Study of 3He (3H) Spin Structure via 3 dd He n 3H p Reaction T. Saito , V.P. Ladygin† , T. Uesaka , M. Hatano , A.Yu. Isupov† , H. Kato , H. Kumasaka‡ , N.B. Ladygina† , Y. Maeda, A.I. Malakhov , J. Nishikawa‡ , T. Ohnishi§ , H. Okamura‡ , S.G. Reznikov , H. Sakai, N. Sakamoto§ , S. Sakoda , K. Sekiguchi§ , K. Suda‡, R. Suzuki‡ , A. Tamii , N. Uchigashima and K. Yako Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan † LHE-JINR, 141980, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia Center for Nuclear Study (CNS), University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan ‡ Department of Physics, Saitama University, 255 Shimo-okubo, Saitama 338-8570, Japan § The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198 Abstract. Measurements of the tensor and vector analyzing powers A yy , Axx , Axz , and Ay for the 3 He n and dd 3 H p reactions were performed at E 270 and 200 MeV over wide angular dd d range. T20 at θcm 0Æ and 180 Æ were also measured at E d 270, 200, and 140 MeV. Obtained data were compared with predictions based on one nucleon exchange approximation. INTRODUCTION It has been predicted from non-relativistic Faddeev calculations of the three nucleon bound state that the main components of the 3 He ground state wave function are a spatially symmetric S-state and a small contribution of a D-state [1]. In the last two decades, the structure of a 3 He nucleus has been investigated using reactions of quasielastic knockout of the 3 He constituent nucleons. The momentum distribution of the constituent nucleons was extracted by plane wave impulse approximation (PWIA) analyses of 3 Hee ep reaction [2] and 3 He p 2pd and 3 He p pd p reactions [3]. It was found that the theoretical calculations using modern realistic 3 He wave functions did not reproduce the experimentally obtained momentum distribution functions in the region of the internal nucleon momentum q 250 MeV/c. To investigate the spin structure of 3 He, spin correlation for the quasi elastic 3Hep pN reactions was measured up to the internal nucleon momentum of q 400 MeVc, and the distribution function of the nucleon polarization in a 3 He nucleus was extracted by a PWIA analysis [4]. The distribution function by Faddeev calculations, however, did not reproduce the experimental data in the region of q 300 MeV/c. These deviations indicate that the structure of 3 He in the high-momentum region has not been clearly understood. Since various kinds of mesons contribute to the nu- CP675, Spin 2002: 15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. I. Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 715 3He (3H) d1 n (p) d1 (beam) (beam) p (n) p (n) d2 d2 n (p) (target) 3He (3H) (target) (B) (A) FIGURE 1. ONE processes of the dd reaction. 3 He n 3 H p clear interaction in the high-momentum region, investigation of high-momentum 3 He structure may reveal new physics which has not been observed in the low-momentum region. Since the contribution from the D-state component becomes large in the highmomentum region, measurements of polarization observables sensitive to the D-state is necessary to study the high-momentum 3 He structure. ONE APPROXIMATION In the framework of One Nucleon Exchange (ONE) approximation, tensor analyzing powers for the dd 3He n and dd 3H p reactions at intermediate energies are sensitive to the D-state component of 3 He or 3 H [5, 6]. The ONE processes of these reactions are shown in Fig. 1. Let ud kd and wd kd be the S- and D-state radial wave functions of a deuteron in the momentum space, respectively. Similarly, let u h kh and wh kh respectively be the S- and D-state radial functions of a 3 He or 3 H in the d N 3 He n and dd 3H p cluster configuration. The tensor analyzing powers for the dd reactions in the framework of ONE approximation have following characteristics: 1. If only the diagram (A) (see Fig. 1) is considered, they are determined by the ratio of the 3 He3 H wave function components wh kh uh kh . 2. Conversely, If only the diagram (B) is considered, they are determined by the ratio of the deuteron wave function components wd kd ud kd . 3. If 3 He3 H is scattered at forward angles, the corresponding deuteron internal momentum kd is very large, hence the contribution from the diagram (B) becomes negligible. Consequently, they are determined by the 3 He3 H structure. 4. Conversely, if 3 He3 H is scattered at backward angles, corresponding internal momentum of 3 He3 H kh is very large, hence the contribution from the diagram (A) becomes negligible. Consequently, they are determined by the deuteron structure. Particularly, the tensor analyzing power T20 at θcm 3 He3 H 0Æ or 180Æ is simply given by [5, 6] 1 2 2ukwk wk2 T20 (1) uk2 wk2 2 716 Here, uk and wk are respectively replaced by uh kh and wh hh if θcm 0Æ , or, by 3 He n ud kd and wd kd if θcm 180Æ . Thus, the tensor analyzing powers for the dd 3H p reactions at forward angles are directly related to the DS ratio of and dd 3 He3 H. With a 270 MeV deuteron beam, the 3 He3 H structure can be investigated up to a relative momentum of the d N pair of 600 MeV/c in principle. EXPERIMENT The experiment was performed at RIKEN Accelerator Research Facility. A polarized deuteron beam extracted from a polarized ion source was accelerated with AVF and Ring Cyclotrons up to the energy of 270, 200, or 140 MeV. The accelerated beam was transported to a spectrometer SMART [7] and were injected onto a target placed in the scattering chamber. Scattered particles (3 He3 H, or protons) were momentum analyzed with three quadrupole and two dipole magnets (Q-Q-D-Q-D configuration) and then detected with a multi-wire drift chamber and three plastic scintillators at the focal plane. The direction of the symmetry axis of the beam polarization was controlled with a Wien filter located at the exit of the ion source. The magnitude of the beam polarization was measured with beam-line polarimeters based on the d p elastic scattering. We used a deuterated polyethylene (CD2 ) sheet [8] as the deuteron target. Measurement with a carbon foil target was also performed to subtract the contribution from the carbon nuclei in the CD2 target. We detected 3 He for the 3 He n channel. In the case of 3 H p channel, we detected 3 H (protons) if 3 H were scattered in the forward (backward) angles in the center-of-mass frame. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The experimental results of the tensor analyzing power T20 at θcm 0Æ and 180Æ at Ed 270, 200, and 140 MeV are presented in Fig. 2. The results for the 3 He n (3 H p) channel are presented by filled (open) symbols. The curves are predictions by ONE approximation [5, 6]. The upper fives symbols (two filled ones are hidden behind the open ones) and the three curves are T20 at θcm 0Æ . The lower three symbols and a curve are T20 at θcm 180Æ . The solid, dashed, and dot-dashed curves are respectively calculated using 3 He wave functions of Urbana, Paris, and Reid soft core potentials. Paris deuteron wave function was used for these calculations. The ONE predictions reproduced the incident energy dependence and the signs of the experimental data. Since T20 at 0Æ and 180Æ is directly connected with the DS ratio of 3 He (3 H) or deuteron by Eq. (1), the difference in the signs of T20 at 0Æ and 180Æ reflects the difference in the relative sign of uk and wk for 3 He (3 H) and deuteron. Angular distributions of the analyzing powers at Ed 270 and 200 MeV are presented in Fig. 3. The meanings of the symbols and curves are same as those in Fig. 2. The ONE predictions [6] reproduced the global features of the experimental data at backward angles, where the tensor analyzing powers depend mainly on the deuteron structure. At forward angles, however, significant 717 discrepancies can be found. Since the tensor analyzing powers at forward angles are mainly determined by the 3 He or 3 H structure, these discrepancies might be naively ascribed to some problems of the wave function of 3 He or 3 H. However, since the ONE approximation is very crude, calculation with more detail reaction mechanism is needed to extract information of the 3 He or 3 H structure in the high-momentum region. Further development in theoretical calculations of four body systems is expected. FIGURE 2. The experimental results of T20 at θcm Explanations are written in the text. 0Æ and 180Æ. The curves are ONE predistions. FIGURE 3. Angular distributions of the analyzing powers for the dd for the explanations. 718 reactions. See text 3 He n 3 H p REFERENCES 1. B. Blankleider and R. M. Woloshyn, Phys. Rev. C29, 538 (1984). 2. E. Jans et al., Nucl. Phys. A475, 687 (1987). 3. M. B. Epstein et al., Phys. Rev. C32, 967 (1985). 4. R. G. Milner et al., Phys. Lett. B379, 67 (1996). 5. V. P. Ladygin and N. B. Ladygina, Phys. Atom. Nucl. 59, 789 (1996). 6. V. P. Ladygin et al., Part. Nucl. Lett. 3[100]-2000, 74 (2000). 7. T. Ichihara et al., Nucl. Phys. A569, 287c (1994). 8. Y. Maeda et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A490, 518 (2002). 719
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