Experimental Studies on Three-Nucleon Systems at RCNP K. Hatanaka∗, K. Sagara†, Y. Shimizu∗ , T. Yagita† , Y. Sakemi∗ , T. Wakasa ∗, H.P. Yoshida∗, J. Kamiya∗, M. Yoshimura∗ , H. Sakai∗∗, A. Tamii∗∗ , K. Yako∗∗ , Y. Maeda ∗∗ , T. Saito∗∗ , T. Ishida† , S. Minami† , K. Tsuruta†, T. Noro† , K. Sekiguchi‡ , H. Akiyoshi‡ and V.P. Ladygin§ † ∗ RCNP, Osaka University, Mihogaoka, Ibaraki, Osaka 560-0047, Japan Department of Physics, Kyushu University, Hakozaki, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan ∗∗ Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Bunkyo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan ‡ RIKEN, Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan § Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, 141980 Dubna, Russia Abstract. The results of experimental studies of three-nucleon systems will be presented, i.e. the pd elastic scattering at E p = 250 MeV and the d p →3 He+γ capture reaction at Ed = 200 MeV. The angular distributions of the cross section and all the proton spin observables were measured for elastic scattering, and the cross section and analyzing powers, Ay , Axx and Ayy for the capture reaction. The results are compared with theoretical predictions based on exact solutions of the threenucleon Faddeev equations and modern realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials combined with threenucleon forces. INTRODUCTION One of the fundamental interests in nuclear physics is to establish the nature of nuclear forces and understand nuclear phenomena based on the fundamental Hamiltonian. Studies of few-nucleon systems offer a good opportunity to investigate these forces. Realistic two-nucleon forces (2NF) [1] fail to reproduce experimental binding energies for light nuclei, clearly showing underbinding. Correct three-nucleon (3N) and four-nucleon (4N) binding energies can be achieved by including the Tucson-Melbourne (TM) [2] or Urbana IX [3] three-nucleon forces (3NF) which are refined versions of the FujitaMiyazawa force [4], a 2π -exchange between three nucleons with an intermediate ∆ excitation. In recent years, it became possible to perform rigorous numerical Faddeev-type calculations for the 3N scattering processes by the tremendous advances in computational capabilities. In addition to the first signal on 3NF effects resulting from discrete states, strong 3NF effects were observed in a study of the minima of the Nd elastic scattering cross section at incoming nucleon energies above 60 MeV. The discrepancy between the data and predictions based exclusively on NN forces could be largely removed by including the TM 3NF [5]. For spin observables, however, a recent study at RIKEN [6] showed that the inclusion of the 3NF does not always improve the description of precise data taken at intermediate deuteron energies. Proton vector analyzing power CP675, Spin 2002: 15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. I. Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 705 data at 70–200 MeV have revealed the deficiency of the 3NF [7], which produces large but wrong effects. These results may be caused by a wrong spin structure of present-day 3NF. Clearly the present situation is only the very beginning of the investigation of the spin structure of the 3NF. Precise data at intermediate energies including higher-rank spin observables are needed to provide constraints on theoretical 3NF models. In the present paper, we present two experimental studies on 3N systems recently performed at the Research Center for Nuclear Physics (RCNP), Osaka University; the pd elastic scattering at 250 MeV [8] and the d p →3He+γ reaction at Ed = 200 MeV. The experimental results are compared with the theoretical predictions. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Measurements were performed at the RCNP cyclotron facility. Polarized protons or deuterons were produced in an atomic beam polarized ion source [9], injected into and accelerated by the K = 120 MeV AVF (azimuthally varying field) cyclotron. Subsequently the beam was injected into the K = 400 MeV Ring cyclotron and accelerated to the final energy. pd elastic scattering at 250 MeV Differential cross sections, analyzing powers, and a complete set of polarization transfer (PT) coefficients were measured for pd elastic scattering using self-supporting 99% isotopically enriched deuterated polyethylene foils (CD 2) [10] with total thicknesses of 21 and 44 mg/cm2. In a later measurement, a gaseous target was used to normalize cross sections taken with the solid CD2 target. Scattered protons or recoil deuterons in the pd scattering were momentum analyzed by the Grand Raiden spectrometer [11]. The horizontal and vertical acceptance of the Grand Raiden was limited by a slit system to ±20 and ±30 msr, respectively. The polarization of elastically scattered protons from CD 2 targets was measured at center of mass scattering angles from 10◦ to 95◦ by the focal plane polarimeter (FPP) [12]. The experimental results for the differential cross section, the vector analyzing power and the PT coefficients are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. Only statistical errors, mostly smaller than the size of the data point are shown. The overall uncertainty in the absolute normalization calibrated by the gaseous target measurements is estimated to be 3%. There is also the relative uncertainty of 2.5% attributed to the inhomogeneity of the CD 2 foils. The analyzing power has an uncertainty of only 1% in the absolute normalization owing to the precise calibration of the beamline polarimeter [8]. The the normalization of the PT coefficients have an uncertainty of 2.5% [12]. In the left panel of Fig. 1, the measured differential cross sections are compared with theoretical predictions [13]. The various 2NF predictions are very similar and are depicted by a narrow band (light shaded). The inclusion of the TM 3NF (dark shaded band) leads to a much better description at angles larger than 70 ◦. This supports the claim of the clear evidence [5, 6, 14, 15] of the 3NF from the systematic analysis of the energy dependence of the cross section data. The inclusion of the TM (dashed curve) and the Urbana IX (solid curve) 3NF also leads to a good agreement with the data. 706 FIGURE 1. The differential cross section d σ /dΩ (left) and proton analyzing powers (right) of elastic pd scattering at E p = 250 MeV. The light shaded bands contain several NN force predictions (AV18, CDBonn, Nijm I, II, and 93), the dark shaded bands contain the NN + TM 3NF predictions. The solid and dashed lines are the AV18 + Urbana IX and CD-Bonn + TM predictions, respectively. However, discrepancies remain at angles larger than 120◦ . In the right panel of Fig. 1, we compare the experimental analyzing power A y with different nuclear-force predictions. The differences (narrow light shaded band) between the 2NF predictions are rather small at forward angles and become larger at backward angles. These predictions are in good agreement with the experimental data at forward angles, but deviate dramatically at backward angles larger than 60◦. By including the TM 3NF (dark shaded band) the agreement with the data becomes better in the minimum around θ c.m. = 60◦ –100◦ but the discrepancies at more backward angles remain. The discrepancy between data and theoretical predictions, which increases with increasing energy [7, 16], may be due to relativistic effects not accounted for in the present nonrelativistic calculations. The measured PT data are shown in Fig. 2 together with theoretical predictions. The PT coefficients in the horizontal plane (K xx , K zx , K xz , and K zz ) are reasonably well described by calculations with 2NF only (light shaded bands). The inclusion of the TM 3NF (dark shaded bands) rather deteriorates the agreement with the experimental data. FIGURE 2. Polarization transfer coefficients ( K xx , K zx , K xz , K zz , and K yy ) of elastic pd scattering at E p = 250 MeV. For the description of bands and lines see legend of Fig. 1 707 The TM (dashed curves) and the Urbana IX (solid curves) 3NF do not have a large effect on these PT coefficients and give a reasonably good agreement with the data. In the case of the PT coefficient in the vertical plane (K yy ), the inclusion of the TM 3NF (dark shaded band) and especially the Urbana IX 3NF (solid curve) give results in better agreement with the measurements. This is similar to the case of the analyzing power which is also a polarization observable in the vertical plane. These results clearly indicate that the spin-dependent parts of 3NF are not well described in present-day models. pd radiative capture at Ed = 200 MeV A liquid hydrogen target was used instead of a solid CH 2 foil to cope with the small cross section of the pd capture reaction and large (d,3 He) cross sections on carbon and other materials. The target thickness was about 1.5 mm ( 11 mg/cm 2). The liquid hydrogen was obtained by cooling hydrogen gas with a cryogenic refrigerator. Recoil 3 He particles from the capture reaction were emitted into a come out at forward angle cone of ±5◦ in the laboratory frame with energies in the range from 105 to 145 MeV. They were detected by the Large Acceptance Spectrometer (LAS) which has an angular acceptance of ±60 mr and ±100 mr in the horizontal and vertical plane, respectively, and a momentum acceptance of ±15 %. The angular distributions of the cross section and analyzing powers, Ay , Axx and Ayy , were measured from 20◦ to 160◦ in the center of the mass frame. The absolute value of the cross section was calibrated by a separate measurement with CH2 foil target around θ cm =90◦. 0.5 0.2 MEC(AV18) MEC+3NF(URIX) Present DATA MEC(AV18) MEC+3NF(URIX) Present DATA 0.1 0.05 0.3 Ay dσ/dΩ [µb/sr] 0.4 0.15 0.2 0 -0.05 -0.1 0.1 -0.15 0 -0.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 θCM 140 160 180 0 0.2 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 θCM 0.2 MEC(AV18) MEC(BonnB) Present DATA 0.1 MEC(AV18) MEC+3NF(URIX) Present DATA 0.1 0 0 Axx Ayy -0.1 -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.5 -0.5 -0.6 0 20 40 60 80 100 θCM 120 140 160 180 0 20 40 60 80 100 θCM 120 140 160 180 FIGURE 3. Cross section and analyzing powers, Ay , Ayy , and Axx , of the pd radiative capture at Ed = 200 MeV. Curves represent MEC calculations[13] based on the AV18 NN potential with (solid curves) or without (dashed ones) Urbana IX 3NF. 708 The experimental results are shown in Fig. 3 where only statistical errors are show. The uncertainties in the absolute normalization are estimated to be about 5 %, 2 % and 3 % for the cross section, the tensor and vector analyzing powers, respectively. These data are compared with Faddeev calculations [13] in which the meson (π and ρ ) exchange current (MEC) is explicitly taken into accounts [17]. In the calculations, AV18 NN interactions up to j = 3 are used with or without Urbana IX 3NF which is adjusted to reproduce 3N binding energies. The cross section and Ay disagree with predictions without 3NF, and are well reproduced by including 3NF, as seen in Fig. 3. This fact confirms the existence and necessity of 3NF. Since Ay of the pd elastic scattering is reproduced by calculations with 3NF at some energies and disagrees with the calculations at other energies, reproduction of Ay of the pd capture reaction, shown in this paper at Ed = 200 MeV, has to be examined in a wide energy range. Contrary to the good discription of the cross section and Ay , calculations cannot reproduce tensor analyzing powers, Ayy and Axx , with or without 3NF. The disagreement of Ayy is moderate and similar to the disagreement of tensor analyzing powers of the elastic scattering in the same energy range [6]. However, Axx differs completely from the calculations. The experimental values of Axx and Ayy are nearly the same, while the calculated values are quite different. The energy dependence of Ayy and Axx at θcm = 90◦ is shown in Figure 4. There are several measurements of Ayy below Ed = 200 MeV. However, Axx have been measured only at 17.5 MeV and 200 MeV. Measured Ayy are fairly well reproduced by calculations in whole the energy range below 200 MeV. Measured Axx agrees with calculations at 17.5 MeV, however, remarkably disagrees at 200 MeV. Measured Axx have nearly the same values as measured Ayy at 17.5 and 200 MeV. Therefore, Axx and Ayy are expected to have nearly the same values below 200 MeV. Calculated Axx and Ayy agree to each other at low energy and disagree above about 50 MeV. The difference increases with the energy up to 200 MeV. It is expected, therefore, that discrepancies in Axx between the experiment and calculation begin at about 50 MeV and increase with energy up to 200 MeV. 0.1 Axx(90o), Ayy(90o) 0 Axx MEC -0.1 Axx MEC+3NF -0.2 Ayy MEC+3NF Axx Akiyoshi et al. (2001) Ayy Akiyoshi et al. (2001) Ayy Jourdan et al. (1986) Ayy Anklin et al. (1998) Ayy Pitts et al. (1988) -0.3 -0.4 Ayy MEC Ayy Present Axx DATA -0.5 0 50 100 150 Ed [MeV] 200 250 300 FIGURE 4. Energy dependence of Ayy and Axx at θcm = 90◦ . Experimental data at 17.5 MeV[18], 29.2MeV[19], 45 MeV[20] and 200 MeV are compared with MEC calculations[13] based on AV18 NN potential with or without Urbana IX 3NF. 709 SUMMARY Recent results of experimental studies on three-nucleon systems were presented, i.e. the pd elastic scattering at E p = 250 MeV and the d p →3He+γ capture reaction at Ed = 200 MeV. The experimental results are compared with theoretical predictions based on exact solutions of the three-nucleon Faddeev equations and modern realistic nucleon-nucleon potentials combined with three-nucleon forces. For the elastic scattering, the differential cross sections and the vector analyzing powers are reasonably well explained by calculations including 3NF around the cross section minima, but the discrepancies at more backward angles remain. PT data are not always better described by calculations with 3NF. For the capture reaction, calculations with 3NF improve the description of the cross section and the vector analyzing power Ay . There are large discrepancies between tensor analyzing power data and theoretical predictions. These results clearly indicate that the spin-dependent parts of 3NF’s are not well described in present-day models. More theoretical studies are needed including relativistic treatments and chiral parturbation theories. From the experimental point of view, a rich spectrum of spin observables will be measured not only for elastic scattering but also for the Nd breakup and capture processes over wide energy range in order to offer further valuable information. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the RCNP staff for their support during the experiment. We also wish to thank Professor H. Toki for his encouragements throughout the work. We are grateful to Dr. G.P.A. Berg for his critical reading of the manuscript. 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