Basic R&D Studies for Lower Emittance Polarized Electron Guns C. Suzuki, T. Nakanishi, S. Okumi, F. Furuta, K. Wada, T. Nishitani, M. Yamamoto, T. Hirose, M. Kuwahara, R. Mizuno, N. Yamamoto, H. Matsumotoa), M. Yoshiokaa), H. Horinakab), K. Wadab), T. Matsuyama b) and H. Kobayakawac) Nagoya University, Department of Physics, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan a) KEK High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba 305-0801, Japan b) Osaka Prefecture University, Department of Physics and Electronics, Osaka 599-8531, Japan c) Nagoya University, Department of Materials Processing Engineering, Nagoya 464-8603, Japan Abstract. In order to produce the lower emittance electron beam, the higher field gradient must be used for the gun. From this point of view, we try to develop both of a polarized DC-gun and RF-gun. In case of a 200 ke V polarized DC-gun at Nagoya University, the accelerating gradient at the photocathode surface was designed to be 3 MV/m, and the dark current emitted from the SUS electrodes was suppressed below 1 nA. To increase the gradient, we tested the property of pure Titanium as a new electrode material. The tested electrode showed small dark current (~1 nA) even at field gradient of 88 MV/m, which is as twice as higher than that of SUS electrode. Concerning the feasibility of a polarized RF-gun, it seems difficult for the NEA surface to survive in high field gradient of 100 MV/m. Therefore, we proposed a new type of polarized electron source using two-photon excitation method, for which it is not necessary to use the NEA surface to extract electrons into vacuum. For this method, the polarization higher than 90 % was already demonstrated by the photoluminescence measurement using the bulk GaAs crystal. 1. INTRODUCTION Recently, an electron gun using an NEA (Negative Electron Affinity) GaAs photocathode has been noticed not only as a polarized electron source but also as a good candidate of an electron source for the FEL (Free Electron Laser) machine. It has the possibility to produce a beam with emittance less than 1.071 mm-mrad/mm (emitter radius) [1]. In order to keep such a low emittance against the space charge effect at the gun, the accelerating gradient higher than 10 MV/m should be required, which corresponds to the gun bias-voltage of 300~500 kV. As well known, the NEA performance is extremely sensitive to the surface contamination and is easily degraded by back-bombardment of ionized residual gas produced by the collisions with electron beam. In addition of UHV level of 10"11 torr, the field emission dark currents between HV electrodes must be kept below 10 nA, since the dark currents stimulate the desorption of gases from the anode [2]. There are two ways for approaching the lower emittance by the higher field-gradient DC-gun or by RF-gun. However, the technical difficulties are much greater for these guns, as the CP675, Spin 2002:15th Int'l. Spin Physics Symposium and Workshop on Polarized Electron Sources and Polarimeters, edited by Y. L Makdisi, A. U. Luccio, and W. W. MacKay © 2003 American Institute of Physics 0-7354-0136-5/03/$20.00 1068 field gradient at the cathode surface is assumed to be one or two orders of magnitude higher (10~100 MV/m) than those of existing DC-guns. At moment, both approaches have the common NEA lifetime problem and many R/D studies are required to overcome this problem. At first, the effort to reduce the dark current for high gradient DC-gun is described, and next the idea of a new PES using two-photon excitation method is described and discussed. 2. DARK CURRENT STUDY OF TITANIUM ELECTRODE The future project to build the FEL machine, which is based on ERL (Energy Recovery Linac) as the fourth generation of synchrotron light source, has been discussed at Cornell and KEK intensively. The key technology is considered to develop a 500 keV DC-gun that can produce the lowest level of emittance (<1.0rc mm-mrad/mm) for the highest level of average current (~100 mA) from the NEAGaAs photocathode. In this gun, the accelerating gradient at NEA surface is required to be more than 10 MV/m, and the dark current problem becomes more serious. In a series of our dark current studies, the property of Titanium as an electrode material has been just recently tested. 2.1 Experimental Apparatus A study to reduce the field emission dark current has been continued by our group for several years. The same test apparatus was used to supply a high DC field gradient (<100 MV/m) and to measure the dark current from a pair of sample electrodes under UHV (~10'n ton) condition. Rough Pump A schematic view of this test stand and the System geometrical shapes of the cathode and anode are shown in Fig. 1. The sample electrode can be replaced to compare the performance of various kinds of electrodes. The field gradients can be changed by control both of the gap separation of the electrodes (0.5~20 mm) and of the bias voltage (0-150 kV). The dark current emitted from the cathode is collected at the anode that is electrically isolated from ground level and measured by a pico-ampere meter. The dark current study for SUS and copper electrodes were already done by this test stand [3]. FIGURE 1. A schematic view of test stand. 2.2 Experiment A new titanium electrode was made of JIS grade-2, which contains 99.4 % of Ti. After the machining, the electrode was finished to mirror like surface by buff polishing. 1069 The surface was cleaned by the 5 minutes high pressure rinsing (80 kg/cm2) with final ultra-pure-water rinsing. The electrode was installed to the chamber in class-100 clean room immediately after this rinsing. Then, the apparatus was pumped down to 10"11 torr after the baking at 250°C for 1 week. The dark current was measured after careful current conditioning for 2 weeks, which means that no break down was occurred during the high voltage conditioning up to 100 kV. Then, the gap separation was set to 1.0 mm for dark current measurement. Fig.2 shows the results for Ti electrode together with SUS and Cu data for comparison. The preparation procedures for each electrode are summarized in Table 1. gap=1.0mm Obviously, Ti electrode achieved the : ! ' i ! _......._......... -r-------|------i--f---|----— highest field gradient of 88 MV/m for the i t piireTi (NK-clbanZ) H i small dark current level of 1 nA. This ^<t 36MV7m i l l i 1 8iMV/m value is as twice as higher than that of ^ 1000 --.---L--^ carefully fabricated SUS electrode. As ^ i ^Jcu | | ! ; i 47MV/ni 7 [ well known, the attainable field gradient e i 1 i i 1 i depends on the electrode material. Ti has £ t-i--t---tt-t--higher melting point, lower secondary u 400 electron emission rate, and lower ion- < ! 1 !/ 1 200 Tf----;-----?f ----;-•---sputtering rate than SUS and Cu. However, J I J \ it is not yet understood completely which 20 40 60 80 100 120 property of metal contributes to achieve FIELD GRADIENT (MV/m) high field gradient. Further studies should be needed from this point of view. FIGURE 2. Results of dark current measurement. 4-+---W-4-— i;.....L....iL..j........_ i 1 TABLE 1. Preparation procedures for Ti, SUS, and Cu electrodes. Electrode Material Surface finish Ti JIS grade-2 Buff polishing SUS Clean-Z1 Electro-chemical buffing Cu Class-10FHC with HIP2 Diamond turning with ethanol Rinsing High pressure rinsing Hot ultra pure water Ultra pure water___ 1 Clean-Z is a new type of SUS material, which contains much fewer impurities than normal SUS 316L. Hot Iso-static Pressing. The details of preparation procedures for SUS and Cu electrodes are described in Reference [3]. 2 2.3 Future Plan of Dark Current Study Now we are planning to fabricate Ti electrodes for our 200 keV polarized electron gun in order to obtain higher accelerating gradient to minimize the emittance growth. Basic studies for the dark current have been also continued with the aims of revealing its origin and mechanism. New electrodes made of Mo and Nb will be tested following the study of pure and alloy of Ti material. 3. A NEW PES USING TWO PHOTON EXCITATION RF-guns are now used at several laboratories as the injector system of accelerator, because they can produce an electron beam with high peak current and short bunch length of ps-range. However, the feasibility of a polarized RF-gun is not yet 1070 established. It was reported by Novosibirsk group that the lifetime of GaAs with NEA surface is really too short in the RF-cavity [4]. From this result, we expected that a mechanism with something new for production of polarized electron beam is needed to solve the lifetime problem under 100 MV/m gradient, and proposed a new possibility to use the two-photon excitation mechanism. 3.1 Principle The principle of two-photon excitation method is rather simple. Fig. 3 (b) shows two-photon adsorption mechanism. If we use right-circular polarized photon, only one type of transition is allowed, that is, from the valence band with mj=-3/2 to the conduction band with mj=+l/2. The expected advantages of this two-photon excitation are summarized as follows, 1) even a bulk-GaAs can give the highest polarization of 100 % in principle so that the super-lattice or strained layer is not necessary. 2) The electrons excited by two-photons have enough energy to escape into vacuum through the small PEA surface. For example, if the laser wavelength of 1500 nm is used, the obtained energy by two-photon adsorption is 1.65 eV that is larger by 0.23 eV than the band gap energy of GaAs (-1.42 eV). "^I^ Conduction band It means the complete NEA surface is not required to extract electrons. This method seems applicable for a polarized RF-gun for which the ultra-short (0.1 ps) laser pulse with highest peak power can be used. __ __ __ __ __ __ m ^m mj=3/2 J=-3/2 mj=-i/2 mj =i/2 mj=3/2 4=^/2^=172 Valence band -^-z^ (a) (b) m = 3/2 J - m^!72 FIGURE 3. Optical transitions in (a) superlattice or strained GaAs layer by circular polarized singlephoton excitation, and in (b) bulk-GaAs by circular polarized two-photon excitation. 3.2 Measurement of Photoluminescence Polarization Photoluminescence spectra were measured to estimate the spin polarization of conduction band electrons excited by two-photon absorption. Fig. 4 shows the experimental set up, where a bulk-GaAs wafer was mounted in a cryostat and cooled down to 90 K. An optical parametric oscillator was used as a light source that has wavelength of 1500 nm, pulse width of 120 fs, repetition rate of 82 MHz, and average power of 80 mW. The luminescence from the sample through a monochrometer was detected by photomultiplier tube. The results are summarized in Fig. 5, where f (I") indicates the right (left) circularly polarized component. From this result, the average photoluminescence polarization (Pj) was evaluated to be 29 %, which corresponds to 58 % of the electron polarization. The spin polarization of electrons in conduction band is relaxed during drifting toward the surface. The initial spin polarization (Pi) at the instant of excitation is estimated from the equation as P,=0.5Pt 1071 (1) where Ts is the spin relaxation time and T is the lifetime of conduction band electron. The measurement of time-resolved-photoluminescence was carried out at the same time by using a Ti: Sapphire laser and a streak scope. Ts of 78 ps and Tof 50 ps were obtained by analyzing of the decay curves of the photoluminescence polarization and the photoluminescence intensity [5]. Substituting PI, Ts and T values into the equation (1), the initial spin polarization was estimated to be as high as 92 %. Therefore, it was really confirmed that the highest polarization could be obtained by this new method. Optical parametric oscillator Polarizer Wave plate ±X/4 £> | s Ref. „ _____ P.M.T. . Sample Wave plate Monochrometer 1.44 1.46 1.48 1.50 1.52 o.o Photon Energy (eV) FIGURE 4. Experimental set up to measure the photoluminescence polarization. FIGURE 5. Spectra of right- and left-circular polarized lights of photoluminescence. 3.3 Further plan of Two-photon excitation study Following the photoluminescence measurement, the first attempt to extract polarized electrons excited by two-photon absorption was tested by using a 70 kV DCgun and a Mott polarimeter. In this experiment, a bulk GaAs was illuminated by Nd:YAG laser which has the shorter wavelength of 1064 nm and the much longer pulse width of 20 ns than those of the photoluminescence measurement. As a result, the extracted beam polarization was rather small, although the polarization was really increased from 0 % to 13 % when the laser power was increased up to 55 jtlJ/pulse. It is obvious that more shorter pulse width (< 1.0 ps) laser must be used to extract high polarization and high QE beam. Otherwise, the highest polarization by two-photon absorption is diluted by the large background contributions induced by single photon absorption process. Concerning the RF-gun, we have started collaboration with KEK to put the Cs2Te photocathode for practical use of ATF damping ring. There, we are planning to continue the two-photon experiment by using this laser system which has 7.2 ps pulse width, -10 jllJ/pulse energy, and 357 MHz repetition rate. REFERENCES 1. T. Nakanishi, "Polarized Electron Source using NEA-GaAs Photocathode" in Proceedings of Linac 2002, Kyongju in Korea ( 2. K. Togawa et al, Nucl Instr. andMeth. A 414 431-455 (1998). 3. C. Suzuki et al, Nucl. Instr. andMeth. A 462 337-348 (2001) and AIP Conf. Proc. 570, 1009-1011 (2000). 4. A. V. Aleksandrov et al. Proceedings of EPAC98 1450- (1998), http :/Vaccelconf.web. cern. ch/AccelConf/e9 8/PAPERS/TUP02 J.PDF 5. T. Matsuyama et al, Jpn. J. Appl Phys. 40 L555 (2001) 1072
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