ( X o max , Adr max ) = 0.9652 (see Figure 4). -0.97 0.5 -0.962 R ( X o , Adr max ) = dX o2 + eX o + f , (6) where d=0.000377±0.000002, e=-0.00942±0.00004, and f = -0.906±0.004. By (6) we can determine the most reliable value of X o max corresponding to Adr max : X o max = − e 2d = 12.5 ± 0.1 av. month. (7) At obtained values of Adr max and X o max the -0.945 17 -0.963 From Figure 4 can be seen that the function R ( X o , Adr max ) can be approximated with a correlation coefficient 0.99994±0.00003 by a parabola: 21 19 -0.964 FIGURE 4. The function R ( X o , Adr max ) for Climax NM data in Cycle 22 -0.935 23 -0.965 -0.96 The functions Rmax ( Adr ) and X o max ( Adr ) are shown in Figure 3. 0 11 -0.966 Adr=0% Adr=2% Xomax, av. months max R ( X o , Adr max ) is shown in Figure 4. 40 CORRELATION COEFFICIENT R(Xo,Adrmax) CORRELATION COEFFICIENT R(Xo, Adr) 0 (4) where a = 0.004065±0.000079, b = -0.01253±0.00024, and c = -0.9551±0.0185. From (4) we can determine Adr max when Rmax reaches the biggest value: Adr max = − b 2a = 1.54 ± 0.04% . (5) With this information, we can now correct the Climax NM data of Cycle 22 for drifts, with the most reliable 1.32±0.04%. Next, we determine R ( X o , Adr max ) that can be approximated with a correlation coefficient 0.99988±0.00006 by (6) with a regression coefficients d=0.000466±0.000003, e=-0.01191±0.00007, f=0.897±0.005, that gives, according to (7), X o max = 13.4±0.2 av. months. The obtained values for Adr max 166 and for X o max are about the same as for the Climax NM. In this case the correlation between the predicted and observed CR intensity is characterized by a coefficient of Rmax ( X o max , Adr max ) = 0.977. Adr max (at W=75) and the time-lag X o max (the effective time of the solar wind moving with frozen magnetic fields from the Sun to the boundary of the modulation region on the distance ro ≈ uXo max ). We found that with an increasing effective CR primary particle rigidity from 10−15 GV (Climax NM and Kiel NM) up to 35−40 GV (Huancayo/Haleakala NM) are decreased both the amplitude of drift effect Adr max (from about 1.5% to about 0.15%) and time-lag X o max (from about 13 av. months to about 10 av. months). It means that in Cycle 22, for the total long term modulation of CR with rigidity 10-15 GV, the relative role of the drift mechanism was ≈1/4 and the convectiondiffusion mechanism about 3/4; for rigidity 35-40 GV these values were ≈ 1/10 for the drift mechanism, and about 9/10 for the convection-diffusion mechanism. If we assume that the average velocity of the solar wind in the modulation region was about the same as the observed average velocity near the Earth’s orbit in 19651990: u=4.41x107=7.73 AU/av.month, the predicted dimension of modulation region in Cycle 22 will be 100 AU for CR with rigidity of 10-15 GV and about 80 AU for CR with rigidity of 35-40 GV. It means that at distances more than 80 AU the magnetic field in solar wind is too weak to influence intensity of 35-40 GV particles. Results for Tyan-Shan NM Data The Tyan-Shan NM (43N, 77E, near Alma-Ata; 3.34 km, 6.72 GV) is sensitive to more energetic particles than the Climax NM and the Kiel NM. For the Alma-Ata NM the function Rmax ( Adr ) was approximated with correlation coefficient of 0.9996±0.0002 by (4), with regression coefficients a=0.0149±0.0015, b=0.019±0.002, c=-0.957±0.009, that gives Adr max = 0.634±0.012%. Next, we determined R ( X o , Adr max ) that can be approximated with a correlation coefficient of 0.9997 by (6) with a regression coefficients d=0.000388, e=-0.00845±0.00005, f=-0.917, that gives, according to (7), X o max = 10.9±0.2 av. months. In this case the correlation between the predicted and observed CR intensity is characterized by a coefficient of Rmax ( X o max , Adr max ) = 0.963. Results for Huancayo/Haleakala NM Data The Huancayo NM (12S, 75W; 3.4 km, 12.92 GV)/ Haleakala NM (20N, 156W; 3.03 km, 12.91 GV) is sensitive to primary CR particles of 35−40 GV which is about 2-3 times larger than for the Climax and Kiel NM. For Huancayo/ Haleakala NM the function Rmax ( Adr ) was approximated with a correlation coefficient of 0.9998 by (4) with regression coefficients a=0.0621, b=-0.0165, c =-0.978, which gives Adr max =0.133±0.002%. Next, we determined R( X o , Adr max ) that can be approximated with a correlation coefficient 0.99998±0.00001 by (6) with regression coefficients d=0.000406, e=-0.00842, f=0.935±0.002, that gives X o max =10.38±0.05 av. months according to (7). In this case the correlation between the predicted and observed CR intensity is characterized by Rmax ( X o max , Adr max ) = 0.979. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was partly supported by Israel Cosmic Ray Center and Emilio Segre’ Observatory (Tel Aviv University), and by INTAS grant 0810. 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