Solar Wind Sources and Flow Structure Over the 1995-2000 Period N.A.Lotova, V.N.Obridko IZMIRAN, Troitsk, Moscow Region, 142190 Russia tel.: (7-095)3340902, (7-095)3340282 / fax: (7-095)3340124 e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] K.V.Vladimirsky Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, 117924 Russia tel.: (7-095)9382251 / fax: (7-095)1326274 e-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Evolution of the large-scale stream structure of the solar wind flow is studied in the main acceleration zone at 10 to 40 solar radii from the Sun. Three independent sets of the experimental data were used: observations of the radio wave scattering using the large radio telescopes of the Lebedev Physical Institute, white solar corona images obtained with the SOHO spacecraft, and solar magnetic field strength computed from J.Wilcox Solar Observatory data. The positions of the transonic region of the solar wind flow derived from the radio astronomical observations data were used as a parameter reflecting the intensity of the solar wind acceleration process. Correlation studies of these data with the magnetic field strength in the solar corona permit us to reveal several different types of the solar wind streams. The 1995--2000 data show important changes in the solar corona magnetic fields and corresponding changes of the solar wind flow. Transonic area studies are very important because it is an erea of basic solar wind acceleration [Bird and Edenhofer, 1990]. An insight into the mechanism of the solar wind streams formation was obtained from correlation plots of Rin values combined with the magnetic field intensity |BR| at the source area of the solar wind, at the start of the acceleration process (Figure 1a-d). As can be seen from Fig. 1, correlation relations Rin, |BR| fall into several branches on each diagram. Different types of the solar wind streams correspond to each of these branches, differing in the source conditions and in the acceleration progress. The nature of these differences was revealed by the more detailed study of both magnetic field and flow structures, by calculations giving the magnetic field topology, and by direct flow observations with the SOHO coronographs. Investigation of the stream structure of the flow seems to be one of the most important problems in studies of the real mechanisms of the supersonic solar wind formation. It is enough to remind that the existence of an analogous structure of the flow in nonconducting media is totally impossible; INTRODUCTION Evolution of the solar wind sources and flow stream structure is studied on the basis of regular radio scattering observations with compact natural sources [Lotova et al., 1985; 1995; 1998; 2000a,b; 2002a,b]. Large radio telescopes of the Lebedev Physical Institute, Pushchino, were used (DCR-1000 at 103 MHz and RT-22 at 22.2 GHz). Apparent movement of the sources permits us to obtain in lasting about a month series of daily observations a radial dependence of the scattering. Characteristic, repeating shape of this dependence reveals an area of increased scattering, which is identified as a transition, transonic region [Lotova et al., 1985]. Internal boundary of this area Rin is used as a natural characteristic of the solar wind acceleration process intensity: an increased level of acceleration corresponds to a closer to the Sun location of the transonic region. CP679, Solar Wind Ten: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, edited by M. Velli, R. Bruno, and F. Malara © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0148-9/03/$20.00 110 interaction of a submerged jet with the surrounding liquid is characterized there by a conic structure of the flow with an opening angle of 25° [Landau and Lifshitz, Hydrodynamics]. In near-solar plasmas, streams of magnetized plasmas with an opening angle of about 5° or less can be observed. The cause for such a violent difference are the well-known effects of frozen-in fields, but the details of these processes are very complicated and not yet studied up to now. pairs correspond to the same streamline of the flow. The second form is topology of the magnetic field in the neighbourhood of the same points, open type with field lines going into the space, or closed with loopshape field lines. The difference between these two types is very important one concerning the frozen-in field phenomena. Solar magnetic fields are doubtless decisive factor in formation of the solar wind streams. Nevertheless, optical observations of the white solar corona structure, INTERNET data obtained with LASCO C3 and LASCO C2 coronographs of the SOHO spacecraft, were of invaluable help in understanding the nature of some types of the solar wind streams. In comparisons of the single-momented optical observations with the Rin data obtained in long series of the radio astronomical observations the temporal and space coordinates were matched with the moments of the Rin determinations, which ensures that both radio and optical data belong to the same stream of the solar wind. SOURCE AREA DATA Solar magnetic fields were calculated in a narrow area R ~ (1-2.5)Rs disregarding possible variations introduced by the medium. Parameters of the solar wind plasma in this area, density of free electrons ≤108 cm-3 [Guhathakurta and Sitter, 1999], support this approach. Real hard point is incompleteness of the initial data. J.Wilcox Solar Observatory results for R = Rs, solar surface, were used. These Zeeman measurements give a modulus, not a vector of the field, some interpolation methods were used to overcome this trouble and deficient density of the BASIC RESULTS measuring data [Hoeksema et al., 1982,1983; Obridko and Shelting, 1992, 1999; Lotova et al., 2002]. The results of calculations were presented in two forms. The |BR| used in Fig. 1 is the radial component of the field vector at the specified points of the sphere R = 2.5 Rs; angular coordinates determined so that Rin, |BR| The use of three independent diagnostic methods permitted us to isolate four characteristic types of the solar wind streams differing in the source conditions and in the progress of acceleration, two high-speed and two low-speed ones. Repeatedly presented in observations are high-speed streams designated in Fig. 111 Guhathakurta M. and Sitter E. (1999): in Proc. 9th Int. Solar Wind Conf., Sh. R. Habbal et al., (Eds.), New York, p. 79, 1999. Hoeksema J.T. et al. (1982): J. Geophys. Res.,Vol. 87, p. 1033, 1982. Hoeksema J.T. et al. (1983): J. Geophys. Res., Vol. 88, p. 9910, 1983. Lotova N.A., Blums D.F., and Vladimirskii K.V. (1985): Astron. Astrophys.. vol. 150, p. 266, 1985. Lotova N.A. et al. (1995): Astron. Zh.., Vol. 72, p. 757, 1995 (in Russian). Lotova N.A., Obridko V.N., and Vladimirskii K.V. (1998): Astron. Zh., Vol. 75, p. 626, 1998 (in Russian). Lotova N.A., Vladimirskii K.V., and Obridko V.N. (2000a): Phys. Chem Earth ©, Vol. 25, p. 121, 2000a. Lotova N.A., Obridko V.N., and Vladimirskii K.V. (2000b): Astron. Astrophys., Vol. 357, p. 1051, 2000b. Lotova N.A., Obridko V.N., and Vladimirskii K.V. (2002a): Astron Zh. (in Russian) (in press). Lotova N.A., Obridko V.N., Bird M.K., and Janardhan P. (2002b): Solar Phys. (in press). Obridko V.N. and Shelting B.D. (1992): Solar Phys., vol. 137, p. 167, 1992. Obridko V.N. and Shelting B.D. (1999): Solar Phys., vol. 184, p. 187, 1999. 1 with triangles. They are characterized by weak or moderate field strength and open field structure in the source area. In the white corona structure this group of streams originates in local coronal holes or in side lobes of the streamers. Quite different type of high-speed streams was observed in [Lotova et al., 200b] (diamonds in Fig. 1). They start from polar coronal holes, from strong open magnetic field and are only observable at the minima of solar activity, when polar coronal holes reach medium solar latitudes. The filled circles in Fig. 1 designate low-speed streams. This group corresponds to the closed looplike structure of the magnetic field lines and to the main body of the streamers. The slowest type of the streams, which corresponds to the farthest from the Sun position of the transonic area, is designated in Fig. 1 by open circles. For this type of the streams, a mixed type of the field-line structure is characteristic, in which the field lines going into the space alternate with the loop-like lines. In the white corona structure, wide areas of intense, structureless luminosity are observed. On the whole, the correlation plots in Fig. 1 characterize evolution of the process of the solar wind stream formation during the first half of the solar activity cycle no. 23. The completeness of the results is to a great extent due to availability of the SOHO data for these years. The year-to-year differences in the flow structure are well pronounced. In the year of solar activity minimum, 1995, the high-speed streams prevail due to the open configuration of the magnetic field. In 2000, at the maximum of solar activity, on the contrary, low-speed streams dominate. The dominating role of the magnetic field structure is clearly pronounced. One can see that the field topology, rather than strength, is here the crucial factor. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors are extremely grateful to the J.Wilcox Observatory staff for INTERNET solar magnetic field data and to the SOHO staff for the INTERNET white corona data. REFERENCES Bird M.K. and Edenhofer P. (1990): in Physics of the Inner Heliosphere, R.Schwenn, E.Marsch (Eds.), Springer, Vol. 1, p. 80, 1990. 112
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