The Limitation of Bessel Functions for ICME Modeling C. T. Russell and T. Mulligan IGPP and ESS, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA Abstract. Most inversions of the structure of magnetic ropes in ICMEs have assumed that the rope can be approximated as a force-free structure in the Taylor state in which the current is not only parallel to the magnetic field but everywhere has the same constant of proportionality to the field strength. The solution of this problem is a magnetic field that is describable by Bessel functions: Jo for the axial component and J1 for the poloidal component. The Taylor state approximation has a maximum twist that is exceeded by about half the observed flux ropes. Moreover, many flux ropes are not force-free. The vast majority of non-force-free ropes have an excess of pressure pushing outward. Thus these ropes are either expanding or are balanced by non-magnetic forces. Thus while the Bessel function approach may be useful for determining the orientation of rope axes, its limited ability to correctly measure twist and its inability to assess any magnetic force imbalance mitigate against its usefulness in studies of ICME genesis and evolution. B 1 (2) + ∇ • (B B) = 0 −∇ 2µ µ INTRODUCTION 2 Most work on inverting the structure of ICMEs and especially on their most simple form, the magnetic cloud, has been performed using a Bessel function [1,2]. The justification for this is that in a Tokamak the plasma often relaxes to a state in which the parallel current per unit magnetic flux is constant across the diameter of the machine. This so-called Taylor state [3] is thought to occur due to reconnection and turbulence in the plasma. While often true in a fusion plasma, this need not be true in a space plasma. In this paper we first review the physics of force-free magnetic flux ropes and show the solution for the Taylor state. We then show the greater flexibility afforded by a non-force-free and non-Taylor-state solution. We apply this solution to flux ropes encountered by Pioneer Venus at 0.72 AU and evaluate the applicability of the Taylor state and force-free assumptions. o Thus in a rope the outward force of the magnetic pressure is balanced by the inward force of the twisted magnetic field. A force-free rope has no current perpendicular to B. Thus we may write ∇ x B = µoJ = αB (3) There is no constraint on the functional form of α. It may vary with distance from the center of the rope. If it is constant, then we take the curl of (3) to obtain ∇(∇•B) - ∇2B = α(∇ x B) ∇2B = -α(∇ x B) (4) The solutions of this second order equation are the zeroth and first-order Bessel functions [4] PHYSICS OF FORCE-FREE FLUX ROPE Ba = Bo Jo (αr) Bp = Bo J1 (αr) Br = 0 In a force-free flux rope there is no net magnetic stress JxB=0 o (5) If α is constant, the rope is said to be in the Taylor state (1) We can rewrite (1) as the sum of a magnetic pressure gradient force and the divergence of the magnetic stress tensor. In the Taylor state J α is constant. = B µο CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 125 Magnetic Flux Rope with Bessel function field and currents Twist: 1.34 µA/Wb 1.0 Jo(R) 0.6 0.4 0.2 r=0.00 r=0.61 r=1.22 r=1.84 12 Axis of Rope Field Strength 0.8 8 4 J1(R) 0 0 4 -0.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 4 0 Y Radius 2.8 0 -4 Bessel Function Argument R FIGURE 1. Magnetic field of a Taylor state rope. are determined, there is very little flexibility in fitting the field variation. If the field has very little twist, one can assume that the Bessel function solution has a limited range, e.g. 0 to 0.4 in Figure 1. If it is very twisted around the axis, then the fit can be extended out to 2.4. However, the functional variation with rope radius is not variable. Another way to visualize this is given in Figure 2 where field lines in a Taylorstate, Bessel function flux rope are drawn. The solutions available to the modeler consist only of choosing the twist of the outer most field line. Once chosen there is a fixed path from the central (straight) field line to the most twisted one. TAYLOR-STATE FORCE-FREE ROPE: THE BESSEL FUNCTION SOLUTION Figure 1 shows the J0 and J1 Bessel functions that represent the variations of the magnetic field with R in a Taylor-state, force-free magnetic flux rope. For a typical flux rope seen in the vicinity of the Earth or Venus, the α-parameter would be about 1.34 µA/Wb. The field strength would be about 20 nT in the center of the rope and the diameter of the rope would be about 0.2 AU. Since there is only one Bessel function solution, once the central field strength and the radius n=3 n=2 n=1 1.0 Magnetic Flux Ropes with Exponential Field x=0.00 x=0.33 x=0.67 x=1.00 a=0.5 a=0.5 0.6 1 0.4 1 2 2 x=0.00 x=0.33 x=0.33 x=0.67 x=0.67 x=1.00 x=1.00 6 Axis of Rope 6 Axis of Rope Poloidal Field y=1-exp(-(x/a)n) a=0.5; n=2 a=0.5; n=1 a=0.5 0.8 X Radius -4 FIGURE 2. A Taylor state flux rope. 4 2 4 2 0.2 2 Y Radius 2 0 -2 X Radius 0.5 0.2 0.5 0 4 2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 X FIGURE 3. Poloidal and axial fields in a non-force-free solution for varying exponents and scales. 126 4 2 0 2 0 Y Radius Distance from Center 0 X Radius x=0.00 x=0.33 x=0.33 x=0.67 x=0.67 x=1.00 x=1.00 6 Axis of Rope 0.5 6 -2 a=1; n=2 x=0.00 x=0.33 x=0.33 x=0.67 x=0.67 x=1.00 x=1.00 1 Axis of Rope 1 0.4 2 -2 a=1; n=1 1 0.6 0 Y Radius 0 -2 a=2 a=2 a=2 0.8 2 2 1.0 Axial Field y=exp(-(x/a)n) 0 0 1 0 2 2 -2 -2 0 X Radius 0 Y Radius 2 -2 -2 0 X Radius FIGURE 4. Different flux ropes with varying n and a. 18 10 16 8 14 Counts Counts 12 6 4 10 8 6 4 2 2 0 0 2 4 8 16 32 0 -0.5 64 0 0.5 Magnetic Flux [TWb] 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 I⊥ /I || FIGURE 5. Occurrence rate of different flux content in PVO ropes. FIGURE 6. Occurrence rate of ropes with varying perpendicular to parallel current strengths. NON-FORCE FREE CYLINDRICALLY SYMMETRIC MODEL In practice we have used an “expansion” factor δ to account for asymmetry in the time profile, most probably due to the expansion of the rope as it moves across the observer. Both models also solve for the orientation of the rope, clock and cone angles, and the impact parameter, the distance of the satellite from the central axis of the rope at closest approach. Figure 3 shows the magnetic field profiles for the poloidal and axial components of the field for different exponents, n, and different scale lengths of the exponentials, a. In this model the poloidal and axial fields are fit independently and can have different scale lengths and different exponents. This flexibility allows the rope to be non-force-free and if force-free to not be in the Taylor state. Examples of ropes that can be made are shown in Figure 4. We express the poloidal and axial fields in terms of components Ba = B1 [exp {-(r/σal)m}] Bp = Bo [1-exp {-(r/σpl)n}] that increase and decrease from the center of the rope respectively as exponentials raised to powers n, and m, each with their own independent field strength, exponential scale length and exponent [5]. Here l is the radius of the outside edge of the rope. The two parameters of the Bessel function fit have been replaced by six in the exponential fit. 14 2.0 12 1.5 8 I ⊥/I || Counts 10 1.0 6 4 0.5 correlation: 0.67567 2 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 ∆ alpha/<alpha> 0.8 1.0 0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 Twist [µ A/Wb] FIGURE 7. Distribution of ropes with varying fractional alpha change. 127 FIGURE 8. Correlation of non-force-free character with the magnitude of alpha. net outward force net inward force Nov 24, 1979 2.0 Twist [µA/Wb] high 8 I⊥ / I|| 1.5 6 1.0 4 0.5 2 0 -30 low -20 -10 0 10 20 30 0 Net Force FIGURE 9. Ratio of perpendicular to parallel current strength versus net force in arbitrary units. These ropes all have a nearly force-free character. The majority of ropes that have a net force, have an outward force and that net outward force is greater, the larger is the non-force-free fraction of the current. The alpha parameter is color coded. Those ropes with high alpha are generally also not force-free but there seems to be no correlation of net force and alpha. APPLICATION TO PIONEER VENUS DATA Pioneer Venus spent an entire solar cycle in orbit about Venus at 0.7 AU from the Sun. Its 24-hour orbit took it well into the solar wind much of the time making it very well suited for ICME studies. We have applied the non-force-free model to the ICMEs identified during that time. Figure 5 shows the inferred flux content of these ropes making allowance for the (separately) inferred average oval crosssection of these ropes. The median flux content is about 1013 Wb. Figure 6 shows the number of ropes with varying ratios of integrated perpendicular to parallel current where the absolute value of the current has been used in the ratio. Thus these ropes could have zero net force but have non-force-free regions within them. About half of the ropes have significant non-force-free regions. Alpha gives the parallel current per unit magnetic flux and is constant in the Taylor state. Most of the ropes have at most small deviations from the Taylor state. This is illustrated in Figure 7 that shows the distribution of the peak to minimum variation in alpha normalized by the average alpha. Examination of the ropes with the largest variations in alpha indicate that some of these may be due to poor fits to the rope structure. If we plot the quantification of the non-force-free nature of the ropes I⊥/I‖ versus alpha or twist we obtain the values shown in Figure 8. Clearly those ropes with the strongest parallel currents (per unit field strength) statistically are the ropes with the greatest non-forcefree character. The dashed line shows the alpha value for a typical flux rope inferred from the Bessel function fit. Since the Bessel function has no I⊥, only the values near the base of this line could be accurately portrayed with this model. In Figure 9 we study the net force in the flux ropes. A minority of ropes have net inward force. SUMMARY The Bessel function model of a cylindrically symmetric flux rope is adequate only for force-free ropes in the Taylor state. Magnetic clouds seen by Pioneer Venus in the 1980’s were often not force-free and not in the Taylor state. When ropes had an imbalance of force it was generally outward. Ropes are in general not cylindrically symmetric. We need multiple observations of flux ropes at separations of 0.1 to 0.4 AU to better understand their true geometry. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under research grants NAG5-10834 and NAG5-11583. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 128 Burlaga, L. F., J. Geophys. Res., 93, 7217-7231 (1988). Lepping, R. P., et al., J. Geophys. Res., 95, 11,957-11,965 (1990). Taylor, J. B., Rev. Mod. Phys., 58, 741 (1986). Lundquist, S., Ark., Fys. 2, 361 (1950). Mulligan, T., and Russell, C. T., J. Geophys. Res., 106, 10,581-10,596 (2001).
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