Solar Cycle Dependence of High-Latitude Solar Wind K. Fujiki , M. Kojima , M. Tokumaru , T. Ohmi , A. Yokobe and K. Hayashi Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University, 3-13 Honohara, Toyokawa, Aichi Japan Abstract. How has the high-latitude solar wind velocity changed over the solar activity cycle? We analyzed interplanetary scintillation data during the years 1985-2001 (excluding the few years around solar maximum) and obtained the following results: (1) the solar wind in the polar region did not change its speed even during the phases of rising and declining solar activity, (2) the N-S asymmetry of the high-latitude solar wind speed is a stable structure from 1987 to 1998, (3) the latitudinal velocity gradient at high latitude becomes steeper with increasing solar activity. INTRODUCTION Carrington rotation. The IPS observation is always affected by line-of- sight bias. To reduce this effect, we apply the computer-assisted tomography (CAT) technique (Kojima et al., 1998). Each V-map is obtained using IPS data for three solar rotations to improve image quality. We average over the longitudinal structure in this study because of our focus on the latitudinal variations. It is well known that the velocity structure of the solar wind changes drastically over the course of the solar cycle. In solar minimum, the solar wind is generally characterized by two velocity components (bimodal), fast and slow solar wind (Woch et al., 1997). Ulysses found in its first rapid latitude scan that the high-latitude solar wind had a speed in range of 700-800 km/s and that there was a small but noticeable gradual increase of the solar wind toward higher latitudes. In the latitude scan the solar wind velocity at the northern high latitude was faster than that at the southern high latitude (Goldstein,1996). As the solar activity increases the slow solar wind region extends to higher latitudes. Then fast solar wind region is greatly reduced in solar maximum (McComas et al., 2000). Ground-based interplanetary scintillation (IPS) observations provide valuable estimates of the threedimensional velocity structure of the inner heliosphere on a continuous basis. We use the interplanetary scintillation observations of natural radio sources obtained with the Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory system at Nagoya University in Japan. In this work, we investigate the variation of the solar wind structure through solar cycle using IPS data. SOLAR WIND STRUCTURE THROUGH THE SOLAR CYCLE Figure 1 is stack map in years from 1985 to 2001. It is clearly seen that solar wind structure is bimodal except for a few years around solar maximum. In solar maximum, the equatorial slow wind region extends to higher latitudes and the area of the fast solar wind is greatly reduced. Velocity at the pole Figure 2 shows the variation of velocity of the fast solar wind around the north pole. We calculated a mean velocity for the latitude range of 80 Æ -90Æ in the V-map derived using the CAT analysis. The CAT procedure sometimes underestimates the velocity around the poles because the data coverage (number of line-of-sight) around the pole is insufficient. To remove this effect, we corrected the mean velocity around the pole by model calculation. The mean velocity is 78968 km/s which agrees well with the velocity estimated by extrapolating the Ulysses observations to the polar region. Almost all data points scatter in the one σ (68 km/s) belt and there is no systematic velocity change with change in the area of IPS OBSERVATION The IPS observations at a frequency of 327 MHz were obtained using four remote stations. Observations are obtained 8 hours a day from each station except during winter (mid-December to March) when heavy snow lies in the antenna reflector. Velocity maps are obtained in each CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 141 FIGURE 1. Stack map from 1985 to 2001. White regions are data gaps. FIGURE 2. Solar wind speed at the northern high latitudes. The latitude range of N80 Æ-N90Æ in each V-map are averaged. Shaded area is the solar maximum when the fast solar wind disappeared around the poles. high-speed flow. FIGURE 3. N-S asymmetry of the solar wind. The latitude range of 70 Æ-80Æ in each V-map are averaged. Circle and square show north and south hemisphere, respectively.Shaded area A is a period when the data coverage of high latitudes is insufficient. Shaded area B is the solar maximum. N-S asymmetry We compared the solar wind velocities between the northern and southern high latitudes (Fig. 3). For this comparison we used mean velocity over the latitudes 70Æ -80Æ where the data coverage is better than the latitude range of 80 Æ -90Æ. Then the mean velocity is averaged over each year. As a result, we found that the solar wind velocity at northern high latitudes is usually higher than that at southern high latitudes. Ulysses detected hemispherical differences of 13 km/s at a latitude of 8 0Æ (Goldstein et al., 1996). Ulysses sampled a velocity along its trajectory in latitude and longitude, while our analyses were made by averaging velocities over all longitudes and in the latitude range 70 Æ -80Æ . Figure 3 and Figure 1 (bin of 1991) also show that the recovery of the fast wind around the north pole precedes that around the south pole by several months after the 22nd solar maximum. A similar trend is observed in the 23rd solar maximum (Fujiki et this book). Velocity gradient in the fast wind region We analyzed the latitudinal velocity gradient of the fast solar wind (Fig. 4). At high latitudes, there are several fine structures in the velocity map derived from the CAT analysis, such as a lower speed island and abnormally high-speed regions. In order to remove the lower speed island from the data set, we first checked the velocity distribution at each latitude along a meridian, and then search the mode of the velocity of high-speed wind. As a result, the velocity gradient is low at the solar mini- 142 3. Kojima, M., M. Tokumaru, H. Watanabe, A. Yokobe, K. Asai, B. V. Jackson, and P. L. Hick, Heliospheric tomography using interplanetary scintillation observations, 2, Latitude and heliospheric distance dependence of solar wind structure at 0.1-1 AU, J. Geophys Res., 103, 1981-1989, 1998 4. McComas D. J., B. L. Barraclough, H. O. Funsen, J. T. Gosling, E. Santiago-Muñoz, R. M. Skoug, B. E. Goldstein, M. Neugebauer, P. Reley, and A. Balogh, Solar wind observation over Ulusses’ first full poler orbit, J. Grophys. Res., 105, 10419-10422, 2002. 5. Woch, J., W. I. Axford, U. Mall, B. Wilken, S. Livi, J. Geiss, G. Gloecker, and R. J. Forsyth, SWICS/Ulysses observation: The three-dimensional structure of the heliosphere in the declining/minimum phase of the solar cycle, Geophys. Res. Lett., 24, 2885-2888, 1997 FIGURE 4. Velocity gradient in the high speed region. Thick line shows Ulysses result measured in the first fast latitude scan. mum and increases with solar activity. SUMMARY We analyzed the variation of the high-latitude solar wind structure through the solar cycle (1985-2001). The solar wind structure derived from IPS observations, when augmented with the successful CAT technique, agrees well with Ulysses measurements. Analysis method used in this study is not applicable during solar maximum because the solar wind structure becomes quite complex in this period. First results of a study relating to solar maximum are reported in Fujiki et al. (2002). First results of a study relating to solar maximum are reported in Fujiki et al.(2002). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank to the Japan Science Society which supported financially for this presentation in Pisa, Italy. REFERENCES 1. Goldstein, B. E., M. Neugebauer, J. L. Phillips, S. Bame, J. T. Gosling, D. McComas, Y.-M. Wang, N. R. Sheeley, and S. T. Suess, Ulysses plasma parameter: latitudinal, radial, and temporal variations, Astron. Astrophys., 316, 296-303, 1996 2. Fujiki, K., M. Kojima, M. Tokumaru, A. Yokobe, T. Ohmi, K. Hayashi, D. J. McComas, and H. A. Elliott, Solar wind velocity structure around the solar maximum Proc. of SW10(this book) 143
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