SPIN@U-70: An Experiment to Measure the Analyzing Power An in Very-high-/*/p-p Elastic Scattering at 70 GeV* V.G. Luppov1**, L.V. Alexeevala, V. A. Anferovlb, E.D. Courant1, Ya.S. Derbenev1, G. Fidecaro10, M. Fidecaro10, F.Z. Khiarild, S.V. Koutinla, A.D. Krisch1", M.A Leonovala, A.M.T. Lin1, W. Lorenzon1, VS. Morozovla, D.C. Peasleele, C.C. Peters1, R.S. Raymond1, D.W. Siverslf, J.A. Stewartlg, S.M. Varzar1", V.K. Wong1, K. Yonehara1, D.G. Crabb2, Yu.M. Ado3, A.G Afonin3, V.I. Belousov3, B.V. Chujko3, A.N. Davidenko3, N.A. Galyaev3, V.I. Garkusha3, V.N. Grishin3, V.A. Kachanov3, Yu.V. Kharlov3, V.I. Kotov3, A.V. Kusnetsov3, V.A. Medvedev3, Yu.M. Melnik3, V.V. Mochalov3, A.I. Mysnik3, S.B. Nurushev3, A.F. Prudkoglyad3, P.A. Semenov3, V.L. Solovianov31", V.P. Stepanov3, V.A. Teplyakov3, S.M. Troshin3, A.G. Ufimtsev3, M.N. Ukhanov3, A.E. Yakutin3, V.N. Zapolsky3, V.G. Zarucheisky3, N.S. Borisov4, V.V. Fimushkin4, V.A. Nikitin4, P.V. Nomokonov4, LA. Rufanov4, Yu.K. Pilipenko4, P.P.J. Delheij5, W.T.H. van Oers5, and A.N. Zelenski5h 1 2 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA 3 IHEP, Protvino, Russia 4 JINR, Dubna, Russia 5 TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada Abstract. The SPIN@U-70 experiment plans to measure the one-spin analyzing power An for 70 GeV proton-proton elastic scattering at large P± values of 1 to 12 (GeV/c)2. The Michigan frozen NH3 polarized proton target (Solid PPT) should later be installed in the Channel 8 extracted beam-line of the 70 GeV U-70 accelerator in IHEP, Protvino. The forward-scattered protons are detected by small scintillation counters placed at about 9 m from the PPT, while the Supported by a U.S. Department of Energy Research Grant E-mail: [email protected] Spokesperson for SPIN@U-70 Collaboration, e-mail: [email protected] Deceased Also at: Moscow State University Also at: IUCF Also at: CERN Also at: UCAPS/RI, King Fahd University Also at: University of Maryland Also at: Portland Physics Institute Also at: DESY-Zeuthen Also at: Brookhaven/INR-Moscow CP675, Spin 2002:15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. L Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 538 recoil-scattered protons are detected by a 35-m-long focusing magnetic spectrometer, with a 12 degree vertical bend, placed at 30 degrees to the beam. A tune-up run for testing the beam and the spectrometer, using a polyethylene target, was carried out in April 2002 at IHEP. The layout and the results of the test run are presented. The SPIN@U-70 experiment plans to use a high intensity 70 GeV unpolarized extracted proton beam from the U-70 accelerator at IHEP-Protvino in Russia to measure the analyzing power An in p + p^ —» p + p at large-P^2. We would scatter the high intensity beam from a polarized proton target and measure the quantity, A _ mea _ where Amea is the measured asymmetry, PT is the target polarization, and JV(T) and N(i) are the normalized elastic event rates with the spin up and spin down, respectively. Our main goal is to determine if the unexpected large value of An, • 24 GeV CERN discovered in large-P/ proton-proton • 28 GeV AGS • 24 GeV AGS elastic scattering at the AGS, persists to -3 higher energy and larger P± [1,2]. At 24 GeV the one-spin analyzing power An was found to be 20.4% ± 3.9% near P_L of 7 (GeV/c)2, as shown in Fig. 1. This large and unexpected spin effect has been difficult to reconcile with conventional models of strong interactions such as perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics (PQCD). The validity of PQCD is predicted to improve with increasing energy and -.1 increasing P± . This 70 GeV experiment would increase the maximum P± by a factor of about 1.7; it would also increase the maximum energy for An data at high-P^2 by a factor of about 2.5. The experiment would use the Michigan 1-watt-cooling-power solid FIGURE 1. The analyzing power An is plotted polarized proton target containing against P± for spin polarized proton-proton radiation-doped frozen ammonia (NHs) elastic scattering at 24 and 28 GeV. beads. This target [3] successfully operated with an average polarizaton of 85% during a 3-month run at the AGS with an average beam intensity of 1011 protons per sec; this allowed the precise large P± measurements [1] ofAn shown in Fig. 1. .1 539 The SPIN@U-70 spectrometer is shown in Fig. 2. The forward-scattered protons are detected by small scintillation counters placed at about 9 m from the PPT, while the recoil-scattered protons are detected by a 35-m-long focusing magnetic spectrometer, with a 12 degree vertical bend, placed at 30 degrees to the beam. Table 1 lists the angles and momenta for both the forward and recoil protons, as well as the \B - dl of the recoil-spectrometer magnets for various P±. The dipole fields for the spectrometer's angles were calculated from the recoil protons' kinematics. The beam optics program TRANSPORT calculated the quadrupoles' gradients needed to focus the recoil protons to fit through the spectrometer's apertures. Most focusing is done by the vertically focusing Qi and the horizontally focusing Cfa; this gives the spectrometer a larger vertical acceptance angle A^ ai (=A^ /a6 sin^ 2 ) than its horizontal acceptance angle A8lab. For each P±, the horizontal angle 0R is correlated with the elastic recoil momentum PR. Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4 are quadrupoles 1U,M2,H3 are dipoles RH1,RV1.EH2,RV2 for recoil proton angle W1,W2,¥3,T4 for recoil proton momentum S1,S2,S3 for recoil proton Ume-of—flight FV1.FV2 for forward proton angle 8123,0123,11123 for beam Interaction monitors RHj, RHj RV3 RVi 30m 20m 10m 0 FIGURE 2. SPIN@U-70 spectrometer. We estimated the event rates and errors in An for large-P^2 proton-proton elastic scattering at U-70 using the Michigan solid PPT and the SPIN@U-70 recoil spectrometer in U-70's Channel 8 extracted 70 GeV proton beam-line. Table 2 lists the estimated event rate and error inAn for each P± point. We may run with a lower beam intensity at P± = 1 (GeV/c)2 to reduce accidentals since the statistical precision is around 0.03%. Note that a superconducting quadrupole magnet Qi is required in the veiy-large P± region. The measurements of An should be rather precise, with an error of less than 1%, forP/ up to 6.0 (GeV/c)2, and less than 5% atP/ = 12.0 (GeV/c)2. In spring 2001, installation of SPIN@U-70 started in the Channel 8 extracted beam-line of the 70 GeV U-70 accelerator in IHEP. The 35-m-long recoil Spectrometer's MI, Nfe, and MS dipoles and Qi, Cfa, Qs, and Q4 quadrupole magnets, their movable stands, electric and water systems were installed. On 5-10 November 2001, a beam tune-up run showed that the Channel-8 extracted beam at the PPT 540 TABLE 1. Angles and momenta of elastic protons and magnet strengths. Positive corresponds to bending to the right for PPT, MI and M2 and bending up for M3. The recoil angle after the PPT magnet is 0^; it differs from BR by « eBle/^T IPR . Pi BF 2 degrees PF GeV/c degrees PR GeV/c 0.825° 1.176° 1.452° 1.690° 1.906° 2.107° 2.296° 2.477° 2.653° 2.824° 3.159° 69.5 68.9 68.4 67.8 67.2 66.6 66.0 65.4 64.8 64.2 62.9 61.44° 52.19° 46.22° 41.87° 38.48° 35.72° 33.41° 31.44° 29.72° 28.20° 25.61° 1.139 1.790 2.399 2.997 3.594 4.196 4.804 5.423 6.051 6.692 8.015 (GeV/c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 BR BlSr kG-m 4.42 4.46 4.50 4.54 4.57 4.61 -4.65 -4.69 -4.73 -4.77 -4.85 PR degrees 54.94° 48.08° 43.17° 39.44° 36.46° 34.00° 34.91° 32.76° 30.89° 29.26° 26.48° Djeff M\ KL kG-m 31.5 36.3 35.7 32.1 26.4 19.1 26.8 17.0 6.2 -5.7 -32.1 *& kG-m -15.8 -18.0 -17.6 -15.7 -12.9 -9.4 -13.1 -8.3 -3.0 2.8 15.7 Djeff M3 m kG-m 7.94 12.48 16.73 20.90 25.06 29.26 33.50 37.82 42.20 46.67 55.89 TABLE 2. Event rates and errors in An for p-p elastic scattering at U-70. Pi (GeV/c) (GeV/c) mr 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 0.06 0.09 0.25 0.35 0.45 0.56 159 177 194 210 225 240 4000 90 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 12.0 0.67 0.79 0.92 1.06 1.25 254 268 282 296 324 2 At dtfdt 2 Events per hour Hours Events (N) 4.0 0.9 0.22 230000 8600 5500 1800 550 180 100 100 100 100 100 200 2.3 107 8.6 105 5.5 105 1.8 105 5.5 104 3.6 104 0.03% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.5% 0.6% 0.055 0.016 0.0047 0.0017 0.0003 56 20 7.3 3.2 0.73 200 300 400 600 800 1.1 104 6.0 103 2.9 103 1.9 103 5.8 102 1.1% 1.5% nb (GeV/c)2 19 [.ssV^T1 Super Q! 2.2% 2.7% 4.9% location can be as small as 2.5x2.5 mm FWHM and can stay centered within 0.5 mm. A typical beam intensity was 1 - 4 • 1011 protons/pulse. During the run a vertical beam rastering system was successfully tested. During U-70's January-February 2002 shut-down, IHEP finished installing SPIN@U-70. On 11 March 2002, Michigan's shipment of detectors and electronics, needed for the April 2002 run, arrived at Moscow's SVO Airport. This shipment was then impounded by Russian Customs. [Note added: In early November 2002 it was returned to Michigan.] Although the shipment of equipment was impounded, a short 19-26 April 2002 test run still occurred, using a polyethylene target. Some simple IHEP detectors and electronics were prepared in only a few weeks and were successfully used for the run. The resulting almost 100 to 1 signal to background rate in the 81-81.5 coincidence data, 541 shown in Fig. 3, indicates that the 35-m-long Elastic Recoil Spectrometer is quite effective in discriminating against inelastic and other background events. 800 700 600 500 400 300 = 2.10 M3 = 0.32 200 FIGURE 3. Magnet Curve: The Elastic Recoil Spectrometer event rate (81-81.5 coincidences) is plotted against the current in the 3-m-long 68-ton MI bending dipole magnet. Note that the ratio of the signal to background is almost 100 to 1 in the elastic peak. The single detector data rates are also shown along with the coincidences between the closetogether S2 and S3 detectors. 100 MI current Unfortunately, due to the problems with Russian Customs, the SPIN@U-70 experiment was recently suspended until the problems can be fully resolved. 1. D. G. Crabb et a/., Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 3241 (1990). 2. P. R. Cameron et a/., Phys. Rev. Rap. Comm. D32, 3070 (1985); D. C. Peaslee eta!., Phys. Rev. Lett. 51, 2359 (1983); P. H. Hansen et a/., ibid 50, 802 (1983). 3. D. G. Crabb et a/., Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 2627 (1990). 542
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